i2 \VIL~IETTE 1924 LIFE, FRIDAY. JUNE 27 · ·OCIAL Sara Murdoch Weds in Davenport TomorrouJ f r many village restdents, ts Mtss Sara Ellen Murdoch, O ter of :Mr. and Mrs. George Murdoch of Davenport, Iowa, f.ormerly daugh. !IJE of tomorrow's b~ides, '~hos~ wedding holds great interest Announcement FOR the convenience of Buick owners and prospective purchasers of Buick cars, we are opening a sales room and service station at 1141 Greenleaf Ave. Wilmette Our branch will be under the management of Leonard H. James, formerly with Cadillac Motor Car Co., (Evanston Branch). of Wilmette. 1\liss ~1urdoch is marrying Coleman Clark, son of Professor and Mrs. S. H. Clark of Highland Pa~k, ,on Saturday, June 28, at high noon in the chapel of St. ·Kathenne s school, Davenport, the Reverend 1\Iarmeduke Hare, dean of Trinity Cathedral, Davenport, ofti.. ciating. A wedding breakfast will be served at the Murdoch home ~t the close of the ceremony. Mi s Murdoch will wear a simple gown of beaded white georg. ette crepe, her tulle veil will be held to her head with a cor.onet of rose point Venitian lace and orange blossoms, and she will carry the the ,-.-hite kid prayer book carried by her mother at her wedding. 1\Irs. Harold R. Clark of Oil City, Pennsylvania, the matron of honor will wear a gown of ecru lace over a pink satin slip, and Miss Mar/ .M argaret Veach.· also <;>f Oil City, as. maid o~ hono.r, will be dressed in ecru lace, wtth a ltp of green satm. Thetr bouquets will be of garden flowers tied with tulle of the <:<>lor ?f their gowns. Dorothy Clark of Highland Park, as flower gtrl, wtll wear a frock of pink chiffon, and they all will wear picture hats matching their gowns in color. Harold R. Clark will serve his brother as best man, and Robert Clark of Highland Park and George Donald Murdoch of Cedar Rapids, ~0\\' a, wlil usher. Peonies and palms will decorate the church and home for the simple ceremony and reception, to which only the members of the two families have been invited. After returning from their eastern wedding trip, Mr. Clark and his bride will stay at the home of Mr. Clark's aunt, at 2344 Orrington avenue. Evanston, during her absence for the summer. In the a.utumn they will take an apartment in Evanston. occasion ryn Lou Kirehber ward Ki Right R/ assisted ). McGt which t< morning, Miss Marion Tilt Betrothed to a Californian T a luncheon and bridge given on Friday, June 20, at their home, A 615 Laurel a\'enuc. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Tilt announced the engaQ"cmePt of their daughter, Marion Weston, to Richard Hamil'"o:l I 'oughton, 'on of Phirp Houghton of Los Angeles. ding- day ha : not been ~et. The \\'oman's club of Evanston announces a r:-o' nm nf unusual inter~s t for rr. . tr>ht'r s and friends for the 1ftcrnoo· of Tu~ day . .Tuly I. at · 3 o'clock. This, which is the second of ·he infr · ~r~ I summer programs. will be a C1ilrlren's Af ernoon, presented by gradu - tes of the ~ational Kinder~artcn :1nrl ElemPntary college. :Miss Grace Hemingway of Oak NORTH SHORE BUICK CO. Telephone Wilmette 62 The wed- · I ~lllllllllllllmiiiHIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllftllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli = l'New? No, it's my last year's suit!" It looks like a new suit, but it's your last year's suit which we have cleaned, repaired and pressed. Make this investme·n t in good looks by letting us renew your good old suit. : : = == = == = I Mrs. Julius L. Gutmann. 1142 Jud· son avenue, Evanston, will be hostess Monday afternoon, June 30, for the National Kindergarten and Elementary college alumnae and friends This will be the fourth meeting of a series being held each Monday through the summer. The object of these gatherings is the preparation of articles to be sold in the College Corner at the Courtesy Shoppe, 508 Davis street. Ev· anston. This is one way in which thsi group is swelling the college building fund. -<>-Mrs. Henry J. Poile of West Elmhurst. Illinois, and Mrs. Roy C. Larson of Chiea~To were gue ts of 1-[rs. . A. H. Hill, 1411 Gregory avenue, last I week. On Saturday. Mrs. A. H. Hill, Edwin Hill and Miss Clara L. Wightman will start on their motor trip east. to visit Washington. From there thev will go up the coast, and inland to Lake Champlain. and visit various points in Canada. They will be away about a month. -o-- =I ~ -= = = = Mra. Harry G. Phillip· P~rk, story teller of wide reputation :: = == George L. Emrich, Jr., 625 EJe,·enth 1street, who has been graduated from Dartmouth . has returned to \Vilmctte to spend the summer with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geor~e Emrich. His room mate, Darrel \-\'ood of Denver, Colorado, came with him. Miss Emma Grilli of Marquette; Michigan, is also the guest of the Emrich's. Milton Emrich will lea,·e about the first of July for a two weeks' stay at a camp in Canada. -o-- i I l :a ill!! wdl tell stories in costume. ' Miss _Lilli~n Lyman of Evanston will entertam wtth her French Doll Dance and .the Da~1ce of the Court Jester. Mtss Nellte Ball of Chicago, remembered as the Queen of Summer in the Pageant of the Seasons recently presented by the students of the college at the Evanston Country club, and also as one of the Toy Carnival minstrels, will contribute appropriate songs. She hopes to bring with her a few of her minstrels who have not traveled too far for the summer to be recalled for this event. Patriotic music and a flag parade led by Raymond Brockley as Uncle ?atn and by Margaret Pease, who will tmper!>Onate Columbia, bring the prol!"ram to a close and lead the young ~t~ests to the lawn where refreshments wtll be served. Mrs . Harry G. Phillips. also a grad~ate of the college, and very active 111 the North Shore Alumnae association, is ho tess for the afternoon asi ted lJy Mrs. Rollin Pease and 'Mrs. James Roy Skiles. -<>-Mrs. F . .T. n,.ckl:wd has returned to _her home, 521 Sixth street, after a s·x weeks' visit in California, while Mr. Buckland was abroad for two months on a business trip. -<>-Dr. and Mrs. E. A. Anderson entertaine.d their dinner club on Saturday evenmg, at their home, 827 Linuen enue. II 1 Mrs. C. C. Carnahan and her daughter,. Mrs. Donald Simmons, accompanted by Mrs. Louis Clark, Mrs. B. C. Hawkes of Kenilworth, and Mrs. W. A. Hawkes of Montclair, New Tersey, are sailing tomorrow on the SS Sulfran for a European trip of two months. They expect to include England and the continent in their journey. Mrs. Clark will make an extended stay abroad. -o-- il I ~ == = == == = == == == ~ Dean and Mrs. Peter C. Lutkin of Evanston have left for their cottage, :'Red Crest," Northport Point, MichIgan, to spend the summer. Dean Lutkin who is head of the Northwestern University School of Music will have charge of the music courses at an Episcopal Church conference at Hillsdale, Michigan, from July 7 to 17. -o-- SCHULTZ & NORD ...._. I "The _ Narth __ Shore's _ Leading __ Tailars" _---1r Phone Wilmette 320 M iss Winifred Mickey, 1523 Walnut avenue, was the pianist at the dinner and reception which Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Schmeisser of Evanston ga,·e last Sunday on the occasion of their twentyfifth wedding anniversary. Miss Mickey is now a member of the faculty of the Knupfer studios, Fine Arts building, Chicago . -o-- 1152 Central Ave. i Mrs. R. ]. Cody, who has made her home in Wilmette for the last 17 years, left \Vilmette Monday to reside in Evanston, where she has taken an apartment in the Fore;;t Manor. Her son. Richard, one of this season's graduates from New Trier, expects to attend the University of Illinois in the fall. M iss Irene Cary, 1046 Elmwood 3\' enue, spent Saturday and Sunday with friends in Watseka, Illinois. -o-- av-