Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Jul 1924, p. 12

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12 \VILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, JULy 18, 1924 OCJAL l'Tacht Clubs Offer Fitting Summer Enjoyment XE\\'S gatherer an~blecl to the !ake fron.t th.is week, in respo?~e appeal · 'and cunous to d1scover to t I1e ,,·a t er ' < 1 1 what the ' acttv 1· · t the t\\'o yacht clubs that seem to fil t 1e summe: s need of ~~~~:i:~rra refresh in-a recreation. She · appro~ched the ptcturesque . · ::-.· sJ er' tda"'n road seeking the Shendan hore Yacht club IHll'ld mg on ~ 1 · <the · 1 . -1 11 s t u d'10, and 1 . ·t 1 on 1e at north end of t h e 1\ 1v ars1a · 1 I W 11C 1 la S 1 S 1 · ' h b . h · 1 .. d · a charming view of \V1lmette s ar .or, h umque on d' t e 11 w I11c 1 a or ~ c ' , · · . 'th the "Buccaneer sh1p lytng at anc or some tsnort I1 . I1ore. "1 . · h t h . boats and sailmg craft dottmg t e wa er ere and tance ou t . tl 1 e ro\\ f · h h b . cr crentlv in the breeze. The lake ront, wtt t e eaut I1ere. roc k 111 ::-. ~ · l'k th t f tiful Italian villa in the background, makes a cene t ·e. a o a quaint , seque stered place on the far-famed, blue Medtterranean. Sheridan ~ hore opened for the summer o~ July 4. Fro~ now on until fall everv Saturday afternoon at 3 o clock, races wtll take 1 'cc the co~rse to be from Wilmette harbor to the Evanston_ water~,·~rk's. into the lake for a short distance, and back agam. On Saturday evening, a beach party f~llowed by a dance appears on the program. Only the members wtll attend. . The Buccaneers' club, picturesque, draws to tts dec~s, members and their guests from all al.o.ng the !lorth shore, who enJ,OY hours of informal sociability and sa1lmg. Dmners are erved ~1 fresco, ~nd many large parties have been given on Thursday evenmgs, the time of the club's regular dinner-dance. Arde~ /n4 A 1 A annual on Tue RDEN~ The Home-like Fireside of The Orrington T11dor Lounge ~-··'"'"· 1 TL Orringto,., I I I ······· Before Renewing Your Lease ............, I I I £VCJ"-Sfon., ,., Ill ~ ' ~ I Date .. .. . .. booklet ~ descripttve o t , , ··· I I I ~ l{ind\y . send1 .f~e Qrring- ~ ~ ton· w.e ma\un{urnished) ~ · in fum\shed o~le I I be interested ··· I I I quarters lor . . . . . I pe I NVESTIGATE the unfurnished apartments of The Orrington. Two, three and four-room and larger apartments with kitchenettes, carpeted and draped all ready to move into. You enjoy every comfort and convenience of this great hotel plus the pleasure of your own furnishings. Xo servant problem-and the low rates make this · happier mode of living an actual economy. Ready September first. Visit us or mail coupon for booklet. Phone Evanston 8700. Wilmette Girl Announces Marriage at uu:ncJ'l.eo:~ to Cloyce Charlton H ami! ton which took place on J u~e 23, at S~. Michael's Rectory, Mount Pleasant, Iowa. Mrs. Ham1lton, who IS the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ashbrooke Pratt of 1224 Elmwood avenue ,is a gr at niece of the }ate Ch~rles J. Hull of Chicago, founder of Hull 1 rouse, and a c.ousm of Mtss Jielen C~lver of Lake Forest, a philanthropist of nahc;mal note. Mrs. ~amtlton is a graduate of Bradley academy and Jum~r college of Peona ~here she is a member of the Delta Kappa soronty. She later rec~JV~d. a degree at Randolph ilia on ·woman's college at Lynchburg, V1rgmta, \\'here she was a Kappa Alpha Theta. She also took graduate work at Northwestern. Mr. Hamilton who is the son of Ralph C. Hamilton of Keota, Iowa, is an alumnus of the "Cniver ity of Iowa and a member of the Phi Delta Theta fraternity. · l\fr. and Mrs. Hamilton will be at home in Burlington, Iowa, after the first of August. HE 20 guests who accepted Miss Gladys Pratt's luncheon and bridge invitation for Saturday, July were totally T that the true purpose of the .o ccasion was to announce her marnage 12, una~are ~ about · .. · ; ~ I I '·," ..... I I ~ · I Name .. . .... .. ..... ; ~ ~ Address "· · · · · · ~ .. .......... ····· ,............. ~ I ................................ .. Phone ·· · · · .... SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE The SPORTS SI-TOP oj LAKE FOREST lXXIIXXXj Startling Reductions! 1 /3 to 1/2 off '*******' For1ner Reasonable Prices O UR Shop is known to have the Smartest Sports' Clothes to be found anywhere, selected to meet the discriminating taste of the best dressed people on the North Shore. 11111111 Coats Evening Gowns Blouses Sweaters Hats Bathing Suits Lingerie Clzt1dren's Clothes Novelties i Mar~tt JJJ. Square Lakt Foru· Tt!tp1umt Lake Foresl 862 Mr. and Mrs. Albert S. Hecht and Miss Abbie King was a recent visitor in Wilmette on her way to their three children, Mi.ss Ethel, Miss Alaska. She has been taking the Helen, and Albe~t, J ,., i~comp;mi~ Canadian Pacific trip and was stopping by Mr. Hecht's mother, Mrs. at Lake Louise at the time of the Hecht, sailed for Europe from hotel fire when she had to escape York on Saturday for an ind down four flights of stairs and one stay. Miss Ethel and Miss Hele block to the lake. Returning about expecting to enter school abroad. The the first of August by the way of Hechts have been living at the North Yellowstone and Glacier parks. she will Shore hotel since selling their home again visit her sister, Miss Katherine in Wilmette. King. -o--oM iss Mildred Brown of Hannibal, Miss Sophie Arns has been spending Missouri who has been the guest of most of this week at her home, 1204 her uncl~ and aunt, Dr. and Mrs. John Lake avenue. Since making her the- Segsworth, 1106 Forest avenue, since atrical debut seven years ago, Miss the marriage of Miss Beatrice SegsArns has been spending her time in worth and Wilmer Kitchen the latter very successful tours of the country. part of April, departe<l Monday f?r She is dividing her three weeks of Ahmic Lake, Canada, where she w11l vacation between Wilmette and Mich- remain until September 1 when she igan, where she expects to go the last will return to Wilmette. of this week. ' -o-oMrs. Carol P ·a rrish and her two chi!· Aibcrt N. Page has returned to his dren of South America are the guests home at 901 Ashland avenue after of Mrs, Parrish's sister, Mrs. W. W. spending nearly three weeks with hi~ DeBerard, 802 Elmwood avenue. Mr. family who left Wilmette about the Parrish expects to join them later in middle of June for Colorado and New the season. Mrs. DeBerard's brother Mexico. Mrs. Page and the children and his wife who have been her guests will come home about the first of for the past fortnight, left on Sunday August. for their home in California. -o-oMrs. Stalham Williams and son M iss Grace Paisley of Lincoln, Robert, 1026 Elmwood avenue, have Nebraska, and Mrs. C. S. Kieth of returned from a two weeks' stay at Hazelhurst, Wisconsin, are the guests Paupaw Lake, ¥ichigan. Last week of Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Baldwin, Mrs. Williams entertained twelve 1015 Wilmette avenue. Next week 'guests at luncheon and golf at the Mrs. Baldwin will give a bridge and Skokie club. dinner for forty guests in honor of -oMiss Paisley. The Past Matrons of the Germania -o-chapter 0. E. S. met on Thursday at Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Koenig of the home of Mrs. Struhl, 216 Golf 801 Linden avenue entertained as the' Terrace. Eighteen were present. Mr. house guests over the recent holiday, Struhl is in Kansas City on a business Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin aftd trip. family of Tulsa, Oklahoma, and Dr. -aCarl Schulte and Miss Peggy Haughey Dorothy Rohal, daughter of Mr. and of Detroit. Mrs. Alfred Rohol of 1007 Forest ave-onue, has left with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Rohn, J. Oelerich, 1201 Greenwood avenue 219 Golf Terrace, have just returned for a month's outing at Squaw Lake, frotn Detroit. They were gone two Wisconsin. weeks, and part of the time was spent -oin traveling by motor through various M iss Grace DeBerard of 803 Elm- points in Canada. wood avenue, and Mrs. R. L. Roberts -o808 Greenwood avenue, entertained 26 The active chapter of Alpha Phi members of their club at a dinner and was entertained at a "summer cosy" dance on Saturday evening at the on Saturday afternoon at the home of Evanston Golf club. Miss Marion Mannerud of Evanston, -oformerly of Wilmette. M iss Adah Rennolds, 71 t Central -oavenue, is spending her vacation with Mr. and Mrs. ]. D. Roth and their Mrs. E. G. Bentley at the Bentley son, Raymond, 1124 Forest avenue, summer home at Highland Park sailed from New York on the S. S. Grand Haven, Michigan. ' Homeric on July 12 for a short visit -oin England and France. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Duncan of -o1133 Central avenue are leaving SatM iss Marion Reese, 727 Forest aveurday. for a motor trip to Quebec. nue, will leave next week for Long stopptng on their way in New York I land, to visit for three or four weeks state, in Toronto and in Montreal. at the home of Martha Thomas, a -oformer resident of Wilmette. M iss Ethel Mae Sturgeon, 604 -aGreenleaf avenue, is visiting Miss Dorothy Lawrence is quarantined at Mary Ellen Bentley at Grand Haven her home, 520 Lake avenue, with a for two weeks. ' light case of scarlet fever. a sked to brit the camp will eon hour has and the pijc1 gether in the the a fternoor tell of their that some o an entertainr Each north to secure as Those who with the de will notice n number of n Rehuilding the lihrary, Gregor Adar build.ing has porches hav~ have been building h ~ libr~ ry ~ill J recetve tts ' the tireless I Miss Suther be ir. order. The genen Mrs. Robe~ spo.nsible f9 1nttre sewa because of Thousands pended. Wilmette this year, ready bee Gates, the club, and t party give friends of t houses pos Winnetka in generous the attract Mrs. Arth secretary, riet Hough teling, Jr., · Mrs. Jame playroom, recreation (little mot cent girls Schaffner man Harri Mrs. J. dent of th will greet informal · following of their . children 1 tained; intend

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