Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Jul 1924, p. 14

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1~ 1 - -- - - -- -- --~-· · - =-WILME'ITE LIFE, FRIDAY 1924 WJi'.z\rr.:.AD · !fi' USERS DRIVE . BARGA! FOR RE~T-APARTMENTS 20 WANTED-MI8CELLANE01JS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS ClaaaLfted advertlaements woill be charged onl)' . ; 1' N t' GlnftQ 0 lCtl-to residents of the district from Evanston to cents per line In one paper. 20 cents per line In all three R"fl'"i--10 papers. MINIMUM CHARG,E Gee. Average of ftve words to Glencoe Inclusive whose names appear In the telephone directory, or who are regular subscriber.· to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. the line. No black face type used. Rates for Display type on application. advertisements wm be acto Wednesday 12 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursdav 12 o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 1% o·elock tor thf! GLENCOE NEWS. Telephonee: WILMETTE U20-1921 or WINNETKA 1000·1001. ' dl" · ClaaaUied D ea tnt f Ot Jnsett tOnS-cepted up FOR RENT - FURNISHED 4-RM. apartment nr. transp.; redecorated, an front rooms with nice outlook and plenty of light. $86 per mo. Apply Mr. Wersted, 562 Lincoln Ave. Tel. WJnn. 165. 2LTN40-tfc 21 FINANCIAL 1.R:.:.E_A_L--E'""s ..T'""A--:T-:E:--:L-:::O~A:-:N=s.--:L-:E:::o~N::--J;. FOR RENT-STORES AND 8 Klein & Co., Chicago's Largest SecOFFICJ!}S ond Mortgage Bankers. We also make small first mortgages. Rm. 611, FOR RENT- STORE AND 5-ROOM 155 N. Clark St. Tel. Dearb. 3905. ConJiving quarters suitable tor traffic fidential. You might be sat·lsfled elsebusiness. Wll. and Ridge Aves., where; you are sure to ~i.~!t ~~ Wilmette. Phone Wll. 3116. 4 6L38-ttc WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE buys and sells rugs, stoves, autos, pianos anything useful. 1045 Ash St. ' 20LTN1-tfc 2 '1 FOR RENT-GARAGES LOST AND FOUND LOST-A PLATINUM BAR PIN SET with sapphires and pearls, In Wllmette, Monday morning. Reward If returned. Address Wilmette Life, 250. 22L40-ltc FOR RENT-GARAGE; CONVENIENT to Lake and Park Avenues. Tel. WI!. 2590. 7L38-tfp REAL ESTA.TJI REAL ESTATE N<enrltlht §lht<O>If® ~<e!lll IE~it!lfr<e WINNETKA-6 rm. frame, S. W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12,500. 6 rm. stuccl), on tile, S. E., $16,500. 7 rm. brick, 2 baths, N. W ., $20,000. 7 rm. Eng. tlhingle, 2 baths, N. E ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $28,000. 8 rm. Dutch col., 3 baths, N. W. WILMETTE-Beau. E. side home, 9 rms., 2 car gar., oil burner, 3 &ths, tine trees, shrubs. An unheard of value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $28,000. KENlLWORTH-8 rm. stucco, E. side, 2 car gar. Fine trees, shrubs, owner must sell. See this. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $29,000. VACANT WINNETKA- 75x150 N. E ., ...... ·.. .. ....... . ..... . $135 per ft. 164x160 S. E. . ....... $100 per ft. 48x12a Indian Hill . . . . $ 60 per ft. 72x150 N. W . . ........ $100 per ft. KENJLWORTH-2 19 x 176 x 281; U6,u oo. HIGHLAND PARK-177xl20, Ravin e D1·ive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $17,000. 1 acre, Includ es orchard .... $2,500. FOR SALE-NORTHERN MINNESOTA GLI~NCOE-50xl40, fine cor. wihl e rn <>ss camp sites on lake. Big game; game fish for hardy sports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $70 per ft. m e n In 40-acre tracts at $10,00 an Se e our ComJllete List A.C'r<>; out from Ely, 18 hrs. from Chicago. Address Wilmette Life, 251. 1J..TN40-Hc Exclusive Agents Oak at R. R. Winn . 1800- 1226 1LTN40·1tc AND 6 ROOM HOUSES; NEW; modern ; large lots; close to transportation; lake; golf course; $10,000 to $21 ,000; also lots for sale, $30 per ft .; Glencoe. Tel. owner Highland Park, 9H9-Y-3. 1LTN40-t!c FOR SALE-200x200, REAUTIFUL homesite, heavily wooded, within walking distance of 3 golf cluba. FOR RENT - GARAGE. 915 ASHHard roads and electric light; can land. T e l. Wll. 2819. 7L40-ltc b e bought tor less than $20 per front foot, will be worth $100 In very few years. Address Wllmette t4~ ~t~~ _s____F_o_R_R_E_N_T_-_R_o_o_M_s_ _ __ FOR RENT - FRONT ROOMS IN 23 CONTRACTOR!! AND .JOBBER!! private home; best east side locaInvestment securities Insurance tion; near transportation, cafeteria and beach. Tel. Wil. 1940. 8LTN40-ltc CALL EVANSTON 992. SAVE 10% TO 20% on your cement work. 20 years experience. Charles Abney, Cont. Realtors FOR RENT-COMFORTABLE, QUIET 23LTN36-ttc room for business woman ; private 909 Ridge Ave. Tel. Wll. 36-4 home; n ear all transportation. Tel. 1LTN39-ltc Wil. 2098. 8L40-ltc FOR SALE-S-ROOM HOUSE; ONE Tel. Wilmette 1408 living porch; 1 huge sleeping porch ; FOR RENT- LARGE, COMFORTABLY furnished room with board for two garage; beautiful grounds; trees and adults. Tel. Wil. 992-J. 731 lOth St. shrubs; double row of crab apple 8LT39-2tp tr ees across the entire front; lot CARPENTER AND BUILDER 18 0 8 General Jobbing ~;g~ t~e f~kok~:t c~~~ t~~ ~~~b. t~eel~ CENTRAL HOTEL-LIGHT, OUTSIDE rooms; tor transients and r es idents. Glencoe 207. 1LTN40- ltc 309-17th Street Wilmette 629 Main St. Tel. WI!. 1030. 23LTN38-4tc 8LT1-tfc BUILDER WILL BUY FOUR OR FIVE lots · In good neighborhood. Will consider frontage or 60 to 100 ft. for FOR RENT-LARGE, LIGHT HOUSEeach lot. Give size, location and . k eep ing rooms, suitable for married couple or 2 or 3 gentle men, reason- 24 GARDENING best cash pl'ice. Address Wilmette 8L 4 0-ltc _L_A_N_D_S_C_A_P_E_·__G_A_R_D_E_N_I_N_G-.--T-E--:-L. Life, A-66. 1LTN29-tfc able. T e l. Wll. 2398 · Business Directory 1 40 ~lht!\<ef<ew & CG©lllb!l<elht CEMENT CONTRACTOR E. V. HOLDING A C<O>n.niiDfrwy IE~tt~ttce 11 HELP WANTED--FEitiALE ----------------WANTED- GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; 3 In family; $18 per wee k . Tel. Glencoe 827. 11LTN40-ltc ----------------WANTED-YOUNG GIRL TO HANDLE classi fi ed ads and small switchboard; e xpe ri e nce not essential. Appl y Lloyd Hollister, Inc., 1222 Central Ave. Tel. Wll. 1920. 11LTN40-ltp Wll. 1351. m e tte. 25 418 Prairi e Ave., Wil 24LT37-Hc HOUSEHOLD SERVICE ----------------NORTH SHORE HOUSE, LAWN AND Gar<len Service does expert house cleaning, window washing and floor waxing ; also hedge and tree trimming by hour or contract. Winn. 1035. 25LT37-trc NORTH SHORE HOUSECLEANING Service cleans wall paper and paint wo1·k; expert furnitur e polishing, floor waxing and housecleaning by r e liable white houseman; prices rea sonable. Edward T . Handy, 418 Lind e n Ave. Tel. Wll. 1647, 7-8 A . M. or 6-8 P. M. 25LT40-ltc Wnllmm<efrfr<e ~ CGir<e!l~<e~fr lffil!lly NEAR SHERIDAN RD., WITH 14room colonial and a dditional 10- rm. house on grounds; large garage with se r·vants quarters; also log lodge and co nservator y with tlne orchid co ll ection; 4 acre a beautifully landsca ped grounds. cemen t drolve, F~l}enSAJ'a~-l~re~C!;!~ N~~:~~~~;;r~ SITUATION WANTED-BY EXP'ERGolf Club. Address Life, 248. ie nc!'d colored laundress; good refsunken garden, open air theatre, large swimming pool; wooded ravine _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1L_T_N_4_0_-_u_c ~~~~ce~d:!~:dU:! ~~~~de~~e aL?f/riwith t e rracetl walk ; grounds alone FOR SALE- 319 CENTRAL AVE., 14LTN40-ltp worth priC'e asked. ~i~m;!~~g!;ro~~:iJ~~~l pa[~~~~ Ia:~: ),~RENCH LADY; WELL EDUCATED, shrubs. T e l. WI!. 281>4. 1LTN40-ltp would like to cook In a private home. Write Mrs. Varney, 1234 South 68th 668 Center St. Court, Cicero, Ill. HL40-ltp Tel. Winn . 254 2 FOR REN~HOUSES 1LTN40-1 tc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - O N BEAUTIFUL LAKE GENEVA; 6- 18 FOR SALE-HOUSEHOLD room furnished cottage ; bath room GOODS complete; running water; electric s> light. July, August, rent, $150 per BARGAINS IN NEW AND USED SEWlng machines; Drop beads, $9.00 and month. Tel. Glencoe 892 or call 892 Vernon Ave., Glencoe. 2L40-ltp up; Portable Electric Singers, White's, etc. from $24.50 up. PatterFOR RENT- FURNISHED 7-ROOM eon Bros. 816-818 Church St., Evhouse; 4 porches; best location; 2 FINE 7 -ROOM HOUSE W1TH MAID'S anston. Bet. "L" and Postoffice. months. T e l. WI!. 1615. 2LTN40-ltc quarters on 3rd floor; nice ly wooded 16LTN35-ttc lot with garage, near lak e Only SALE- REFRIGERATOR, IN $17,5 00. Will accept $1,600 part pay- FOR RENT-5- RM. BUNGALOW; IM- FOR mediate possession; reasonable rent. spi E> ndid condition, $20. Tel. Glenment and balance easy terms. Ad2LTN40-ltc T el. Glencoe 166. coe 990. 16LTN40-ltc dress Wilmette Life, 253. 1L40-ltp WANTED-COMPETENT GIRL FOR FOR SALE-BY OWNER; VERY general housewo1·k; 2 in family; ch eap, vacant on Oakland Ave., good wages. 719 Park Ave. Tel. WI!. Ravinia Woods: 150 ft.; will divide; 1> 49-R. 11LTN40-ltc ~~~.h, dry and w ooded. 1':LT<;;l e ~i~~ 1 ~!!!!!'.!!!!!!'.!!!!!!'.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'.!!!!!!!!!!!!!'.!!!!!!'.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'.!==!!!!!'.!= Jol SI'I'UA'l'ION' WANTF.D-FEMALE 40 WANTED-WASHINGS TO TAKE home; finished work and rough dry; also w e t wash. Will call for and deliver. 418 Prairie Ave., Wll. Tel. 1351. 25LT37-Hc WHITE WOMAN WISHES IRONING and cleaning; will do other housework ; cooking and se1·vlng. Tel. Wil. 3129. 25LT40-ltc North Shore and Mil where It crosses Laurel gether with that part of Avenue lying between the erly line of Michigan A line thirteen and one-half (1 west of the center line of Street, except the Intersection !dan Road, which Is all In the VIllage of W County, Illinois, by curbing, and otherwl·e accordance wHh the ord ctflcatlons for said lmpr be received by the Board Improvements of said VIllage n;~ette, until 7:30 o'clock P. Thursday, the seventeenth July, A. D,. 1924, at which proposals wlll be publicly op amlned and declared by said Local Improvements In the Hall In said Village of The specltlcatlona for sa ment may be seen and the office of the Board of provements In the Wilmette, during all and blank proposals will be at sa,id office of th e Board o Improvements In said Village Proposals must be made out hlank furnished by said Board Local Improvements and must be dressed to the Board of Local ments of the VIllage of Wllme mette, Illinois, and endorsed AL FOR GRADING, PAVING, lNG Third Street lying North North line of Maple Street, Intersection of Linden Ave leaf Avenue, Central Avenue dan Road, etc., part of Laurel and Washington Avenue, Wilme nols," and all proposals must companied by cash or a chec fled by a responsible bank the order of the President of Local Improvements of of Wilmette, for a sum of not ten (10) per centum ot the of the proposal, and no prop be considered unless accompanied such cash or check. The contractor will be paid In non-Interest bearing voucher, and bonds bearing Interest at six (6) cent per annum, payable solely the assessment for said lm wh e n collected, in accordance provisions of th e o1·dlnance and In the mann e r prescribed The contractor to whom tract may be awarded will be to furnish a bond to the sat and approval of said Board Improvements, In a sum fift y (50) l>er centum of the price, conditione d for th e faithful tormance of th e contract. PrOIJOsals will !Je recel ved !or co nstruction of said lmpro a whol e. The said Board ot J)rovements reserves the right to ~ ec t any and all bids. EDWARD ZIPF, PAUL A. HOFFMAN, ALBERT N. PAGE, FREDE TILT, Board of Local In:tnr·ovem ...t ot the VIllage or IHI<enii'il~<eiiD&<Cll&wllK 9 lliiD<eo Sealed Proposals for the and binding of the new Build! HOUSE CLEANING AND LAWNS nance for the V·lllage of ..... 711 --~··· mowed. Tel. Evanston 3425-R. be received by the Superirltend·ent 25LTNo{0-ltp Public Works of said Village of mette until 8 o'clock P. M. on 't" 28 B day, the eighth day of July, A. D. I :--:----u_s_I_N_E_s_s_s_E_R_v_IC_E _ _ __ at the Village Hall In said Village · U-DRIVE CARS FOR RENT. PAY Wilmette. Which Proposals will \ by the mile. examined, opened and declared by I) WERSTED 'MOTOR CO. President and Board of Trustees Tel. Winnetka 165 the VIllage of Wilmette on the 29LTN39-ttc day of July, A. D . 1924, at 8 P. M. at said Vlllage Hall. fic~~~:nos~als must state fully all WANTED TO RENT-ROlJIEI IN GAGE'S ADD. TO WILMETTE ON 3 10 YEARS TIME OR MORE Location-Sheridan Road, Cheetnut WANTED TO RENT-BY OCTOBER 1st, a six room modern unfurnished Ave., Ashland Ave., 7th Ave., lOth house with garage, In desirable St., Lots 2, 7 and 10, B. 1; L . 2, B. ~; neighborhood, by responsible small with riparian rights. L. 4, B. li; L. family. T elephone Sheldrake 7530. a and of, B. 9; L. 9, 10 and 12, B. 10; 3L40-2tp L. 6, B. 18; L . 1 and a, B. 17. John P. Gage, VIneland, N. J . FOR REN~APARTMENT!I 1LTN29-tfc OFFER FOR SALE THE NOLAN FOR RENT-FURNISHED FOUR RM. nat; hot water heat; near transporplace, 1186 Chatfield road, an untation. Apply Mr. Werated, 662 Linusual and attractive 6-room semicoln Ave., Winnetka. Phone 165. bungalow; 100 foot wooded lot; tine 4LTN38-tfc shrubs and perennials. Also fine ea1t side wooded lot, Ravinia, to TWO-ROOM KITCHENETTE APARTbe sacrificed tor Quick sale. Mrs. ment tor rent In the Nelson bulldLula E. Warmington, 878 Cedar Avelng, from July 15 or August 1 wHh nue, Highland Park 1472. lease to May 1, 1925. Tel. Wll. 24. 1LTN40-ltc 4LTN40-1 tp 17' WANTED-HOUSEHOLD GOODS vVilmette Auto Electric Service Specializing In generators, starters, magnetos and rewiring cars. Authorized dealers for Delco, Remy, Bosch, Gray and Davis, and Spartan horns. 1209 Washington Ave., (rear) Tel. Wll. 691 29LTN39-5tc WANTED TO BUY-SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Evanston, Ill. Phone 189. 17LTN2.f-ttc 18 FOR SALE-AUTOMOBILES The specifications may be seen the omce of the undersigned. The President and the Board Trustees of the VIllage of ~~~:r~~Jh;r~~~~~~!~ reject any Superint~'nien~c~u~J~Ie Vfllage of Wilmette. DEPENDABLE USED CARS 1923 Franklin Sedan, like new . , . $2,000 THE FAMILY OF THE LA 1923 Wills St. Claire tour., rePatrick O'Meara acknowl painted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,650 30 KENNELS grateful appreciation the preselons of the sympathy 1923 Dodge sedan, repainted, tine --================~ condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 950 I friends. 1923 Ford sedan, $100 equip. 435 Phone Northbrook 233-R 1922 Buick, 4 tour. . ........ .' .' .' .'. 525 J. Sullivan, Prop. 1922 Ford del., good cond. . . . . . . 186 Dodge WERSTED MOTOR CO. Brothers and Wills St. Claire Dealers Tel. Winnetka 165 18LTN40-1tc MI !\.ft<elhtlle~~ K<emiiiD<ell~ ON LAKE MICHIGAN, 100 FT. WATER, RIPARIAN RIGHTS (C(Q)MII'ilfrify IE~it&fr<e~ ~~ LATE 1923 MAXWELL, DRIVEN little over 6,000 miles; this car Ia In perfect shape; has disc wheels, spare tire, spotlight and many other extras; $475. Call Heinemann Wll 1672. 876 Michigan Ave., Wilmette: 18LTN40-ltp Used Cars- All Makes OPEN AIR SALES Cor. Sherman Ave. and Grove St. Evaneton 140 Wlllya-Knlght and Overland Dealers 18LTN29-trc FOR SALE-FORD SEDAN GOOD condition. mechanically and otherwise; cheap for cash .· Tel. Wll. 93. 18L-t01tc l& FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE-LATEST CREATIONS IN children's Organdy poke bats and bonnets. Never shown in Chicago before; also few dresses left to match, to close out. Will make up any kind of hats. Call Wilmette atU or 1230 Wilmette Ave. (Znd floor.) 19L40-1tp "::F:':O::O:R::--:8:-:AL~E-=--8:-M-ALL--,_G_E_N_T_L....:E.:.::P.:.O:._;:NY:::,: 1 sadd e and harness. 845 Greenwood Ave., Glencoe. 19LTN40-ltc FOR SALE-GIRL'S SCOUT SUIT, ~·~ 12, complete for $6.00, like new. e · Wll. 2590. . 19LTN38-tfp FOR SALE .., -m.OTOR WHEEL. CALL Wilmette 846-W. 19LTN40-ltp ; !lli'il<dl n9 s([)) ® fr<O> ll(Q) Only a mall amount of this choice frontage left between Chicago and Milwaukee. 65 miles north .of Chicago on Sheridan Road. Near C. & N. W. Ry. and Electric Line. In a few years this wonoerful property will be priceless. Why cro the lake or go to smaller lakes when you can have the real article so near home. We cleanse, comfort and beautify any and all kinds of dogs by washing and trimming. Specimens are made fit foi- exhibition or home adornment by skilled huma!le attendants of long expenence. We accept all breeds for boarding. Our rates are reasonable. Dogs called for or delivered. Waukegan and Shermer Rd. Northbrook, Ill. 30L40-3tc HONORS FOR COOUDGE ON THE 4m OF Citizens of the north shore have requested to heed the accompa suggestion that this Fourth of J made a combined celebration of pendence Day and the occasion send!ng congr:ttulatory messages Prestdent Calvm Coolidge whose day is the Fourth of July. A communication from Ralph Bickel, national president of Coolidge 4th-of-July club, ad to l?~al leaders, suggests that muntt1es take official notice of coincidence. PROPOSALS WILMETTE SPECIAL ~0. 141 ASSESSMENT 1810 CHICAGO TEMPLE BLDG. 77 W. Wa hington Street, Chicago Dearborn 9529 1LTN40-1tp I Wilmette, nunota, Jul 1 19!4 SEALED PROPOSALS yto~ the. lmpfrovement of Third Street, lying North o the North line of Maple Street, except the Intersection of Linden Avenue, Greenleaf Avenue, Central Avenue, and Sheridan Road, which are already paved, together with that art of Laurel Avenue lying between J>the West right-of-way line of the Sanl· tary District ot Chicago where It crosses Laurel Avenue, a'nd the Eaart right-ot-way line of the Chicago "T~e coming Fourth of July will President Coolidge's first birt the White House," Mr. Bickel "Regardless. of party feeling, fore, and Simply as thinking cans who hold that the Fourth of marks the greatest achievement civic government yet recorded human history, I hope that you see your way clear to send a gram of felicitation to the Pres so that it may reach him on his day." "The coincidence of an President born on the anni the Nation's own birthday may recur during the history of the public," the writer continues. closes with the statement that no ~m~rican will idly disregard its significance.

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