1924 .__T-HE_A_M-ERI-C-AN-LE_GI_ON.... WILMETTE POST NO. 46 Wilmette, Illinois. July 1st, 1924. for De.u BUDDY: July 4, 2 P. M. at the Municipal Playgrounds, Rid&e between Washington and Lake avenues, we are holding a Community celebration. races at five miles in the elimWe want to show the kiddies of our which will decide the na- village a real good time and how to track individual champion at celebrate this day in a safe and sane the season will be a feature manner. thr,..._,,.,.v speed meet to be stagThe merchants have donated some 150 Shore Polo club speed- and more really worth while prizes and Peterson avenues, which will be given to winners of some and Sunday, July 4-6. 30 or 40 events. Beclc, crack driver and one of Should the weather be pleasant there of the North Shore race will be a turn out of three or four thoumake a bid for the cham- sand people it is estimated, and we will the Saturday list of events. need help to make the day successful. formerly lived in Evanston Come out and give us a hand. makes his home on the north In the evening we are to have a dance Chicago, has chatlenged the win- at the Ouilmette Cowttry club, and the Fuzzy Davidson-Cliff Wood- Harry is only going to charge us $1.00 race, which is staged on Fri- per couple. This will top the day off. 4. Beck's race will come on "WILliE'I'B Lut" and "The AnnOW'ICttDent" have glowing accounts of holds the national dirt track what the day will be and it is up to us up to 75 miles and this winter to put it across. Let's do it. What do a notable victory over Ralph De- you say. on the coast, and Woodbury bas THE AMERICAN LEGION, of track records to his credit. WILMETTE POST NO. 46 of these north shore meets LJtA J. On, will be held every two or three CommaJtder the series of elimination matc:h CARL ~NN}'.CKJta, 11 go on. the winners being c:hal. Adjutanl by other leading drivers, and at final fall tournament the victor in Wilmette Swimmer Loolu last match will be champion. eagerly awaited match race Good for Olympic Events will be that between Esthan Robert Skelton, who is with the driving a Nelson Brothers Olympic swimming team in France, is unofficial light car cham- is finding things quite favorable in Curley Young, the youthful Paris. Along with the other members captured the SO mile Mem- of the American swimmers, Bob is race. keeping . in strict training. s expected to give a great acThe 200-meter breast stroke, which himself in this three-day meet. is the event in which the Wilmette been comnig fast as a driver ef youth witl participate, will have the special, and recently gave an preliminaries July 16. The finals are of his nerve when, during prac- expected to be run off by July 20. at the north shore, he crashed into At the American Olympic swimming fence rather than hit Wenneston's tryouts held at Indianapolis, June 7, He rolled over and over in his rna- Skelton broke the American record, but fortunately escaped with only held by him, for the 200-meter breast bruises. stroke. The swimming contingent women stars will compete in sailed from New York, June 16. races on Saturday and Sunday, cars loaned by Beck, Woodbury Summer School at Half On Friday, in addition to Way Point: 3 More W eeka mentioned, there will be elimat ten miles for light and for The mid term of the summer school the fifteen-mile "Straw Hat session in the Wilmette public schools and a five-mile consolation. e1'ds today. There are just three more Saturday the other attractions will weeks of readin', 'ritin' and 'rithmetic five-mile eliminations, three to quali- for the 70 children before they start f7()1tt uch for the fiftem-mile final. on 'their vantion· trntil the- opening on Sunday there will be a card of of school, September 15. There are seven teachers taking distance events in addition to the care of the lower, intermediate and upper grades of the summer session. They are Mrs. Lena Butts, Mrs. Marana.ger Schultz Leaves ian Loag, Mrs. Kathryn Vernon, Miss to Enjoy His Vacation Matalea Brown, Miss Nellie Decker, Manager C. C. Schultz start- Miss Margaret Loftus and Mrs. Shireast Thursday on what his ley Meyer. the village call a well-earnvacation. His first stop "Christ of Apocalypse," be at .Boston, the home of his son, Baptist Sermon Topic Schultz, Jr., where he will visit a Rev. Francis C. Stifter will preach days and then, acompanied by his will proceed to Wellesley, Mass., the final of a series of sRecial sermons on the general theme 'The Christ of he will join Mrs. Schultz. Schultz was called from Wil- the New Testament" Sunday, July 6, W ellesley by the death of her at the Wilmette Baptist church. The who passed away on June 4 at subject of this Sunday's sermon wilt age of 91 years. Just 21 days be "The Christ of the Apocalypse." The Bible school and Mid-week , or on June 25, her father was by death, he being 89 years of services at the church are being continued through the summer months. Wellesley, Mr. and Mrs. DENMAN TO CAMP CUSTER will go to Manchester, N. H., Col. A. L. Denman, superintendent they will remain with relatives Mr. Schultz's vacation period will of police, will leave for Camp Custer ended. He contemplates return- for a month's training period with his the village and his official duties company, 325th Police battalion, 21. July 12. AYBILL I AT SPEEDWAY (DNSTANTLV IMPROVED BUT ~ND YEARLY MODe-LS There are obvious benefits to the purchaser in Dodge Broth~ policy of making constant, gradual refinements in their product inste.: l of changing from one design to another year after year. Chief among thMe is the fact tbat the car may J>e operated throughout the full limit of its usefulness . without the extra depreciation loss which results from a rapid succession of radically different models. .. c. C. M. McDONALD EVANSTON 1019 Davia St. -------- PrintingYour stationerypersonal, or for business use, should be correct. Let us assist you in making your selection. ·················-·-······························ We Are Making for The Prudential ·Insurance Company of America FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS At Slh% interest with privilege of payment in part or in full at any time without notice and without charge for such prepayment privilege; And at 6' in monthly payments with like privilege. Folder showing method of monthly payment loan in detail sent on request. Lloyd Hollister, Inc. PRINTERS PUBLISHERS George H. Taylor Real Estate Morqap Co. 31Z South Clark Street, ea-.. Telepboae WUula 1241 Pltona Wil~tu 1920-1921 ·················································'