.. . WI 1924 EX-SERVICE MEN, NOTICE Ex-service men are advised that they can secure application blanks for their federal bonus at the Wilmette State Ban~. The bank also has facilities for making finger prints of the applicants for the b.onus. 30 ADVENTURERS NEAR NEW CAMP Kinney's Crew to Reach Green Bay Soon Suggest Uniforms for Wilmette Junior Police The Wilmette Junior police force under the supervision of Superintendtoni of Police Denman is rapidly becoming efficient and more helpful in setting the example of law ana ord ·r to other boys and adult s. according to reports at police headquarters. Now a plan is being prepared wherc:~y it may be possible to _pu~cha se u_ mforms f:>r 36 of the JUmor pollee. \Vhile no definite arrangement s have been made, because there are no funds available at this time, it is hoped by the department, that ~ilmette. c~ti zens who are interested m the JUniOr police force will help the boys obtain si mple uniforms. . As one man put it, "the boys 111 uniform would be a nice spectacle for parades or community affairs. They would also look like real officials." SAFEGUARD YOUR FURS in our roomy FUR STORAGE VAULTS We will Renovate, Repair and Store your Furs for the Summer in our Big Vaults and Insure them ~gainst Loss by Fire, Moth and Theft. Reasonable Rates Prompt Attention Excellent Care 'I h irty boys from the north shore arc nearing their destination, Adventun: Island camp on Green Bay, in charge of C harle s A. Kinney, skip[)er of the Dream Girl which left the Wln m· rka beach Wednesday. There were 15 boy campers on board the Dream Girl and the other 15 motored up, with Bob Townley heading the auto brigade. At Sturgeon Bay the cut ire group met and proceeded to Adventure Island. They will take the camp in true explorers' fashion, Mary M. Warner, Former accompanied by cannon salute and the , Wilmette Resident, Dies planting of the adventurers' flag. Friends of Mrs. Mary M. Warner, a I~ach of the boys on board the Dream Girl took th e wheel in the 275 former resident of Wilmette, were grievmilt· rruise and helped plot the course. ed early this week to hear of her death The ticct wa s augmented this year by Suntiay, June 29, at her home in Pasa. a nPw V hottom runabout which will dena, Cal. Services are to be held from Rosehtll IJc used for mail se rvice between Adchapel Saturday, July 5, at 2 o'clock, Hnture Island and Fish Creek. The north shore boys who will at- Rev. Stephen A. Lloyd of Wilmette oftend the camr are : Francis Allen, ficiating. · H cmy Allen, Pardee Beardslee, GorMrs. Warner, the widow of Frank A. don Bad enock, Jack Thomas. Philip Warner, was for many years a well Rroderick , Gilhert Pirrung, William known resident of the village. She was · 'tix. Alfn:d Gillho,rn, John Bardon, prominent in the First Congregational ~herman T;iylor, Jamie Odell, Jack church. Odell, Fred de Peyster, Stephen HawsShe is survived by four daughters, hurst, ] ack Clark, Milburn Pridmore, Stella M., and Alice M. Warner, Mrs. -Boh Joslin, Stanley Craven, Jack A. A. Petrie and Mrs. Clifford R. l< at hhonl·. Hobart Newman, Paul French. St:hoenfeld, Arthur Mayer, · Billy llu g he ~. Jimmy Fleming, Jimmy Kerr, "HOLE IN ONE" Alan Frank, Platt Whitman, Jeff C. H . Hurtt, 708 Park avenue, Wil\\' l~itman and Willetts Burnham. The camp is in charge of Charles mette, who is the Chicago manager for A Kinney, Winnetka, who is assisted the Sangamon Electric company, en!Jy Bob Townley, of the Joseph Sears tered the hole-in-one golf club last week whi le playing in the annual !>C hool faculty and Kenilworth Scoutmaster: D. S. Leland, of the John tournament of the Iowa National Electric Light association at the Fort Rurrou~hs Country Day school, St. Louis. 1\fi-;souri; Elmer r-. Sipple of Dodge Country club. H urtt's ace came the Skokie ' chool, and J. A. Hum- on a 163 yard drive at the sixth hole . phreys, who will he in charge of camp Mrs. John Fuhrman and son, 1630 dramatics. · Lake avenue, left Fridar for Europe. DR. C. E. GEISSE Osteopathic Physician Village Theatre Bldg. Phone Wil. -2052 HARRY A. ROPINSKJ FURRIER 911 CHICAGO AVE. Eatabliahecl · iD ETaDatoD I~ N-r MaiD Street EVANSTON CALL EVANSTON 3722 my Kiddies Caught by · Lure of Drama, Poster Shows Expression of the inward soul through the medium of the stage is budding not only among the little theater g-roups throughout the country and th e amatrur experimental OrJ!anizations, hut al·;o hy little school < ·hildr<·n on vacation. On the northwest corner of Tenth ~treet and Central avenue, a hand" rit ten poster an noun res the performance of a play. This was not only ~t:q.{rd and produced hut also :1cH·d by little children . The adverti'ot'mt·nt n·arl "Land of Vacation given h) Cerelia \f eyers, 1004 Oakwood avenue , 1lonrlay at 2 o'clock. Jc a<lmition Youl rnis., sonwthing- your not there." "Ac tors Cecelia Meyers Marion \andy, Flort·rH·r \fitchel , 'catherine l.<·ary and Virg-inia Harye <'. "Monday, 30 Jun e, 1924. Mary L. Ronan~ · In the Village T heatre Building The Brimful of Health! Goldenrod Ice Cream WH~T a great deal of sparkle summer would lack Without Ice Cream-amt espeeiatly- th-e ttdicious Goldenrod Ice Cream ! The hotter the day, the harder the task in hand, the more enjoyable the anticipation of a refreshing dish of Goldenrod Ice Cream ! Ther's nothing like it, as "you'll agree on your very first experience with Goldenrod Ice Cream. Village Chocolate Shop For . LIBRARY CIRCULATION 3,657 Appro~irnately 3,657 hooks \~ere I takt·n out for u ~e from \Vilmette pub-~ lir lihra7 during the month of June. Of that number 999 were juven ile ho~k, ancl 2.1l58 were adult hooks I Fit,ion w,1, the mo st popular. · Your Sandwiches, Ice Cream, Pop Corn and Candy. Where Quality Chocolate Rules New l'rier Confectionery 637 Main Street Phone 487 L July brings our day of Independence All Kinds of Rolls! M OST everybody likes rollshut there arc lots of different rolls, and everybod) has a favorite. Parkerhou e, cinnamon, hearth and all the other kinds of roll are to he found here. -And they're all good! Give~ to fuel users Independence from the htgh cost of heating. Our Sen1ce Man_can give you direct, pers?nal tnformatton on reducing your heattng cost. For Sale By EDINGER COAL KUTTEN BROS. co. Wilmette 6(1 Wilmette 1 Call Lawnd4le 7025 for our Free Serrice