co. y establish a system of model roads and United States on January l. 1924, Motor nhicles ranked a~ncl.-oo& posits, home buildin&. rail carloacl road building in the county. If the totaled a.,r.ltimately 430,000. commodity oports in 19n sla!Jtmeat· an4 aatomobile ·S... plan proves to be a success, which About 35,000 new miles· of high8,975,000 motorists visited · aaTile HW surilmary of pertODI emseems assured, it will, in all probabil- ways were surfaced in 1923. tional forests in lSTZJ. or own thu ployed directly and indirectly in tbe ity be extended to the whole state of Total hi&hway mileage of U. S. two aacl a-tialf times the DUIIIber in 'Jutamolrile Dach.try for the .past year equals 2,940,000. ·ecorda a total of 3,105,350 of whom Illinois. 1922. The project was officially put under 97% of Cincinnati's milk supply is 1923 waa the record year for iron '18.100 are workers in motor vehicle way when Thomas H. McDonald, chief brought to the city in motor trucks. 1nd steel production, savings bank de- factories. of the United States bureau of public roads, and George A. Quinlan, Cook county superintendent of roads, fixed their signatures to a joint county and government agreement for a complete research survey of the Cook county road system. Plans will include the investigation of every road in the county during the months of July, August, September and October of this year, and scientific research into every phrase of road administration and building. The agreement states that it is the general purpose of the survey is : "To secure and develop facts and principles which will aid in the planning P. 0. B. Dct.,.olc and construction of the most economn---~awe atical and serviceable highways, the best ···&umer . . . design of roads to meet traffic requirements, and to advance the science of hiJrhway developmerrt." The de velopment of the findings of the investigation, which was suggested by the Cook county board and th r f'hicago Association of Commerce ,everal months ago, will follow the completion of the research. After the board has passed on the construction plan outlined. a construction program will start which will care for all of the future condition is made possible, the traffic needs of the county. Weighing, counting, and estimating points out, through the recent Be sure that your efficiency and your comfon this tion of the New York State stations on Cook county roads has ile Association and the New already been ordered. Then . will be summer have the help of that car you have always sixteen of these stations, placed at Federation. Inspired by intended to buy. You know its value-you know set when the A . A. A. and points along the roads to record the to consolidate, it is movements of every motor vehicle. The what an essential aid it is to a ful!er activity, an easier rs of the Empire State dubs stations will be manned by a force of life, more healthful hours out-of-doors. a result that will bene- twenty-one experts, all veterans of the the huge army of motor- United States bureau of public roads. The expenses of the investigation, Delay invites disappointment. Why wait? Buy tiOfiJ/ reside in New York but also tless procession of tourists which will be about $18,000 for the four months, will be shared equally by the through that state. as the business of the con- bureau and the county. .A.k Drinra' Cooperation is concerned there will be the The cooperation of all drivers using of officers of the new organi._._,l%65 ~IS2J T.dors.da"'JH Fonlors.Ma_, the county roads will be required for he official abandonment of ob. AU IWfc.a f. 'o. Ia. ~ ices and the adoption of new the work. Huge signs wilt be erected . . 'nilE JmAaa7 AU"rr'eftD at all of the weighing stations, requesprogressive ones. ....., D&AI.K& will be a thorough threshing ting the motorists to stop and fill in uch matters as roads bui1Q1ng questionaires. which will be provided, s legislation, uniform traffic and have their cars weighed. Even the traffic of the rum runners rgency road aid for members they may be, improved sys- will be recorded, but they will not be map making and highway interfered with in any way. "Mot'orists mu st understand," said gasoline prices and all of the · ects so close to the heart of Chief MacDonald, "that this is in no wants to get the great- way a law enforcement move. It is t and service out of his simply to obtain a record of the traffic car at a minimum of expense. on the roads of the county which will be of great value in planning a model highway scheme ." According to the initial plan, one of these stations will be located on Dempster str.e ct at Center, an4 another on Milwaukee avenue at N1les. Get· tile Totde ol the Out4 -Door ~~~ lntereating Figure· in Complete Survey Cook Highways Cook is time it is Uncle Sam as Cook county which is doing ning. promises wider and better the near future, laid out ally to care for all of the of the county. plan promises to break the r congestion in the country g this great terminal for and commercial enterprizes; nate the narrow roads and the nt trunk lines which are the flow of traffic into the Model Road Syatem scientific project, which the aid of every motorist truck driver who uses the county, is expected to Auto Booklet /11ued by National Society Summaries of the automobile industry, contained rn a book just issued by the National Automobile Chamber of Commerce, embrace the following interesting figures : The world registration is 18,023,584 motor vehicles, 88% in U. S. A. Motor vehicle taxes in United States in 1923 totaled $471,548,000. Farmers' federal motor tax bill in 1923 was $45,864,200. Automotive producets paid 77% of the total special federal excise taxes in 1923. · More than 4,500,000 cars and trucks are owned on farms. 144,000 cars are owned by doctors. 289,000 children are transported to school daily in motor buses. Miles of surfaced highways in Skokie Motor Company "THE HOUSE THAT SERVICE BUlLT" Our sloga" is "Be safe and saKe" Make sure that you'll get btJtk agai~J. I N times of peace prepare for war. If your machine is behaving itself quite properly don't let that interfere with your bringing it here for a thorough examination, especially if you are going out on a long run. A loosened bolt-a defective steering g e a r - ineffective brakes-you'll remember all of th.ose things when you've landed in a ditch. Think them over now. LINCOLN "Buy at h ome and get service at home" 712-14-16 ELM STREET Phone Winn. 28S-281 W IN NETKA MACHINE AND AUTO WOW 1Z25 C.tnl AYeDue, Wilmette Ph.e Wilmette liS SAI.ES SERVICE