Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Jul 1924, p. 2

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2 y 11 1924 The Fourth of July program was. arranged by a committee of the Af!~en~an Legion a..d under the general dtrectton of Ralph C. Wessel and ~a 1: Orr, w.ho were also prominently tdentlfie~ wtth the wonderfully effective Memortal Day observances sponsored by the local exse rvice men's organization. In the program the Legion enjoyed the active co-operation of the vtllage authorities and merchants of the com munity. A in the instance of Memorial Day, the weather man al.so contributed his finc>t brand of sunshme and balmy breeze . It was indeed a Gloriou Fourth. GLORIOUS 4TH ENJOYED HERE Legionnaires Sponsor Remarkably Successful Community Celebration THOMPSON IS SPEAKER Field Events Give Thrill to 2,000 Spectators Two thr·u-aJHI \\'ilm('ltC residents. mr"tly children. journeyed to the new municipal playgrounds arljoining the Hid~r school Ja,t Frirlay to cngaw· in the \\'ilmette's first annur.l Cumn.unity Fuurth of July celebration . Acti\·itil's starkd promptly at 2 r/clr,ck \\ht·n Lea ] . Orr, commanc!rr of \\'i lnwtte Post of the American l.eginn and general chairman of the day. gave a hriei <llld cfTl'cti\r address oi \n·lcome and au aunflUIICt'llll'llt of the scheduled flrogram . On the hrid patriotic prog-ram which followed wa~ singing of the national authrm hy Miss Dorothy Rae, reading (Or the Declaration of lndtpendcnce hy Legionnaire Ralph C. \\'e-,scl. and the address of the day hy Hope Thomp. on in which was Hressed the true significance of inckpendcnce and its relation to Iifl'. Hi~ worrls con,tituted a cr,mprehtnsil'e aud elolJUent pre,entatinn of the American Legion' s Americanization program. Mr. Thompsou\ remarks concluded the introductory prPgram, which was follrl\\'<·d imnll'cliatt:lr In· the manv field and athl<otic events. wliich contaitierl features of intt·rest for every age from the youngest scltr>ol chi ld to the older married folks, both fat and Jean, as the list of events indicated. Patteraon Conduc:h Meet An Institution of Service To serve the cotntnunity 'in all of the v..'ays that a bank can se:ve -that is the policy upon whtch the \\ ihnette State Bank .has been built and the policy that keeps us gro,ving. Our building and equiptnent are tnodern, \Ve tnaintain an efficient staff under experienced and able n1anao·en1ent and our financial b po ition is indeed a stron~ one. 'I'he e things prepare us to gtve ~he people of \Viln1ette a banktng ervice they need and can use for their advantage. Acquaint yourself \vith the tnanv wavs in which we can be of s-ervice . t~ you-then avail your.. elf of the se services. If "Greens" You Seek, Hasten to the Market Fre h lettuce! Fre~;h . H nu,ewiws gathered a round two long hcnches at Greenleaf a\·enuc and Fourth ,treet where the \\'ilmctte public marht j, hdd en:ry Tuesday, Thursday and S.tturday mornings. Gardener~ irnm tht: environs of the community di,play their summer dishe~ filled with "green'." Tw:,day morning, one woman who was ridin~ tn the city on the train saw the variety ni n~gctablc on the benches at the public market. Instead of contmuing ha trip. she got off and visited the n.arket. Rt:,ult: Se\·eral bunches ni irc'h nnions, racJi,hes. lettuce and 'Jlinach wert' packed iur her in paper hag,. Shl' envied the \\·omen who were there with their baskets. A littk bnv who \\'as cliugiin~ to the dn ·s oi h i~ huw mother a~ ked, "I · tho,e the kin' oi o;tinJb ours '11 be wht·n theY gr·l\\" up?" ,;Yc,." hi, mother auswered, "if you don't ll'ar them out hciore th'-Y sprout." Fn·'h onion radi~hes! THANK. BOARD \\'ilmette Po>t, :\o. ~6. of the :\111erican Leg-ion >en t the \·il lage hoard a communication this week, thanking that body ior it> patriotic cooperation in 111aking the :\[emorial Day program a ~ucce,s. · children attej ries. Here in! istory and epi Some of th tales of chi ldren, a and f The program of races and kindred <'Wilts was conducted with well know11 "ncatnc's and dispatch" under the general supervisio11 of Jack Patterson and t!'rminated without casualt~· unlc.,s one considt·rs the "cha rley-hor;e," of the tn(lrning after. There were features of varied description and a large ga llery of spectator' cheered or jeeret.l as fancy dictated . A real Punch and ) udy show hrought delight to the hearts of the little folk and prompted many a shriek of sheer amazement at the grotesque antics of the ce lehratcd characters. Award-;, including a variety of item, ranging from "steaks ~mothered in mushroom-;" to bathing caps and grocery lists cw1trihutl'd hy scores of interested husines' people, were made to the winners of the e\"Cnls amid the shouting of the multitudes. FOR SALE Trees, Shrubs and Cut Flowers BARGAINS John Ostrowsky 1487 Asbury Avenue, Hubbard Woods Phone Winnetka 546-J ··vou1· Home Bdnh·· Ill I Ill I I Your Eyes! Do you give Your Eyes the Care they deserve to keep them Bright and Beautiful? Dust, Wind and Strain make them appear Dull and Lifeless. To preserve Natural Charm and Lustre, cleanse them as Carefully as the Skin and Teeth. For Daily Use or when your EYES are Tired, Dull and Heavy, Murine is most Refreshing and Beneficial. Murine has been used Successfully over Thirty Years. 1\1 t=" Does Not contain Belladonna I 'f ~ or any other harmful ingredient. 1fiiJR1 s f.E.OR 'f~EUR ~layer p1 ............ a._ 9 a T Wrir~~~~ti~~~e~o66~;~~~ook Dept. 19 9 E. Ohio Street Cbi.:aao, U.S.A. because he throws the ball in such a way that it revolves against the air on one side. The resulting friction keeps pushing the ball towards the other side. After game, sport or w.ork ···························· lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll w~ r Q!nttagr East Side of Sheridan Road Just North of Wilmette The Newest Place on the North Shore to get refreshments and Dance. MUSIC BY Come and enjoy the coolina breeaes of Rubbing Alcohol brings new life to tired, aching muscles. A most refreshing body rub for athletes, invalids and infants. Excellent also for removing perspiration odors and soothing the face after sh~ving. One of 200 Puretest preparations for health and hygiene. Every item the best that skill and care can pr.o duce. Renneckar Drug Co. The Telephonea 28-29 Lake Mic:hiaan The North Shore'· Most Popular Orchestra unfE VAGABONDS" (7 piece.) Store WIL.M ETTE, ILL. ----llllliiioiii!HmmlltlullltltllllllnlllllllltllnnnuuuultnumultnlummJmtnummmunmnJunulnnmtuumuuru"u'uutumuunmulnuutunt ························· 919 Cbicaao A Two Stona Davia St. at c North Shore

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