Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Jun 1924, p. 7

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I oy HEARS ROiIll\ Lo'ALn TALK l WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 1924 The strett widening debate roused the Rotaria_ns to the necessity of safety precautiOns on the streets of Wilmette. ·The: matter was referred to the public affa1rs committee, with instructions to report on the situation at the next meeting. WOMEN.FORM VOTERS' CLUB What Are Your Feet Worth? Unlike Mme. Pavlowa (the f....daooer) your fed may not be famoas -nevertheless they are wortla your utmost care. Carina' for your feet. wearioc a C«reetly shaped and flexible shoe, will assure a he1althy foot condition. 'I'IMn is no good reason why JOU shiMIW ·lN.one of the millions ~ho are bHet witL fOQt troubles. (Physical e.xall'&ianc.t at women's coJleaes sbow only one cit' in 350 to have perfect feet;) Street Wjdenina Plana De. Quartet and Choir WiU Wilmette Starta Bnoch of Sean Jnatitution Delithta bated by Memben Sina Ne on.tOrio Women'· Leque Kenllworth Viaiton A patriotic musical service, preparatory for Independence Day, will be Joseph C. Breese, of Evanston, was held at the First Consregational At the initial meeting for the organThe housewarming at the Joseph church Sunday morning, June 22, at the honor guest and principal speaker 11 o'clock. On this occuioa the ora- i:z:ation of a Wilmette branch of the I Sears school last Monday was atat the Rotary luncheon last Wednesday. torio of "The New Earth" will be League of Women Voters, held af tended by most of the citizens of The question of street widening and sung by a quartet, assisted by a choir the Woman's club, June 11, it was 1 Kenilworth. ot forty voices, under the direction of Parents and friends of the school especially the action of the village Noble Cain, the organist of the church. found that there were 15 Wilmette trustees in defeating the widening pro- This part of the service will take the women who were members of the children were pleased with the new gram for Central and Wilmette ave- place of the usual sermon. The re- Chicago u.nit, o~ which Mis E~ther addition to the school, and the gifts nues, last Tuesday night, came in for mainder of the service will be of the Dunshee ts cha1rman of a nat10nal of various people and classes that committee. wf're shown for the first time. A considerable discussion by the Rotarians. usual ~ype.' Mrs. William C. Hibbard, of Win- valuable painting by C. F. Brown, the Mr. :Breese's subject was "Loyalty to Spec1al mterest ~a~ been awakene~ Fundamentals." He stressed the sin- on the north shore m T~e ~e~ Earth netka, a regional director of the gift of Eleanor, Charlotte, Marian and cerity of the men who drafted those because. the ode on _wh1ch 1t ts based national league, gave the aims and Elizabeth Eckhart brought wany two inunortal documents-the Declara- was ';Vrttten by Lo.u1se Ayers 9arnett ideals of the organization. Mrs. Ed- favorable comments. The bird case tion of Independence and the United Of Wmnetk!l·. Th1s ode eulog1zes the ward L. Middleton, president of the with its hand painted background and States Constitution. Both, he said, were !llen, both hvmg and dead, who serv~ed Evanston unit, spoke of the work to colorful birds, which is placed at the the greatest product of the greatest ~n the W?rld war and who had a \>art be undertaken and the problems to be school in memory of John Elliott Carh r ed h 10 changmg "the sullen world mto solved by a newly formed branch. penter, who was killed in 1921, drew statesmen w o ever !Y a:nd t ey; we~e live and singing sod." It is prophetic Miss Edith Rockwood of state head- the attention of all the visitors. produced that postenty might _enJOY . Ill ol th~ qew order of tl\ings. ':('he music quarters, outlined the privileges and A bronze engraving of Lincoln's t~e. fuitest measur'e the ~r; outs~de has been written by Henry Hadley, a benefits offer~ to local .uni~s by the Gettysburg address, the gift of the l~mtts of freedom. Mr_. Breese t.hen m-. nationally famous composer of Chi- state and nahonal orgamzatJons. class of 1923, and a portrait of the tJm.ated. that we of th1s generataon are 1 cago, and is decidedly new in its conThe citizenship classes to be con- signing of the Declaration· of lndepennot quate worthy of the advantages ce tion. ducted in September at the Woman's dence were also seen for the first ~he usual choir of the church has club, 4nder the leadership of Mrs. time on the walls of the school. Thf' guaranteed f.or us by the fat~s. In proof, he Cited the flagrant dtsrC$'~rd been materially augmented. The solo- Walter S. Dodd, will be open to the various graduating class gifts and for law observance now preva1ling ists will be: Mrs. Noble Cain, soprano; members of the voters' league at a other presents donated by Kenilworth throughout the country and the almost Miss Eulah Corner contralto· George nominal fee. p~ople were on view. utter .lack of an attempt to enforce it. ·Cuthbertson, tenor; Dr. 'Howard Mr. Brecre recalled some recent Lagerquist, bass. statistics pertaining to criminal matters This is an opportunity to hear one in New York and London. In London, of the most inspiring modern musical he said, tnere were 17 murders during works which has ever been offered in the year under discussion, while New Wilmette. York in the same period had more than -------200. With t&is difference, however; KENILWORTH BUYS TRUCK Of the 17 homicides in Londan, there The Ford truck purchased by the were 17 convictions; out of the more village of Kenilworth, June 9, for c.ome over to the Lake . Shore than 200 in New York, there were three use as a dump wagon, is now in convictions. service. Terrace. You wilt enjoy our I In the Evening Chop Suey made after a special San Francisco recipe. Then afterwards, dance with your friends. Our Terrace Syncopators will help your feet. Flower Boxes and Trellises PAINT - MIRRORS - GLASS I To wear a shoe that ~ts your foot muscles to exercise, a lhoe shaped like the foot, allowing good circulatioa, is one wa1 to avoid foot troubles and a good way to help correct troubB that already exist. Mme. Pavlowa, whose feet are her fortune, advocates the Camilever Shoe. Just before starting on her present tour of the country, Madame Pavlowa wrote to the manufacturers : "Everyone should dance fur ~ sion and exercise. Even our wa lhout4 be free, graceful and strong, and it can be in a shoe that is flexible like tbe Cantilever. In such a shoe, miles of walking only serve to make the foot muscles more lithe and vigorous ... Women of prominence have definite reasons for recommending the Picture Framin.g Wilmette Gla5s '-.: Shn~ S\y~-lJU&≈;,, ranutever Cantilevers aTe """"'....,. made _..._., in attrutiu ~~ ...........-, ........ and Paint Works 1123 Central AYe. are moderately priced from $9.50 to $11.00. Sold on North Shore only by Pboae%508 '8heridab~d al= Chestnut ,_...".phon· Wi.liiU'tf" :Zuae-221)3 NORTH SHORE BOOTERY Two Stonta ia E····t- Exi~e BATTERIES . - -------· l Szt D.,.ia St. at Cbicaao A....., ba , . . North Slaore Hotel aiMI at ttl Clalcaa· A··....... Mala Chats TRUTH ia a divine attribute, and the foundation of any aound buaineaa. Our buaineaa ia founded on aincerity and plain dealin1·· TRY COSMAS BROTHERS F..OR A SQU~E DEAL. Lea·e your order F~ to iDiare careful ae1ectioe aDd Now is the time to look into it The season is close at han~ when you will be using your car the most. Ia your battery ready for the work ahead? It will pay you to know, not just to guess or hope. Slight repairs now may save the price of a new battery a little later. Drive around and let us have a critical look and say to you trankly either "0. K." or "This needs to be Our service on all makea of ia thorough, prompt, rea- - ,.....t . ......,. - Saturday. Saturday· Specials ~ ~ Fre.h Greea Peu, lb. . ....................... tSc A.........., faacy, larce bunch ............. · · .41c SpiDac:la, estra faacy, peck ................. · Z5c ~~ 3 bunches for ....................... lie CtiCUIIIbera, ·ch, ..................... 5c aad ltc ~ 3 buaehea ~ ...................... ·· .ZSc Greea a-a., fanq, quart .................... 15e New Potatoes, select, 5 .._ .............. · · · · ZSc Fancy Tomatoes, J.rce buket ............ · · · .4tc Fancy Tomatoes, JMt lb·.................... · · tSc FRUITS Apricots, larce buket, ...................... Sic Larc· C..teloupe, Z for .................... ZSc Medium aiae Caateloape, 3 for .............. ZSc MELONS by the crate ..................... $1M Larce Sweet Cherries, lb. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·Jlc f t - U-1-D--~ 8laebeniea, Strawlteniee, Okra, We .lao ha·e HODe7 .....,.... - - - . ~· .ea,s--.:-L n·!- Oil t low Pricee. M.......,_., Gr.. Cona aacl Pure ........- uu-,e · ~ and Freab Fruit and Ve,etablea are 5JIIODYJDOUa , U. C. ABEL, Manager from 7:30A.M. to 1~ P.M. Sundays! 9 to 12. ·· -· · · Phone Winnetka 1387

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