Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Jun 1924, p. 12

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11 WILMETTE LIFE 20, 1924 T HE finest jewelry shop on the North Shore, maintaining a repair depart ment for watches, clocks and jewelry. ·ocJAL Simplicity Ma-tks Duncan-Wee lands Wedding Guimpea and Camiaolea $2.50 to $7.95 An endless variety of Guimpes and Camisoles for the new sports coat, sweater and sleeveless frock s. All of the newest things in neckwear to select from . VICTORIANESQUE atmosphere pervaded the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Hughes Duncan, 701 Central avenue, on Wednesday afternoon when their daughter, Virginia Hope, became the bride of Johnstone E s mund Wee lands of Toronto, son of Mr1, Louise Weelands . Gowned i~ wh~te sati.n-bac~ed moi~e, of tight bodice and full skirt of the Vtctonan pen,od, wtth a frtll of lace a '"entury old with a veil of Spanish lace held high at the back of theo head with ~large Spanish comb, with a Marie Antoinette wreath of orange blossoms holding it to the head, with her old-fashioned bouquet .o f cream roses, l!llies-~f-the-valley and maiden hair fern, the bride made a charmmg ptcture. Her only attendant, Mrs. William Wiemers of Winnetka, formerly Adeline Decker of Wil- A N OR otJ fo to be giv tflaza Jrwrlrr LIBRARY PLAZA BOT8L avANrrox ORRINGTON HOTEL EVANSTON . Lola B. Waller l::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~mette Di·tinctive Merchandue Fountain Square a peas frockof oforc~id peach shade, color organdie with orchid and carried wore sweet and Ward roses. . ribbon , Richard Duncan, of Ltttle Rock, Arkansas, the bnde s brother, was best man. Dr. Hubert Carleton read the service at 5 o'clock in the presence of the families and intimate friends . Mr. and Mrs. Weelands will be at home after July 15, at 730 Hinman avenue, Evanston. 'I'he Economy Shop Needs Your Contribution! PLEA to every woman in Wilmette comes from a well known A community enterprise. "Let's not forget the Economy Shop :luring the summer vacation period. We have no vacation. House-leatting is over, and now is the time when we need your help and cooperation. "We are glad to receive any article of clothing, dishes, cooking ·ttensils, or furniture. No matter how worn and useless to you, they will fill a long needed want in some household. "Our business is thriving and we wish to hold our customers. To do so, we must depend on the friends and co-workers of the ~conomy Shop for their continued support. So once more look throtif!h vour attic, basements, and into y.our clothes closets for contributions to this worthy cause. "These articles may be left at the shop, 1147 Greenwood ave·tue, or telephone Wilmette 1544, and we will send for them." The thirty- eighth annual commencement exercises and concert of the American Conservatory of Music took olace on Tuesday evening, June 17, at the Auditorium. Two Wilmette girls, Miss Ethel Flentye and Miss Adelaide Tones, were the recipients of honors. Miss Flentye received a certificate in the associate teachers depatrment. a half scholarship in the pjiano and honorable mention in history of music. She also was awarded the John H. Hattstaedt gold medal The Junior Auxiliary of the Infant Welfare society met on Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Charles Bailey Blake, 1009 Chestnut avenue. Assisting her as hostess was Mrs. Walter Nelson. About 35 members were present. They sewed during the business meeting, played bridge and mah jongg, and enjoyed a cup of tea. During July and August the gatherings will be of a strictly social nature, with the resuming of the business Women's and Children's Hosiery and Underwear Futurist Union Suits Special, 95c Cross-barred and striped dimities in bodice top styles come in pink and white. Other Futurist garments in madras and fine dimities, $1.25, $1.65, $1.75, $2.00. of the B rounding crowds YJ program noon and turing E1 the vaudc door fel special fc pea ranee co-stars " No, No1 urday, ~ tlement, ' will appef In the Russian 1 college b be waitn luncheon In additi1 and a " play for tests, wiJ in for r Mrs. ( Norman with Mi Aria A Fifty along t day as ti Webster, E. Crai~ Mrs. B1 Granger Blair co Mr. Eaton, engagem Marjori son of terrace, will tak Mr. Greenw we ek-e particip of Mr. of Wis Dr. a Forest Miss Segswo Brown Maraar John Harry is leav eight V1oJ Colorad Missou Mr. tained on Sat Homer Mrs. D shortly Munsingwear Union Suits to men "Lord's Spec1 · al," Full-Fashioned .Jk Hose Sl --,~. $1.10 Fine nainsook garments in flesh or white, in bodice top style, come in sizes 34 to. 44. Other lines in knitted or athletic styles range fro~ 75c to $2.25. .le.:JiJ -t1t-fi-_...llf---~--~~---_....._r Our silk hose are becoming widely known for tht·ir lustrous beauty and their qual · ity, which insures greater service. They are truly remarkable values and come in the season's most popular shades, white and black. Children's Three-Quarters Socks, 75c White, cordovan, black, smoked elk and gray with fancy colored tops. These are a splendid quality mercer:zed lisle with the popular English rib. Also a beautiful line of short sox, 35c and SOc. Firat Floor Meyering Wardrobe Trunks $27.50 to $55.00 Meyering wardrobe trunks are constructed uf highest quality 3-ply :=;~==~~;;:;::;:; ,·eneer; they are cov-::: :!red and interlined with hard vulcanized fibre, :tnd all are elegantly lined and have many new devices for your convenience. See hem today in their many sizes. Men'~ Munsingwear Union Suits $2.00 At this one price you may choose from many desirable styles for summer wear. Fine combed yarns in white or ecru are shown in the followi~ styles: Long sleeves, ankle length ; ~ sleeve, ankle length ; ~ sleeve, ~ length; athletic shoulder, knee length. Suit Cases : 5.00to$32.00 Ia thla complete display yon will find matSince the bag is altine, fibre and leather most a constant companion when traveling, cua ia many aizea. it receives unusually Natural mat, tan . hard wear. Purchase hrowa aacl black eases one of quality from our complete display. h a Y · laia'bly plated Many aizea in 3 and 5 hardware and attrae- pieces, and made with hand - sewed or pia tivelialap. frames. llaMrnent Traveling Bags $6.00to $30.00 Men'· Slipover Sweaters. $5.50 Soft quality wool yarns are made in round or "V" necks in white with contraating colors at neck or solid tan and broWD. Brushed wool coats for _ golf or motorine are priced $8.00 and $10.00. Firat Floor ~~~~~~========================:Eiiii:c:=:=:=:=========JJI - legiate department, and, as a member her residence, 104 Woodbine avenue. of the graduating c:Jass, a partial -oscholarship in singing. M iss Mabel Pierson, 827 Lincoln -ostreet, Evanston, will entertain the Mrs. R. Tencher of Washinlrton alumnae and friends of the National avenue has gone to Exeter, New Kindergarten and Elmentary college Hampshire, to be with her son, Wil- en Monday, June 23. liam, who graduates from Phillips Weekly meetings are being held Exeter academy. She will visit in during the summer to prepare attracBoston, and after commencement, they tive articles which will be found for both will go to Bretton Woods, sale in the College Corner of the Quebec, Montreal and Toronto. They Courtesy Shoppe, 508 Davis street. will then join Mr. Tencher, James and The proceeds of these sales are for the Martha in Bala, Muskoka Lakes. college building fund . where the entire family will spend -othe summer, returning to Wilmette The wedding of Miss Miriam Paley, after the first of Septeember. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William -oPaley, and Israel Sidney Loewenberg Miss Pauline Pettibone will present took place Tuesday afternoon, at 5 the following pupils in a piano re - o'clock, at the home of the bride's cital at the Woman 's club Monday parents, 623 Central avenue. Dr. Silver eveninjl, June 23, at 8 o'clock : Billv o f Chicago read the service in the Katz , Robert H ewitt, Doris Tansill, presence of the immediate families. Mary Jeanne Tansill, Harriet Web- Mr. and Mrs. Archie Paley, brother ster, Frances Lutz, Carolyn Cazel, and sister-in-law of the bride, were Rose Marie Gash, Florence Melbye, the only attendants. William Melbye, Elizabeth Potter and -oMartha Ericson. The public is M iss Frances Cutler of Wilmette, cordially invited. Miss Katherine Goodsmith and Miss -oAnne Lorenz of Chicago are motoring M iss Pearl Marie Barker of Evans- to Glacier Park to attend the Alpha ton , well known in the village through Phi convention which opens on Monher teaching in the Columbia School day, June 23. of Music, is departing for Europe on Their tour includes Yellowstone June 25, accompanied by Miss Louise Park, Banff, Lake Louise. and other Hogarty of Roycemore. They will Canadian resorts. They will return travel in France, Italy, Switzerland, about the middle of August. Belgium, England and Holland before -oreturning September 6. M iss Elizabeth Fitch of Elmwood -()avenue is leaving Saturday morning Undine Dunn , Agnes Biesemeier, for Labrador to join the Grenfell InDoris Arnold of Wilmette, Dorothy ternational Association, Incorporate<!. Scharf of Winnetka, and Betty Heid- She will spend seven weeks teaching mann of Glencoe were the north shore at the social center in Labrador and R"irls attending the Alma Omicron Pi on the Newfoundland coast. Miss houseparty given last week by Ann Fitch will be away nine or ten weeks. McCabe of Chicago at her summer -ohome at Eagle Lake, Wisconsin. M rs. T. C. Moulding, 1004 GreenThere were about 20 guests. wood avenue, and her daughter, Mrs. -oR. E. Wooden of Davenport, Iowa, Mr. and ' Mrs. J. D. Wigglesworth are leaving today for Alaska, stopping opened the A. W . Wigglesworth home at Glacier National Park to attend at 426 Central avenue last week for the Alpha Phi convention. Mrs. the two younr;rer boys who returned Wooden is the national treasurer of from Culver Military academy. Mr. that organnation. They wilt be away and Mrs. Wigglesworth will return for six weeks or two months. in about two weeks from Miami, -oFlorida , where they have been spendM rs. Charles E. Hotze, 1229 Hill ing the winter. street. returned early this week from -oElmwood, Illinois, where she was Mrs. M. C. Hecht and her daughter. called last week by the sudden death Marjorie Jane, have just returned of her sister. Mr. and Mrs. Hot:z( from a visit with Mrs. Hecht's parents, and their two sons are leaving SaturCapt. and Mrs. Georr;re A. Schneider day for a motor trip of two weeks of Galena , Illinois and Clinton, Iowa. through southern Illinois. Dr. Hecht and A. S. Hecht have re-()turned from a fishing trip in nort~ern Mrs. George H. Weaver entertained Wisconsin. at bridge and supper at her home, -o1020 Ashland avenue, on Thursday Dr. and Mrs . J. F. Waugh and their evening, June 12. children, 812 Ashland avenue, and Mrs. -oIda E. Wood are leaving July 1 for Mr. and Mrs. W . H . Ellis, 823 Green· a two months' stay at their Park. cottage at wood avenue, spent last week-end at Rocky Mountain National Waupaca, Wisconsin. dnging and musical theory in the col- ing, which will be a porch- party, at Miss ].ones received her diploma in mond Taylor will .-. wrad ""it*"" e ..... "'-'·- Sept---... hav~ the July meet- w.- R.,y.

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