Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Jul 1924, p. 6

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Miss Caroline Jane Everett who has Miss Elizabeth Shipman, 432 Warwick road and Miss Ora McDonald of been visiting Miss Patty Foresman, Evanston,' formerly of Kenilworth, 515 Essex road, left last Thursday for left Sunday for a two weeks' trip in her summer home at Waukazoo, Michthe east, going by way of the St. igan, where Miss Foresman will visit Lawrence river, and stopping in this week-end. -oH E Fourth of July celebration Boston and New York on their return. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. North of Chicago -owhich will be given by the Kenilhave rented the W. F. Gaskell home, R. C. Osgood, 423 Essex road, and worth club, begins with a parade 224 Sheridan road, while Mr. and Mrs. at 9:30 o'clock, forming at Kenilworth his son ,Gilbert, returned home Sun- Gaskell are touring through the east. avenue and Warwick road, the line of day from the east. Mrs. Osgood is -omarch will then proceed to Abbotts- visiting her mother, at Athol, MassaDr. and Mrs. E. P. Christensen of ford road, and then to the New Trier chusetts, and will be away two weeks Two Harbors, Minnesota, were the I more. high school campus. · week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. -oThe Great Lakes Naval Band, Boy Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Ruf, 236 A. Crowe of Raleigh road. Scouts, school children, and citizens, --oautomobiles and vehicles of all de- Cumnor road, left Thursday to motor Mrs. John Roberts, 328 Warwick scriptions will participate. Prizes will to Caloma, Michigan, for the week- road, entertained her sewing club for end. Their son, Bassett, is motoring be awarded for the best costumes and luncheon Monday. for the best decoration of automobiles, to Nippersink Lodge for the Fourth. -o-owagons and bicycles. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Breit, 422 Essex Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Allen, 412 MelThe Honorable Henry Riggs Rathroad, entertained 32 guests at dinner bone, congressman-at-large, will give rose avenue, left Wednesday to motor and bridge Saturday evening. an address after the invocation and to Leland, Michigan, where they will -ointroduction of the speaker by Dr. spend the Fourth with Mr. Allen's M iss Helen Cresap, 239 Essex road. College, and songs led by the Great sister, Mrs. H. R. Freeman. returned home Friday from visitmg -oLakes Naval band. The remainder Mr. and Mrs. R. 0. Berger, 306 school friends in the east. of the morning will be taken up wiTh -oKenilworth avenue, and their family, a ball game. Mrs. John H. Mathison, 84 Abbottsleft Monday to motor to Twin Lakes, After the picnic lunch, a program of Wisconsin, ford road, was hostess at luncheon and where they will spend the athletic events is scheduled on the bridge Friday. New Trier campus. Boys and girls summer. -o-oof all ages will take part in the races, The sewing circle will meet Monday Mrs. Daniel Burnham of Evanston high jump, broad jump, and vole afternoon with Mrs. Richard Wolf, entertained at tea on Tuesday aftervaulting contests. 414 Essex road. A tug of war and a relay race for noon for all the women serving on -omarried and single men, and a tug the committees for the County Fair Mrs. Arthur McDougal, 325 Abbottsof war for women, and a candle race held recently in Evanston. ford road, . entertained her bridge club -ofor the older girls and married wome'n Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Woodland and for luncheon Tuesday. ar;e other scheduled events. Prizes -owtll be awarde<l to each winnin~ per- George . Woodland, 336 Leicester road, Mrs. Robert Watt, 622 Abbottsford left yesterday to motor to Oshkosh. son and team. Wisconsin. to spend the Fourth with road, entertained at luncheon and -obridge Tuesday. One of the prettiest weddings of Mr. and Mrs. ~uis Schreiber. -a-othe season was that of Miss Helen Austin Phelps, 328 Leicester road, Mr. Pier spent Thursday and FriRuth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otto M. Ruth, 416 Woodstock avenue, who day of last week with his daughter, came home Friday from California was married Saturday evening at the Mrs. Burt A. Crowe, 254 Raleigh road, where he attended school. Kenilworth Union church at 8:30 while on his way to his home in Flint. North Shore Boys Enter o'clock to Harold McKenzie, son of Michigan. -oMr. and Mrs. Hugh B. McKenzie, 402 James Sn:vdacker, 1.140 Chrstnut aveCulver Training School Hawthorn lane, Winnetka. Stoddard J. Small, son of Mr. and The church was beautifully decorated nue, sails Saturday from Quebec for with pink roses and blue and white England, where he will spend six Mrs. John D. Small of 411 Maple avelark spur. After Miss Isabelle Cline weeks. nue, Wilmette, left the village this sang several lovely st'lections, Loretta -oweek to enter the Culver summer Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hedrick. 304 school where he will enroll in the White and Louise McKenzie, dressed in violet voile over pink silk, trimmed Melrose avenue, and their family, left woodcrafter department. John Roos, son of Mr. and Mrs. with Irish lace, lighted the candle5 Wednesday on a motor trip to Leland, John H. Roos of Winnetka, and Herwhich furnished the light for the cere- Michigan, to be away until Monday. mony with a soft, pretty cf1e~t. -obert Hurd, son of Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Miss Virginia Woodland, 336 Lei Hurd, also of Winnetka, went to CuiThe four hridesmaids, the Misses rester road, is attendin!(' a house party ver this week to enter the naval Beatrice and Florence Pease. Mrs. Samul'l Clark and Mrs. Harold En- this week-end at Holland, Michigan, school. gers of \Vinnetka. wore frocks of given hy George Getz, Jr. The course training covers eight yellow and hluc ~·oile with Venetian -oweeks. lace. The maid of honor, ~fis s Edith Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ridgway, 207 ?r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ii; Huey of Evanston. was drc,~ed in rose Cumberland avenue, entertained the 11 bridge club for dinner Monvoile, anrl the two little flower girls. evening Marion Carpenter and Margaret Mc- day. -oK(·nzie wore green frocks of the same Mr. and Mrs. V. K. Spicer, 312 Essex material. The bridal gown was of atin broc- road. left Mondav to drive to West Fluffy light summer frocks ade with a tulle veil and a headdress Port Point, Massachusetts, to be gone for the hot July days. all summer. of prarls. They're attractive and mod-oLeRoy Shelton of Evanston was best Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Bennett, 185 erately priced. man. the ushers, George Kershaw and JanH'\ Paterson of Wilmette. Harold Sheridan road, returned last week from a three weeks' fishing trip in the lakes Orwig of Winnepeg and \Villard HolUnique Style Shop of northern Wisconsin. mes of Seattle. -oAfter the reception following the IIZI CENTRAL AVE. M iss Bethany Jane Crowe, 254 ceremony at the Ruth residence, Mr. Ph. Wil Z413 Raleigh road, left Monday to spend and Mrs. McKenzie left for their three week wedding trip which will in- the summer at camp at Chamber clude Banff, Lake Louise and Sicam- Island, near Green Bay. -oous Lake, Vancouver, Victoria, PortMrs. W. ]. Taylor, 310 Cumnor road, land and Seattle. left Monday for a week's visit with -oMrs. Ernest Hicks and son, Mont- Mrs. George Shipman at White Lake ' gomery Hicks, of Pasadena, came Michigaa. Monday to spend the summer with Mrs. ]. A. Culbertson, 220 Melrose avenue. Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Kelly of San Francisco, and Mrs. W. H. Kellv of Kentucky, whe were guests of Mrs. Culbertson last week, left Saturday. Day to Be Filled With Events for Every Villager For Yoar Drag Store N·ea C.ll T Snider-Cazel Drug Co. Phones Wilmette '400-401 Wilmette and C·ntral Aves. WE CAN REMOVE STAINS AND SPOTS If your summer clothes get stained or spotted let us clean them. We'll return them in splendid shape. Hemstitching DE LUXE CLEANERS 1105 CENTRAL AVENUE Plaone Wilmette 690 Make the Young Folks Happy! Has your boy a bicycle, velocipede, or scooter? It will give him just the fun and exercise that his gro'w:ing body needs. of Get Him One To-Day S11mmer Dresses John Millen "If It'· Hardware, Millen Haa It" Pho~~e~ Wilmette 3060-3061 1219-21 W1.ette Aft. Merely.a Reminder Those who are planning basket picnics or outings should alwa.ys bear in min· d that it will not be complete without a generous supply of good fresh fruits. Congressman and Mrs. Henry Riggs Rathbone returned Friday to spend the summer at their home, 312 Sheridan road, after an absence of several months at Washington, D. C. Mrs. Rathbone spent a portion of the winter at Palm Beach and Miami retur?ing to Washington in the ~arty sprmg. -o- -o- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Carson and their daughter, Miss Henrietta, of Los Angeles, who have been the guests of Mrs. ]. H. Newport, 5 Abbottsford road, for the past three weeks, left Mo!lday for Kalamazoo, Michigan, on the1r way to New York Washington and Baltimore. ' -oMrs. John Herbert Mathison, 84 Abbott sford road, entertained 24 guests at lun~heon ~n Friday, lune 27, for her ntece, M1ss Eileen lice West of Chicago, whose marriage to Willett D. Smith of New York takes place July 5. No matter what you may be doing Dow-whether you O'WD luad or Dot - it is now poeeible for you to build up a busineae of your O'WD that 1ril1 make 12000 to 15000 a year profit lor you-nd you can do this without !nterferiD« with your reJU)ar work lD any way. The high character of our fruits and vegetables shows that we keep your health and happiness in mind at all times. Have you noticed how nice our watermelons and cantaloupes are? If you are one of the few who have not tried them, do so now while they are plentiful and low priced . . 4 w~~11xu. cam .taNn it {tn ~ .......,. _ _ au .... ,... c. o.... - · 75% ..... M iss Jeanette Cherry, 422 Abbotts,...,._,_. a-.~-.~."zoo'Jb _.. ....... Ja lwo I8an. 0.... o f - are ford road, is spending the week at ......_ndloy ....... eE oar PO<U French Lick Springs where she is at7" eaa cfe t h e tending the national convention of her -.lew your Fo..,. it yoa ..W.. · soror~t:y, Kapp~ Alpha Theta, which the JOmed wh1le attending the uniEveryone can own Windswept Silver Foxee-tbey work juat a.a hard for vrrsity of Wisconsin. the laborer aa they do tor the -oproteaalonal man, juat aa hard for ~he Home and Garden club will meet the bualneaa man aa they do for the w1th Mrs. F. W. Cherry, 422 Abbotts- eapltaJiat. Tble ~:ateway to ateady ford road, Monday noon before leav- prollta Ia open to everyone--youna old, rich and poor, an can ahare ing for the Forest Preserves where and lt. One of our Four Plana la aure to the members will have a picnic lunch- make It poaalble for you to atart at flMl. In the afternoon they will visit ~:u·· ~t the facta. Write, phone or 0 prden1 in Glencoe. -o- J-··· ,_ .. ._..._Jik· ,._FlaM, ~-~~- aooePiaelpe-- lS?% - · p ...... Ul4l JOO')b aai-1 ~ Jl">il lii --r..:;, ...-..--·u COSMAS BROTHERS Oppoeite tlae Villap Theatre-WILMETI'E -olir, and Wrs. Roy Jarrett, 5J.4 Essex IA!fLA.Ditll A A880CU.TJCI 1M .A...., are again at their home after WIXllfB'I'IU. ILLDrOII. ~. r. L....._ to California. ft-e w......_ u 4

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