Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Jul 1924, p. 16

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WILMETTE.LIFE, FRIDAY ITN .dent Will paper. The Stott fa mil)' N,. U · P ~ea1 Ross Campbell, Los Angeles; W. H . . turn to Eva~ t~ Gardner, Winnipeg; H. J. Brachman, W1tneas OlympiC eet t2th and 15th. Detroit; ] . G. Morgan, New York President and Mrs. Walter Dill City, and C. P. Abbott, St. Paul. Scott and sons, John and Sumner, left R.ad tAe Brokers division : Executive committee : W . B. Leedy, Birmingham; for Europe Monday, June 30, and W'tll Benjamin B. Heuston, Tacoma, and be away for something over two George S. Horton, Brooklyn . Chairman and secretary of the brok- Chicago Syndicate Acquires months. President Scott attended tlie meeting of the executhe committee Two ·Important Steps Taken ers division for 1925 will be chosen 300 Acres in Caledonia the January meeting of the associof the board of trustees Monday noon by National Aaa'n at Re- at Township ation at Dallas, Texas. at the Union League club and took Realtor secretaries division: J . L. cent Convention the Century Limited at ~ :40, Chicag_ o Wallace, Jacksonville, Fla ., chairman; time for New York Ctty. At thts F . S. Brunyate, Norfolk, vice chairtrustees' meeting Mrs. Montgomery FRONTAGE man; W. L. Greene, Miami, Fla., sec- HAS LAKE Ward appeared for the first time as retary-treasurer ; Executiv e commitSHIELDS THE REAL TOR tee Driveways and a member of the board and Dr. Scott : Thomas S. Ingersoll, Los AngeBuilt and Repa' desired to be present to extend perles ; John A. Petty, Washington, and fix up your whole Is Located 5 Miles North of sonal welcome. Pierce Jones, Chicago. Cooperative apartment section of The Scott party sailed Wednesday No. 1 condition and cart Chicago Man Heads Mort- mortgage Racine · and finance division: Albert morning on the steamer, "Paris" and it during season. gage, Finance Body W. Swayne, Chicago, chairman; E . A. plan to visit both England and France. MacDougall, New York City, vice President Scott will attend the OlymCaD W...tka·· chairman ; Arthur E. Curtis, Chicago, A synd icate of Chicago ·men , repre- pic games for a season and counts c.. sented by Perry Ulrich, have just pur- on meeting in Paris some of the Oly~ More stringent enforcement of busi- secretary. A sales managers section, subordi- chased 300 acres in Caledonia town- pic athletes from Northwestern U~u ness standards in the field of real nate to the brokers division of the ship, on Lake Michigan, about · five versity, including Ralph Breyer, Dtck estate is provided for in two actions national a ssociation wa s formed at mile s north of Racine. Howell, Bryan Hines and Sybil Bauer. taken by the National Association of the Wa shing ton convention. Officers Th e property has about a mile and While at the games President Scott Real Estate Boards at its annual con- of the section who will organize its a half of frontage on the lake with will write a special article on the su't>IA'Hkc.pe vention recently concluded at Wash are as follow s : beautiful bluffs, from 75 to 125 feet ject for The Daily Northwestern, the ington, D. C. The actions, which di- work H . L. Samuels, Columbus. Ohio, rectly affect the activities of the 507 chairman; Roy R. Cox, Birmingham, high. It is just east of Sheridan road , ~~u~n~iv~e~r~si~ty~'~s=f~a~m~o~u~s~~c~a~m~p~u~s~~n~e~w~s~-~:;;~;;~;;;;~;;;;;;~;_: local member boards of the association Alabama, secretary. the Chicago and Northwestern rail- r········································ road, and the Kenosha & Milwaukee in the disciplining of their memberElectric car line. ships, are brought to the attention of Portions of the tract are beautifully the boards in letters sent out from P. S. Stockholders Get wooded and it is the intention of the headquarter s of the association, ChiGlowing Company Report cago, last week. purchasers to sell the tract out in Further increase in the large in\fest- parcels. The first provision is the adoption BEAUTIFUL NEW FRAME HOME ment in properties by the Public Service It is surprising that so accessable by the association of a revised code o.f business ethics. Every person en- Company of Northern Illinois was an- and beautiful a stretch of shore should 5 Rooms-Bath, Hot Water Heat, Grounds SOxl40. titled through membership in a consti- nounced this week by that company in have been overlooked by investors de;onably priced at $16,000. Terms. tuent board to use the title "Realtor" a letter to the 21 ,000 preferred and siring country estates. is pledged to observe this code. The common stockholders offering them the Practically · all of the north shore, VACANT second provis ion is adoption of an ad- opportunity of subscription to a new is- between Chicago and the Wisconsin dition to the by-laws of the association sue of 7 per cent cumulative preferred state line has been absorbed. The pur50x257, 1 block from lake, $5,500. insuring that every person who uses stock on advantageous terms carrying chase of this tract by this syndicate 118x135, east location, $100 per foot. the t~tl e . "~e~ltor" legitimately within a valuable subscription right privilege. makes it possible for the public to get the JUrtsd1c t10n of any constituent The announcement states that the shore acres in quantitie s heretofore real estate board shall hereafter be a company's electric and gas business is unobtainable. !f!e~IH·~ o_f !ha t board and subject to growing at such rapid rate, that it ex, SERVICE TO THE BUYER- TO THE SELLER tt s JUriSdictiOn and discipline. 11 pects to spe!l~ this year about $10,~- Linden Crest Apartments M uat Adopt Code 000 for addJtJOnal plant and extensions · · I Renting Rap1dly, Report : Every r.eal estate . h<?ard belonging to the already existing properties, vatuto the '!atmnal assoctatJOn must adopt ed at more than $70,000,000. Business The Linden Crest apartments, Fifth I the rev1 sed code of bus iness ethics as in 1923 was the largest in the company's street and Linden avenue, are grad- : part of its own rules and regulations history and for the first four months ually nearing completion. At this 1 332 PARK AVE. Phoae GJ.ocoe 410 under. a provi sion of the by-laws of th~ of this year showed a large increase. time, the Wilmette office of the build- I assoc1atJon adopt ed April 4 of this Because of the limited amount of the ers announces that 18 of the 57 apart-- ······················c················ year. Re s?lution s passed by th e full new preferred stock, the company states ments have already been rented. membership of th e a ssociation at the that stockholders must confine their sub"No effort is being made to go out recent Washington convention recom- scriptions to one share of new stock and rent the apartments," it was made mend to constituent hoard s the utmo st for each five shares of preferred of com- known . The building will be ready yigilan ce in maintaining and enforc- mon stock now held. Owners of stock for occupancy the first part of October. mg the code. Any memllcr board neg- on July 3 will be permitted to subscribe le~tin g or refus ing to enforc e th e code at $100 per share, payable either in cash, w1th respect to th e busin ess activities in quarterly payments, or on a ten of it s constituent member s may after monthly payment plan. The privilege due noti~e and hearing, be e~pelled of subscribing ends on August 1. ~ W hen a propert7 owner wishes to sell his real esta&e, .L. by the d1rectors from memher ship in quick action as a rule. The best way to get results is fo r The company's letter to stockholders the association . says: co list his property with a repu table a nd energet ic realtor with · The provision of the by -laws giving exclusive contract. "The company is offering this stock each board jurisdiction over the use We, knowing that we are protected in out efforts t o of the term "Realtor" in it s own ter - to provide funds for increasing its genp_roperty, will devote every possible energy for makina a ritory is designed to prevent the eva- erating capacity, facilities and equipment We will spend money advertising the property which we sion o! board discipline by persons to take care of the constantly increasing not do if other brokers had the property for sale. The who m1!lht carry on bus ine ss in a city demands for its service. In 1923 the for a satisfactory and prompt sale are obviously much company enjoyed the largest business in distant from that in whose real estate under an exclusive contract. board th ey held membership. Viola- its history, as evidence by increases of This system gives quick results witho ut costing t he propertJ tion s of th e board's code would under $2,302,247 in business and 32,820 in cusowner one cent more than the regular sales commission. such circumstances not be so readily tomers over the previous year." detected or so speedily dealt with as under a ~!an req~iring membership to be held 1t1 the City where a business office is mainta ined. To Control Term .. Realtor" Fo-taia Square, E ·n aatoa !he by-law provides that every conProuty Builcliac, Whmetka stituent real estate hoard in good standing shall have the right to conWonderful Opportunity trol the use of the term "RealtoF" I. Fireproof. to obtain choice acreage just within its territory, and that no such board shall permit the use of the term west of Lake Forest, near trans2. Low in coat. by any of its members in connection portation and adjacent to valu3. Warm in Winter. with an establi shed real estate office able improved property. Well maintained within the territory of an. wooded and rolling. Price $750 4. Cool in Summer. other member board of which he is per acre. Easy terms. 5. Beautiful in color. not a member. Officers of the seven great divisions 6. Guaranteed to last. of the National association of Real Estate Boards were chosen for 1925 at ASK F OR QUOT AT ION the ~oard's annual convention at Washmgton, D. C. They will take o'ffice January 1. They are as follows : R. E. MEN ADOPT BUSINESS CODE OPENS COUNTRY FSTATE TRACI' M I a .. t· . North Shore Homes Walter P. Smith & Co. tiii'~S! When All Others Have Fail Come To Us I Ulll1 I Urlt... Why Not Try It? Hawlhorne Roofing Tile Quinlan & Tyson, Inc. Aaaociation Oflicera Hawlhorne ~~~!. 2131 So. 4Ith A··D.. k R-1, Cic:ero, 111. Mortgag_e and Finance Division: Fra!lk Ltncoln Johnson, Chicago, cha1rme!" ; }. C_. Weedon, Washington, D . C., v1ce cha1rman. Executive committee, John S. Stalker, Detroit· Earle 9· Krumrine, Chicago, and H. L. Rust, Jr., Washington, D. C. . ~orne builders and subdividers diVISion : _ Bert L. Clogston, Los Angeles, cha1rman; I. · N. Griscom Atlantic City, vice ~hairman; No~man C. Brown, Washmgton, second vice chairman. Executive committee, H. A. ·Brow';!, Brockton, Mass.; Guy Ellis, Detro1t i N. C. Brown, Washington; I. Shuler, Omaha, and Raymond Connolly, South Orange, N. J. . Industrial property division : Harrlso_ n S. Colborn, . New York City, c~atrma~ : E. Oms Hart, Chicago, vt~e cha1rman; Matthew Carey, Flint, M 1ch.,secretary. Executive committee, James B. Fisher, Brooklyn; S. E. Lyons, Toronto; W. L. Brent, Los Angeles. Farm land division : H. H. Richardson, Jacksonville, Fla., chairman· ]. E. Miller, Geneva, Ohio, vice chair~ man; A. G. Bauder, Cedar Rapids Iowa, secretary. Directors H a' Weredi~h, Winnipeg, Canad~; i.. Fulenwtder, Denver and Ben Watkins Atlanta. ' Pro~rty . management division : GoodWin G1bson, Toronto, chairman · L<?uis T. Orr, ChicaKo, vice chairman: Dtrectors: James W. Belanger, Chicago; C..rlton Sch tdtz, Cleveland; J. W. Pat. Murphy, Dallas, Texas; W. Phones: Lawndale 4610; Cicero 11 EVERGREENS PERENNIALS SHRUBS- TREES ' Phone Winnet ka 1549 Winnetka Landscape Co. M. J. Sullivan and Son GRADING SEEDING LAWNS TRIMMING FERTILIZER BLACK DIRT MANURE c: Flies have no conscience. ~liminal them with a Majest ic UndergroUJ Garbage Receiver. It isOut of Siabt-Puts your garbagt can out of stght-Underground. Odorleaa-When the ,lid is closed Dl odor IS emitted. Convenient-Can be installed in 1 convement place near your kitchet door. Garbage is easily depositci and as easily removed. Doa Proof-Dogs can't upset yorJ garbage and scatter it about the lawn. Fly Proof-Flies can't get at yoiJ1. garbage-no odor to attract Sanitary-Provides the only i~ar:y ~eans tor storing garbage tJl tt ts collected by the ga man. Get the Majestic at your local hardware dealer's. GET OUR ESTIMATE 812 PINE ST. WINNETKA G. C. GUSTAFSON 1821 Crowe A.... R...,.....tiq ~tic Co. Cbielf

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