Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Jul 1924, p. 10

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Former Villagers &turn After Two Years of Absence and Mrs. Seymour Kason, who left Kenilworth two years ago to live in Kan a ity, Kan as, have come back to Chicago. Tliey are ·passi ng the summer at the Kenilworth Inn and hope to ha\·e a home in Kenilworth this winter. On their way from Karisas City, they stopped at ~Iedford , \\'iscons in. to visit their son, ~eymour, Jr., who was married la st autumr1. Thev after" arc!~ accompau ied their son, jack, to amp ~[anitowi.,h, \Vi scon sin, and 1-pent a week a Trout Lake. -<>-:\Irs. Grant Ridgway, :'\[rs. Rufus Stolp and M r~. E. D. Parmelee left Thur sday for Big Lake, \\'isconsin, where they will stay two day~. From there they will motor with :\I rs. Carl Keith to State Line. to spend a week with Mrs. \\'. F. Shattuck. ~[r s. \V. J . Taylor and :'\f rs. L. ~f. Allen leave Saturday to spend the week with ).[rs. Shattuck at her summer home. -o-- M R Mrs. J. H. Prentiss, 201 Cumberland ~Irs. F. \V. Cherry, 422 Abbottsfrrd road, went to the Wesley hospital on road. entertained her sewmg club or Tuesday of last week for an operation I luncheon ).londay. upon her eye. She is recovering -<>. , rapidly. ~!iss Agnes Pilsbury ot Chtcago -ospent the ,week-end with ).[i ss Helen Mis Elizabeth Kelly. 412 Cumnor Scar~ of 417 Warwick road. road, left Sunday for Ber.kley, California, where she will pass the sum- I Picture of Progress to mer visiting Mr. and 1\frs. John Beld H ere July 24 lamy, formerly of Kenilworth. Be Jewe -<>-A motion picture entitled, "The John Robert Murray, w~o graduat~d \Vay to Pro!l're s, " emph~s.izing. the th1s year from the Chtcago Latm value of ro nststent adn~ rtt,mg, ts to ~chool, left Ia t week for Lincolnville, he sholl'n at the Village theater Thur sMaine, to spend the summer with hi s day e\·e 11 i 11 g, July 24, under auspices mother. of th e \\' ilmette Optimist club. -<>-Mcrnl>cr- of the Chamber of Com).fiss Caroline Gromann, 1316 ' hest- ntern· and the Hotary club have been nut avenue, left ~londay for \\'ino na especially i!l\·ited to \' iew this ~Im Lake, Indiana, to visit ).1i s Barbara which \\ill he shown at the concluston Campbell for a fortnight. of tl 11: -n:ond performance at the -<>-theatl'r nt"\t Thur day. :'\f rs . Carolyn Ellsworth of the Ken ilworth lnn left Monday to spend HOT OR COLD four weeks at Colonial Hall, \Veque The g<b-firl'd refrigerating machine ton sing·, 11ichigan. \\ill produce temperature s at low as -oJO degree' Fahrenheit. And, temper),1 r ·. \Villiam Dent who ha s ,,H·nt ature-, a, high as 3.000 degrees Fahr. the pa~t winter in Toronto \'isiting her arc common in the operation of gasdaughter, ~Irs . Hoskins, is now at the fired welding equipment or twice the Kenilworth Inn for six weeks. melting point of iron. I First Church of Christian Science Christ, Scientist, Reading Room 1183 Wilmette A ... Wilmette, Ill. H ours: T enth St. and Central AYe. Daily (except W ednesday and Services: Saturday) 9 A. M. to 6 P , M . Sunday at 11 A. M. Wed n esd ay: 9 A. M . to 7 :45P. M . Wednesday Testimonial Meeti ng Sa tu rday: 9 A. M . to 9 P . M . T h e Bible and Woi'KI by ltlary at 8 P.M. Baker Eddy and all othe r author. Sunday School, 9:45 A. M. !zed Ch ristian Science Literature Subject of the Lesson Sermon may be read, borrowed or pur. July 20, "Life" chased. The Public ia cordially inYitecl to attend the Church Senice1 aad Yiait the Readintr Room. v· Real Estat theW" H PROPER' Buyer an~ ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :'\lr. and :'\frs. Burt A. Crowe, 234 Raleigh road, had as their houseguests over Saturday and Sunday, their cou~in!>, Mr. and Mrs . Albert Maurer of Lo., Angeles, who were on their way to the Bankers' convention in Balti more . Mr. Crow 's sister, ).1iss Addie Crowe of ).tichigan, was also their guc,t. Minnie Jarrett. who has been Yisiting her brother, Roy Jarrett , 534 Essex road, left Wednesday for her hom(· in Quincy, lllirl ois. :'\fr. and :\Irs. Jarrett, their daughttr, Alice, and !\.1i:.s Minnie Jarrett , drove to Rolling Prairie, Indiana , where they ~pent last week-end visiting Herbert Jarrett at Camp Roosevelt. -0~li<,s ]. ),I. Roberts, 328 \\'arwick road, and htr daughter. Caroline. left Friday, July II, for Estes Park, Colorado, to be g-one ten weeks. -<>-Arthur Durham of 431 Ahhottsford road, who wa s operated upon for appendicitis. is rapidly recuperating at the Evanston hospital. ~frs. -o-- ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN RETURNS ~!i ss Winifred Wright. assistant librarian at the Wilmette Free Public lihr<try. returned from her \'acation on the Pacific coast \Vednesday. I JEWETT SIX I' I I) i TRACY HOLMES MOTOR co. I I ~,,,,,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .""""""""'J ~-------------------------------------------------··· I I ............ ,,., IN ALL THE WORLD NO CAR LIKE THIS I I ASK us WHY -oDr. and Mrs. Henry E\'erctt, 415 Cumnor road, spent a week as the guests of :\lr. and :\1r~. George Willete of Fullerton parkway. ~rrs. Henry Taylor, Jr., 431 Essex road, arrived home Friday from a three weeks' visit with her daughter, lfrs. Frank Gerould of Ardmore, Penn. -<>-- 4 ~ Phone 4903 EVANSTON 1027 Da1il St. -o- -o- Mrs. Maude So~f Nebraska spent EVANSTON ).Ji.,, Elizabeth ~ltipmau. 432 \\'ar - last wct·k with her sister, Mrs. Henry wick road. came hom<' \\ 'l' dnesda\· from Vissering. 257 Keni lworth avenue. hn ('ao,tt'fll trip with ~(1\o, or;· .\lc I>onald anrl ldt again Thuro,day for \\'hite J.akto, ~I ichigan, to be !(Otic two lllllllllllllllllll!!lllllllllllll!llllllllllllllllllllllll!lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllfllllllllll!llllllllllllllll!lllllllllllll!lllllllllllllll!lllll!llllllllllllll!lllllllll!lllllllllllll!llllllltl \\t·l'k, longt·r. hdort· rrc,urning her work at tht· E\'<llt..,ton ho ... pital. Rev. Leland Hobart Danforth who i-. "Pending six wnk' in touring through the east, was the wet'k-end gue't of ~I r. and ~In. Owen T. Rl·n·<·s at Atlantic Citv O\'Cr tiH· Fourth. Mr. and Mrs. Reeves who formerly were rc . iclt·nts of Kenilworth. ar<" now ntaking their homl' in r\e·w York. 11rs. John V. Rathbone, 523 Abbottsford road, and her daughter, He len, arc visiting Mrs . Hathbone's mother in Newton, Iowa . her guest this week, 1~ol>ert Borman of Racine. ha~ Cut Flowers for all occasions Phone EVANSTON 632 1712 Sherman Avenue -o:\lrs. L. D. ]one, 325 Richmond road, as Mrs. -o- . I ··························· Dine With Us Today I A promine real estate, would not co revealed, su11 profession in "There is harder than We know t vertising a would reach could get w conditions Let me exp considerab le property · offtred. t tarn pnces. body who locate on n egot iates cas h and t benefit me, t o let the t hat sale. into print it, t hen Everybod y readi ng o f lis t ed his Hekn Cr,·-,ap, 2.19 E;.-,l'x road, and ~!iss Ell>anor Eckhari. 206 Cumherland avenue, have as their !(Ursts, tht·ir o;choolmatr'>. ~fiss Lilian Harding, ~I j.,s I\: a thryn Parsons, ).1 iss Elizabeth Drew and Miss ~r ary Cruse of Nt·w \'ork. ~1 i,., -o-- IDQr QTnttngr East Side of Sheridan Road Just North of Wilmette I I I I Try one of our special or regular dinners-you will find evei-ything to I I I -oMr .... C. G. Burnham, 536 Roslyn road, enkrtained at dinner for Miss El1·anor Eckhart\ guest, :Mi. s Lilian Harding, at Exmoor club, Saturday evening. Mi.,~ Helen Cresap. 2.19 E _ ~ex road, wa., ho~tess at unday night tea for ~!iss Harding. """"'()- 1· 1 . I I I I ).fr . Jaml's Culhert-.on, 220 ).{elro e a\t'IIUl', entertained at mah jonr;rg- Friday afternoon in honor of her .,iqcr, Mrs . Erne t Hicks of Pasadena, and Jter niece, ~f iss Grace Culbertson of Pasadena. Mr. and 'Mrs. Bruce V. The Newest Place· on the North Shore to get refreshments and Dance. MUSIC BY Come and enjoy the cooling breezes of The North Shore's Moat Popular Orchestra "THE VAGABONDS" (7 piec-) 1, I I I I I your satisfaction. I I I I I I I I I I I WILMETTE CAFE . 1181 Wilmette Ave., oppo.ite Villqe Hall L···················································· -<>-- randall, 515 Warwick road, returned this week from a ix weeks' .ojourn in the east. Thf'y are departing aturday for Three Lakes, \\'isconsin, where they have a cottage. -o-- . Mr~ . Lake Michigan IIIRmlll!llllllllllllllllii!IIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!IIIUUHIIUIIIInllllllllllllll!llllllllllllllll!llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!lllllllllllllllllll!llllllllll!lllllllllllllllll!lllllllllllllllllllllllll John Mar hall Roberts, 328 \ Varwick road, accompanied hy hrr daughter, Caroline, and her French go\·erncs'>, left on July 11 , for ~loraine l.<>d!{e, Estes Park, Colorado. They will be away for six weeks. · 1fr. and Mr .. ~ld ~fcKenzie arriv d home Monday from their honeymoon in the west. They will stav with her parent.,, Mr. and ~lr . Otto Ruth, 416 \\'ood.,tock road, for the remainder of the ummer. -o-- ··························· · · · · · · · · · ·························· It Makes Good Sandwiches w i LSON'S Bread has a grain and a t exture that makes it ideal for ~ andwiche s. It cuts cleanly, without crumbling, and retains its shape and does not dry out . But then, most people around here know that Wilson's is the ideal bread for ANY purpose I ~1r . George Jones, 318 Oxford road , · is entertaining her sister, Mr . Frank · · · Special for Saturday · · · APPLE PIE · · Fresh Apples, plus butter, plus flour, plus a little good cinnamon, plus plenty of sugar .equals a real DUTCH OVEN APPLE PIE. Philo of Los Angeles. Mrs. Jones was hostess at luncheon and four tables of · bridge at Skokie club Friday in honor · of her gue t. -o-- Mrs. R. D. Rathbone of Abbott ford · road, and Mr . Sidney Ea tman, 255 Melro e avenue, motored to Elmhurst · Wednesday to pend the day with Mr . · Theodor Fo ter. --o{rs. Robert M. Burn , 614 E ex · road, en tertained at two table~ of · bridge Wedne day for 1fr . ane of Winnetka and her gue ts. · Mrs. Fred Ll~and Mi ~ Helen Little, 516 E sex road, pent thr weekend isit ing Dr. and r . Charle Horswell, of Dougla · ichigan. --oMis Alice V.' a leave Saturday for a t rip we t, vi iting Glacter Xationat, Yellow tone and E te park . r1. · · · · · uon .f-<tien, 412 Aelrose . av nu , entrrtained the Evening Bridge · dub for dinnt·r Monday. · · · FOR SATURDAY ONLY, · · A 60-cent size for SO cents. · · · · The Dutch Oven · · The Quality remains · · when price is forgotten · · 1129 Central Phone Wil. 2998 · · ··························· · · · · · · For R lleat. 4 lar1f4 Pri!=·: ~ HU

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