4 WILMETTE L CLY 11 1924 PUBLIC FORUM OUR NATION'S SORROW more our !\iation't called mourn, Once more our hearts arc sad. Thi, time it i' our Leader'~ son, .'\nd ;uch a :;plcndid lad. Our hearh arc filled with sorrow, ;\ Xation\ tears arc shed, They are not wt·eping all alone, O'er their hcloved dead. Once to Earl Orner Collapses Village Board Session While Working at Desk Attracts Record Crowd The Yillage board meeting Tuesday was attended by the largest audience of the year. Not only thi -the gathering represented virtually every community interest. Members of several local ci,·ic organizations were in cddcnce. The clergy wa repre ented hy Rev. Herman \\'. ~!eyer. pastor of St. John':; Lutheran church. and, as if to add additional importance to the as~cmblagc, a group of prominent .... omen lent grace to the occasion. \IPn irom the Chamber of Commerce. : h t' Rotary cluh and the Optimiq club were there on a two-fold mi, s ion . One wa" to promote the proposition to "iclen \\' ilme te and Central a,·enues; the other, to kill off any plan to close thl' upp~:r end of Tenth street. They learne r!. howe,·er. cn·n hdnrc the meeting had . tarted, that the Tenth ~trcet clo·ing program had died alrno~t ahornin' and like the League of Xation., harl been con,ignrd to the political potters field. \\'e mu't not ask for 'tis GOD'S will. Though 'ti, :..o hard somehow, 'fo <;ee and try to under ·tand, \\' hy he wa-. called ju~t now. ' _ltht now. "hile in his youth and bloom. They had to giH· him up; \\' ithout Thy hand to stay them LORD. They cu~d not drink the cup. llut \\' l ' mu-.t know that liie is short. Our clay~ are not our own. 'Thou g in·,t and Thou take't LORD. To and from t' l't·ry one. Earl Orner, Northwestern raih,·ay station master at Wilmette and dubbed by many of his associates as "the busiest man in 17 states," was earned home \\'ednesday afternoon of this week when he . uddenly collapsed while engaged in his dutie at the railway offices. He was back on the job virtually as spry as ever un Tttursday morning. In recent weeks !\[r. Orner has not betn getting his necessary quota of rest bccau~e of the serious illne;.s of h1s son who is slO\rly recovering irom a severe attack of rheumatism. Fatigue, coupled with a digc,tive complaint. brought about a condition on \Ved11esday \\hich completely unmanned him. \\"ord that "Earl" had collapsed fiashed through the village like wildfire and there were anxious inquiries at every hand regarding his condition. PhysiciiHb, when a~kcd about the case, replied lact·nically, "] ust worked out, that's all." Pre-Inventory Clearance Begitzs Monday, July 14 Extensive plans have been under way for son1e time to n1ake this one of Evanston's Greatest Value Giving Events. The retnarkable feature about this sale is that you \vill practically get a full season's use frotn the n1erchandise available here now at substantial reductions. Tug-of Feature aker won f best all-ro\ s .22nd. an ~ at10n g1ven the Kenilwor o'clock · in tl med at Ken wick road a~ 'ew Trier campus. The cycles mo,·ed forth an a rra A naval ba and also I< Youth Plays Hero Role as Flames Destroy Barn Realtor Investigates Business in the East ]. \\". Work, EYan~ton realtor, returned this week from an ext~:nded trip through the eastern part of the l ' nited States and Canada, visiting ,·arious real estate boards en route. .\lr. \Vork left Evan~ton short ly before the opening of the conn~ ntion of the ~ational A;.~ociation of Real EHate hoards which was held at \\'ashington, D. C., June J to 6. He attended the convention and left immediately for ,. ew York where he was the guest of the Xew · York Real Estate board. From tht·rc he went to Canada and has \ isited extensi\·cly among the real e~tate hoards there. .\[rs. B. H. Clepp, 1011 Forest avenuc. has returned irom ~!inn eapolis. where he attended the wedding of \li -,s 0 borne, the opera singer, to E. E. Nelson. Donald ~fcl':innon of Wilmette, a ~ oPt t·time' we feel that liic\ so dark, "chool ho,·. wa~ in,trumental in effecting- the rco;cue of "e\eral hor,cs from 'T'1 ill 11('\'('r mort· he li!.!ht, Y<·t wt· know that sumhine al\\'ay~ a hla7illl.! !tarn at the riding stables ncar the Xorth · hore Golf clnh Suncomn. day night. i\fter the darknt night. Donald not ired H1lumes of smoke i... ~uing irom the building and. rushingA' ,,.<. know 'tis hut the casket, to the -.ern·. wa~ able after a tussle That is hicl1kn from our sight; \\'e know our Father\ crown will ,,·ith a bolted door. to get in,ide and le:>rl two of the iri~htencd animals to shine, ... aft·l\·. fh that time the hlazt· had \\'ith om· more Jewel bright, arou~ecl the neighhorhond and o;everal hor'~'" were "aHd thoul.(h eight dil:d \Vith them we how in reverence, 'Xt·ath th<· blow that on them fell. in the flames. 1-\nowin).( that HE who delt it. J>oeth for us. all thing.; well. Shantz Asks Permission -Adelaide Koenen BUILDING PERMITS rluilcling permit<; in the Village of \ Vilmette wt"rc is·niNI to I.. E. Youngquist to make an addition to the dwellinK at 211 Fourth street for $1,500: A. Reichmann. ga rage at 600 Central avenue, $500; 0. H. Hanson. garage ~t 225 entra I a venue. $700; Otto Stordeur. garage. $550, and P . J. Joyce. :1 rear porch addition at 423 Tenth :-treet. $200. Dr . and Mrs. Blake. 1009 Chestnut <tvt·nuc . and Mr. and 1\fr~. Charle~ F. Roht·rts, 1033 Greenwood a\'enue, spent la ~t . week-end at Spider Lake, \Vis('Onsm. to Place More Mail Boxes Postmaster Joseph E. Shantz has sent a petition to the village trustees requestittg permission to erect a number of rela,· mail hoxe in different '><'C t ion~ of the village. The commitee on streets and a lleys will act on the request. 'fhe po~tma~ter says the proposer! mail boxes ,,·ill he a con,·enience to the public and expedite the handling of local mail. Harriet Mons, 921 Oakwood avenue, entertained 16 guests, all members of the freshman class at New Trier, at luncheon and bunco at her home on Saturday, June 28. In the Village Theatre Building The Village Chocolate Shop For 42 Departments Contribute to This Great Event Fountain Square Evanston, Ill. Raclto Sets and Supplles-Everead\' "B" Batteries Music Master Loud SJ)eakers Base Plugs Installed Fine Line of Lighting Fixtures BIPctrlea.l R4'palring Adams Electric Shop G2 1 Fourth Street Phone \Vilm ette 1040 Your Sandwiches, Ice Cream, Pop Corn and Candy. SAFEGUARD YOUR FURS in our roomy FUR STORAGE VAULTS \\'e will Renovate, Repair and Store your Furs for the Summer in our Big Vaults and In ure them against Loc;~ hv Fire, Moth and Theft. Reasonable Rates Prompt Attention Excellent Care Where Quality Chocolate Rules HARRY A. ROPINSKI FURRIER E.tabliahed in Evanston 1908 LULIAS BROTHERS 635 MAIN STREET 1135 CENTRAL AVE. 916 CHICAGO AVE. Near Main Street EVANSTON CALL EVANSTON 3722 THE BEST Fruits and Vegetables Property Owners may have the advantage of our service by telephoning FOR THE LEAST Ourr buying power, together with constant contact with the markets, enables us to give you fruits and vegetables of the highe.s t quality at the Wilmette 1304 635 Main Street A. J. WOODCOCK 35 Y eara Experience Phones{:: 1311 LOWEST PRICES. As the wanner weather approaches you should always have in your ice box a few bottles of ginger ale or other soft drinks. Buy them by the case. Phones{~~ 1311 1135 Ceatral Ave.