18 WILMETTE LIF WANT AD USERS 4 FOR RE:ST-..~PARTMESTS 18 FOR SALE-AUTOMOBILES CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS General Notrees-to · Classlfted advertisements will b~ charged oaly residents ot the district from dEiveacntsotroyn t~ In the telephone r · Glencoe Inclusive whose names aftphe a r WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA who are regular subscribers to e er , TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. 0 10 cents per line In one paper. 20 ~ent~ p:r ~ln~v~n !~rJ:r~: Rates-papers. CHd,\RRGf on application. the line. No black ta ce type use . a es . · · Claasltled advertisements will be acDeadltne for lnserttons-cepted up to Wednest!ay 12 o'clock t~r the WILl\~ETTE J,IFE or all three PII;Perek; Trhuretdhav ~t~~bo~ ~~irS. WINNETKA TALK and Friday l Z o cloc or " Telephones : WILMETTE U20-1921 or WINNETKA %000-2001. ~ll:li'IHUM 0 ~; Dls~~~y"type DEPENDABLE USED CARS Our stock Is constantly changing. If we havt>n' t the car you wankno~, we may have it next week. ereks our most economical buy this wee . 1922 Chevrolet tour., excellent tlreg and general condition.······ . $26 WERSTED MOTOR CO. Dodge Brothers and Wills St. Claire Dealers FOR HJ·:XT- STORE A :\'D 6-ROO~f Tel. Winnetka. l~;LTN4l-ltc livin g quarters suitable for ~attic husirr t·~!". 'VII. and Ri<IF:,t' ves., \V tlrn..ttt·. Phone \VII. 31lo>. 6L38-tfc - -7 FUit Auto RE:\'1'--GAR .U .a :s !'ark Avl'nues. Te · 7L38-tfp Used Cars -All Makes OPEN AIR SALES :::or. Sherman Ave. and Grove St. Evanston 140 Wlllys-Knlght and Overland Dealers ' 18LTN29-tfc LATE 1923 MAXWELL, DRIVEN little over 5,000 miles; this car Ia In perfect shape; has disc wheels, spare tire, spotlight and many other extras; $475 . Call Heinemann, WI!. 16i2. 867 ~llchlgan Avei'sr]:~~n ~\\~ Jo'OH 10 Lak· · and \Yil ~:;:'" · H~:XT-GARAGE; CtJ~VENIENT tho I M t'Oit HE~T-ROO:\IS Ut:.-\1, EST.\'I'E Phone FOn SALE-$276, HlGH, WOODED lot, in plt"asa nt summtr colony on 8hor,, of Lake Michigan, easy trip fro111 t'hicago; running water In cot· tag-··~ : convf'nl~>nt to supplies. etc.: 1.. aulifu l beach; idt>al tor c hlldr t>n. Ad<lrP~s l-frR. H. llrtower, Covert, LlnKESTL\\'OHTU-C'r,mplt>te list lmtl··n Hills, Mich. 1L41-ltp pr(J\'t·(l and va<·an t. !o~xcet>tlonal IH\I'g:\ln 8 rm. bt'autifully landscapN) l·:a8t. \\"IL~I~:TTJ:;-n"u· · r wants im:\ly ht·al'iiy WOO!IPd 100 ft. Jot On rrH·Iilat,. >talc modl'rn hom!', lw!'l loH!'ott An·., \Vinnetka. by July 20th. c·atlcm J,;ast. Many special !t·a tures. "'""" $2,000 cash. First buyer can \\'1!\'!\'J.:'I"KA-6 rm . Ahinl':'i<', 2 yrs. ha,· 1· thi!< for $!iG.OO per !t. Address nhl, Ifit !iOx I~> i, 2 car· gar. Filw gal'Owner, \\'llmettt' Lift', 25A.. TN _1tc """· $12,:;uu, or· will rent turni~Jhed 41 $1 t:; Ill' I' month. l'l:ol"t hweRt- 7 rm. brick veneer on WA!\'Tf~J) TO IWY- 7 TO 9 R00;\1 tlfP. ~ baths, r·x. lav. and tofl<·t. hOURI· !'ORting fr·om $lfi,000 to $25,000. :-;).,,.,, I'IJI'{'h, .. nclose<l 1(1\rag-e, l ot 93 ff \'O U hRV I' ll SiX-1'00111 hou se With x l 7f·, good valut>, $20,000. sJ,.,:,,ing r·orC'h, would be intt"restecl VACANT-Unusual valuE's !rom if tht' p1·1ee is right. Address WilKt·nllwo1·th to Highland Park, rangmcttt· Lif,., 2li4. 1L41-3tc Ing in price from $:i0 to $150 per ft. BUILDER WILL BUY FOUR OR FIVE Jots In good neighborhood. Will consider frontage of 50 to 100 ft. tor each Jot. Give size, location and EXC'LI'SI\"1.; AI:J:.;!\'TS best cash price. Address Wllmettt! Oak at H. H. \VInn. 1 '00-1226 LifP, A-66. lLTN29-tfc ti .. TN41-ltc FA<'I·: t:HH'K HUNOALO\V; SPAC'IOrS r·ooms : hot walt>r h._.at; south E'X· IDE.\L po:o<urc·; $1l,fi00; reasonablt> tt>rms, At Krt·al h:u-gain, in bt·st section Tt'l. 1304. 1L41-ltc Wllru.-tll', 92ii Fon·Ht Ave., lot 65x 18!i: f1·amo: hOU!!t·; 8 rooms, 1 bath; 7-ROOM flTRTCTLY MODERN HOURE :1 <"ar gal'llKt' with living quarters; and c·ottage for 11ale at. 879 Chen~· lo t-autlfu l sh1·ubs 11n11 trees; owner Ht. Tn· 1uir to at rpar cottagE'. 'l' E'l. has movNI away and wants ol'l'c1·; \VInn . 596-J. 1LT~41-ltc KOotl t'PillOdt'Jing i>ropoaltlon ; listed :s \\ANTt;o TO T t· l. l·nlvl·rslty 6!i60 It4;:14t0c WANTED TO IU:NT- DY OCTOBER JN(Qm'\tlln §liD IbJ u.n lf1b ~IID ~<e!~.ll IE~tt~ttce 1 1M! &ft<elhlllce~~ il(cemnrocell~ We cleanse, comforl beautify any and all of dogs by washing trimming. Specimens are for exhibition or adornment by skilled mane attendants experience. We accept all breeds boarding. Our rates a: reasonable. Dogs for or delivered. Waukegan and Shermer Northbrook, Ill. FORCED TO SELL FOR SALE-McFARLAN SEVEN PASsenger touring car, factory rebuilt, new top, t11·es and paint. Bargain. LAHUE Fl'RSii:lHED ROO!\l. C.LOSE Telephone Olsen, Kenllwortts~f10-0itp to tt·anspor·tation, kitchen pl'ivtleges If desired. Tel. Wil. 6S2 . FOR SALE-FORD SEDAN, GOOD :SLT~41-ltc condition, mechanlcalll' arid other---------------::::::::::7.:-;:::~~ wise; bargain. Tel. \VII. 931.SL41-1tc TWO LARGE, LIGHT FUflNISHED t·ooms : single or· in !!Uit.-; nt"ar· lak <>, transpo1·tation; pr·ivate hath .· Tel. FOR SALE-PAIGE T OURI:!\'G CAR, Winn . 1ii43. ~LT="41-ltc winter top, used 8 yrs. ¥Jt;.c~: ~f~~ FOR RL.;NT-AT'l'RACTlYE, NlCELY furnished 1·oom. $;; per week. 1618 FOR SALE-SECOND HAND FORD 'cntral Ave., \VIlm ette, SLTNH-ltp truck. Price $15.00. T el. 'i~'L~· _3 6 ~ 1 1 11 FOR IH;!':T-C0~£1o~ORTABLE PLEAS- ant 1 ·oom in east sicle; private home, nto:ctl' all transpo1·tation. Telsl~1:~itc ~FOR SALE-MISCEJ.LANEOUS FOH HEXT-LARGE, LIGHT HOUSE· HOl\fE kt'(·ping rooms, sui tabl e tor· man led cOU)I IE' or· 2 or· 3 gentiPmen, rNlSOnabl<·. Tt·l. Wil. 23~R. l>LU- ltc ~:~ I~.~~~!~W~r,fo{71~a~~~:~~~tna ~~= ?l~~s~ nn~ton. . ltE:\'T-HOL"Sfo~S HOTE~LIGHT, UTSIDE rooms :for transi en t!! and residents. MALE AIRDALE DOG FOR SALE629 ~lain St. Tel. '\VII. 10 O.LTl-tfc housE', auto and water broken; 1 yr. old; perfect watch dog. T{~i..~~J4:!'f:C FOR HE!\'T- LARGE, LIGHT. FURNishtod r·ooms· t)t'ivatP famtl\" near RLS SCOUT SUIT t·l.anRpDrt. ·!.'hone WI I. 32-R.' like new: LTN41-ltc For ~~~~~;;;;~!te WI!. 2590. ~or $S.oo. 19LTN38-tfp E~THAL IN GAGE'S ADD. TO WILMETTE ON 0 'Loc~~l;n~~~r~I~E ~o~d~ Sh~tnut Ave., Ashland Ave., 7th Ave., ·toth St., Lots 2, 7 and 10, B. 1; L . 2, B. 2; with rlpar·ian rights, L . 4, B. 5; L. 3 and 4, R. 9; L. 9, 10 and 12, B. 10; I.. G, B. 13; L. 1 and 3, B. 17. John P. Gage, Vineland, N. J. 1LTN29-tfc ~ecuritles nt>ighborhood, by responsible, small famll~·. Telt>phone Sheldrake 7530. 3L40-2tp WASTJ·:n TO RENT-FOR TWO months -s mall furnished h ouse on north shore; responsible pnrty; exc···llton t references. Geo. W. Stuart, Jo~ranl<lln 0689 . 3LTNH-ltc FOR Rlr.~T-APARTUENTS ~%~s:~ s~xlt~ ;a 1~~~.t>rninun~f:sl~~hb~~ 00 lnv··r,<lmt'nt Insurance 4 FRONT 11 ' >·)1\f FOR RENT; suitable fOI' 2 gen . 1' men. Tel. \VInn. 40 J· SLTNH-ltc If) HI~Ll· U 'AN"I'ED-:tiALE _W_A_N_T_E_D_ __ E_X_P_E_R_T_I_G_N-.I-T_I_O_N--~-IA-N j to take full charge of battery department, starters, generators, etc. Hubbard Woods Garage, 1010 North Ave. Tel. Wlnn. 617 and 1834. 10LTN41-ltc LAI-W I<:, II 909 nlclge Ave. I·'OH Realtors Tel. Wll. 364 1LTN39-1tc SAf... E- 200x200, llEAUTIFVL homNtlte, heavily wooded, within wnlklng distance of 3 golf clubs. liard roads and electric light; can Lie bought for less than $20 per front foot, will h·· worth $100 In V<'ry f··w years. A!lch·ess \VIlmette Life, 249 1LTN41-ltc liAVI~ $14,flfltl ('A"Il TO llVY A h omp anrl wnnt J)ay morP. \VIll huy th P lwst ntr,·r···<l thl~ month . Glvt> details romJJio·t;· lllltl location. Am bu~y and cnn t··ll from <IP!!<'r'iption wh ether it will answ r my purpose. Adtll'···u· "Ow n.-r," :;325 Lakt>wootl AVt' ., \'hlcago. 1LTN4l-2tr houst·H; llt·w; modern; large lots: \\"ANTEJ1 -RY FTRRT t·Jost· to transportation; lak e; golf FOH Hf:NT -AI'AHT~IE:\'TS ANO OF- ~fTt'ATIO:\" tl('t' rnom!l. n. 1·'. <1onsalvt>8. TPI. ci::HHI laun<11·ess for Tues. ancl 'Ved ., !'ours.·; $10,000 to $21,000; also lots \\'innt'lk tl 62. 4LT!\'41-ltc Stt>ady, r(Ofertonc .. s. T el. Llnc·oln 3403 for· ~<ale, $30 per ft.; Glenco!'. Tel. /I aftt>r li 1'. M. 14LT41-ltp llwnt·r, Highland Park, 9 9- Y -3. 7-HOO"'t APAHT:\rP.J'I:T OVER STOHl~ lLTN40-tfc for· r··nt. Tel. Wll. 299;:;. HI fo'OR SALE-HOUSEHOLD 4LTS41-ltc GOODS FOH SALE-10 ACRES ADJOINING 23 CONTRACTORS AND JOBBERS Glt>n Oak A!'res, n ear North Shore FOR lU:XT Al'AI-tTl\IJ.:NT lo'OH TWO BARGATXS IN NEW AND USED SEWCoif Club. Addres11 Lite. 2411 famili··s. 1't' l. \Yilnr t'ttl' 11 . 3. ing machines; Drop heads, $9.00 and lLT~41-ltc 4L1'!\'41-ltp up : Portable Electric Singers, CALL EVANSTON 992. SAVE 10% TO Whlt~·s. etc . from $24.60 up. Patter20% on your cement work. 20 yean son Bros. 816-818 Church St., Evexperience. Charles Abney, Cont. anston. Bet. "L" and Poetotflce. 23LTN38-ttc t'6LTN35-tfc Jo'oH SALE OR flENT-5 AND 6 HOOM WANTED - NEAT, EXPERIENCED, bNlroom, kltc h E"n, and private bath; ProtPstant. white maid for· general !ron t and rear porches; southern exhousP WOI'k; good home, Tt>l. Glenpoaurt>; ready for occupancy; July COP 511. 11LTN41-ltc 7th ; also fun1lsht>rf rooms. hot and <'Oil! water. WANTJ.~D - OMPETENT 'VHITE maid: general housework : small house: good wages; call \VInnetka 904. 11LT~41-ltc 726 11th St. Tel. WI I. 1868 W ANTE D-WIIITE MAID FOR GEN4LTN-lte era! hous t"work; 2 In family. Tel. --------------------------Wll. R4~-R. 11LTN41-1tc FOR H l~J'I:T-Pl'llN. A PT., 2nd FL., 5 rm!<. an1l sl··t·Jiing porch; goocl loca- \\rANTED- EXPERIENCED J~FANT'S tion. $100 Jlt't' mo. tor summH. 1151 nurse; r .. tert>nces. T el. Mrs. Saville, <'hatfltoltl !ttl., Huhbard \\'oods. Tt>l. \V inn Q7fi. llLTN41-ltc Winn . ll2i. .JLT:\'41-ltc I:S SlTl \'I'ION WANTED-l'IALE FOrt rU;;>;T - Fl'flNISHED ~-RM. npartnwnt n1·. t1·ansp.; l'l'<leeorated, ~:XPEHIENCED. ALL AROUND COOK ail rront rooms with nice ou tlook dt>slrcs position. Tel. Winn. 567. and plenty or ll~· ht. $ 5 pet· mo. 13LTN41- ltc Al!lliY l\lr·. \Vt·rR tetl, 562 Lincoln Ave. T··l. Winn. Jr.(i . 4LT~40-tfc H !!ITl \ 'riO~ W>\NTED-Fio:U,\LE ----------------------------RENT-NICELY FURNISHED thr!'e room atmrtmeut; living room; F!lR HF.LP WANTto;D-FE!\fALE WlliLMIE 1r1riE llJMJM Major Robert E. Jones, BABY BUGGY FOR GOOD S. A., who has been --·--'·_.., ..... mander of the R. 0. T. condition. Tel. Wlnn. 1907. 19-LTNH-ltc sor of military science Northwestern university, stopped F~~t~A~~~ CANOE. CALL wu~- Evanston on Wednesday, July~ 19LTN41-ltp way to Camp Custer for the FOR SALE-WHITE BABY RABBITS. Major Jones fills the place Tel. Wil. 738-W. 19LTNU-ltc by the transfer of Major Byrne, who has been at 20 WANTED-MISCELLANEOUS for three years. WANTED- A USED FORD OR OTHER The new commanding light car; touring or roadster de- Northwestern has a long sired; must be In good condlltlon; He will pay cash. Call afternoons Wll. vice in the infantry. 1675. 20LTN41-ltp the army fifteen years ago and ving in the Philippines at the WI!\'NETKA FURNITURE STORE bUl'S and sells rugs, etoves, autos, of the war. He was unable pianos, anything useful. 1045 Ash France before the end of the St. 20LTN1-tfc after the Artmistioe, he was WANTED-BABY BUGGY. LIGHT with the army of occupation year. From 1920 to 1923 he weight but strong. Tel. \VInn. 88. 20LTN41-1tc structor in French at West Major Jones for the past 21 FINANCIAL been pursuing a post-graduate REAL ESTATE LOANS. LEON J. KI E"i n & Co., Chicago's Largest St>c- military science at Fort ond Mortgage Bankers. '\Ve also He leaves Evanston this week, make small fil'!st mortgages. Rm . 611, return early in September to 1 :;:; N. Clark St. Tel. Dearb. 3095. Con- the duties of his new office at fhlential You might be satisfied else- western at that time. where; you are sure to ~i..T'J~i-4t~ ~:~~ SALE-I~ 2 Waiting Commuters Debate on "Wet" There were three persons party. The well dressed young said she was determined to make her gentlemen friends "wets." two young men laughed at that and one of them hinted that they from wet states. And they all cated by their actions that them had been long away from To be frank, the well dressed woman was drunk, primed up a laughing, talking jag. Her companions were only partially the influence, but they had J?rogr! far enough to attrad attention. chatter was staged in the North ' line waiting room at Wilmette, .~.-........, .________ day evening at about 6 o'clock. "This will mean $15 and costs copper happens along," a cab-dr was heard to say. But the train to bear the trio ward happened along be copper. In the meanwhile the road were given cons:'icteraott· tertainment which is not customary program. Moral? Well, what is it? Business Directory CEMENT CONTRACTOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS Rnle-ven· reasonable In priee. Rag rugs; fn1.meu prints; rouncl mission oak table; 3 small tables: 4 straight chairs; 6 rockers; book case; double Iron bed nnrl springs; wash stand: box . couch; wringer; clothes bar; !'tt>Jl lacldt>r ; stone jars and jugs ; pint fruit jars and jelly glaK,.t>l'l. Tt>l. Winnetka S8i. 530 C ht·II'Y str .. et, '\Vinnetka. 16-LTN-41-ltp r·'or· Tel. Wilmette 1408 E. V. HOLDING CARPENTER AND BUILDER General Jobbing 309-17th Street Wilmette 23LTN38-4tc 24 ?.1) arrl!s of l>eauti fully "ooded suhdivi. ion located onehalf mile north of Clcn View. within walking distance of \\'ilmette , :\orth ~bore, and Sun~et Ridge Golf Courses. I >i\'ided into lot' averaging 200 x 200, hard \\'inding roads, electric light and ga in front of each lot, ~;everal beautiful home now under ('Onstruction. $10,000 building restriction. \\'ill "ell only f1ve loL at about Sl7.50 per foot. Don't fail to ~e(.' these beautiful grounds before you decide your future home . ite. ·· · 11-- ---- GARDEN I NG Private road · entering into ground" from " ri nnetka 1\.v ., and \Vaukegan Rd., at the 20-mile po t, turn east into ground . Owner ah, ay" on premises. For sale, a beautiful 8-room residence ju. t being compl(.·tcd, al u two ten-acre tract adjoining Glen Acres. YEARS EXperience seeks position as head gardener on private estate now or later, FOR HALE-DO:\H~STIC WASHING Beat ot references. Box 304, Glt>ncoe. machine, all copper, cheap; also 24LTN41-ltp 8mall sized upholstert>n sofa. Tel. \VInn. "· 16LTN41-ltc 21\ HOUSEHOI.D SERVICE FOR RALE-EDE./1: '\\' A::;HJNG MA- WANTED-WASHINGS TO TAKE chine. swing wrlngt>r, good condihome ; finished work and rough dry; tion, $fl~. Phone \Vilm t>ttto 1485. also wet wash. Will call tor and de16LTN41-ltc liver. 418 Prairie Ave., Wll. Tel. 1351. 25LT41-·tc FOR SALE-EASY \VAHHER, LIKE new, $65. Phon(' \Vinnt'tka H. NORTH SHORE HOUSE, LAWN AND 16LTNH-ltc Garden Service does expert house cleaning, window washing and floor FOR SALE-6 LARGE PORCH ROCKwaxing; also hedge and tree trimerR; also high oak office desk. Tel. ming by hour or contract. Wlnn. Wll. 25. 16LU-ltc 1035. 25L37-ttc FOR SALE-t;PRIOHT PlANO, TEL. WffiTE WOMAN WISHES IRONING Wtnn. 1 52. 966 Linden Avenue. and cleaning ; will do other house16LTNH-ltc work by day. Tel. Wll. 3129. 25LT41-1tc WANTED TO BUY~ECOND HAND YOUNG GIRL WOULD LIKE POSItion as mother's helper; go home turntture and other household goods. nl~~:hta. Tt>l. Wll. 2093. 25L41-ltc Highest Price patd tor same. Croat GARDE~ER WITH l2 ~~~~~~rn~ ~1t1~re~:~~-e18~~er11on St., -----------------1-7..::.L..::.T.:.N..::.%.:.4...:-t:.::fc WANTED TO BUY-A GOOD SECOND hand 60 to 75 lb. refrigerator. Tel. Wll. 892. 17LTNH-ltp Plans for Wilmette Day, the community outing sponsored Chamber of Commerce, are. forward satisfactorily, acco~d1ng the reports of various commrttetl signed to effect the preliminary rangements for the event. The date for the outing has not definitely fixed, it was stated, it will be held sometime late in \Vilmette Day is the successor to former annual New Trier DaY which all the villages in the =28=~~~~~T_u.._TO __ a_r_N_G _ _ _ _ __ participated under directio~ TUTORING IN A WTDE VARIETY OF former New Trier Commerc1al subJects, Math. and English In par- ation, the membership of wh tlcutar, $2.00 an hour. Tel. Kenil- since been absorbed by the c worth 1978 or write Mles H Harlan of commerce in Wilmette, Kenilworth. Ill . !8LTN41-lt~ and Glencoe.