WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY Manqer of Chic Company Art Ita.titate Will Situ Up llest of St.n iD Europe Adrl Department -o1 Drtl"a in Fall YOUNG ASPIRANTS,FAIL Comm~ncin« with the -fall term the Art Inshtute of Chica'o will add a depa.rtment of dramatae art to its curraculum. Thomas Wood Stevens, ~n.own as the fathet' of Pageantry in h?s country, will be at the head of thJs department. Mr. Stevens was a ~ tudent of the Art Institute and after~ards became a member of the teachme st·ff, at which time he wrote and produced the spectacle "A PaJeant of t~e Italian Renaissance," whtch was g1ven at the institute in January 1909,. under ~he auspiees of the Anti: ~uarran socre.ty. ~ter Mr. Stevens ecall!e art . d1rector 10 the University of W1sconsrn and afterwards head of the departm~t of 1!nrmati~ -art -at C!lrnegie ln.thute of Tedmology, Prttsburgh. Until the Goodman_ Theatre of J?ramatic Art is ready, short olays WJII be produced in Fullerton hall, by members o£ Mr. Stevens' class, and these will be given for the '>enefit of members of the Art Institute. The class witt be composed of "\ limited number of students carefully selected for their dramatic possihitities. Applic~tions for membership should be made to Dean Raymond P. Ensign, Art lnstit1ste of Chicago. e Milan, Italy- - "When I think of our next srand opera season in Chic~go, . I think onl.r fn superlatives , G1orgro . Potacc'?, musical director ~f the Chscago C1vic: Opera said her recently, following a conf~renc:e wit~ ~et'~ert M. Johnson, business manager o · t e company, ' who is in Italy in s~arch of new artists and to inveatlg~te new operas for qther aeasons ~!e· It .C. Burritt, ef tM Chie ' Cl,~lc qpera. company from Milan~ I thank an. auperlatives bec-ause, I am sure, Chl«go music Ioven will be tr~ated to the greatest opera seas~n dt the company's history. We . will have a well balanced repertoire an~ an array of talent that wilt give dehaht to everyone. Nowhere in Europe. t<?day can you iind listed with t~e arhshc personnel of any erganizaho~, anywhere near as many fine a~ttsts as are now under contract srng ~ext winter in ChicaJIO. HOW TO KEEP WELL opera I!' Europe today would be satisEating is mighty important to fied With half as many great artists health, but it isn't the whole thina. as we have, or a third or a fourth as Gasoline makes your engine go but many. it has to have oil and water too if " ~laicaco c.t. Beet T..a..t it keeps in condition. Exercise is ,\1le Ch1cage gets the best- the world lubricating system of the body. lf has to offer and should be very happy you want to keep the joints frpm ~hat the Chicago Opera management soueaking you have to indulge in a 1s ~ble to d~ as much as it has been bit of muscular effort every day. Outdomg. Chtcagoans generally can of-door exercise such as baseball, thank t~e l!ber.ality of the guarantors tennis and golf are the best forms. of the aHtttutton, for Chicago today gets more talent in granl1 opera than any two operas anywhere. in Europe." Mr. Jetm901l arrived here from ~orne, Florence, 'Bologna and other c1ti.es where auditions were held for artists who had been r.eported upon fav.orably to t!te management of the Chacago organaaation. Throughout the year the management of the Chicago ~ompany hears from volunteer opera scouts, frolll managers, represent tive~ op\e \onnect~d directly or- iiiclirect .._ tJte Chicago organization and from others1 on new voices that au beinc developed here and there tln-oughout After simillll' "!'e'pMts on A-rnericamlt .prospects are investigated in the UnitHave you provided that extra ed States, new material is investigated pair of glasses for -yoar trip ? here. Don't neglect this -important pro"Titere will be auditions before tone that may bring to ligltt some excellent vision. Many a vacation has been new talent," Mr. Polacco and Mr. spoiled because an only pair of Johnson stated, "but thus far the hearglasses has been broken or lost. ings have been somewhat of a disSUil glasees or tinted lenses wilt appointment." relieve the eye of the summer's Yo-· Artiata o-....w · Mr. Johnson asserted that he had bright glare. heard · number of dependable youns artists but none, as yet, who appear 14 Years of SUlctss/wl PraetKI to have as much promise as would be required by the Chicago company, which at best has places for only a limited number of younger, which, at o,t..-triet best has places for only a limited number of younger, so-catted minor ,_._,II.,. ~.C. D . P,;uoclt,lrw. grand opera singers struggling for a higher rung on the musical ladder. WUmette "Before I left Chicago I heard of r · ..,............ two artists who will soon be in Ital.Y," Bean ~,.... · · .a. .. te Mr. Johnson said. "The informataon . . . p . . . . . . . . .,. . . . . . .. _.. I received had it that they might prove valuable additions to the company. Rl D .G ·· THE w FOR A y ' CHILDREN" STORE Bathing Suits We carry a most complete line of all-wool Bathing Suits in the latest models and pattern$ also Caps-Shoes-Belts Sand Toys CARROLL 619 Davia Street &aMt.n. TeL J511 RIDGWAY INC. 1160 Wilmette Ave. Wilmette. TeL .311 Dr. 0. H. Bersch 1177 .. . . . . . . . . . . 1- Q,.._, L LlAS B 635 MAIN STREET OT Ave. _.wiL·· We Aim to Give Y The American AUTOMATIC OIL BUttNER Aaswers t1ae BURNING QUESTION of tile DaJ Moren- FEATURES It is completely It is practical and elic:ieat. aoot, :!~· Lower 'I'UCI ~t. It is c&&adt to ·et oat ol It ia the automatic janitOI'. When anyone comes into either of our stores . w-e always try to do more for them than they are expecting. No matter what it is they want, we'd like to have them, when they leave, be a little more than satisfied. aatG~Datic. EliminatiGD of ulaea, dirt, 635 Maia Street Ol'der. -· Eleetrieal lpitioo. Perfect combaetion at au ti~DM. No Pilot Phones { 10 1311 154 Licht. We Give Three Things: Be.t Quality Prompt Service Moderate Prices ' 1135 Celllral J.ye. Phones{~= 1311 AMERICAN OIL BURN£R SALES CO. M. Bruch ()lice, MZ4 CottaCe GrOYe Awaue, Qaicap ...._.: Midway ·ts.n· Come in on Saturday and select your Sunday order from our fresh stock of fine fruits and good wholesome vegetables. There's nothing so suitable for summer meals as peas, asparagus, beans, beets, etc .