Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Jun 1924, p. 11

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WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, Jl!NE 27, 1924 T HE urge to seek foreign lands which has come to the north shore very strongly has found very ready response on the part of several Kenil· worthites, and bag and baggage they are betaking themselves to the east to join the stream of American travelers who are pouring into European countries this season in unusual numbers. Mrs. Benjamin C. Hawkes, 157 Kenilworth avenue, is sailin_g For Europe on Saturday, on the S. S. Suf. fran , accompanied by Mrs. W. A. Hawkes of Montclair, New Jersey, Mrs. C. C. Carnahan and her daughter, Mrs. Donald Simmons, and Mrs. Louis Clark of Wilmette. Mrs. Hawkes, who will be gone until the middle of September, plans to visit En~land, France, Scotland, Italy and Swttzerland. She expects to meet her son, Belknap Hawkes and his w1fe, in Paris, July 10. Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Cole and Miss Bernice C. Cole, 315 Essex road, left Thursday for a European trip of two months' duration. Mr. and Mrs. Guy S. Osborn of 330 Cumnor road, are sailing from New York on Tuesday on the S. S. Republican for abroad to be away about ~ix weeks. They will return on the President Harding. -oMrs. Hugh Foresman, 515 Essex road, was in charge of the Kenilworth workers at the Evanston County Fair held last week at the Patten gym. Mrs. Edwin Hedrick, Mrs. Helen Hepburn, Mrs. May Petersen, Mrs. Grant Ridgway, Mrs. James Prentiss, Mrs. Walter Terrell, Mrs. Carl Korrady, Mrs. Ralph Farwell and Mrs. Rufus Stolp were kept busy on Thursday, Friday and Saturday either as hostesses, or at the information bureau. The Fair was a benefit for the Northwestern settlement. -aMrs. Charles F. Meyer and Miss Elizabeth Meyer, 423 Cumnor road, arrived home last Friday from Northampton, Massachusetts, where Miss Elizabeth graduated on Tuesday from Smith college. Mr. Meyer remained in New York a few days before returning home. . -oRobert Sanders of Burlington, Kan sas, is spending the summer with his cousin, Guy S. Osborn, 330 Cu!llnor road. · -aMrs. L. M. Allen, 412 Melrose avenue, entertained the mah jongg club for luncheon on Wednesday. -aSidney Eastman, 255 Melrose avenue, attended commencement at Ann Arbor last week. Philip Burnham, 536 Roslyn road Mr. and Mrs. Edgar W. Burchard, came home Sat~rday from Canterbury 310 Oxford road, motored with Mr. scho_ol, New Mtlford, Connecticut, and and Mrs. Coats of Chicago to AppleDavid Burnham, who attends the ton, Wisconsin, where they spent a same school, arrived in Kenilworth few days. Mrs. Burchard's sister, Mrs. on Monday. James Burnham is also ~· P. Newcomb, who has been visit~ome .for the summer after complet- m her, leaves today to return to her m~ hts. freshman year at Princeton home in California. Sky Rockets, Romun1vers1ty. Mrs. Burnham who went -o, east two weeks age\ attended the Mr. and Mrs R. C. Osgood, 423 Essex an Candles Flower gr?duation of Miss Helen Cresap and road, went east for the graduation of M1ss Eleanor Eckhart from Vassar · their son, Gilbert, from Exeter acPot s , Son-uv-acollege. She was accompanied by her ademy. Robert Osgood who is also Guns, Cap Pistols, son, Philip. attending Exeter, where he will be a -o-senior next year, came home ThursFire Crackers and Carl Keith, 310 Warwick road and day of last week. -ahis three sons' Elbridge, Cart' and others too numerHarold, left Monday to motor to their Miss Ruth Kasten, who has been ous to mention. summer home at Big Lake, Wi scon- teaching music at Erie high school, sin. Mrs. Keith and Cornelia Mar- Erie, Pennsylvania, is spending the garet, Jean, Harriett and Tom~y left summer with her mother, at her home, on Wednesday, accompanied by Miss 220 Poplar street, Winnetka. Alice Shipman, 432 Warwick road -oYours who will be their guests for a fe~ Mrs. R. D. Osborn, 330 Cumnor road, weeks. left last week to spend the summer -o-visiting relatives and friends at BurlOr. and Mrs. Oscar Proctor, who ington, Kansas. have been with the Mayo brothers at -aRochester, Minnesota, are here for a Richmond Kenyon, 304 Cumnor few days visiting Dr. Proctor's road, motored to Madison to spend mother, Mrs. Oliver R. Barrett, 623 the week-end at the University of Rheinwaldt Abbottsford road. Dr. and Mrs. Proc- Wisconsin. tor are on their way to Seattle, Wash-o-inf!ton, where they expect to make Mrs. Victor Sanborn was hostess their home. to the members of her bridge c l u b i L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -oat luncheon Wednesday at her home Mrs. Robert 0 . Law, Jr., 24 War- in Lake Forest. wick avenue, entertained at tea T ues- .;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.,. day for Miss Helen Ruth whose weddin~r is taking place tomorrow. On 554 Center St., Winnetka Wednesday afternoon, Mrs. Harold B. Ingersoll of Evanston, formerly Miss Dorothy Kasten, ~ave a handkerchief On Mondays, Tuesdays shower for the bride elect. and Wednesdays, with a Wm. B. Thalman Get Early at Lake Ave. and Rd. FREE Kenilworth will have two weddings of interest Saturday night. Miss Helen Ruth, 416 Woodstock avenue, is to be married to Harold McKenzie of 'Wilmette at the Union church, and Miss Ethel Pattillo of Wilmette will become the bride of Edward Mayo of DeKalb, Illinois, at the Church of the Holy Comforter. The Misses Virginia and Helen Little, 516 Essex road, spent last weekend visiting Dr. and Mrs. Charles Horswell, formerly of Kenilworth, at their summer home at Douglas, Michigan. -aMrs. Henry Taylor, Jr., 423 Essex road, left last Saturday to take her granddaughter, Patricia Gerould, to her home in Philadelphia. Mrs. Taylor will be away about two weeks. -oMiss Louise Durham, 431 Abbottsford road, who liSa )ust .~a her junior year at the Un1verifty of -a-- -a-- Wave and Facial you will receive a Shampoo FREE. We are now fully equipped to give the very best service in Bobhina, Shiaal· iq, Sh·~, Marcelliq and Manicarin&. Mrs. Mae Kane in charge. Ladies who visit our upstairs beauty parlor may be assured of complete privacy. Hear Victor Record No. 7%5 ~~Melody c..,.- in A, Major" hy Genenl Cbarlea G. Dawea Played by Goodwin Barber Shop and Beauty Parlor For AppoiJttfNmt, Pho11t Wil. 723 1159 Wilmette Avenue w:,, -~· , ~llllretiCI ~;:;:;;;:~::;-,~IIF==!!=r=:~~. ~ll!!jt~====t·l Fritz Kreisler UMd Esc:fualnl)' Wisconsin, ~orne Saturday for ~======~~=====~~------------------------------her summercame vacat1on. :: -o. Miss Dorothy Bennett, 185 Shendan road, entertained her bridge club at a picnic supper on the beach, Tuesday evening. First Church of Christ, Scientist, T-th St. and Central An. Christian Science Readiug Room 1113 Wilmette A.,.. Hours: Wilmette, Ill. Daily (except Wednesday and Services: Saturday) 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Sunday at 11 A. M. . Wednesday: 9 A.M. to 7:45P.M. Wednesday Testimonial Mcetlng Saturday: 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. The Bible and Wontl bY ll&ry t 8 P· M · a A M Baker Eddy and all other authorSunday School, 9:45 · · lsed Chrlatlan Science Literature Subject of the Lesson Sermon may be read. borrowed or purJune Zl Chriati- Sc:ienc:e" chaaed. The Publ~c: u c:onliall,. inmed to ~ the Church Senice· aad mit the Readm· Reom. Beauty DDD6E BROTHERS Dance at Sf!_ecial Type The Lake Shore Terrace Here's a place not far from your home where you can dance with your friends to the rhythmic strains of the Terrace Syncopators. We serve an Evening Lunch. Cars Comfort C. M. McDONALD EVANSTON 1111 O.Yia St.

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