WIL VJNJA READY FOR OPERA ERA "Cavalleria Ruaticana" to Open Seuon at Park Saturday Nicht Patron· Go.-.etl s:v ~C!:::t!':... 1}7 TO GRADUATE School Hold. CJo.iaa ciaa Z:J AT SEARS TODAY Of AD KiiMia _. DMCtiJfnt theC...ef NOTED CAST PROMISED Committees Report Book Sales aa Lar1e "Cavalleria Rusticana" a·nd "Pagliacci," to be given Saturday evening, will open the operatic season at Ravi nia Park. with a cast of principals quite familiar to the opera world. With the operas starting the season June 21, the following week has a variety of high class mu sic by the l. hicago Symphony orchestra and the famous operas. The first concert will be played Monday evening, June 23, under the baton of Eric DeLamarter. The members of the Ravinia club have been busy during the past three weeks canvassing and selling season looks to the people of the north shore communities. Some of the chairmen from the different communities have reported a successful campaign with more season books sbld ibis year t han any previous. A fter thi s week the ticket committees will di sband, but the chairman of each committee will be able to supply people who wish to buy the William RPad 1s a nouse-guest at season books. Mrs. A. W . Levy, 700 he home of his son, Robert G. Read, Greenwood a venue, is chairman of the )()] Central avenue. Wilmette co'mmittee. let w .. k'a Propam The first week's program and the principals : Saturdayare night, June 21: "Cavalleria Rusticana"-Santuzza, ·Florence Easton ; Turridu, Giacomo Latri-Volpi; Alfio, Vicente Ballester; Lola, Merle Alcock; Mama Lucia, Anna Correnti. " Pagliacci" -·· edda , Lucrezia Bori ; Canio, Giovanni Martinelli; Tonio, Giuseppe Danise ; Silvio, Desire Defrere ; Beppe, Giordano Paltrinieri. The conductor of these operas will be Gennaro Papi. Sunday night, June 22 : "La Traviata"-Violetta , Graziella Pareto; Alfredo , Armand Tokatyan ; Giorgio, Giuseppe Danise; Dr. Grenville, Paolo Ananian; Flora, Phi line Falco ; Annina, Anna Correnti; Gastop..J4l_ordano Paltrinieri ; Douphal , Louis ~elo. Conductor, Gennaro Papi. Monday night, June 23: Concert bv Chicago Symphony Orchestra. Merle Alcock, soprano, and JaJcques Gordon, violinist, soloists . Eric De La Marter, conductor. Tuesday night, June 24: Aida, Florence Easton, Radames, G:ovanni Martinelli ; Amneris, Jeanne Gordon ; Amonasro, Giuseppe Danise; Ramli s. Vir~ i lio Lazzari; King, Louis D'Angelo ; Messenger, Giordano ~al trinieri. Conductor, Gennaro Papt. . Caat for La Boheme Wednesday night, June 25: Boheme"-Mimi, Lucrezia Bori; Rudolph, Giacomo Lauri-Volpi; Musette, Margery Maxwell; Mercel, Vicente Ballester ; Schaunard, Desire Defrere; Colline, Leon Rothier; Benoit, Alcindoro, Paolo An an ian; Parpignol Giordano Paltrinieri . Conductor Gennaro Papi. Thursday afternoon, June 26: Children's concert by Chicago Symphony Orchestra. Eric de La Marter, conductor. . " . , Thursday ntght, June 26: Lucta -Lucia, Graziella Pareto ; Edgar, Armand Tokatyan ; Sir Henry, Marion Basialo ; Raymond, Virgilio Lazzari; Lord Arthur, Giordano Paltrinelti ; Suzuki, Ina Bourskaya ; Sharp ~ less Vicente Ballester ; Yamadon Lo~is Derman. Conductor, ' Gennaro Papi. Friday night, June 27 : "Mme. Butterfty"- Cio-Cio ~an, .Floren~e Easton ; Pinkerton, Gtovannt Martt~ nelli · Suzuki, Ballester ; Yamadon, Loui~ D'Angelo~ Kate, Philine Falco ; Cero Giordano Paltrinieri; Bonze Paol~ Ananian ; Commissioner, Max Toft. Conductor, Gennaro Papi. Saturday afternoon, June 28: Concert by Chicago Symphony Orchestra Eric De La Marter. conductor. Saturday night, June 28 : "Manon" Manon, Lucrezia Bori; .Cheva,1ier des Grieux, Giacomo Laun-Volp1; .Lescaut, Desire Defrere; De Bret!gny, ' Louis D'Angelo ; Count des Gneux, Leon Rothier; Guillot, Paolo An an ian ; Pousette, Margery Maxwe!l; Javotte. Merle Alcock; Rosette, Ph.!Jine Falco; L'Hotelier, Gio~dano Pattrinieri. Conducto~, Louts Hasselmans. ' Ice cream cones I Ice cream cones I lee cream cones I More ice cream cones I More and more ice cream cones I . For the first time in the history of tce cream cones, some 800 children and grown-ups were over-fed with the nice, so{\ cool. mdting, refl'fthinl, toothsome, delicious ice creflm. They refused to eat any more. . Was there ever such a time ? There was. Last Saturday at the first Wtlmette conununity Sunday school picnic, there were 100 pllons of icc cream to be distributed. Tickets were given to the children in the parade held Thursday of last week, entitling them each to an lee cream cooe. Saturdar last each person was given another ice cream ticket. At the ptcnic grounds at Forest Preserve, each was given an extra cone for the asking. At about 5 :30 o'clock in the afternoon, after most of the picnickers had had at least three cones each, there were nearly SO gallons of the ice cream left. So it was decided to give the savory product to the children rather than return it. Ice cream cone after ice cream cone was consumed. But there was an end to that. No one wanted any ice cream. Did you ever hear of such a tale. Not even another bite . .. .. . The reports were that 15 gallons of ice cream were returned. The Sunday school attendance on Sunday was also reported to be . ... well, they were all th inking about the ice cream cones. Commencement exercises at Joseph Sears school will be held this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the school ~uilding, with 17 members of the 1924 : lass receiving diplomas. Dr. Wi1liam A. Colledge will deliver the address. Frank Watt, II, president of the 1924 class, will present the class gift to the school, whtch Miss Alice Wessa, superintendent of the school, will accept. G. C. Kingsley, of the board of education, will present diplomas to Marvin .Saker, Jack Booth, Carl Carlson, Doris Christabel Fraser, Helen Elizabeth Harper, George Kriete, Ray V. Kriete, Hempstead Lyons, Mae Louise Merriman, Mary Relda Murray, Roberta }.f. Stirton, LeRoy Thorsen, Dean Vail, Jr., Frank Watt, II, and Ralph Wheelock. FOURTH OF JULY Does Your Summer Suit Need CleaningJ Your 1924 summer suit can be cleaned and pressed so that it will be completely re-newed. Let us take out the spots and wrinkles. HmuUtcltlfll DE LUXE CLEANERS 1105 CENTRAL A VENUE Piton· Wilmette 690 ----·························-·····················~ Harry M ·tcheII I No matter what you may be doiq Dow-whether you owD laDd 01' not -it ia 110111 poMible for you to ha.ild up a buaiaese of your own that will make Tasty Foods Served Promptly I for you-oo you CUl do this without loterferint with your regular work ill anyway. f2000 to fSOOO a year ~fit I I I I I I I I ~i: .... ...,........ =- ,. ..?;:..::-..!20.; .........,. _ _ alloY· tlae _ _ , . , . - ' !........ ~. . _ P ...lpo ...... 111% :'-......:.: "::'..:: _._,_Jell-7. .._.,,... ....... ~ !':.U ~~o...-ol- ,_.~ ~ --·~~- You'Il enjoy your meals at the Wilmette Cafe, and they'll be served so promptly that you wonT have to nurry. ... ow.r-wlndewept Si&· Foa ..~th41J' work Ju·t aa hard tor they do for the Ju·t ·· bard tor man aa they do tor the Thle ·ateway to ·teady le open to eTeryon-yountr :\nd old. rich and poor, all can ·hare tt. One of our Four Plana l· ·ure to make It po811ble for you to ·tart at Jnce. Get the tact8. Write, phone or call on.1. i ----1 I 'I I I WILMETTE CAFE 1181 Wdmette Awe., oppMite Villqe Hall r. IULADBR A AIIOCIATICI I I I I I I I I Ntldaeela A.-ye., WINNETKA. ILLINOII. P l l - Wla. .t b 114 ·------------··-·····----------~---······------~~ 'II ~·