He pleaded for the separation of boys Methodist ministers, at th~ir meeting Monday, June 23, at the Chtca~o Te~- and young criminals from the hardened pie passed resolutions commendmg \\ tllia:n Randolph Hearst, in hi s statement ·'that the Hearst papers have always been opposed to the booz~ and boodle 'Straw Hat Derby' Ia Event element of the Democratic party . and will conscientiously oppose any candtdate At Polo Club Races . representing booze and boodle." The resolutions, which were unammou ly adopted, were presented by the Forty of the leading dirt track drivers Rev. W . B. Grimes. pastor of the Gross of America will compete in a three-day Park Methodist Episcopal church. race meet at the North Shore Polo club The meeting also went on record as spc:edway, Lincoln and Peterson avenues, next week. The dates arc set for opposed to " Mobilization Day." .The July 4, 5 and 6, the events' which were Rev. W. S. Fleming offe r~d rcsolutt ~.n , scheduled for June 15, but which had which were adopted, calhng upon all to be postponed on account of the slip- ministers to repudiate the d~ y" and preacq against it on the precedmg Sunpery track. Chief among these will be the long day. It was declared that the retirement .of awaited five-mile match between two of the stars of the game-Fuzzy David- Gen. P ershing should not be used to mson and Cliff Woodbury. Davidson, who dorse war but to aid in ending war. holds the dirt track records up to sev"The time has come when we must enty-five miles, recently returned from stop talking war," said the Rev. Dr. Los Angeles where he scored a victory Farmiloe. over DePalma. The Rev. A. H eist, head of the FedLowen DePalma Record eration for Social Service, told the Woodury, a Chicago man ·who has preachers that the purpose of "Mobiliforged to the front the past few years, zation Day" was an effort to a~ouse the holds several records at Roby and last country against the church attitude on season lowered DePalma's one-mile pacifism and war. '· o. b Flint. Mlcll. mark at Hawthurne. He holds more first The resolutions were ordered sent to WELLS-WESCOT CO., INC. places than any other man in the Chi- President Coolidge, the secretaries of 1113 Cbica·o An. PhoDe 8856-8857 cago territory. state and war, and to Gen. Pershing. E't'&DatoD Another five-mile match race for the Judge Edgar A. Jonas of the muni- E·anlloD Bloomin~on Peoria Fourth brings together Esthan Wennes- cipal court, in his address before the ton of the north side, in his famous Nelson Brothers' Special, and Curley Young, the youthful south sider who won the Memorial Day 50-mile grind. Young is driving hi s Ford "99," and hopes to defeat the veteran. Wenneston has driven all the dirt tracks in the central states, and holds the unofficial light-car championship. He set the 20mile record for Roby in 17 :51.33. "Straw Hat Derby" Other events for the Fourth will be two ten-imle races, the fifteen-mile "Straw Hat Derby" and a five-mile consolation. The program for the fifth and sixth will consist largely of short distance races, which seem to appeal especially to the fans. Included among the entrants will be George Beck, driver-promoter, who two weeks ago went through the fence during practice at the north shore rather than smash into Wenneston's car; Dewey Shank, who holds the 105-mile record at Maywood in 65 minutes; Frank Nichols, five-mile champion; Ernie Fosnaugh, holder of dirt track records in South Dakota and New Orleans, and Sonny Talamont, 1922 champion at Roby. SPEED KINGS TO MEET JULY 4m '" WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, JUNE 27, 1924 Miniaten 0. K. Hearst; D ~two st~te's attorneys, one Ban Mobilization ay "one for criminal work. ini~ters advocated the establishment for civil and What,ver tM Circumstances the ame covteay--tM lUBe 1aelpful ~~ Ia . . .tl... aU perplaiag cletait.--an ec.. torcled 10'1 whether 1 o · cleeire aa ·nlimited apeadltare or w~ther drcumatanc· IUU'tlt that Jotl refraia tro. The All-Year Car for Every Family 5.-Passenger Sedan udue ceRa. $795 Phone Wilmette 654 1124 Central Ave. WilmettP. . U. School Surveys Retail Meat Business Results of what is believed to be the first comprehensive survey of principles underlying the successful and unsuccessful operation of retail meat stores ever conducted were made public last week by the Northwestern University School of Commerce in a report prepared by Professor Horace Secrist, director of the bureau of business reseach, entitled, "Expenses, and Losses in Retail Meat Stores." The survey, according to Professor Secrist, was conducted by Northwestern university and the bureau of agricultural economics of the United States department of agriculture in co-operation, in consequence of representations made by the National As sociation of Meat Council to the university and the department. Among the conclusions obtained from the survey and set forth in the report is the statement that the average successful retail meat dealer receives a net profit of about five per cent of his gross sales, and that seven out of every ten stores made a profit during the year studied. This five per cent profit is exclusive of the personal earnings of the the owner for his services at the rate of a meat cutter's wages. The average net profit among all the dealers reporting, including those who suffered a loss, was 2.7 per cent of sales. When high operating expenses exist in retail meat stores, they are due primarily, according to the report, to high wage bills, inefficient management, irregular purchases by customers, high rents, excessive fixture investment, and Jax credit regulaliens. Wages are shown to be the most important factor in overhead expense, and the most important consideration in readjusting expenses. The figures gathered for the survey also show that losses arc more common in small than in large stores; that inadequate margins are more conducive to losses than are high cxpen es; and that profits are most likely to be secured when expenses are moderate and margins are reuonable. The single most important explanation for the failure of mercbants to secure profits is the cutthroat competition under which they attempt to do business. John Van Patten of Davenport, Iowa, who has been visiting at the home of his sister anti brother-in-law, :Ur. and Mrs. Leon M. Allen, 412 llelrote avenue.r. played at the Kiltie toamament at :;kokie club yesterday. )(iss Helen Ruth, ..16 Woodstock ··enue, entertained her bridal party ' - dialler oa Thunday before t~ retook _place that eveaion church. The Reo Line REO Coupe .... · $1875 Sedan .. · · · 1985 Brousham · · 2235 Special Toarina $1,595.00 BallooD ti.... funaiahecl - all abo·· moclela .at DO aclditioaal coat. lleo douhle. &amed ch...u, .... powwed widl .... lleo 10 Ia. p. 6-c.,.lbwler eqlae. All - t e d .... ,_._ Taxicab .. · .. $2185 Speed Waaoo 1185 (a-.) Parcel Del'v .. 1485 All lldcee I. o.la. ........ ~ REO EVA~STON CO., INC. 1101 Cbicagc. Ave. Telephone Evanston 6194 REO MOTOR CAR COM~ LANSING. MICHIGAN s p -o- We