WILMETTE LIFE (:P'OI"DDerly Tit· t.k· Shore Ne'ln) wttll~ ~aed Beta'lln.lle4 '1'8'8 wu.JIK'PI"8 LOCAL . . . . u·l18o ra·.aY t.a.oYD .~ DC::. uu Ceat.ral AYe.. -.ru-t... D.L Ye~rat ............. wr .. nwiJCIIIPTIO· ....- o· uta &am~ . _ ..&. .....,.. among it member a spirit of beneficent ri~-aln·. Employers of gardener will find it profitable to themseh·e as well as to their men to so arrange hours and work that their gardeners may not only join this society but also attend regularly and thus get the full benefit of active participation in its activities. The society meets at Community House in \\'innetka. Vacationists! Here's Best Way to Reach Wisconsin and No. Michigan OING to Wisconsin or Northern Michigan this summer? Take the North Shore Une-your vacation ~11 start as you board ~e train. This is the clean, convenient, ~Joyable route to vacanon lands o· ect connections in Milwaukee Wtth the T. M. E. R. &. L R. for ~nomowoc, Nashota ~, Nehmahin Lakes, Silver Lake, Delafield, Waukesha Beach, Nagawicka Lake and Pewaukee Lake. Also direct connections with Milwaukee Northern R. R. for Port Washington, Sheboygan, Elkhart Lake, Cedar Lak~ Crystal. Lake and · diate points. Schedules of both roads connect wtth North tntenne orth Shore .tram · · M"l '--Shore Une trains. Step from your N ~ t wauJU:C into aT. M. E. R. & L. or Milwaukee Northern tram outstde the door. EYES! Free examination of children's · :!:-:t.:O.~ ~~· ~Ia~ eyes! This liberal offer is made ' aD a4mittattee e~e wiU be made or by one of the most competent · eonecu.,.. ~ w1ll be' ciUU1re4 at optometrist in this section of the replar &4Y~W~ ~ 1177 ----.....:.----~....-==::::country, Dr. 0. H. Bersch, · ~~r~~o_: ~ :.,a~,wJ:; \\.ilmette avenue. It ought to be 111 MCOnct c..., ucter the aet of Karch taken advantage of by every J. ll7t. ( - · parent whose cht'ld ren h ave no t FRO&)~~. ~E 20, 1924 recently been under the care of ---..P.~.,;.;~-----a first-class eye-doctor. 1 Separate ~the Grades. Every chjld should be as physiEr~force f!ie T'raffic Laws. , cally perfect as nature and 'Build the, . 'f:lfroug~ Trq.JM /?044. science can make him. Some of their children's needs parents may neglect and not handicap the LES SILHOUETfEB children very seriously in their Tlu s~G is fl~elud eitlt bors of grey, life careers. A child may grow Tlu dtdl d~ad willd is out of lfiM, Alld like a witlured leaf tM moon up bow-legged and crookedIs blowrJ across the stormy bay. . toothed, and perhaps do fairly well in competition and in cooperEtclud clear wpon the pallid sand ~ ation with others. BUT if his Liu tlu black boat: a, $atlor boy eyes are negfected in his early Clomb"s aboard ;,. careless joy With loughing face and gleaming lta.ul. years he very probably will suffer the painful consequences all his And overhead th~ curlews cry, Where through the dusky wfJimul grass life. And he will be justified in Th~ young lw~tl~rotJted reapers pass, charginc up his loss to his parLike silhowettes G{I(Ji,st the slly. ents' indifference. / · -Oscar Wilde. So call up Dr. Bersch, Wilmette 2766, and make an appointment. BOOKS AND IGNORANCE . Books vanqui.sh ignorance. By WHO IS HE? the thoughtful reading of good Have y~il never on the street books a youth can give himself a met someone whom you "know remarkably valuable education. as well a'S you know yourself" A bookman is usually a well-edu- and yet you cannot for the life cated man. · of you say just who he is? His '[he ~oys and girls of New face and gait are perfectly fam~IJ!r H1gh $Chool_ recently sent iliar; still you are \mabie to speak to C;mey.. Cr~k-. Kentucky, 942 his name; It bmh~rs yon- r-o books. They sent them in re- think Jhat your memory plays sponse to a call from the corn- you-· such a mean little trick. ff!Un!ty center in C:aney Cre~k for You try hard to recall the lost atd m a war agamst the tgnor- name but it .refu..o;.e!Lt.o t:Ph1ro -~ -:-<~ · ·· . -., .""'· 1v~ayue tne -m:ystenous acwhttes m that Kentucky reg10n. quaintance with the elusive cogSuppose you were cast ashore nomen is your grocery salesman on a desert isl.and. At first all whom you have never seen exyour time and energy is spent cept across the counter. Put in providing for the immediate him .there again and you'd know needs of your body. But after pis name at once. Perhaps 'it is these are .s atisfied you will in- y.our favorite barber whose evitably want to read. But you proper name escapes your tongue have nothing to read, no maga- when you see him on the street. zines, no books. So you are .He's now wearing his hat. That's thrown back on direct observation ·what's the matter! Let him of natural objects, and .on mem- take off his hat and there stand!t ory and thinking. For a little your old friend, Bill the barber I while you find it pleasant to be Why not test out your ability thus forced back on your own to recognize those whom you see with a fair degree p{ frequency resources. But soon you long for the al- by taking part in the "Who's most human companionship of Who" Contest n.ow running in books. You would even give a WILMETTE LIFE? portion of your life for the Bible, a one-volume Shakespeare, or A GOOD INVESTMENT the unabridged dictionary. You For a young man living on a hunger and thirst for reading limited income, we know of no matter. One day you find .on the other investment that is on the beach a single leaf from a book whole so profitable as the buying of . poems. It is a godsend. of shares in a solid, progressive Think of Caney Creek people building and loan association. as they will receive and read The association must be both well these 942 books. established and growing. Let him put his money regularly into GARi)ENERS such an institution as this and in The far-famed beauty of the a relatively short time he will north shore is the result large- have a nice little pile with which ly of work done by gardeners. to buy a home or finance a busiThe flourishing condition of ness. shrubs, flowers, and lawns is due Suppose a young man of 20 beto the skill and constant care of gins to buy shares in a good gardeners. Just here it may be building and loan association. well to say that we are including He pays in $10 a month for 11~ under the term, "gardeners," years. Then let us suppose that such craftsmen as landscape gar- he stops paying. What will he deners, foresters, and men work- have when he is 33? He has paid ing in private gardens. All these in about $1,3&>. At 33 he wilt workers by their cooperation have to his credit $2,<m. If he create and preserve the beauly of leaves this $2,000 in the associathe nearer landscape. tion it will automatically double No small credit f.or the excep- itself every 110 years, so that tional beauty of north shore home when our young man is 66 years surroundi.,_ is due to the North of age he will have for his own Shore Horticultural society, an use the tjdy sum of $16,000! organization JP&de up of north which at 6 per cent will pay him shore gardee It is a remark- $20 a week. And he has put in ably useful s.ociety, inasmuch as only $2,<m. it is the medium the exchange He must make sure that the of ideas re dine better horti- association is in the hands of cultural ~t. L e every capable and trustworthy men. other, · e organkation it Having satisfied himself on that sti members to dis- score he may go ahead and buy co .,.d nk out improved hare , confident tha.t he ean wOrldJic. It stin up t_n_a~e no better investment. _.,.,... . RHohattX· ot c6ac!oTenee. earda or =:-- G R: Connections are made in Milwaukee with Pere Marquette Steamers for Ludington, Manistee, Hamlin Lake, Por.. . · tage Lake and Onekema. Leave here in af.. temoon; take night steamer from Milwaukee, arriving in Michigan next morning. Fast trains leave for Milwaukee over the North Shore Line, at frequent intervals. You may buy a "through" ticket at the North Shore ticket office, and check your baggage, to your point of destination. For schedules, fares or other information, inquire at North Shore ticket office. I reg this col with th1 of "Offil sented ~ House 1 amateur! on Thu of next Officer Gladwin Barnes The Cr Helen B Sadie S Mrs. B Watkin Bateato Captain Kearnc: Ryan . Proc go to stitutio babies. ten dan large. dramati a hit s sional "TH Chicago N orth Shore and Milwaukee Railroad Company Wilmette Passenger Station --- -·· Telephone Wilmette 2514 Spruce Up YOur Car L ET us renovate its appearance by a thorough and painstaking washing, cleansing, drying and polishing that will make it look like a new car. We have a system in doing this kind of work, contributing the most effective work in the shortest tjme at a most reasonabl.e price. -