Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Jul 1924, p. 19

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WI 1924 EAD THESE WANT ADS AND SAVE 'age QaJi tha~ lilt ~ :-.tf II of~ the~ 14 IUTUATJON WANTED-FEMALE HOUSEHOLD 8ERVICIC and ·hall or litho. rd or Lo. r out 1a14 lr verao 111 'or or tur. struct 1114 with thla the rnan. Jackaoa, e of Xt~~. Y order~~! rnty Court llnote, Ia lenllwortb, ylng that Ld In saill sm nt for or aalll costs 1.1111 includlnr ide In tlle ltimate of It, and ba nd provt. d In tbe CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS &4vertlaementa wUl be c:barsed OlllJ' G 1netal N oticea-ClueUled to reeidente of the dletrict from Evaneton to SIT. WANTED BY COLORED WOMAN; NORTH SHORE HOUSE, LAWN AND day work. Tel. Evanston 10214. Garden Service doe· expert house 14LTN42-ltp cleaning, window waahlng and floor waxing; also hedge and tree triml5 SITUATION W ANTED--MA~ ming by hour or contract. Wlnn. AND FEMALE 1035. 25L87-tfc SITUATION WANTED-COLORED 22 LOST AND FOUND couple to do general work about house, cook and chauffeur. Tel. FOUNI).......oiRISH TERRIER. OWNER Evanston 10214. 11iLTN42-ltp can have same by proving ownership. Tel. Wll. 852-R. 22L42-1to SITUATION W ANTED-EXPERIENCed colored couple, cook and house- LOST-AIRDALE, MALE, ANSWERS man. Phone Douglas 9421. to name of Bob. Reward. Phone 15LTN42-ltp Evanston 1648. 22LTN42-ltc SITUATION WANTED-BY MARRIED :£8 Glencoe lncluelve whole namea appear In the telephone directory, or who are regular aubacrlber.e to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. · 10 centa per line in one paper. 20 cent1 per Une in all three R at eo--papers. MINIMUM CHARGE IOe. Average of ftve words to the line. No black face type used. Ratea for Dllplay type on application. advertleementa will be aoto Wedneaday 12 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papen; Thundav U o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 12 o'clock for th11 GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones: WILMETTE 1U0-11121 or WINNETKA 2000·1001. . f Ot Jno ·ettt'on· Cla11ifted D eadl tne ..--cepted up ~ov'!f~!to~h:32~~ur and c~~tTNft-~~~ ;================::; Wilmette Auto Electric Service Specializing In generators. starters, magnetos and rewiring cars. Authorized dealers for Delco, Remy, Boech, Gray and Davis, and Spartan horns. 1209 Washington Ave., (rear) Tel. Wil. 691 29LTN39-5tc BUSINESS SICRVICB REAI4 ESTATE FOR RENT-HOUSES FIRST CLASS COLORED MAN AND wife; housework. Tel. Doug. 6736. 15LTN42-ltp KENNELS Jt\lf CO)lfttlffi § lllllmllllrr1b&Inl ll I<~OR RENT-STORES AND OFFJCI<~S IT WAN'I'ED-HOUSEHOLD GOOD!! l·'OR RENT- STORE AND 6-ROOM WINNETKA-ATTR. 6 RM. HOME ON living quarters suitable for traffic 50x187 ft. lot, nearly new. A bar~~~~~:~~e. ';~~nea~ll. R31 ff%~ Aves., ~~~n IE~tt&it® WANTED TO BUY-RBCOND itt':~~~~e p~r:e 0 ~~rJ ~~~s~~~~. g~~2:t. HAND JMI &ft~Iffill<e~~ ]l(<e;IIDinl.<ell~ We cleanse, comfort and beautify any and all kinde; of dogs by washing and trimming. Specimens are made fit for exhibition or home adornment by skilled humane attendants of long experience. We accept all breeds for hoarding. Our rates are reasonable. Dogs called for or delivered. Waukegan and Shermer Rd. Northbrook, Ill. lEoiEo§1tl!JlllU~<e&ll1tyCCca>c FOR RENT-NEW 5 ROOM BUNGA· M~~:>~~u1~e~D b~~p.~~rN o~I~- CAfe~ low; hot water heat ;2 car garage; Wll. 3153. HL42-ltp $126 per month. Wilmette Realty Co., 513 Fourth St. Tel. Wll. 1304. SIT. WANTED-GENERAL HOUSElLU-ltc work; two colored women. Tel. Bev. ":F_O_R_R_E_N_T---8--R-O_O_M_B_R_IC_K_;_H-.-W-. 0259. HLTN42-ltp !Jaths and ext, lav. Wooded lot, 93x 7 FOil RE~T-GARAGES WANTED TO BPY-A GOOD SECOND Sealed Propo11alsfor the erection of 175. attached garage . . . . . . . $20,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - hand 60 to 75 lb. refriget·ator. Tel. 892 17 a Municipal Garage on the village · he~~~Mcr;;T~-;;_l:e, rb!;~ut ~~:~~he~·~ l~OR RENT-GARAGE; CONVENIENT Wlnn . LTN4l-ltp property at Lake avenue and Main and trees. An excel. value at $30,000 ~ 11 :--~~~o. and Park Avenue~i.. 38 ~i:; ltl street In the Vlllage of Wilmette will FOR SALE-AUTOMOUILJ!: be received by the Superintendent of OLE COE-S. E. Excep. Eng. type Public works of said Vlllage of Wil~a~~ge~o~l~k! ~&~~~· lge. lot, 2 car _~_ _ _ _F_~_o_R_K_E_~_ · ·r_-_·_t_o_o_M_s _ _ __ mette until eight o'clock P. M. on Used Cars- All Makt·s Tuesday, the twelfth day of August, l"OR DETAILS CALL OR SEE FOR RENT-LARGE FRONT ROOMS A D 1924 at the Vlllage Hall In aald beautifully furnished; East side lo· OP'EN AIR SALES Village of Wilmette. Which Provo·· cation near transportation, cafeteria ~or. Sherman Ave. and Grove Sl. als will be examined, opened and deand beach. Tel. Wll. 1940. clared by thE' President and Board of ltvanston 140 8LTN42-1tc Exclusive Agents Tru11tees of the VIllage of Wilmette on Wlllys-Knlght and Overland Oak at R. R. Wlnn. 1800-1226 the twelfth day of ·August, A. D. 19Zt, Dealers 1LTN42-ltc TWO LAROE, LIGHT, FURNISHED at eight o'clock P. M. at said Vlllage 18LTN42-trc ,.---------------··ooms; single o1· In suite; near lake, H~~~posals must state tully all 11pecl· ~~~~~of~:~lon; private ~~~ 42 ~~~ REDUCED PRICES USED CARS ftc~~~~~eciftcatlons may be seen at the FOR RENT-TWO VERY PLEASANT g;~ ~~~~k s?/oaunri~g.. :::::::::: :~gg office of the undersigned. I HAVE OVER 5,000 SQ. FT. OF furnished rooms two blocks · from The Pre11ident and the Board of space available In the theater build1923 Dodge Sedan ............ $925 Hubbard Woods Station. Tel. WinTrustees of the Vlllage of Wilmette ing on Central avenue, Wilmette. WERSTED MOTOR CO. 30L40-3tc netka 1119. 8LTN42-ltc reeerve the right to reject any and all 'l'hls building can be used by a reDo<lge B··othersD::l~rsWIIls St. Claire I!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ bids and proposal!!. tail, light manufacturing or automoC. C . SCHULTZ, bile sales concern. Alterations will Tel. Winnetka 165 STATEMENT OF THill FINANCES OF Buverlntendent of Public Works, I.H' made tor eePOnslblq tenant and 18LTN42-ltc 'I'OWNSHIP NO. 42, RANGE NO. 13, substantial le se a'lven. P'~one DearVIllage of Wilmette LU-lto IN COOK COUN'I'Y, ILLINOIS, born 8421i. · l:IUJCK 6-48 l<~OUR PASSENGER FROM .IULY 1, 1923 TO COUPE A. J. WEISBERG FOR RENT-LAROE FRONT ROOM; JUNE 30, 1024. PUBLIC NOTICE In a-1 mechanical condition; tour CONWAY BLDG. no other roomers; boa1·d If desired. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: new cord tires; newly painted olive 1LTN42-2tc Tel. Wll. 74-l\1. 8LTN42-ltc PERMANENT FUND. Notice is hereby given that Arthur green; fully eqult>t)<'d. S(,'e car at Receipts. H . Munson and Alfred H. Weeks, who IN GAGE'S ADD. TO WILMETTE ON FOR RENT-NICELY FURNISHED the Jordan, 519 Davis Street. Tel. Cash on hand July 1, 1923 $ 16.99 have been doing business under the 10 YEARS TIME OR MOI'tE .h;vanston 2127. 18LTN42-ltc Bonds on· hand July 1, 1923 . room suitable for one person. Phone 800.00 nam of the Wilmette Baggage ancJ Locatlon--8herldan Road, Chestnut Winnetka 533-R. 8TL42-1tp 816.99 Express Co. have dissolved partnerTotal . . .................. $ Ave., Ashland Ave., 7th Ave., lOth F H SALE-DETROIT ELECTRIC ; Expenditures. St., Lots 2, 7 and 10, B. 1; L. 2, B. 2; VERY DESIRABLE ROOM FOR RENT; new batte1·ies and paint; also round 16.99 sh~,fr~~~~.1~e!t2s4.has taken over the with riparian rights, L. 4, B 5 · L two blocks from transportation. tlinlng table and chairs. Tel. 133 or Cash on hand June 30, 1924$ 800.00 buslnt>ss of the Wilmette Baggage ancJ Bonds on hancl June 30, 1924 3 and 4, B. 9; L. 9, 10 and 12: B.' 10; Wlnn . 730. SLTN42-ltc call at 219 South Ave., Glencoe. L . 5, B. 13; L. 1 and 3, B. 17. Express Co. and will all8ume no debt. 18LTN42·lt 816.99 which Arthur H . Munson may incur for Total .. ........ .......... $ John P. Gage, VIn eland, N. J . FOR RENT-ROOM NEAR LAKE AND DISTRIBUTIVE l'~UND. 0 trans1wrtatio ·' Tel. Wlnn. 1921. CADILLAC SPORT MODEL TOURING; 1LTN29-tfc the Wilmette B~gt;~E~n~.~~~~~ 9~ · Receipts. 8LTN42-1to fully equipped; good condition; $645. ll:tian ce on hand July 1, 1923$ 925 .20 Wilmette, Illlnole, FOH SALE-MODERN 6 AND 7 ROOM - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Phone "\Vinnetka 49 8 for demonstraAdv.-LU-lte houses on acre tracts having street Jo~OR RENT- F'UHNISHED HOOM tlon. 18T19-1tc Income of townshh> fund .. 42.42 July 13, 1924. P1·om county suuerlntendents 26,5o6.H 1 :.;:.:.:._:.:.:......:..:.--------:----on front and back; abundance of near transportation. Tel. Wlnn . 473. Total ................... $ shade and fruit trees, $7,500.00. 8LTN42-ltc J..'OR SALE-FORD HEDAN; GOOD 26'474 "36 Disburse m e nts. Terms. Also xcellent bargains In ~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~!!!!!!! running condition. Extras. Bargain. homesites 50x150 ft., $500 to $900, 10 HI!:LI" WAN'I'ED--MALE -~T~ el!!!.!!!W~i!!!l.~9~3!!!.==~~~~~1~8~W~42~-~l~t~c Incidental expenses of trusSucce~&ful, 160.30 te<>s ...... ........ .. ... $ Terms. Wyatt & Coons, Northbrook - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - l<'or publishing an11ual state104. G. W . Hulton, Winnetka 1850. SMALL ORCHESTRA, HIGH SCHOOL 19 FOR SALE--tliSCI<~J,LANEOUS The Parr oking furnaces, an exment ................. . 16.50 perimental plant, erected at the UnilLTN 42 ·1tc ~~~oennets :~~~~~~ 1~odpfJ~nlp~,.a~c~~~:s~ l<~OH SALE-EDEN WASHING MA- Compensation of treasurer 1,600.00 Te!. "llllmette 663. 10LTN42-ltc chine; swinging wringer; like new; I>lstl' I!Juted to districts ... . 23,680.14 ver itv of Illinois to try out the proFOR SALE-ONE OF GLENCOE'S will guarantee. Tel. Winnetka H. lJalance June 30, 1924 ..... . 1,017.42 cess of coking Illinois coal which was choice home sites, 1 ~ blocks from entrapce to Skokie Golf Club WANTED- A MAN TO CUT GRASS 19LT42-ltc originated by Professor S. W . Parr grounds. Corner lot 75x182; attractwice a week. Call at 1030 Central Total ..... . .. ............ $ 26,471.36 of the univer ity has been completed tlve 4 room house on rear of lot Ave. 10L42-ltp NEW THREE STRAND GREY July 1, 1924. and the first test' run are being made. with ample space for another bed-~~~~~~~~~==!!!!!!=~~~-=~ switch; never used; address A.M. C., DISTRICT FUND. The Parr system is known as the In attic. Price $ll,OOO.OO. 11 HELP WANTED--FEMALE 468 Ridge Ave., Winnetka. Receipts. B< Llance July 1, 1923 ....... $396,731.15 "low temperature pro~ess." . While Glencoe 790. 1LT42-ltc WANTED- ELDERLY WOMAN TO 19LT42-ltp Distribution of trustees . . . · 23,680.14 heretofore is has been ·mposs1ble to SUIT, From district taxes ..... , .· 879,837.58 HAVE $14,000 CASH TO BUY A act as matron of rest room In local FOR SALE-GIRL'S SCOUT size 12, complete for $6.00, like new. Tuition paid by pupils . . . . 10,017.50 coke the average I11inoi coal, Prof. home and won' t pay more. Will buy exchange quarters; reasonable hours Tel. Wll. 2590. 19LTN38-tfp Sale the best otrered this month. Give and good wages; permanent postParr has not only been able to coke or · rent of school details complete and location. Am tlon. Come up and talk It over with property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,963.68 it by using tow tem~ature carbonbusy and can tell from description the chief operator. Illinois Bell Tel- l<~OR SALE-GIRL'S BICYCLE, IN Sale of school bonds ....... , 113,204.33 ization in his laboratory tests, but has good condition. Tel. Glencoe 648. whether It will answer my purpoee. ephone Co., 740 Elm St., Winnetka. l'rlvate subscriptions . . . . . . 10,203.99 secured from the original product,. in 19LTN-ltc Bank Interest, etc. . . . . . . . . Address "Owner," 6325 Lakewood 11LTN42-ltc 6,782.23 addition to coke, by-products wh.tch Ave., Chicago. 1LTN41-2tc WANTED-YOUNG GIRL FOR LIGHT FOR SALE-A CANOE. CALL WIL- F"rom sale or Gross Point Vll· !age Hall . . . . . · . . . . . . . · 3,316.81 have heen more aluable, commerctalhouse-work ; all or part time; go mett 846-W. 19LTN41-ltp Anticipation warrants ....· 280,000.00 ly, than the original cost of the coal. FOR SALE OR RENT-6 AND 6 ROOM home nights. Apply Thur'sday, 617 Non-High School Board of houses; new; modern; large lots; The Parr low temperature process Park Ave. Tel. Wll. 798-J. .20 WANTED-MISCELLANEOUS Education . . . . . . . . . . . · . 4,356.00 close to transportation; lake; golf 11LT42-ltc Total .................. $1,736,041.41 is much cheaper than the former high course; $10.000 to $21,000; also lots WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE Disbursements. for sale, $30 per ft.; Glencoe. Tel. WANTED- EXPERIENCED temperature. processes, and .. it !,akes buys and sells rugs, etoves, autos, WHITE owner, Highland Park, 989-Y -s. much less ttme to make a run. pianos, anything useful. 1045 Ash School boa1·d and business maid tor general house-work; small offices .... ... ...· ... ... $ 30,964.36 1LTN40-tfc St. 20LTN1-tfc house; good wages. Tel. Wlnn. 904. In the new university plant wh~cb Compulso1·y attendance . . . . 446.00 11LTN42-1tc has just been erected complete equipFOR SALE OR RENT-5 AND 6 RM. WANTED-GO- CART, LIGHT ~alan· of principals . . . . . . . 26,644.00 houses; new; lgr. lots; close to trans., WANTED-GIRL Salary of teachers .......· 497,246.74 ment has been built to make coke FOR GENERAL weight but strong. Tel. Winn. 88 . lake, golf course; $10,000 to $21,000. Teachers' pension fund . . . · 1,313.70 and gas, and to clean the gas. The Also lots for sale $30 a ft. Owner. :~~lt';~r~o!~o·~a9ge~. mT!t. pw'n:· ~! ~ I ===~~~=~~~==!!!2!!!0!!!L!!!T!!!N!!!4!!!1!!!·!!!1~tc Textbooks and stationery . · 25,662.12 equipment also recovers such byCounty Line Rd. 2 blks. west of Inter~st on anticipation war11LTN42-1tc 21 FINANCIAL Green Bay Rd. Tel. Highland Pk. rants .. .. ....... ... ... . 5,020.29 products as tar, ammonia, and benzol. _R_E_A_L_E_S_T_A_T_E_L_O_A_N_S. -L-E-ON-----J. Salary 898· Y -3. 1LTN42-tfc 14 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE oC janltor·s and en, Prof. T. E. Layng and E. C. Sharp glneers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · 60,441.12 Klein & Co., Chicago's Largest Sec· assist Prof. Parr in this line of work. WANTED TO BUY-7 TO 9 ROO~{ WHITE WOMAli WISHES IRONING ond Mortgage Bankers. We also F'uel, light, power, water, house costing !rom $15,000 to $25,000. and supplies . . . . . . . . . . . 61,866.94 make small first mortgages. Rm. 611, and cleaning; will do other houseH you have a six-room house with 155 N. Clark St. Tel. Dearb. 3096 . Con- Repairs, replacements, insurwork by day. Tel. Wll. 3129. sleeping porch, would be lntl'rested ance . . . . . . · . . . . . . . . . . . . 29,667.00 fidential. You might be satisfied else14LT42-ltc If the price Is right. Address \Vllwhere; your are sure to be with us. Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · . . 12,841.13 mette Life, 254. 1L41-3tc TWO 8,608.01 21LTN40-4tp l'romotlon of health . . . . . . EXPERIENCED COLORED "A fisT&ermon:s life is the life for me, Anticipation warrants paid 230,000.00 girls want pos-Itions as cook and BUILDER WILL BUY FOUR OR FIVE With a pole a11d a line and G elM Grounds, buildings and alnurse in private family. Tel. Doug. 23 CONTRACTORS AND JOBBERS lots In good neighborhood. Will conterations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419,752.65 4983. HL42-ltp of bait sider frontage of 60 to 100 ft. tor NE'w equipment ....... , ... , 66,046.52 That'll attract the best rmd stan4 1M each lot. Give alze, location and WANTED-WASHING AND IRONING Principal of bonds . . . . . . . . · 32,000.00 beat cash vrlce. Address Wilmette test, ., Interest on · bonds . . . . . . . . . · 40,458.26 to take home by experienced launGarages Built to Order Life, A-66. 1LTN29-tfc A ji.sluorma11 .r life is the lif~ for 1M. Balance on hand Jun u 30, dress. Phone Wilmette 834-R. 14LT42-1tc 1924 . . ................ 207,564.59 One of the sunburned fi hermen FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR C. merrily sang his ditty on "the life of smaller house or well located vacant, EXPERIENCED WHITE LAUNDRESS Total .. .. ...........·.· $1,738,0H.U 8-room frame and stucco house; a fisherman" Tuesday morning a be wishes work tor two days. Beat refFRANK A. ANDREW, large yard, shrubbery, trees, garage, Builder of Better Homes wa. coming up from the \ ilmette erences. Call Wll. 3156 after 6 o'clock. T(>wnship Treasurer. located in Wilmette central east aide. HL42-ltp harbor, carrying a strinp; of about 50 Phone Wilmette 1139. lLU-ltc VILLAGE OF WILMETTE, 3602 McLEAN A VENUE perch he had cnua;ht. · vera! other ~a~~ ,r;,~ ~~~~~1· 7" ·r·~: ·b;ic"k ·~n $ltf~:og ~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!6~L~38~·!!it~fc 1----------------- Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Evanston, Ill. Phone 18 9iLTN _tfc 24 1 aan Avenue Nortbweat of Lake Avenue and the interaectlonll of abuttlnc street· back to the outer llne or linof Lake Avenue, aa the case may be. be Improved by pavlns that part ot tbe roadway, between the gutter ftaca by one of three alternate plana, be· ing Plan A, Plan B, and Plan C, all tn lbe Vlllaire or Wilmette, Cook County. Illinois, In accordance with the ordinance recommended and estimate of the President of the Board or Local Improvements, aubmltted by the Board of Local Improvements. and paaaed and approved by the President and Board · of Trustees of the VIllage of Wilmette, Cook County, llllnola, on the 3rd day of June, A . D. 1924, aaid ordinance being on ftle in the ofllce or the VIllage Clerk of the said VIllage, and said Village having applied to the County Court of Cook County, Illlnoie, for an aaaessment of the coat of said proposed imJ>rovement according to the b e nefits, and an asael8ment therefor having been made and returned to said Court, the final hearing thereon will b e held on tht> fourth day of August, A. D., 1924, at ten o' clock A. 111~ or as soon thereaft r as the bustneea or the said Court will verm\t. All persons delllrlng may ftle objections In said Court before said date, and may appear on the h earing and make their defense. Said ordinance provides for t¥ collection of said assessment In ten annual Installments with Int erest thert>on at the rate of six per centum C6'i;) per annum. Dated, Wllmettt>, Illinois, July 18, A. D. 1924. L. B. SPRINGER. P<>r!J()n n.poolnted b~· the President of the Board of Local Improvem nbl of the Vllla~ee of Wilmette. Coqlc County, Illinois. to make eaid sp clal assessment. FREDE"RlCK B. ROSSLEY, VIllage A ttorn"Y· L42-2tc VJLLACO:E OF WILMETTE PROP08Al·!' FOR THE ERECTIOK OF A MUNICIPAL GARAGFl FOR THE VILLAGE OF WILMETTE ;:::================ I:::================ ---- Coking Illinois Coal Ia Expert Fincla 8 Just a Tale of Any Old Day on Our Fishing Pier A. HILLERTZ Belmont 6713 23LTNU-4tp "ILME'I""E I~ SPEt.'IAL NO. 153 A E~ liiENT local angler THE (' OUNTY <"Ol' RT OF COOK <"OVNT,, ILLINOI HOUSEHOLD SERVICE H.; W· lnnetka; October let Poaa. :EXPERIENCED COLORED GIRL 2a Phone Kenilworth 2016. wants position as nurse. Tel. Doug. _W_A_N_T_E_D ____ W_A_S_H~I~N~G~S-~T~O~--:T=-A-:-:K=E 1 4 2 4 4983 2 · _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __L_T_N__ _·__tp l4L4 -1tp home; finished work and rough dry; WANTED-IiO-FOOT VACANT IN N. SITUATION WANTED-BY COLORED also wet wash. Will call for and deEvanston or North; give location woman, day work. Tel. Evans. 10ZU. liver. 418 Prairie .A.ve., Wll. Tel. 1351. and price. lLU-ltc 14LTN42-ltp Z6LT41·4to SPE('IAL ASSESSMENT ~OTI £, N TICE I HEREBY GIVEN to all persons lnt('rested that the village of Wilmette, Cook County, llllnol11, having ordered thl' lmprovem nt or Lake Avenue from the East line of Rldse Av·nue to the Northeast line of Michl· at o di played izeable catches. At the shore wa , encountered a mixed group of easoned and embryo fishermen· some adjustinp; the minnow bait (\the;· dropping the line and till oth~r "reeling in" the preciou den· izen of King Neptune' domain. And thu i recited the story of most any old day down yonder on the harbor fi hing pier ..

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