Qu.r Customers Will Pkase Note -t~at,_ together with several other Wilmette stotes. begmnmg ] uly 9th, this store will close each Wednesday at 1 o'clock noon, during July and August. We are doing this for the benefit of our several employees, wh.o ask your co-operation by shopping · Wednesday mornings, during this time. The McAlliater- Worthen Co. co. Fac-Simi'e. of M-.1 ~on bJ' lllinoi. CompaaJ' in Competition with all otb er Electric Uabt and Power Conceru o£ Amer1ca for makia1 tbe areateat ac:baevemeall in tlte Elec:tric:al 6eld of tbe Nation du.rina JtzJ. SAFEGUARD YOUR FURS ia oar roomy FUR STORAGE VAULTS We will ~enovat~, Repair and Store your Furs for the Summer m our Btg Vaults and Insure them against Loss by Fire, Moth and Theft. Reasonable Rates Prompt Attention Excellent Care HARRY A. ROPINSKI . FuRRIER E.taWUbacl ia E·aaatoa 1 · Ill CHICAGO AVE. Near Maia Street CALL EVANSTON 3722 EVANSTON for the in early ntment. s, Fabtificallly lsistantsoiled, 3-1-3 A gold medal and an embossed sheepskin certificate-;visible ·proofs of another reason why northern Illinois may rightfully boast of being the greatest place in the world-have been received at the general offices of the Public Service company of Northern Illinois, at Chicago. They are the Charles A. Coffin awards, given the Public Service company, winner in a competition with all the other electric light and power companies of America, as the company making the grea,test achievements in the electrical field of the nation during 1923. With them came a ~hec_k for $1,000, the cash a ward, wh1ch IS to be added to the Employes' Benefit association. The medal, of 14 carat gold and more than three inches in diameter, bears on the obverse side the profile of Charles A Coffin, founder of the General Electric company. In commemoration of his work his company established the Coffin Foundation and confers the anflual award. On the reverse side of the medal is the · inscription, "For distinguished contribution to the development of electric light and power for the convenience of the public and the benefit of the industry, awarded to the Public Service Company of Northern Illinois 1923." ' The sheepskin certificate reads, "The ~harles A. Coffin Foundation, estabhshed by the General Electric compan~, (or the advancement of the electrical art, . awards the Charles A. Coffin medal to the Public Service Company of Northern Iltinois in recognition of its distinguished contribution during the year Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-three to the development of electric light and power for the convenience of the public and the benefit of the industry." Formal conferring of the medal and award was made recently at the national convention of the National Electric Light association by its president, on behalf of the prize committee. 554 Center St., Winnetka Before the dam·l· Ia done, ·pray your dothlna and fura frequently with c~·· ····~··· Kllh ···· ... moth larv. . and ·11 .. Hannle.. to clothlna.Stalnt.... Hu pleuine odor. Sold by Snider &: Cuel Dru1 Co. C.r. Wilmette aacl Central Av... Portable Victrolas Cenol A1enc:y Viola M. Specht Announces the opening of her sses· in classic, aesthetic, and toe dancing, at her new studio; Room No.2. Europe'· Critics Praile Milan Luak'a Recitab W,tLMt'l'Tt LIJit received a communication this week from Milan Lusk, dated at Prague, where he had recently given two violin recitals. He says he was well received by both audiences, the press later commenting that Mr. Lusk "possesses a sound musicians~ip, a virtuoso technique and a songful mterpretation." Mr. Lusk adds that he is touring Bohemia at present where he is meeting enthusiastic audiences. He will go from Bohemia to Roumania, he says, and expects to be back in Wilmette by the end of August. Mr. Lusk's home is at 810 Michigan avenue. summer Village Theatre Building For particulars call Wilmette 5 between the hours of 8 and 1 o'clock. 712 Church St., Eoamton lOCENT GASO Ia what the PackardSixownergets. Owners of heavy, complicated can pay 20 cents. Here's why-and how. The Packard Six gives 16 to · 18 miles and more per pllon of PIJ 500 to 800 mlles up from a Dllon of oU; 20,000 mlles and up lrom a set of tires. . The Packard Six pays its own ·. way out of savings in p, in oU, In tires, in the abSence of repain. Come in and let us prove it. SMOKE; ITS ELIMINATION Pollution of the air by smoke has caused the loss of millions of property and taken a huge annual toll of lives, according to H. B. Meller of the Mellon Institute. Engineers who have devoted years of study to the smoke abatement problem are agreed that the universal use of man -made anthracite, coke and manufactured gas ofte'i:s the best solution. They base thetr convictions on results obtained from certain residential districts where the use of coal has been eliminated altogether in favor of coke and gas, and from laboratory tests. WILL INSTALL OFFICERS There will be a public installation of officers of New Trier chapter, Ord~r of Builders at Winnetka Masomc Temple, El~ street. East of railroad, on Monday evening, June 30, at 8 :30 P. M . Relatives and friends are cordially invited to be present. FOR RUN DOWN CHAPS Pitching horse shoes with the neighbors, playing or watching a. baseb~ll game an afternoon of fishmg ,vtth some' congenial companion or a tramp throu""h the woods will do the average f;llow who just feels "run down" a lot more good than 10 quarts of bottled "spring tonico," says the state health department. ana I l Mciay pn/ef' to take ad"anta1e of Pcu:kard'· ~ly liberal dme pa~ maae pLin to enJoy lmmecUatdy the acJ.. ~u of ca Padcat'd Six Of' Padcard Elcht-pawchMina' ouC of lncome fn- ttead of cafrital, i1Ut cu practic4Uy aU othef' nece,itie· au now botaahe. PACKARD MOTOR CAR COMPANY (Evanston Branch) 1629 Orrincton Ave. Phone Evanaton 710 IF YOU ARE THINKING OF GOISG TO c ,\.LIFORNIA. YOU WILL WANT THIS BOOK The Chicago &: North Western Ry. has published a new edition of their booklet, "Forty Ways and Mo~? to California and the North Coast. It Is not a picture book, but It b full of lntereattng tntorme.tton about routes, farea and shows with the aid of outline maps the territory you can cover. If you are planning a triP to California lt wUl pay you to get a copy of thls book, free on application to E. E. PACKAR-D Orner, Ticket Agent, C. & N. W. Ry., Wilmette, Ill. Tel. 4. Adv.-ltc ·s iX