Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Jul 1924, p. 12

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WILMETTE Delightful Garden Setting for Bene/It Bridg, Snuut Apparel for Smart Women Sweaters, Hosiery, Silk Scarfs, Blouses. See our extensive line of silk voile underwear. HE 1 vely gardens of the adjoining estates of Mrs. H. S~ott and Mrs. Robert Cl~ett of Hubbard. Woods wiD most attractive feature of the hndge and mah J.Ongg_ benefit Grove House for Convalescents, at Evanston, to ~e g~ven by Winnetka board on Tues.day, July 15, under the d·rectton of Hathaway Watson, prestdent of tJ:te Grove House board ·. c.ommittee composed of the followmg members of ~he W board: Mrs. James L. Houghteling, Jr., Mrs. Heyhg~r Mrs. Ralph Hobart, Mrs. Frederick H. Scott, Mrs. Calvm Mrs. Cuthbert C. Adams, Mrs. Arthur Tuttle, Mrs. John Stuart Mrs. Merritt Starr. Anyone wishing to have a table may apply to any member the committee. . The Chicago Evanston and Lake Forest boards, whtch the Grove Hous~ board, are planning benefit affairs throt12"111out summer. Mrs. Lesley Wheeler heads the ~ake Forest com which is also giving a benefit about the m1ddle of July. T ORRINGTON HOTEL EVANSTON Lola B. Waller Plans Under Way for Barbecue a.t Country Club Mail this coupon Have you provided that extra pair of glasses for your trip? Don't neglect this important provision. Many a vacation has been spoiled because an only pair of glasses has been broken or lost. Sun glasses or tinted lenses will relieve the eye of the summer's bright glare. 14 Y ears of St~ccessful Practice f(ff Orrington Booklet L EARN how comf.ortably and happily you can live at THE ORRINGTONhow much more economical it is than maintaining a home-how convenient to transportation, schools, stores, the lake, etc. HOSE who have f.ormed the habit of attending the given by the Ouilmette club know the fun that is in store them on Thursday, July 10. Th?se. new me~b~rs .who have not been initiated into the informal Jolhty and ptcntc-hke atmc>sphea·e~ these events, are awaiting the event in eager anticipation. A tive plan has been made to have the supper served on the lawn, that rests largely in the hands of the weather, a true autocrat, of strange whims this season. Last Saturday the installation of the club's new officers observed with a special entertainment in additi<;>~ to the dinner, J. Adam Bede, ex-congressman, gave a poltttcal talk , Harmony Girls, Grace Ingram and ~dith Carpenter, wei! radio singers at the Drake hotel, dehghted the guests w1th music. Dancing from 10 o'clock until 12 concluded the T Isabelle Pope and Williatrt McKlintock to Wed R. and Mrs. Henry A. Pope, 910 Lake avenue, announce M engagement of their daughter, Isabelle, to William N. tock of Kenilworth. The Misses Ruth and Mary Allen of Mrs. Pettit of Ottowa, Canacb, Lake Geneva, Wis., who have been visiting at the home of her · visiting at the home of their sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Clary, 802 Lake Mrs. Frank Lincoln Koontz at 1121 nue, and Mrs. Jessie Ruger, 214 Ashland avenue, sailed from New street. York on Saturday, June 28, for a -o-tour of England, France, Belgium, Mrs. H. C. Copeland, who has Italy and Switzerland. They will rethe guest of Mr. and Mrs. W turn about September 1. Sanderson, 914 Central aven -otwo weeks, has returned to her Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Beem, 707 Lin- ni Cleveland, Ohio. den avenue, have just returned from --oan extensive motor trip through the M rs. ]. D. Roth and son, east, where they visited Cleveland, Philadelphia, Richmond , and toured up 1124 Forest avenu~, leave on the Atlantic coast. Mr. and Mrs. for abroad where they will Beem will leave in a few days for England and France. -o-their summer home in Michigan , Mrs. Bruce Palmer and son, where they will be gone two months. ing, of Washington, are the guests --oAmong the boys who are going from Mrs. C. Peter Van Shaak, 614 {jq Wilmette to Barril Lake, Canada, the den avenue. --ocamp managed under the directorship Mrs. Charles Brethold, 1102 Centra of Mr. Childs, physical training teacher at New Trier, are: Milton Em- a venue, has gone to Europe, rich , Charles Roth, Warren Siebold panied by her grandaughter, and Lawrence Davis. --o-oc. Peter Van Shaak and son, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Willison, 1011 ing, 614 Linden avenue, have gone Greenleaf avenue, have just returned Hawaii, to be gone two months. from a two weeks' stay in northern --oWisconsin. Mr. Willison went to Mr .and Mrs. Harry Smalley, Min.n esota on business, later joining Central avenue, have motored to his wife at Trout Lake, Wisconsin. Hill, Missouri. -o---oMrs. G. C. Baker of California and M iss Cornelia Van Shaack has Robert Baker of Kansas City, mother to Camp Owakonzee, Canada, for t and brother of Clifford Baker, 1450 summer. Lake avenue, are his guests for about --oa fortnight. M iss Vera Mason. 1014 Linden --onue , is going to Michigan for Dr. W . F . English, Sr. of Hartford, summer. Connecticut, arrived today for a two -oor three weeks' visit at the home of M iss I. Reisnor, 1634 Forest av his son, W. F. English, 729 Ninth who has been in New York for street. past week, returned Thursday. --o-o-Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hutchins and Mrs. A. S. Spedem of San Francisco family have moved to their n~w home is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. C on Warwick road, in Kenilworth. Boozer, 805 Park avenue. -oMrs. John Forrester, 1302 Chestnut avenue. returned from a trip to Mac· kinac Island. f -oMrs. A. W. Boylston, 1521 Lake a nuc, has returned from a week's in Silverwood, Indiana. --oMrs. Charlotte Evans of OUILMETTE vania is the guest of Mrs. Brown , 1539 Highland avenue. COUNTRY · --oCLUB Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Seng, 401 avenue, left last Wednesday for summer home in Wisconsin. --aGiv~n by Marion Born, 810 Forest avenue, The left on Friday for Alaska and the Canadian Rockies . WILMETTE POST -oAMERICAN M iss Bella Smith, entertained guests at a bridge-luncheon at LEGION home, 919 Forest avenue, on June -oM iss Marjorie Banning, 600 Third treet. was hostess at bridge on \Ved· nesday afternoon. -oLast week-end Willard C. $1.00 Per Couple had as his guest, Alva Van Dyke Music by Benson Indianapolis, formerly of Wilmette. -oMr. and Mrs. Frederick Ebeling, 7'1» Ninth street, have ~one to Colorado Springs for two weeks. Dr. 0. H. Bersch ()ptometriat ForMn ltl,r. O~ir.J Dt~. C. D. P11UHA, ltu:. Fol' .&ppolataeat Plaoae Wll, 2'fM or llealdoaee Wlbaetto lfet' Ho.,. ··117 fro· 8130 A, II, to la30 P, II, EYe'· ltJ' ap)loa.t·eat. 1177 Wilmette Ave. Both words and pictures tell the full story of this happier mode ~f living where you can rest and relax in the full enjoyment of every home comfort yet without home cares-no servant problem, no heat worries - everything new - up-to-date beautiful! Send coupon now for this interesting booklet. Then visit us for detailed information about a furnished or unfurnished apartment to meet your needs. Read theWant Ads G'fk For Hot, Humid Days For the bot, humid days that make )'O ur teet swell and burn, Cantilever Shoes are a welcome relief. They :tre patterned from the natural outline or tbe toot. The result is such allsolute comfort that you are never ,·onsr lous that Cantilever Shoes touch ~ .. <.: iuo t at any point. ORRINGTON EVANSTO,,.ILLINOIS ~ Roof Garclen-Men'a Clubroom-Ballrooma Children's Playroom. Maid'a Rooma--Hairdreaaer-Barber Shop Garagea There Is ample toe room. The lun er sole line, which follows the lm e or the root, allows the toes to tliJint straight ahead In their naturu ' II OS itlon. The heel or a FRANKEN BROTHERS DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS tantilever '\_Shoe:£:: it tends to dis""' ute the weight evenly. The nexlble shank Is drawn up ,.,·hen the shoe is laced ao that it meAts and supports the arcb of the root at every point. The ftexlblllty ut the sboe arch allows the muscles to exercise treely, wblch strengthens the arch musclea. Try Cantilever Shoes tor you· ummer foot troubles. You will like tbelr «OOd lookl and their refresh Jng comfort. i.; ~ li g htly tilt~d ; WE.WOULD like to share with you the pleasure of seeing our Peonies in blossom and extend, therefore, a cordial invitation to you to visit us from June .23rd until the end of the blootning season. DANCE 1 NORTH SHORE BOOTERY Two Sto.-ea in Evanatoa 529 Da.U St. at Cbicqo Ave., in the Shore Hotel ud at Franken Bros. Deerfield, Ill. FRIDAY, JULY 4th MUEI P ..... FLORIS Flowen aad I Scott IUIIi LiM HUBBARD \11 w-... YO

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