lO WILME'ITE y 4, 1924 urge every voter to go to the polls on election _day. When the ( Formerl y The Lake Shore New a) fateful day a.rnves they haul Eelabllshed Ul2 citizens to the poll~. with which Is combined 'I' HE WII ·.Uio:'l" rE LOCAL NEWS Their vital interes t in election B11lablished 1898 candidate s and issue s is in strik··~!ll i i~ D FHIO.\l' OF 1-:ACH WEEK ing contrast to the lukewarmness by LLO\"U IIOJ. l , JSTER, INC. of their hu sbands and brothers, 1222 C;:nt·al Av e., Wlimette, Ill. who are somewhat doubtful about 1".-lrplooae . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wilmette 19::0 the use of getting excited ?ver SLIISCIUPTJON .2.00 A YEAR political problems and solut10ns. All comrnunlclltions must be accom- This some\\"hat cynical attitude is pAnlt>d by the n11me and address o f the perhaps due to their_ longer wdter. Articles for publication should r.·ach the editor hy Wednesday noon to fnmiliaritv with conventions and lllNure appearance In current Issue. candidates. Possibly when the zeal of Resol u tlons ot condolence, cards of thanks, obituary, poetry, notices or en- \\"Omen ha s cooled off a little, the t.-r·talnments or other at'l'alrs where an admittance c harge will be made or men will have worked up a new a collection taken, will be charged at appetite for the exercise of their r .. gular advertising rates. suffrage rig-ht s. Entered a"t the post office at Wil mette, Illinois, as mall matter o r the a Pco nd class, under the act or March 3 IX79. WiLMETTE LIFE OLD FLOORS BEAUTIFIE Linoleum We employ expert layers Hangings made to order . Congoleuni All patterns and sizes shades and accessories PETS lJutt:t~y through the cham1rl in the mad March da)·s, With a cargo of Tync coal, Noad-rails, pig-/,·ad Firn~ood, irou-uoar;, a11d cheap tin trays. Pets are nice things so long as they don't bother other peo- -== ple. Then they become pests. SC'.f>arate the Grades. We once had a neighbo r who F.nforce the Traffic l.aws. had pets. These pets were white Bttild th e Through Traffic Road. parrots; mayhe they were cockatoos . Rut parrots or cockatoos CARGOES thev made an awful noise. When ()u,"nquircmr of Nim!<·rh from distant the)· confined themselves to lanOphir ~uage they disturbed nobody. but Rm ·inr; h ome to lta'i!CII itJ sttiiiJy Pale.rat intervals they tired of talking lillr, and let out screams that spoiled lf'ith a cargo of ittory, .1nd apes and peacocks, afternoon naps of neighbors with- .)'cmd(l./wood, cedarwood, a11d sweet white in half a mile radiu s. wi11e. So we appointed o urselves a of _ Stalely Spcmish ga l/,·o , coming from the committee to visit the owner . /sl/wws, said birds and get at the why's J>ippi11y Jltrouyh th,· Tropics by thr and wherefore's and what are f>u/m-grcrn shores, you going to do about it's. After 1Vi1h a caryn of diamonds, taking a dr ink of grape-juice to l iml'rulds, amclhuts, '!'nfla::es, and ri;tllclltum, a11d gold moi- brace ourselves for the interview, rlores. off we started. Arrivi ng, we rang the hell and awaited devel /Jirtv British coast,·r 1Pilh a salt-caked Sllioke-stack, opments. FRIDAY, JULY 4. 1924 = See Our Beautiful Wall Papers before you decorate We carry Everything for interior decorating -andLet us figure your INTER/OR D DCQfU TJNG '..l.:..t EXTERIOR PAINTING - John Masefield. A good dog i~ not so good as a g-ood watch . t\ good dog dema nd s some appreciation, but a gooti watch demands none. A good dog- needs food, but a good watch lives on an almost zero ~unount of winding and gets that only once every twenty-four ltlJUts . .\ good dog is right perhaps three-quarters of the time, b\lt a good watch is always right. .\ good dog can be dispensed with, hut a good watch i · positivdy indispcnsible. at least in civi lizt·d communities. \Ve never hea rd of anybody pawning a dog, good or otherwise, hut who hasn't heard of borrowing a dollar or two .o n a watch, good or not bad? A friend of ou r has jitst recovered his ven· fine chronoWHAT'S COMING? llleter. lie's as happy as a hoy \\'hither are ce rtain movements with his first pair of skates. tending? In what shape will they be two, five, ten "yea rs from GRATITUDE now? \Ve owe a debt .of gratitude to It is more than interesting, it t h<· O\\'ners of beautifu l homes. is positively stimulating to trace ·'trange notion, isn't it? when great historical movements back you're thinking of these owner to their sources; to discover the rc~ting at ea'>e in their "beautiful seed from which they sprang. homes." \\'hat do they want of In fact, history's main use is to tt ? Ciratitude? Foolish idea I show us the causes and conseHut wait 'a minute. Every day quences of such great happenings you walk, or drive, past one of as th e inquisition and the rise and the e beautiful homes, ~ dwelling fall of Rome. which is a model of artistic archiChanges are 110w occurring. trcture . et in the midst of love ly Tremendous movements are even lawns and gardens. O ft en vou now taking place. One of these pause to admire it, to let your is known as the Prohibition eye_ drink in the fullness of the movement; another is that series beauty before yo u. You how of events associated with the Ku to your out-of.town guests this Klux Klan. Just how did they home and feel a little proud that begin · and what is their future? you live ,in its neighborhood. Ar Does it seem likely that the Proyou ever grateful to the owners hibition amendment will be so of this home? n1odified that the use of light Cra titude, some mall measure, wines and beer will be legalized? at least, towards those who have And will the power of the Ku made po sible the existence of Kluxers· so grow that the Klan heautiful homes will go far will he a menace to the nation? towards promoting community Understand that we are not foreg()od feeling. ca ting; we are merely pointing out a possibility. WOMEN AND VOTING Able-minded men and women . One of th~ mo.st sti~ulating o~ght to think more of the posstgns of the ttmes ts the vtgorous stble consequences of an action· interest that women are taking they ought to form the habit of in electi.on da>: activities. As at- figuring out the future of a presmost any electt.on day approaches, ent movement, like the use of women, espec1ally club women, airplanes, wages of laborers the g_et bu ier and busier as citizens. church, the boy scouts. ' They hold m_eet_ings which candiAn intelligent reading of the dates ~re m_vtted to addre~s. fu~ure will often keep one from They c~rcula~tze the . town, dts- bemg destroyed by forces which ~mtnatmg mformatton about otherwise would have come upon these same. candidates. They him unawares. A GOOD WATCH re;;eec!_ladw!n you the owner of those parrots?" "0 ves! They're wonderful birds. Got them from my brother in South Ame ri ca. Had them only a few months. Come in and look at them." And before we reall y kn ew what had happened we were in the presence of the "wonderful birds" and at the mercy of a wonderful gift ,o f gab. We had no opportunity to present our complaint ; in fact we soon became so numb under the lingui stic harrage that we lost all desire to complain . So the parrots continued to an nov us until we moved away. · \\'ell, what we reallv had it in mind to say ·w as that · these pets we·re pests. ,\nd the point o f o ur story is that people who keep birds. cats, dog~. and poultry shou ld so control them as to prevent them from annoying neighbors. . s~~t~io~~s~~o~~,X~~ ~filllllllllffiilliiiiO~UIII~IIIII~IIIIII~IIIII~IIIIII~IIIII~IIIIII!IIIII~IIIIII!IIIII~IIIIII~IIIII~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ '~ 1213 WILMETTE AVE. Sterner's Paint store PHONE 2491 WORK and give suggestions fessional Actre· panies do The cast, ( satisfactory. with futher e three outstandi Mr. Charles was better tha1 viously atte considerable gr ull made much r 666" and sho Mr. Willia I and li~ Leader-" splendid? I play fo policemen I." UORTH' SHORE 11 LINE Your CVacation in Wisconsin or 811ichigan J:::X'R splendid sport and health-giving recr ~eation, choose either Wisconsin or Northern Michigan. And for an enjoyable trip choose the one best way-the North Shore Line. Cool, clean travel and courteous service make the journey a vacation adventure in itself. Direct connections in Milwaukee with the T. M. E. R. & L. R. R. for Oconomowoc, Nashota Lakes, Nehmabin Lakes, Silver Lake, Delafield, Waukesha Beach, Nagawicka Lake and Pewaukee Lake. Also direct connec.. tions with Milwaukee Northern R. R. for Port Washington, Sheboygan, Elkhart Lake, Cedar Lake, Crystal Lake and intermediate points. Schedules of both roads connect with North Shore Line trains. Step from your North Shore train in Milwaukee into a T. M. E. R. & L. or Milwaukee Northern train at th~ terminal. Connections are made in Milwaukee with Pere Marquette Steamers for Ludington, Manistee, Hamlin Lake, Portage Lake and One.. kema. Leave here in afternoon; take night steamer from Milwaukee, arriving in Michi.. ·gan next morning. Fast trains leave for Milwaukee over the North Shore Line, at fre.. quent intervals. You may buy a "through" ticket at the North Shore ticket office, and check your baggage, to your point of des.. tination . For schedules, fares or other information ask any North Shore ticket agent, Of' telephone Take a Low-Cost Tour 'Via Motor Coach The Nonh Shore Line Ia operatin1 a acnea of ddcahtful, inexpensive motor coach tours-now. Big, new, comfortable, de luxe coachea-outini!J of unmatched scenic beauty through glorious lake and resort reaiol\1 of Northern Illinois and Wioconsin, includin1 the famous Della. J-dav trlp-.ofSS mUea, lncludin1 hotel., meat. and b-r trlpl, $37. 5-dav trip - 738 mllea, lndudin11 hotel. and meala, $65. 7-dav trlp - 959 rnllea, lndudin11 hotel.. meau and boat trlpa, $89. 1-day trlp-180 mllea to Lake Geneva and return, in· cludin11 boat trip, $7.50. Illustrated folder with full partieulan at any North Shore Line Scare 5723 · · ~~-~~r8il!c;~clephone ¥:!lfi~"M':r ..aK':!~ sh ~-~~~d.~; Chicago North Shore and Milwaukee Railroad Company Wilmette Passenger Station Telephone Wilmette 2514