14 WILMETTE LIFE (Formerly The Lake Shore :Sewa) Eatabllahed 1912 with which Is combined THE WILMETTE LO<:.-\L NEWS Establlahed 1898 I OF EACH WEEK by LLOYD HOLLISTER, INC. 1222 Central Ave .. Wilmette, Ill. ....... . .. . 'Vllmette 1920 f2.00 A YEAR UED FRID.-\ Y Tt'leplaoae St.'BSCRIPTION signs are placed for a purpos~ the sole purpose of protect.mg the driver and the pedestna~. Wise, indeed, is the motorist w~10 heeds the safety signs. Stuptd, indeed, the one who "ploughs" along with wild a?andon unmindful of the lurkmg danger. \Vith each new day some motor~ ist learns his les on. In that school the tuition is painfully high. All comm unication must be accom· panted by the name and addrees of the writer. Articl es for publication should reach the editor by ·w ednesday noon to insure appearance In current Issue. Reaolutlons of condolence, cards of thanks, obituary, poetry, notices of entertainments or other atralrs where an admittance charge w111 be made or a collection taken, will be charged at regular advertising rates. Entered at the post office at Wilmette, Illinois, as mall matter of the second class, und e r the act of March A NATION GRIEVES "One touch of nature makes the whole world kin;" in the shadow of death political bickerings sink into insignificance, and so at this time President and Mrs. Coolidge have the profoundest sympathy of the American people. In the passing of Calvin Coolidge, Jr., the nation has lost a promising youth ; the parents, a devoted, manly son. Words may be useless things in these circumstances, yet we cannot refrain from expressing the convcition that no other happening of recent times has brought so much genuine sorrow to the residents of the n.orth shore villages as this young man's untimely demise. There are times when speech is silver, but this is a time when silence is golden. Phrases cannot convey our grief nor a suage that of the stricken parents. Suffice it to say-Thy will be done. Your <Vacation in Wisconsin or tMichigan J:X>R splendid sport and health-giving rec.. ~eation, choose either Wisconsin or Northern Michigan. And for an enjoy.. able trip choose the one best wa:y-the North Shore Line. Cool, clean travel and cour.. teous service make the journey a vacation adventure. in itself. Direct connections in Milwaukee with ·the T. M. E. R. & L. R. R. for Oconomowoc, Nashota Lakes, Nehmabin Lakes, Silver Lake, Delafield, Waukesha Beach, Nagawicka Lake and Pewaukee Lake. Also direct connections with Milwaukee Northern R. R. for Port Washington, Sheboygan, Elkhart Lake, Cedar Lake, Crystal Lake and intermediate points. Schedules of both roads connect with North Shore Line trains. Step from your North Shore train in Milwaukee into a T. M. E. R. & L. or Milwaukee Northern train at th~ terminal. Connections are made in Milwaukee with Pere Marquette Steamers for Ludington, Man· istee, Hamlin Lake, Portage Lake and One-:kema. Leave here in afternoon; take night steamer from Milwaukee, arriving in Michi.. gan next morning. Fast trains leave for Mil.. waukee over the North Shore Line, at fre .. quent intervals. You may buy a "through" ticket at the North Shore ticket office, and check your baggage, to your point of des .. tination. For schedules, fares Of' othc information, ask any North Shore ticket agent, or telephone s, 1879. r FRIDAY, JULY 11, 1924 S eparate tfze Grades. Enforce the Traffic Laws. Build the Tllrouglz Traffic Rood. FOR THE COMMON GOOD At the annual Village election last April three trustees who were candidates for reelection, met with defeat and their places assigned by the electorate to candidates admittedly and openly opposed to the municipal administration under President Zipf. That was as it should be, for the citizens of the community had expressed their will. THANK YOU, GENTLEMEN However, from the circumThe community Memorial Day stance of that election has deobservances and the community veloped a situation that is making a sham and burlesque of the Fourth of July celebration emthe fact that Wilmette local board sessions ; a situation phasized in which two sharply defined legionnaires are enthusiastically factions are playing the game .of it~terested in assuming a very ac"you hit me and I'll hit you" to tive part in village affairs. What is perhaps more pleasing the extent that good, sound, necessary legislation is being is the fact that these same leblocked with a consistency that gionnaires are satisfied and is nothing short of disgusting to happy to be workers in the comthe taxpayers and citizens who munity. Behind the two preeminently are deeply concerned with the successful holiday programs one welfare of the community. A a result of this petty strife finds the sterling e.fforts of such participated in by precisely seven men as Ralph Wessel, Lea J. citizens of the village, we, as a Orr, and others who gave genercommunity, have gotten just no- ously, even unstintingly of their where with those widely adver- time and energy. To be sure, tized plans for a more effective they sought and secured the acbuilding code. One side is "sit- tive co-operation of the municiting tight" to Ia t the year out, pal authorities but, after all, aswhile the opposition is applying sumed the burden of responsevery technicality available in ibility. The editor was in a position to parliamentary procedure to block the opponent in the hope that observe these men at work and sometime next spring when an- wi hes in thi connection to comother election day rolls around mend them to the citizens of the the patient voters of the village village as leaders who not .o nly will, with one accord, disperse the direct community effort but aclast vestiges of the group termed tually put their shoulders to the wheel. the Zip£ forces. Ralph Wessel, Lea f. Orr and A a result of this malicious manuevering in council chambers, the men associated with them in at o, the plan for the widening the preparation and prosecution of Wilmette and Central avenues, of the Memorial . Day and Indeuniversally endorsed by the citi- pendence Day program are dezens, including the property serving of the loftiest praise and owners most directly involved, the lasting gratitude of the citihas been literally kicked out of zens of Wilmette. Such unselfreckoning in the face of the fact i!'h devotion to community welthat scores of citizens and sev- fare must not be overlooked. eral civic gr.oups have expressed GEITING YOUNGER unequivocal approval of the propo ed ordinance. It was said o£ Emerson by one Necessity for street widening who knew him well that · as he ;:. the business districts is con- grew older he grew younger. ceded br every resident of the Much the same thing was said of commumty who possesses a spark Mark Twain. It is significant of vision and foresight. \Ve be- that one .of these "young" men lieve it is conceded by every mem- was a philosopher and the other ber of the b.oard. Wilmette is a humorist. And it is the more growing with great trides, remarkable that both should have traffic is increasing on every been youngsters when one rec-alls street and, more particularly, in the fact that a philosopher takes the business ection. Street life seriously and a humorist widening i absolutely essential takes it lightly. and the time to carry out the But there was a streak of program is NOW. Yet, the ex- humor in Emerson's philosophy pressed will of a va t majority ,nd an undercurrent of philosophy is wantonly, we venture mali- in Mark Twain's humor. Emerciously, disregarded and a most son was a smiling sage, and important piece of legislation in- Mark Twain was a somewhat sad definitely shelved, joker. It was this blend of wisAfter all, gentlemen .of the ?om and fun that constantly reVillage board, you are represent- JUvenated them. It is the taking ing the citizens and taxpayers of of life seriously and lightly that Wilmette; the entire community. keeps a man young. Forget thi strife and work for It is impossible for men .of any the common good! other type to keep from getting old. A merchant, banker, profesDIE LURKINC .DANCER sional man-how can he help feelWit~ each new day some i~g and showing the burden of motonst learns, often to his hts years? He has no fountain everlasting regret, that safefy of youth in his office or store. He signs on the highways really wages a conflict which ages him. mean what they indicate. Safety Work and worry weaken him. Take a Low-Cost Tour rvia Motor Coach The North Shore Line ie opendnl a eerie· of deliahtful, lnexpenlive motor coach toure-now. Bil, new, comfortable, de luxe coachee-outlnp of unmatched ec:enlc beauty throulh 1lonoue lake and reeon rctdon· of Northern lllinola and Wilconeln, lncludln1 the famow Delle. l.day trip-·U5 ...U.., lncludbts =~-3~ and t-t 5-day tri'h~8 .::-~!~~~ 7..day ~-959 mllea, lncludinl rJ~:~is9.eala and boat l..day trip-180 mllea to Lake Geneva and I'KIII'D. in· c:ludlns boat trip, $7.50. Illuattated folder with full panic· ulna at any North Shore Line ¥~~M~;.:r~~ ~i.'fz·-ri~A"S:~; oTCCnu.l~. St., ChlcaJO. Telephone State 5723 , Chicago North Shore and Milwaukee Railroad Company Wilmette Passenger Station Telephone Wilmette 2514 Permanent Motor Repairs are guaranteed by us. When we charge you for repairing your motor we feel as you do that the repairs ought to last under any reasonable driving conditions. Having conscientiously repaired your motor we know our repairs will last. But we always allow time to be the judge of our efficiency !