Noted Club Doora Cloae lor Seaaon Up at New Trier FIRST,' CLUB'S SLOGAN IS Wipe "Y~s, we have no cream celery soup All solicitors who ply their traM for sax cents, nor mashed potatoes, nor Optimiata Demand Wiclenina from house to house in Wilmette·.,.,.. green gage plums nor wax beans, nor first obtain sanction to do to from Chief WhO of Central, Wilmette sandwiches." ' of Police Denman, the c:elonel said ,ato a That is the new song of the New Trier terday, and he ur~ all houteholdet-J to Avenues township high school students who used iminediately notify police beadlruarten to enlighten each other on the happenwhesl any solicitor calls upon them and ings in the different class rooms and at who has not police permission. UP l'O· COMMITTEE the parties the night before. It was the CALL AREAS .A MENfa.cE t "I am trying to protect residents of the viHa~ apinst \JMeeiraWe of coffee shop of the wits. The repartee 110licitors," tbe. ehie · . ..There's one and the clever anecdotes could be heard at every table. Addison, Steele, Johnn.......l!.... ____ ~ t.hat will not be allowed to · N el._ 1"-a...o.-a... W Oat and son, Boswell, Pope. $lelley, Keats and Will Urp New ~ 1a W1lm1Me, namely, the chaD mOY ·~ '-UU.,.... Swift would never have a look in. for Car Parkial serts his al!oe into a partially ~ · f eatuN f11 0.1 Pave :rlr.atva1hfare door and inaists that the housewife This isn't o1 a new club that was must hear his appeal Some of t11e1e · clo:!Cd bf prohibition fleat . The oe\y fetlows are merelt crooks 1ooldn for thins' to iruir ei'e u a btl( At tile According to the Optimists' club, the opportunity to ~1. If such come Novelty races will be amonc the "If the village trust~es dare to close ring of thb' bell · hundreds of the pafeatures on the Fourth of July Tenth street at the northern limits trons would flee. It wasn'~ a pqlice bell. the widening of Central and Wilmette to Wilmette, I am determined to imI woul r· suggest that they follow that All this is of the ' New Trier town- avenues is now the paramount issue in press upon them that this is not A ~ program as planned by Wilmette :Post, action by building a Chinese wall ship high school mess ball which was Wilmette. This was made manifest at sirable place for their activities. They No '46 of the American Legion, for acron .Wilm.ette's northern boundary. closed at the end of the regular school the club's luncheon on Tuesday, June 24, had better move on to some other local- the. Independance Day cel~bration, lo One proceedmg would be just as wise session, last Friday. Regular meals will when action was taken to acquaint the ity, for they will not be tolerated here." be held . at the new municipal playboard of trustees with the fact that the ground, Ridge avenue between Lake as the other." not be served again until next fall. Thus spoke William C. Reinhold. and Washington avenues, at 1:30 The mess hall was open nine months townspeople want these improvements 1005 Ashland avenue, yesterday. Mr. of the year and was managed by Miss made, and made without any delay. o'clock, July 4. The general sentiment at the Optim' · More than 150 prizes, donated by Reinhold was discussing a petition Eleanor Robson. About 900 students Wilmette merchants, will be given to sent to the board of trustees, recently and faculty members were served each ists' meeting was, that the present eonby certain residents of Chestnut street; noon. Miss Robson had the assistance gested condition of both those thoroughthe winners of safe the 40. different events. They are all and sane awards praying that the north end of Tenth of 12 women and about 20 students. fares makes traffic over them extremely which will be of use OR or after the street be closed. The menu listed on the north wall dangerous and a menace to the lives of Fourth. The names of the things to When the petition reached the of the mess hall read : pedestrians. Only last Thursday a littl· be given as prizes are withheld at trustees, it was turned over to a comCream Celery Soup ............ 06 7-year-old girl alighting from her fath- Country Club Wan·- yOU at present so as n<>t to bring too much mittee composed of Paul A. Hoffman, Beef Stew ............. , ....... 15 er's car in the danger zone of Central ~ competition from ueigh'ooftns chairman, and Albert N. Page and Welsh Rabbit .................. 10 avenue had a miraculous escape from This Dinner, Dance munities. John Clark ·Baker. The committee, E···ta Jue NUII..I death by being run down by a passing Mashed Potatoes .........·..·· 06 it is rumored, has put the matter up auto as she attempted to cross the street. The winners will be given tickets Mashed Turnips ............... .C)6 to Attorney Crossley for a legal Ur··· Prompt Actioa to cash in for their prizes. They are Wax Beans .......... , ......... 06 opinion and proposes to report its findIn the Optimist club's discussions, Dinner at 7 o'clock, dancing from 10 too valuable and too many to be Salad ........................ ' .. 10 ings at the next meeting of the village President E. E. Dannemark and the to midnight, with ·a special entertainment brought on the field of competitiGn. Chocolate Cake ................ 08 trustees, July 8. secretary, Dr. Daniel W. Rapp, lead the sandwiched in between-these with an Be.sides the races, field events and Green Gage Plums ............. 06 ..._.icta Daaace Suita proponents of the plan to have the nvelties as potatots egg, hoop, obSandwiches .......... .. ......... 06 widening proposition · rushed through at address by one of America's best hum- stacle a'nd spool winding speed testers1 Following Mr. Reinhold's remark, Sweet Rolls .................... OJ the next meeting of the village board. orists and songs by noted Jirl singers there will be a regular Punch and another Wilmette business man{ who Brlead ·......·.·....·..··..···. 01 urged that his name be withhe d for Following the arguments of these gen- form part of the ambitious program ar- Judy show and a magician t~ enterthe time being, declared that the clostlemen and others, a committee made up ranaed for the Ouilmette Country club, tain. High class a~ts that WJII make ing oi the street would result in a of Dr. Rapp and Vice President Orion · the big-time over town ~hows appear amateurish have been b1tled. Galitz was named and empowered to no- Saturday evening, June 28. number of damage suits against the vill~e. He said : .,n~, rr·fllllrll tify the trustees in writing that the Op- The occasion will mark the instatla- The magician witt perfo~m "The proposition is preposterous. timist club was stron,ty in favor of tion of the club's elected offieers, ·r-raising stunts. He w11t Tenth street is Wilmette's natural way wraentng ·uo of ingress to Sher-. ~ C\oee it .at meetJn« of the t!Wtees, tlw .W . now- ad it will be lett to the. y e July 8, and to leave nothing undone to he is none other than the eating are mere trivialittet for all time. It's our shortest artery F All to the north and it would be a crime Plana Bit Street Parade, obtain favorable action in the matter by Bede, orator, journalist, wit and. wag magician. Pro·r.- cw It h who often convulsed congress wh1le he to cut it off. Rather, pave that street A.a..LI · the board. ... _ f h 1 h ...... Mr The celebrotion will be for a t e "No should be parked within 20 was a memua o t e ower o..-.. · ,. and thus eliminate the longer route .uuetic :venb Bede hails from the edge of the north- young folks, age 5 to 100 or more. from Wilmette to the Sheridan road feet Of d owntown street corners" is an· h r· 1 t t r namely Everybody will find more than one via Chestnut street. Chestnut meets other program of the Optimists, whtc western po lbca s orm cen e ' d' ' thing for him or her to interest, enterShc>ridan road at an acute angle which A big parade will start at 10 o'clock they will seek to have translated into a . Duluth. He . is ,sch~duled to. . tscusi tain take part in, how their streaght is fraught with danger to any motor- with a brass band in the lead, followed village ordinance. They claim ~t autos "Current TopiCS, With a few mctd~ntal in c~ntests of the mythologi_cal Cr::eka 'thin these areas. shut off the side .. remarks abou . t the Th recent nattOna h 01 ,.. rae ,. ist making that turn." by American legionnaires in uniform, w1 am and compete · 111 t e . vmp1... · of .e progr th~> Wilmette commumty. A P.erile Arpment and decorated automobiles and cycles. vision of passing pedestrians and add pohttcal conv~nttOns. 10 every senThe Legion Post ba ccured the The argument to close Tenth street The parade will wind is way· throug.h vastly to the danger of walking across managers prom1se a l~ugh tence of the Bede discourse. and say services of Jack Patterson, of theh is based on the claim that it is being the Kenilworth streets to the athletic such street corners. The club's safety program doesn't stop every member who absents hl~self fro~ New Trier township high school at .f transferred into a lovers' trysting field north of New Trier high school, place. They come there afoot and in where the Fourth of July festivities at that either. It will seek to have a this joy fest will mias the ttmc of hts !etic department, t<! take charge o c gam_es. He has otncer hold orr ..n ·· .,ffi,. "t c;,.n- life. . . the Wilmette Qtymp1 pollee autos, so some folks up that way say, will take place. M.ts!> Crace Ingram and Mtss Ed1th arranged for a staff of U!>lstants who and are becoming not only a nuisance, Prizes will be awarded to the best tral and Wilmette avenues whenever the but a menace to public morals. . decorated automobile, the most color- fire truck has occasion to pass that in- Carpenter head l"· mnc;ical features. " 'ill help make this Fourth of July Opponents of the closing plan adm1t ful and tasty looking bicycle and to the tersection. Dr. Rapp's offices are in the They are kn?wn as the. Harmony Girts celebration an affair to hf' rememthat charge but add that a remedy winners of the races. Athletic events Rockhold building at that intersection and wherever rad1o fans cut m on the ~rake bered for its interest and all around hetter than closing the street is at will be held for boys and girls and rnen he told his fellow Optimists of many hotel radio programs. There Wtll be good time for all. hair raising escapes from .fatalities ~t other musical numbe~s and an orchestra Commuaity Daace. Too hand. They urge that the little area and women. Music has been planned for the day. be policed and that all objectionable A program is being arrang~d for the he has witnessed from h1s office wm- de luxe for the dancing. dow. The fire truck, going e~st, invariThe new. officers of the club are M~ In the evening the legion has arrang~d characters be routed from it. entire day. In addition to the above Referring to the alleged orgies up mentioned events, there wilt be a ably rushes along either Wdmette or Zabel, president; Dudley W. Lester, VICe for a community dance at the Wtlthat way, the business man before speaker who will paint a word-picture Central avenue, the doctor ~ays, and. on president; F .. 1: Scheidenhelm, treasurer, mette country club. Here all the E R young and the o1der of the yOUf!l quoted had this to say: . of the real meaning ~f Independ~n~e such occasions danger to hfe and bmb and J. J. Wtlkms, secretary. The three new directors are : and the youncer of the old can tr!P "The section they ~rge closed IS Day. A community smg of pa.tnottc always lurks there. The trustees will 1 only 275 feet long. It IS bordered by music will take place, accompamed by be advised by letter of the club's belief Neir, Dr. Fuermann and P. V. Braght. the light fantastic. The orchestra wdl that a police officer should guard t~t play the dan cine-ness. music h~arrl -at 'no man's land,' owned by the Gage the band. spot whenever the fire department IS Wilmette Mm north. bore communsty pthenn1 estate. I know one . who is in the · -------called to pass it. D-..L. Regular tasty dogs will be on s .. le. market now to purchase that plat, the Boys Plan to Start Better Government uvu~ Pink lemonade, ice cream cones and only thing that deters him is, that he for Camp on July 1 It is reported that a!'g rc:P· must first be assured that he can get resentation from the Opttm1st club Thomas E. D. Bradley, a former real-honest-to-Roodneas July -4 ·rethe property annexed to the village of Among the north shore bays who will will attend the next meeting of the resident of Wilmette, was re-elect~d fresbments will be sold at n~mtnal Wilmette. Annexation is bound to attend Adventure camp at Chamber village trustees to voice th.eir ~emands president of the. Better Government prices. The ladies of the Wtlmettf 0 cGme, sooner or later. This man's island on Green bay are Jack Rathbone for action on the street w1denang pro- association of Chtcago and Cook coun- post auxiliary vd!l play the rote idea and mine, too, is to pave Tenth and Stanley Craven, who will make the gram. ty at a meeting of the new board held Aunt Jemima. Ham1 'lton club last .week.. Jilr. The American Legio po t has exstreet to Sheridan road for the bene- trip to the camp by cruiser, and Steve ·:..:::::.---------::::-::-:::-=-::-==.::: 11 ························1 ·11 the · 1 "tatt'on .to thf! mterest ten ded an mv · tots, · fit not only of Wilmette folks, but Hawxhurst and Bob Joslin will IWltor r Brad ley has taken an act1ve I b f ~ddlers bobbers, smgles, doubr..,., for those to the north. Bad as the up with Bob Townley, of the Joseph I in this work for a num er o y~ars. married' folks and parents, t.o make road is now I've counted 40 C::ars an Sears school faculty, July 1. : Want any work done R. Clarence Brown, 2391 Harnson this the "best ever" commumt~ cel~hour passing on it. It would not be Mr. Townley will assist the . cam.P 1 street Evanston, was elected secretary bration held in Wilmette. ThiS wtU an impossible feat to interest ei.ther t~e chief. There will be 35 cam~rs. m tbts 1 in or around your home? of th~ organization. be the first of a series of an!lual events county supervisor. or the township group at Adventure c;amp wh1ch !s ownto be held under the ausptces of. the commissioner to have it paved at the ed by William :McKtnney of W1~ Wilmette post of the Amencan Fire Department Saves county's or township's expense. Bo~h, Besides the nort hsh~re bo.ys th~re will Study the u welt as we, would share Its be five from St. Louts, M1ssoun. Woman Overcome by Gas Legion . . benefits." 1 The fire department was called to Recular S..ta Cia- Gift PAVE KENILWORTH AVt:NUE the sixth house west of Ridge on Lake Hoffman Will Attend A village hall statistician. was comAt a meeting of the Ken.1lworth Sanitation: Meetinl street, Sunday, where the lung motor puting the value of that stnp of ~oa~. board of improvement a resolutt?n was was used on a woman who was overViliage Trustee Paul A. Hoffma.n last night. As already state~, It IS assed to authorize the . pavmg of come by gas. She gave her .name as has been appointed by Villa~~;e PreSt· ZlS feet long and 80 feet Wtde. He kenilworth avenue near R1dge avenue Louise Ditmer, after recovenng. dent Edward Zipf as Wi_lm~tte':. re~ estimated its present value at $18,000. to make a two-way drive, 18 feet ~n According to the report from the fire resentative at the Lake M1ch1gan Sant·"Ten years from date," said he, "it each side with a 32 feet parkway m department, the woman is about ZJ tation Congress, which will c:onnne will be worth five times. $18,~. f the center. vears old. She was attended by Dr. in Masonic temple at Hammond, In"That would he a mce g1ft or ~;;;::;;;;;;;;;;:;:;:;:;;;;;;::::=1 There you'll find such Rudolph Sintzel, of Niles Center. diana, on June 27, {~r a . two-day somebody u1> that way," he. com- ; se sion . The meeting I hemg held mented. "Which of the W1lmette GOING TO PRESS EARLY under the auspices of the Chamber 1 ads as the following: trustees is prepared to make the preBecause of Fourth of July, the EX-SERVICE MEN, NOTICE of Commerce of that place. More .than sentation? He wilt surely popular- issue of WtLli.ET'l't: Lttt of July. 4 cities and vittage . have appotntdd ize himself in this town." will go to press one day earher Ex-service men are advised 125 delegates to the conference, accor The proposition has spread over the than usual. For that reason all I iag to the Chambe~ of Commerce that they can secure applicaI CEMENT CONTRACTOR town generally the pas~ few days and news and advertising matt~r fhr I J. A. Henr!ck.". tion blanks for their federal pnsident, a "petition in boots" ts prom1sed to next week's issue must be tn t e CALL EVANSTON 992, SAVE I A oermanent a octal·O!' ~epre entbe at the trustees' meeting to protest office at 1222 Central avenue f!.Ot 10% to %0% on your cement I bonus at the \Vilmette State \ng Illinoi , Indiana, M.c:ht ~ 11 · '"' I any closing tactics when they meet later than Tnesd.ay .noon, July I, work. 20 yean experience. I Wiscon in to preserve Lake hcht .an on July 8. to insure publicatiOn m the current Bank. The Bank also has faI Charles Abney, Cont. water from sewerage a ~c; pollutl()D I cilities for making finger pri&t -------issue. . h in the health interest of CltiCS ~der· I LIBRARY CLOSES JULY ~ Wn.vtTTt Lttt will apprec1ate t e I ing on the lake witt be Qrgantzed at of the applicants for the bonus. I The Wilmette public library WIIRl ~ cooperation of its readers and adthe meetinc. I closed all day Friday, July 4. . ea d tate offices and places of busmess vertiserJ in this regar · ·····-···············---~ wilt aliG be etOS~. wm a...... Finiab Tupayera FiPt Plan t,_ l.Onn' Lane MEMBERS HARK' HERE'S AN EJENT 1 ~m"1 'Wll~- ·~&~w~a~,w:~:o~.\i~~~~~~~~~~~~!~~:J~~~~~~~!~!!!f~~~~::=~~ that......,... E ears I ------- Classified Ad Section .____,......,...___.,.._.,._.'1