10 WILMETTE L y 11 1924 stay in their own co~ntry an~ bel~ establish their own nation. It IS beheved that the 60,000 orphans who. are being trained in the Near East Rehef orphanages will supply the leaders and the influence that wiiJ .make a new Near East that will be independent, self-supporting, and well able to solve their own na- TELLS How·TO /IlliNOIS HAS AID-MOTORISTS HEALTH RECORD Chicago Club Hu Novel Idea Hu Lowest Mortality Recto Help Strangera ord for Larger States Motorists have an opportunity to Compared with mortality in 27 leadh<:nefit by a plan evolved by the Chi- ing states of the union, for which ofcago Motor club, provided they are will- ficial statistics are available, Illinois ing to co-operate as motorists are al- stands first with the lowest average ready co-operating with other affiliated death rate of 11.9 per 1000 people for American Automobile association clubs ending with 1923. This fact is shown in other cities. by recent figures compiled and issued According to the bulletin issued by. by the U. S. bureau of the census. the club, motorists can aid in minimizing The 27 states reporting, which have traffic congestion by giving strangers a combined population of approximateand tou rists more explicit directions ly 85 million, had an average annual how to reach various points of the city death rate of 11.9 per 1000 people for and how to pass through it with the the period while the state of Illinois least amount of trouble. had an average rate of 11.4. The rate "It is not enough for a local motor- in Illinois was lower, also, than that of ist to tell tile visitor whether he is on any other state in the union with a 1920 the right street and going in the right population of 3,500,000 or more, the direction,"' the bulletin says. "Every neare t rivals in this respect being Ohio inquiry is an excellent opportunity to and Michigan, with rates of 11.6 and help the tourist help relieve congestion. 11.8 respectively. All of the other The average tourist is no more desir- states of this group, which include Masous of seeing the city's congestion than sachusetts, New York and Pennsylvanlocal motorists are of seeing tourists ia, had an average annual mortality rate riding through sections of the city they of more than 12 per 1000 people. could well avoid. Here is wht>rc the "The significance of the lower rate local motorist has an opportunity to in Illinois is difficult for the average give the tourist advice that will serve person to appreciate" said Dr. Isaac D. to direct the car through the lesser tra- Rawlings, state health commissioner, in veled streets. commenting on the si tuation. "The "Points about speed limit, prohtbited slight difference of two-tenths of a left turns and parking regulations a point between Illinois and Ohio rates, should accompany directions ." .for example, means that nearly 4000 people who are now alive in this state Hoover Acta to Check would be dead and buried and the Ohio rate prevailed in Illinois. In a state the Motor Accident Toll size of Illinois a decline of one tenth Secretary of Commerce Hoover has of one point in the annual mortality taken cognizance of the automobile ac- rate per 1000 people indicates that 700 cident situation and for the first time additional individuals escaped death duriu history the federal government will ing the year. uo;e. its influence in chcckiug highway '"The favorable mortality conditions acc1dents. 'in Illinois are due in large part to a In recognition of the accident pre- marked decline i11 fatalitie from converl,ion work of the Chicago Motor tagious diseases. Tuberculosis, for exclub here in the middle west, Mr. Hoo- ample, caused nearly 0000 fewer deaths ver has appointed the vice president of during the last three, than during the the club, Frank E. Jack. on the com- treceding three years. In like manner mittee on traffic control. This com- the combined fatalities from a .dozen of mittee, according to Mr. Jack, will con- the more important contagious di seases sider subjects as traffic laws and ordin- numbered ·nearly 23,000 less for the ances. speed limits, street and highway three years ending with 1923 than 'for marking, one way streets, pedestrian tra- the preceding triennial. vel, parkiug. police instruction, school "Illinois is without doubt one of the patrols, illumination, grade crossings most healthful states in America but and decentralization of traffic. she cannot hope to retain thio; splendid Other committees appointed by the position without due regard to public se~retary of commerce include, com- health service. Last year, for instance, mittees on statistics, city planning, in- there was a general rise in the mortal~Lirancc, rducation, and motor vehicles. ity rate in the l.Jnited States but the The committee on traffic control met margin of increase in Illinois was noin wa . hington, June 20, and planned ticeably greater than it was in any othmt·rtings of the entire body which will er of the large states, all of which make work out a comprehensive plan for ac- more generous appropriations for pubcidl·nt prevention. . lic health service than does Illinois, while the 1923 rate in New York where Students Viait College public health service is excellent, was indcntical with the 1922 rate." development of agricultura! a~tivit~ in the little republic along scientific _lme~. In this fashion, Near East R~hef !S ~uilding up the war devasted nations m the 1\'ear East in a carefully thought out plan to solve forever the . v~ Near East question. The orgamzat1on believes that the native races should Youcan,literallJ,get..recreation"-be..madeover.. again, ·when your physical self is rested. your energy and your strength conserved by the use of this ·Ford Runabout. Simplicity and good taste are embodied. i:t' the lines and appointments of this popular car. Unmtenuptec! uee is insured by nation-wide, "around-the-corner Ford service. Better get your order in now/ for this affai function rapidly. any m board of atson is c~ _....__ TMri. . C..r .Z9.J ~~~~ c_,.. · AU~/. o. .Jl.J Teulor Scd41n · .J90 Pordar SeA· _ , h. 0.....4t 8D Til& IQAilDT AUTIIOIUZD POIID DKAI.D .265 F. 0. B. D.t,.oit o,.o,.ar.ble R l·· aad St.ner eatn~ The Runabout ·es Site and Enjoy a Party On Saturday, July 12, the summer school students at the ·ational Kindergarten and Elementary college will go for an extended bus ride through tl.·c north shore suburbs, stopping at the s1te of the new college buildings on Sheridan road, North Evan ton and ending with a beach supper in' Wilmette. Plana "Aggie" College For the Near East An agricultural college simi lar to those in the United States is being planned by the Near East Relief in connection with its orphanage program in Armenia. Funds for the project are to be provided by a group of Armenians in America. A scientific study of American relief workers during recent famine years revealed the n~:cessity for the Read the Want-Ad· ECONOMY WITH DISTINCTION Skokie Motor Company "THE HOUSE THAT SERVICE BUlLT" JORDAN EVANSTON BRANCH 519 Davis St. Evanston 2127 CORNELL MqTORS, INC. ALL MODELS NOW ON DISPLAY LINCOLN I JEWETT SIX I I I I t"""""~ __,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, IN ALL THE WORLD NO CAR LIKE THIS I I SAI.ES "Buy at home and get service at home" 712-14-16 ELM STREET Phone Winn. 288-281 I ASK us WHY I I TRACY.HOLMES MOTOR CO. I I 1 .... 4903 EVANSToN 10Z7 Datia 5I. WINNETKA I SERVICE