Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Jun 1924, p. 6

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6 CLUB urn I HOLD I v~ IIJLL ~.sw= ~~ TRAIN C Aaaericana A.cldrest OPENING FORMAL CARGO RD I DOll:(! lli\I\ILJ i WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY. Forest LowrJ; NE 27, 1924 d C 1 ' tity .. "The Personal Element in vention at Joliet on Wedaescta, Althou1h the conference lat President. Ho":ct .-\~ vert'ising' and "Railroad Adver- two days, the Wilmette chief. Hoach, tising." there one da7 and Mtaned to ......,.~'" N. W. Road Takes ZS,HI,I81 July 3 to Be Gala Day at Shinales In One Load Sunset Ridge Oub A solid train of 125 freight cars 25,000.000 red cedar shingles . . Lumbet" from the Hun~t!Dg Merratt ~mpany, suffi'c1ent to roof over 2,000 average-sized " houses representinc a town of over 10,000 people, is now enroute over the Chicago & North ,Western railway for Chicago and the easL ·· This is the largest single long disunce shipment of this kind ever moved by rail If the shinglrs w~rc laid end to end on the ground, they would reach over four thousand ttiree hundrrd mile·, and over 11.750.000 square feet could be covered if the shingles were laid side by side in a square. : carryin~ One of the most eJaborate social functions of .the year is scheduled at the Sunsd Ri~Country for its July 3, hen that "6": . ti dub will·hold for" . orgamza 00 mal opcomg. a---' llore than JOO pcr'SOil;' are ~':""'" to attend the event. wb1ch starts With a. dinner at 7:30 o'clock. Professional entertainers have been secured to add t? the ev~s pleasures and ~ ~ ~ .daoce will top off the festJVJntt. A farge staff of employes and workmen .have been kept ~y ~ the club's prem.JSeS the past fortmgbt Jn preparatio nfor tbe occasion which promises to make a social epoch on the north shore. reach to New York City and three quarters of the way back to Seattle. Tree . from which hingles are made, red cedar, grow to tremendous sizes along the western slopes of the Pacific coast. They often measure ten feet in diameter. Thi s. timber thrives in districts subject to the greatest rainfall. Two thousand years ago many of these red cedar trees \vere even then young giants of the forest. The Indians knew their value for certain purposes, a s a wood that would practically last forever and they called red cedar "The Tree of Life." They u ed it in the building of their gi~antic war canoes. These large sea gomg canoes, which entailed years of labor in the building, were cut from a single tree of red cedar. S~rt~g u ~~tl~ wd ~a~d ~ __T~~~=~=c:er:s:o:f:ili=e:c:~:b=a=u=:=P=~=~~~~o~pe~r_a_ti_v_e_A_d_v_~~is~~~g=o=f==a=P:u:b:l:k the ground end to end, they would from a.ll townt and viltac. til Superintendent of Police penma1. heads ·he state were present . attended the Illinois state pohce conDiscussion of public utility advertis- ... ,,,,,,,,,, · ._. ing will be one of th~ features of the ~ international conven~n of the Associated Advertising aa·s of the World in London next month. The progra~ Jli announced by Frank L Blanchard. di- ~ rector of public relations. Henry L. I Doherty & company, and chairman of 1 the London program co~r_nittee of ~he Jli Public Utilities Advertt smg assoc1a- ~ "-- · tion shows four n.u.n:ncan an d f ou r I Jli Bdtlsh spukers listed. . ~ The American speakers and ~belt I subjects will be 1l~c~P.a.l .n.ln..-ate I Ownership of Pubhc {.;t JhtJes, by B. Jli J. Mullane)·, vice president, the People's Gas Light and Coke company. Chicago; "How to Make Good Wdl for the Company," by P . L. Thomson, ~ Western Electric company, ~ew York, I and "Progress of Customer Owner- I shio." by Mr. Blanchard. 1 Tbe subjects of the British. papers .1. )A'17 ~ will be "Company Ownersh·P and Jli .... An .U. Jll aX. Operation Under Public Control," "Co- to Aclvertilers' Meetinl AITENDS STATE MEET duti.. s Tbursc:lq morning. p I ~~ JEWETT 4983 · IN ALL THE WO;RLD NO CAR LJK£ TMJS · X I I I ASK US WHYEV' VSTON I 1 TRACY HOLMES MOTOR CO. Da · .. FJ~3~~~§t§§ii~~§§§3~§~§§31E§§§§3~9i II Those Palm Beach Suits and Straw Hats Fac-Simi o£ Am Business Mms Luneluon. 75~ ,--· i~l 1 CANNED GOODS ENDORSED Canned ·. egetable.s and fruits are practically as wholesome and valuahle as fresh products of this nature if the canning is done correctly. It is well to remember, however, that only perfectly sound, fre sh, sweet material should be used in any canning process. Commercially canned products are almost always wholesome. 12 11linutts by Motor to J3artelme's . ~ftlortbtitiO Inn Dn WAUKEGAN ROAD q will need cleaning for the 4th, so bring them in early and avoid disappointment. All kinds of Clothes, Fabrics and Rugs scientificallly cleaned at prices consistantly low. If they're soiled, 1 ring them to us. We assure ) ou a ~o.;u job, prompt service and courteous treatment. a:t NORTHBROOK WihMtte 7-Z-7 WIIIDetb 7-Z-7 Phones Pboaea EnDatOD 5118 HiahJaacl Park 3-1-3 578 LiDcoba Aveaue A gold sheepski another ~ may rig! greatest received Public S Illinois, They 1 awards, pany, wi the oth compani pany m. ments i nation d a check which is Benefit c The more th bears oq of Chari General memorat establish confers On the the · ins ~ M~.:~~~.~,~~YSLERl ~·~W~e~'~re~W~w;;~~~~Ei~~g~t~o~H~e~l~p~ High Class Healthy Toy Bostons, An ~ges Satisfaction Guaranteed FRED PAUL Breeder of High Class Boston Terriers ZZS2 Orchard Street Cora... a.w- aad Lincola A···· ~-= UNIVERSITE!AN~~:OR SA~~~ ~ ~ .._llllllliiiiiiiiiUIU-IIIIIIIIIIIIilllmtiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIWIIIIIII-RIIIIIIIII......IIIII.. _I !=_== CHICAGO ·-- u-.a. 1825 ~ Ave. Phone EYaD. %341 SALES . .. " , . . · SER~ICE Facmg L Tracks at Umverstty Place. ~ i lllJ No matter what make of battery you are now using, our service keeps it serving as long as safety and economy permits . taiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiUHIIIIIIIIUIII.t 'Dollars! .... Sa,ed -q)ollars A slight increase in the price of Made · If a new battery is necessary you can depend on our recommendation and buy an Exide: It costs no more. Wiaaetk· Exide Battery Service · U. C. ABEL, Maoqer We hmu:lle only tenuitN Edle IKWtl Open-U:.om 7:30A.M. to 7:30 P.M. Sundays, 9 to 12. 2-3 Carlton Building Phone Winnetka 1387 w The ofoffi of B Tempt on M duced summer price you are yet abl~ to save at least $50.00 on your yearly supply of fuel. Ease of Control-Cleanliness- Absence of Smoke and Soot cannot be valued in dollars and cents. For &tk By EDINGER COAL CO. KUTTEN BROS. Wilmette 641 Wilmette 1 IF Y Does not affect the relative value. At the re, cordia P. ~ Call La7t'tUI4k 7025 for 011r Free Sen-ice £xf~e BATTERIES Th4 ha.s 1 bookl Calif· inter fares llne is no If y( nla. l this Orne Wlln

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