Vacation B School Wll Opm on Monday Children of Wilmette are beial[ enrolled for the Daily Vacation Bible school which will hold sessions at the Logan and Byron C. Stolp schoo18, starting Monday morning, June 23, and continuing until Friday, July 18. This year the school will be conducted under the auspices of the Wilmette Church Council. The achool periods will be from 9 to 12 o'clock each morning. The entire enrollment will be divided into three groups, according to age. The kindergarten division is for childre11 5 and 6 years old; the juAior class for those 6 to 10 years old; the intermediate group will consist of children 10 to 14 years old. In addition to religious instruction, there will be music, handicraft and playground periods. Rev. W. ] . Kitchen and Mrs. Beatrice Segsworth Kitchen, who was principal of the vacation school last year, will head the faculty thi!l year. Juct.· Admit Declaioo Waa Diflicult; Say Vtllale Pa.aea~e~ Unmatclaed F·turea· Tribute Ia Paid to Wilmette ' mittee implies their willingness to abide by the decision of the judges. The Judges have found all the cont~stants eager to submit evidence conSidered necessary for a decision, and univer~Uy . enth~siast!c in their rivalry, yet C!lnd1d m d1scussmg their local situatiOns. In no case has there been shown any desire to gain any unfair advantages or to sway the decision of the judges by belittling the claims of other contestants. The sportmanship of the contestants has been above reproach. Th~ judges have tried to apply their tests m such a way that every community in the campaign has had an equal opportunity to secure the award. This has been the most difficult problem the judges have met. In considering each of the first nine sections of the score sheet, due weight was given to several fundamental elements : Score Sheet Fu......ntals 1-Tise stage of dftlelopme·ll which each community 1tas reached at tlu present time. This gives due credit to these communities which by reason of age, wealth, or other peculiarly favorable circumstances have highly developed methods of dealing with problems of child life. 2-The rate of progress at which each community is !)oing ahead at the presmt ·time. This gives due credit to the less highly developed towns which are, however, vigorously and successfully attacking their problems. The period of time considered was the campaign year just closed. The judges considered, also, the probability of continued interest in and future success in dealing with unsolved problems of child welfare. The judges believe that the aim of child welfare organizations is the de, velopment and training of all the children of the community to meet actual conditions of modem, IO(ial and economic life into which they will be thrown when they attain their majority and are required to assume the respoilSibilities of citizenship. . · Some we1ght was g1ven to the r~sponse of ibe town to the £ad. WiaD.I. . ....... June 14, 1924. To the Good People of Wilmette, Illinois. GaunNcs :We greatly enjoyed our visit among you. You folks know the art of making people feel at home. Our stay in your midst, although short, was one of delight and inspiration. You are so enthusiastically carrying on the Child Welfare work, that one cannot bt¥ be stirred when exposed to your enthusiasm. We congratulate you on the splendid work you are doing to make Wilmette a better place in which to rear children. Wle liked the spirit of your good fellowship and hope that we may at so~e . futur~ time have the joy of mmglmg wtth you again. Sincerely, MISS ELLEN REYNOLDS ERLE F . YOUNG C. W. WHIPPLE Better City Campaig" Judges Harvey, 111., has been awarded first honors in the Better City Campaign contest and the $1,000 prize offered by the Chicago Evening American. In making the decision the judges paid a tribute to Wilmette, classing it as one of the most hospital places they visited and containing many of the ideal advantages for a place of residence and one in which to rear children. The judges have issued the following letter explaining the principles which guided them in making their decision : The Judr..· Letter . The. committee_ of judges in the. Better City Camp;ugn. have found It . no eas~ matter: to dec1de ~P?n the clan~J-5 o f. the vartous commun1t1es en~ered m thts contest. In every comm~mty they have found several fea.tures whtch, talcen alon~, ar~ .unmatched. ttt any other comn,tumty vts!ted. Agam, they have f~d s1tuat1ons m two or ~re. commu~uttes so nearly on par that 1t 1s practically impossible to give either a decided advantage. DR. C. E. GEISS£ Oateopatbic Ph,.liciU Villap Theatre BW.. Pt..e WiL zt5Z 1 'Keep Home Spotless/" In the Village Theatre Building Tlae Village Chocolate Shop For Your home will be spotlessly clean if you combine with elbow grease the use of suitable mops and brushes. Frequent use of one of our good floor mops will keep your hardwood floors dustless and well-poHshed. Brushes Mops Dust Cloths Brooms Cleaning Compounds Wax, Solid and Liquid Powdered Cleansers Your San~wiches, Ice Cream, Pop Corn and Candy. John Millen ....... W"a!.ette 3M0-3061 Where Quality CJ.ocol.te Rules 1211-21u..a.A-. 'ti h . 'ud d ~....u__ tha Wh . t e ~ .e J ges o not ~ t !he1r. dec1s1on needs any s~l pleadmg, m order that the compeht?rs may be~te~ understand .what has gu1d~ the thmkmg o~ the JUdges, t~C:Y w1sh . to state certam gener~l co':1~1t1ons whtch have goverened thetr dec1s1on : The standards used in measuring each tocal community are those set forth in the Better City Campaign booklet by Dr. William A. McKeever. Dr. McKeever is wholly responsible for the formulation of these standards, and the entry of a community into this contest implies its willingness to be judged by such standards. Jwl... Not Jafallit.le The application of Dr. McKeever's standards in the measurement of each community is the sole responsibility of the committee of judges. The judges make no claims to infallibility. There are many legitimate reasons for honest difference of opinion. They have discounted their own prejudices as far as they could and have tried honestly to maintain a fair and impartial attitude toward every community scored. The acceptance of the judges by the local com- QM.,.+~, -..,...-·----~-~~--·· Camiaign. However, this was not the deciding factor in maJdJw the , E...W.ace Full,. Wei.hed The judges have not relied upon casual impressions. They have carefully weighed the very large amount of evidence offered them. The different scientific methods of judging the data se· cured were used as a check upon each other. No reflection is cast upon any unsuccessful conte!ltant, nor is any judgment made of towns not entered in the contest or finally scored. The competition was unusually keen and all contestants made splendid showings. The judges believe that these principl~s an_ d methods wilt appeal to every fal~ rrunded person. They have found ~lr task arduous. but of unsurpass.ed mterest. They beheve every commumty ha~ been greatly profit~ by ~h~ ca~ pat~ and ~t they wtll_ all JOin .Wlth the JUdges tn cong~atul~tmg the wmner ?f the award, whtch IS hereby ~!1tmously declared to be Harvey, Ilhnms. ERLE F. YOUNG ELLEN A. REYNOLDS C. W: WHIPPLE Commtltee of ludgtS Sedan Longevity Increased by Balloon Tires -~ Phoae Yrllmette 2608 WJLMmE, IU.. 721 Mlia Street ro.1 .~ra. ·1·hey allo cuahion vital power tirel en1iat low-preaure alr to BALLOON c:uabion the p~naen &om bumpe and ,'-_M_OT~ORS~S~ER='=VI~CE=,::lo:-:c.::-1 EVERYTHING FOR THE AUTOfOBILE The Reo Line Coupe · · $1875 Sedan. - - · 1985 unitl apinat the I8II1C ad,...... r.nnditiou. The ahock·free cradlin1 of power UDit» I,._ a double frame hu alwayt been a Reo featuN, and a vital reuon for Reo cb·am· lonaevitf. GABRIEL SNUBBER SERVICE Like all other mechanisms Brousham · 2235 $pedaJ T.riq Balloon tira greatly promote it. Mechanical il further emphaeired by the famoUI Reo hiah·powered lix-cyliDder ~ Intake valv· Ia head aDd a,. $UIUI . . . . . . . . . . hrala... _ -.u~ hauat valve· at alde,--ahort craak1haft. tu1'DiDI iD four J-. beariDp aad balanc:ecl dynamica11y and ltadcaDy,=-trouod, ...... ....doatiiiCMt. .......t Gabriel Snahben occasionally need lubrication and adjustment to give the best service. amooth cylinder· with aluminum alloy ~-~ carbundoo,--thele an iyplca1 of many feaNna tbat Reo motordom'a mOlt eDduriDa "IlL" llEO MOTOR CAR COMPANY, Let us go over them before they bind and squeak. We also have a full line of parts to repair these snubbers. Reo Eva ton C 1101 Chicago Ave. EVANSTON. P