Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Jun 1924, p. 13

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w 1924 Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Widney, 918 Tenth street, have as their guests this ~ounty .L' Da;rD vu v~ 4 , raws E ~v7nston Gym u Huge Crowds to R'ntten . s ore soc~ety wtll turn N Oout en masse today and tomorrow f_ or the _largest event of i~s ki_nd to be g1ven th1s su~er. The mter1or of th~ Patten gymna~ttlm and the surroundmg grounds wtlt attract large crowds with the 100 exhibits, the stage program to be given twice a day, afternoon and evening, the fashion show fcaturing Evanston society girls as models the vaudeville and circus acts, the out~ door features and the tea room. A special feature of today will be the appearance of Miss Louise Groody and co-stars through the courtesy of the "No, No, Nanette" company. On Saturday, the Polish dancers from the settlement, with Polish costumes and music will appear on the program. . ' In the tea room made festive with Russian decorations, where subdebs and college boys in Russian costumes wl'll be waitresses and cashiers, delicious luncheons and dinners will be se"ed. In addl.tl'on , " re f resh men t s a t a 11 hours " and a "wonderful" jazz orchestra to play for the dancing and dancing con· · duce t h e spectators to step tes t s, WI'II tn in for relaxation and refreshment. Mrs. Carol W:ilson Alton and Mrs. Norman Westerhold are co-chairmen with Miss Elizabeth Campbell and Mis~ Arl~ Avery in charge of the waitresses. Fifty women of social prominence along the entire shore will act each day as hostesses. Mrs. Henry Kitchell Webster, Mrs. Walter Dill Scott Mrs. E. Crain Wilson, Mrs. Allan w'1 ·thers, Mrs. Bruce MacLeish, Mrs. Alfred Granger and Mrs. William Mitchell Blair comprise the committee in charge. --oMr. and Mrs. Edward Winslow Eaton, 838 Park avenue, announce the enga.get_Dent. of their niece, Frances MarJOrie K1lburn, to Felix B. Visk. son of Ralph C. Visk of 1442 Jonquil terrace, Rogers Park. The marriage will take place in the early fall. RTH I Mi~:·~r~·v~::i~~~ !£dG~ii~n~i.~gr~:,~ and Frank Cooper of Helena,Montana. --o- 'I1IE W'ORLD'S MOST orne of Mr l avenue, 0~ flope, became 1 · son of Mrs. ~tre, of tight frill of lace a e back of the~te wreath of old-fashioned en hair fern, endant, Mrs. fker of Willd ribbon and ide's brother, the presence ~y 15, at 730 [butionl well known onomy Shop ~· on. Houseour help and r customers. rkers of the e more look & closets for enwood avehem." of the Infant Monday after· home of Mrs. 1009 Chestnut s hostess was bout 35 mem'Y sewed dur. eting, played , and enjoy~ tst the gathersocial nature, the business he July meet· reb party, at bine avenue. 11... ~ 827 Lincoln entertain the the National ntary college being held epare attracbe found for rner of the Davis street. es are for the Mrs. Margaret Virgmia Cockrell is Miss Dorothy Hartmann 1129 Elm returning to Washington, D. C., Satwood avenue, entertained 3o guests a; urday, after a fortnight's visit with her a tea on Saturday afternoon gi . sister, Mrs. W. P. Varney, 1026 Greenhono~ of Miss Virginia Alc~tt. ~ho~~ wood avenue. marnage to N. J. Lareau will take t-4-place at the Ravenswood Presbyterian Mrs. J. Nye Macalister and her church June 18 daughteri Mary, are again at their ' '--ohome, 9 8 Ashland uenue, after a Miss Cornelia Jones, 1417 Forest three weeks' visit with relatives in a~enue, ha~ taken a cottage at Lake Omaha. R1pley, W1sconsin, for the summer T --o- . . ~er niece, Mrs. Clark Leach, and he~ . h~ Nl:!rth Shore Mus~cal societ~ ts httle child, will spend the season with holdtng tts annual b~smess meetmg 'her. Mr. Leach will live at 11 28 Wit- and. luncheon on Monday at the mette avenue during their absence. Ornngton hotel. ~ -o---.,Miss Alice Mae Jackson graduated Miss Dorothy Tucker, 102<! Lake from the Chicago Art institute on a~enue, left on Thurs~ay With the June 13. She will leave soon with her ~lrl Scouts for a fortntght of campparents, Mr. and Mrs. Chart~ H. mg at Lake Pleasant. Jac~son, 1017 Elmwood avenue, for --othe1r summer home at Portage Point Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ellis, 823 GreenMichigan. ' wood avenue, returned on Wednesday . --oafter spending several days at their T summer home at Waupaca, Wisconsin. he Wilmette Ravinia club com-omittee will have as its p1'cn1'c guests The piano pupils of Miss Margaret 00 July 24· the little children of Dor- Tufts gave a very interesting recital cas Home, who will be taken for at her home, 114 Bertling lane, Windrives in the cars of the committee netka, on Saturday afternoon, June 14. members. -o--oR. D. Burtner, 810 Oakwood avenue, Mr. an4 Mrs. Stetson Harmon, form- has recovered from an illness of five erly residents of Wilmette, stopped in weeks and an operation for appendiWilmette last week-end while en route citis. from their home in Los Angeles to __,._ Boston. They visited Mr. Harmon's The North Shore MacDowell society two brothers. held its annual meeting on Tuesday M ~ evening, June 17, at the home of Mr· ary C. Lowell, daughter of Mr. John H. Hardin in Hubbard Woods. and Mrs. C. C. Lowell, 900 Ashland avenue, is leaving in about two weeks --ofor Colorado, where she will spend Fowler R. Weld and Douglas R the summer with relatives at their Weld have gone to the Shattuck summer camp in the mountains. school. Camp Fariboult, Minnesota, for --o· six weeks. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Sherwin and Mrs. c. Newb~ entertained her their daughter, Ann, 1029 Greenwood ,bridge club at luncheon on Tuesday avenue, left Saturday for a fortnight's at her home, 832 Greenwood avenue. stay at Powers Lake, Wisconsin. ~ CASH FOR FUTURE On Tuesday evening a dinner was DELIVERY! ~ ~iven at the Ouilmette Country club Coatneia Gaanat-· · .,. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Ketler 802 for the newly elected board of direcOn·r · Rllll- Dollara Aaaeta Greenwood avenue, wilt spend' the tors and chairmen of committees. J . E. SWIFT TEAL, AreDt JOlT f'·atNI AYeaae, Wllaette week-end at Madison where they will ~ Tele·ll-e WU..ette M participate in the twenty-first reunion Mrs. Homer C. Cone of Durango, Wri.. or Plao.. for Rat-. of Mr. Kelter's class at the University Mexico, is spending the month of June of Wisconsin. at the home of her brother, P. E. Madden, (1.)7 Ninth street. --o--oDr. and Mrs. John Segsworth, 1006 Mr. and Mrs. Philip Bright were Forest avenue, have as their guests expected to arrive in New York on Miss Lottie Segsworth and Charles their European trip. Segsworth of Toronto; Miss Nancy Wednesday from --oBrown of Hannibal, Missouri, and Miss Mr. atuL.Mr~. Gep~;&e ~ ·. .l3,~l-.~~~---' Maraaret.JA/'yer oi Albany, N.101ests at tne Hotel w · - ·' I ' · .....o-·, City, durina· the week of June John Wolf, son of Mr. and Mrs. --oHarry Wolf, 819 Greenwood avenue, George B. Burke, 611 Ninth street, is leaving next Friday, June 27, for has returned from a trip to Kansas eight weeks at a summer school near City. Colorado Springs, conducted by the Missouri , Military academy. h . I Pllteat Wlalte eoa.-a. ...... KM C······ttoa of · . .. .e. ... a-tlletr ........ wtt· DR.KAHLERS SHOES Stylula Shou o.,foriMJ. ~ SOLE DISTRIBUTORS OF DR. KAHLER'S SHOES FOR WOMEN CHILDREN·s 1608 Chicago Avenue, at Davis Street EVANSTON, ILL. Phoae Eftalt. m v--. iriam Paley, rs. William r Loewenberg ernoon, at 5 f the bride's e. Dr. Silver , rvice in the liate families. aley, brother e bride, were of Wilmette, ith and Miss are motoring d the Alpha ens on Mon· Mr. and Mrs. Louis Coody entertained at the Edgewater Beach hotel on Saturday evening in honor of Mrs. Homer Cone of Mexico, and Mr and Mrs. Donald R. Innis, who are leaving shortly for Europe. --oMrs. Blanche Peck Wanner has sold her home at 629 Central avenue to Dwight L. Harris of Wilmette and has taken an apartment in the Evanston Manor, 829 Forest avenue, Evanston. --o- -e- FREE On Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays, with a Wave and Facial you will receive a Shampoo FREE. We are now fully equipped to .give the very best service in Bobbin1, Shinal· in1, Sh·mpooiq, Marcellina and Manicun.... Mrs. Mae Kane in charge. Ladies who visit our upstairs beauty parlor may be assured of complete privacy. James Melville has returned from the Ooaiga Military school to spend the summer with his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Melville at their home, 1022 Greenwood avenue. --o- Mr. and Mrs. Aaron M. Spear and family started Sunday on a motor trip through northern Wisconsin. They have taken a cottage at Deer Path Lodge for two weeks. --o- Goodwin Barber Shop and [ Yellowstone se, and other y will return rust. Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Mason, 1030 Greenwood avenue, with their daughter, Marjorie, left last week for Boston where they will be for a short time. -oM iss Alice Louise Emerson of Colorado is visiting her aunt, Mrs. A. E. Logie of 1032 Ashland avenue. Beauty Parlor For appointment, Phone Wilmette 723 1159 Wilmette Avenue of Elmwood day morning Grenfell InIncorporated. eks teaching abrador and toast. Miss r ten weeks. Evanston's Finest Dining Rooms I N THE dining room of The Orrington the environment of the famous Davanzati Palace adds to the pleasure of good food and attentive service. Only Twenty Minutes by Motor from 1004 Green[ughter, Mrs. nport, Iowa, ka, stopping k to attend tion. Mrs. treasurer of ill be away nths. Walls hung with rare ol~ tapestries-ceilings frescoed w1th the interesting marks of heraldry-co~ fortable armchairs - snowwhtte linen-glisteu;ng silver-soft !'fle~ low light glowing over all-thts IS the settin~r for your repast at THE ORRINGTON. And with all this attractiveness your meal at The Orrington is most reasonable. Luncheon 90c; daily dinner $1.50; Sunday dinner $1.75. Or you may enjoy luncheon in The Chocolate Shop at ~· daily dinner at $1.00; Sunday dtn· ner at $125. the North Shore Stealt 6-Chiclun Dinners &.UNC .. ION IIII.V&D AT NOON ,. G)-k Business Diatrict e, 1229 Hill week from e she was udden death Mrs. Hotze ving Satur· two weeks ORRINGTON ~-LUNOII Cusine and Caterint b~ Beach and Geils Business Men's Lunch Seventy-five Cents entertained her home, f1 Thursday Get away from business by taking time off at noon fot a run out into the country. - a, 823 Green· ~eek-end at

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