Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Jun 1924, p. 26

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2§_ WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, JUNE 13. 1924 THIS PAGE IS A MONEY SAVER .FOR YO(} SITUATIONS WAYTED--KALE WANTED-HOUSEHOLD GOODS W A:-ITED-PORCH FURNITURE IN good condition. Tel. Wil. 388. LTN37-ltc FOR SAL~MISCELLANEOUI CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS General N otices-Ciaaalfted advertisement. 1rill be charced olll~ to residents of the diatrlct from Evanaton to Glencoe Inclusive whoae namea appear In the telephone directory, or who are regular subacrlbeore to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA T.ALK or GLENCOE NEWS. EXPERT GARDEN WORK DONE BY hour or contract. Call Wlnn. 1902. LTN27-tfc SONS TRIM DIEIR DADS 0 --- INBIG~-T~ Bor Ratll-10 cents per line In one paper. JO cents per line In all three papers. MINIMUM CHARGB GOe. Averaae of five worda to the line. No black face type uaed. Rates for Display type on application. /nsertions-Ciaaalfted advert1sem11nts will be ac- Deadline for the WILMETTE LIFE or all thr::p~!~e~:: ~b~::::s1;yo·~~o~~~~~ [~! WIT NNhETK.A TALK and Friday lZ o'clock tor tbf! GLENCOE NII:WS. e 1ep ones: WILMETTE 1920-19%1 or WJNNETKA 2000·1001. CALL EVANSTON 992. SAVE 10% TO FARROW CHIX; IN 100 LOTS. LEGhorns, $8.50; Barred Rocke, Single 20% on your cement work. 20 years Reds, $9.50; Rose RedP White experience. Charles Abney, Cont. Rocks; $11.50; Wyandotte&, Butr LTN36-tfc Orp., Minorca.s, $12.50; assorted, $7.60. LANDSCAPE GARDE:\ING. TEL. D. T. FARROW, CHICK ERIES. 418 Prall'ie Ave., WllWll. 131>1. PEORIA. ILL. LTN18-%2tc LT37-4tc mette. FOR SALE-75 ONE-YEAR-OLD PLYSITUATION' WANTED- BY YOUNG mouth Rock hens, f.l.OO apiece; married man as gardener on private cream separator, small, $10; seed estate; good references ; life excutter, new, '10; 1-horse cultivator, perience. Tel. Wll. 821-R. $2 ; also a few brood coops. Tel. Wll. LTN37-ltp 876-R. LTN-37-ltc SITUATIO~ WA~TED-Ii'EM ,\LE CEMENT CONTRACTOR HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE WISHES clerical posltlon; general office work Salasmen PJeaAure rlde11 preferred; can do billing; good penFOR SALE OR RENT-FIVE AND SIX Doctors Week-end trips man. Address Wilmette Life, A-235. room houses; ,nt>w; modern; large Collectors Fishing tripe LTN37-ltp lot ; c los e to transportation, lak e, Realtors Hunting tripe Fountain Squart>, Evanston Ev: 2600 golf course; $10.000 to $21,000. Also or WANTED-TO TAKE CARE OF Prouty l:lldg., Wlnn. Wlnn. 2199 lots for sale, $30 a foot. 'William While your car ia In repair or pa.tnt children and assist In housework; LTN37-1tc Otten, own er. County Line Road 2 shop. go home nights. Tel. Wlnn. 477. blocks west of Green Bay Rd. GlenOpera car, 13c per mlle. LTN37-ltc coe. Tel. Highland Park 898- Y3. Closed car, 16c per mlle. VA LT:-137-ltc TUTORING IN GRAMMAR SCHOOL These cars are Insured for your protection. subjects and some high school subjects. T e l. Wil. 67. L37-ltc WANTED TO BUY-VACANT 72 ft. on Walden Rd., $100 per ft HI-Y ELECTS 16:/t., Euclid No. ot Scott, $100 De~ HELP WANTED-FEMALE T1. Wlnn. 166. BUILDER WILL BUY FOUR OR FIVE The Hi- Y club. at New Trier Higb LTN37-1tc lots ·In good neighborhood. Will con50 ft ., Woodlawn and Lake, Glencoe school, held its final meeting of the alder frontage or 50 to 100 ft. tor WE HAVE A SPLENDID OPPORTUN$75 per foot. ' year and its election and installatiOil Ity tor someone desirous or making each lot. Give size, location and Most beautiful wohded triangular lot money at home In apare time or tull Contrary to state ments made of new officers last week.. Frederick best cash price. Address Wilmette ~OO. Kenilworth, 2l9x176x281, $16,time. Ray Studio, Evanston, 111. In Chicago pape rs, the charges Lite, A-66. LTN29-ttc Broughton succeeded Edward Scheidot the women I have for day LTN32-ttc Hlgland Park's most beautiful sect eahelm in the presidency of the orpa work have not been changed. I FOR RENT-HOUSES 176xl28, $17,000. Will divide. ·· have plenty or such women at ization. WANTED - MAID OR MOTHER'S the same price as heretoforehelpet·; white; clean; capable; own FOR ~ENT-WILMETTE; 6-ROOl\1 $4 per day and carfare. WILMETTE PARK DISTRICT room and bath; good wages; good home, nice ly d ecorated throughout; hom e; near transportation Tel ~o~d east section; midway between Exclusive Agent AN ORDINANCE FOR THE APPR Wll. 126. LTN37-lt~ L and steam; 50 ft. wooded Jot· 2 o PRIATION OF FUNDS FOR THE LTN37-ltc or 3 yr. lease; $115 per month. See WILMETTE PARK DISTRICT Clothing sold on commission RE~INED S~HOOL GIRL AS MOTHFOR THE FISCAL YEAR ers helper, to be treated as one of 1154 Central Avenue, Wilmette ENDING MARCH 81, 19211 the family; one-halt block from Telephone Wilmette 1170 lake In Glencoe. T el. . Glencoe 440. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of ATTRACTIVE 6-ROOM FRAME· 2 340 Linde n Ave. T el. Wll. 444 LTN37-ltc 850 Sheridan Roa.d. Commissioners of WILMETTE PARJt baths; bea utifully wood ed and 1 · dLTN36-ltc FOR SALE-AUTOMOBILES DISTRICT: WANTED-GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK; :.;a:ed lot ; $13,!;00. Owner must ~~11 TO RENT-FURNISHED FOR JULY SECTION I: That the followlnr short hours; German perferred · a e offer. · and August; 7-rooms ; sleeping amounts be and they are hereby ap· white; go home nights. Tel. wn: o Porch and breakfast room; nominal proprlated out of the funds comlnr 3113, 208 Wood Court. LTN37-ltc L cenrm~<eil'il~~ ~T'Pn_ n TTffi)/11)0 r.ental. T e l. Wll. 1357 or call 112 9th to the hands ot sa-Id Board of Com· .U il\S..,ll.u.u~ St. LTN37-ltc WANTED-EXPERIENCED missioners, by virtue ot a tax levy of WHITE 566 Center St. (formerly w. R. R. Av ) Pald District for the fiscal year end· girl for general housework, 827 AshWinnetka 254 e. F OR RENT-UNFURNISHED 6-RM. lng March 31 . 1925, tor the followlnr land Ave. Tel. WIJ. 2160. 1920 Peerless sedan, just rehouse, 626 Waahlrt&t.nn ~".. · ~ purposes, namely: - LTN&T-lt., LTN37-ltc ~ tr&nSJJOl'ta'tron ; 2 ' llr garage; painted, first class shape. GENE .RAL FUND Immediate possession. T el. Wll. 373 wANTED-EXPERIENCED SECOND JUST REDUCED IN PRICE FOR IMFor ·&larlett of lleoreta'l"'y, or 759. L37-ltp maid; white; references Tel. Wlnn. mediate sale-7 room semi-bungaTrea.aurer and Attor2191. .' LTN37-ltc 650.00 low, near transportation, stores and ney .... ............ ... $ DESIRABLE' FURNISllED COT200.00 For lighting of Parks .. schools, 2 chambers and bath 1st VERY tage for season; Castle Park Mich- WANTED-WHITE GIRL FOR GENFor water to be used In floor, same on 2nd fioor, wooded lot, Igan; tor full Information caiJ Hare ral housework ; small house; good 400.0 Parks . ............... . h. w. heat, large rooms fine porch rison 2443. · LTN37-ltc wages. Tel. Wlnn. 904. LTN37-ltc For Special Assessment ft¥.~~:: Cannot be equalled at against the Park D'l sGIRL WANTED-NATIONAL TEA CO FOR RENT-APARTMENTS 200.00 trlct Real Estate ..... Telephone Evanston 10194 623 Main St., Wilmette. LTN37-ltc For wages and expenses 1029 Davie Street FOR RENT-FURNISHED APARTof the Pollee service . . 2,000.00 EVANSTON ment; 5-rooms; sleeping porch; un- GIRL FOR COOKING AND CARE OF 348 Linden For wages of laborers Tel. Wll. 228 child. Tel. Wll. 3010. LTN37-ltc til September. Tel. Wlnn. 1127. 1151 LTN36-ltc and other labor exL37-ltc Chatfield Road, Hubbard Woods. 4,160.00 pense ............. .. . . FOR SALE-HOUSEHOLD GOODS LTN37-ltc For C"~mpensatlon ot teamsters and hire of FOR SALE-CABLE GRAND PIANO Ff)K RENT-GARAGE 400.00 teams ...... . . ...... .. . bargain; also solid mahogany bed~ 1923 Wills St. Claire, repainted $1,650 For construction and 950 room and dining room suites; ove.·- 1923 Dodge Sedan, repainted . . . GARAGE SPACE FOR RENT; CENMODERN 9-ROOMS; 3 BATHS· maintenance of Parks, 1920 Cadillac 59 touring . . . . . . . . 700 stutred tapestry davenport; porceltral Ave., and Sixth St. Tel. Wll. lavat?ry ; Harding oil burner;' b~l~~ exclusive of labor . . . . -4,190.00 ain lined refrigerator and Rf'llahle 1923 Ford Sedan, $100 equip922-R. L37-lte room, 2-car garage; fine trees· For expenses of collecting ment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 435 gas range; 11ke new: 3 compa.rtrn··nt ~~~~~h!.ln Owner must sell. Best and disbursing entire 1919 Wlllys Knight touring . . . . 200 fireless cooker; living room chairs. FOR RENT-OFFICES appropriation ....... . 600.00 Owner leaving; turnltut·e must b~ 1922 Ford Del., good cond. . . . . 185 9th. Price s;~~~~~o. Lake St.; near Also any unexpended baldisposed or · I mmediately. 626 Wa~:~h OFFICES, STUDIOS AND FLATS FOR ances remaining In any lngton Ave. Tel. Wll. 373 or 7!i!l. rent. 566 Center St., Winnetka. ot said funds are hereby Dodge Brothers and Wills St LT37 ltp LTN37-ltc reappropriated. Claire Dealers · T e l. Wlnn. 165. LTN37-1tc Exclusive Agents FOR RENT ROOMS Total General Fund to be LTN37-1tc ra-Ised by taxation ... $ 12,800.00 ROOM FOR RENT-SMALL FURI SINKING FUND nished room for single gentleman · IN GAGE'S ADD. TO WILMETTE ON -All For the payment of the near beach and "L." $4 per week' 10 YEARS TIME OR MORE principal of Bonds of Tel . Wll. 1524. L37-ttc Location-Sheridan Road Ch t t OPEN AIR SALES the Issue or February 1, ASve., Ashland Ave., 7th' Ave 611 1 ~~h Cor. Sherman Ave. and Grove St. 1917, as follows: FRONT ROOMS IN t., Lots 2, 7 and 10, B. 1· L 2' B . FOR RENT Bonds Nos. 48, 49, 50, 51, Evanston 140 Private home; best east side locawolth riparian rights L. ·4 ·B · 5 : c 52 and 53, due February Wlllys-Knight and Overland tion: near transportation, cafeteria arB4, B: 9; L. 9, 1,0 and' 12,' B.' 10· 1, 1926 ............... $ 6,000.00 Dealers and beach. Tel. Wll. 1940. · · · 13, L. 1 and 3 B 17 · For the payment or the John P. Ga~re, VIneland, · N. ·J. LTN37-ltc LTN29-tfc principal of Bonds of For Sale- Furniture la~ps, LTNJt-ttc TWO LARGE, LIGHT FURNISHED the Issue or June 1, clocks1 glassware, clectri~ iromng 1923, as tollows: FOR SALE-OLDSMOBILE' 1920, SIX; i~~::!~~:~:ft~~ .or 1n suite; near lake, Bonds Nos. 76, 77, 78 and machme. B. F. Becker 187 sport roadster; 2 extra. seats; good · private bath. Tel. Wlnn. 154 · 79, due December 1, Hazel Ave., Glen coe. tires, $225. Also Oldsmobile sport . "· LTN37-ltc 4,000.00 1925 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . touring ; baby eight; new tires, $186. LTN37-ltc LEAVIN~ TOWN; MUST SELL 6 -RM CENTRAL HOTEL-LIGHT OUTSIDE Cash or time. Tel. Wlnn . 1634 . Total levy for principal rooma; steam; hot and cold running houae; sleeping porch . b · LTN37-ltp water. 629 Main St. Tel. Wll. 1030. of Bonds ............. ' 10,000.00 porch; bE-autiful yard;' Ea;~a~r~s~ INTEREST FUND LTI-tfc FOR SALE WAYNE TOURING nea~ rchools ; transportation; atuc~o 1 For the payment ot Inhome on Ford 1 ton chassis; Bosch ~~lane~ ei:~c~e!!~.500; $5,000 cash; FOR RENT-LIGHT SUNNY ROOM IN BARGAINS IN NEW AND USED SEW- Ignition terest on Bonde of the system ; Stewart Warner In~ machines; Drop heads, $9.00 and private family. 1618 Central Ave speedometer; vacuum tank system· ~~~~~ ot February 1, UP. Portable Electric Singers Wilmette. L 37 over sized cord tires; screens; heat~ White's, etc. trom $24.60 up. Patter~ Interest due August 1, ers; toilet ; running water· beds· son Bros. 816-818 Church St Ev WANTED TO RENT-ROOMS 382.5 0 1925 ................. $ bedding : sliver and dtshes. iet wn: anston. Bet. "L" atd Postotftce. Exclusive Agents Interest due February 896-Y2. LTN37-ltc EMPLOYED COUPLE. LTN35-ttc 382.5 0 1, 1926 ............... . LTN37-ltc WANTED-BY home with congenial North Shore For the payment ot InPIANO TUNING family and motherly care for boy FOR SALE JACOBEAN DINING ROOM FOR SALE GREAT SACRIFICE IN terest on Bonds or suite; painted black and white sun ot tour. Address Lite, A-l!%3. c hoice northeast section; large corEXP~RT PIANO TUNING; REPAIR~~~ :issue of August 1, room set; desk; electric washer· ner lot heavily wooded. LTN37-ltc 8 ing · old Pianos made new L. w kitchen table; dishes, and mlscellan~ Foster. Tel. Wlnn. li09-J. · · Interest due August 1, SITUATION WANTED-MALE eous odds and enda. Tel. Winn 125.00 1926 . ...... ..... . .. .. . 1333· LTNJ9-ttc LTN37-ltc Interest due February 1, NORTH SHORE HOUSE, ;__AWN AND 125.00 1926 ................. . SALE WROUGHT IRON KENNELS Tel. W.il. 1104 619 4th St. Garden Service, does expert house FOR For the payment ot Interbridge lamp; blue alik shade· m~ cleaning, window washing and ftoor L37-ltc est on Bonds ot the waxing; also hedge and tree trlmhogany floor lamp bau·. ,5.oo:' a.nu: Issue ot June 1, 1923: que carved walnut ehalr · eleCtric ~~~f. by hour or contract. Wlnn. Interest due December grm. Tel. WII. 2867. · L31~1tc 1, 19%5 . . . . . . · . . . . . . . . 2,250.00 LT37-ttc FOR SALE-BEDROOM SUITE ANO: EXCELLENT Interest due June 1, PEDIGREED SPECIMODERN HOME · 8 ROOMS 2,160.00 1926 ............. .... . other household furniture Tel men: In robust health. Buy a. pup beautUul landec~ped Yir~~RAGE; - Wll. 991-JX. LTS7-ltc or oard your dog in the countr trees; % blocks station· East'· P~~rg~ where they are given the best al Total levy for interest on to sell Immediately. · ' ce bonded Indebtedness .. $ 6,425.00 FOR SALE-LAUNDRY STOVE USED ~~~dt,llotnlonsu.nder the most healthful 2% months, like new, $6.00. Tel Wll. 821-R. LTNU-ltp RIVEREDGE KENNELS-l2 pt Total tor Corporate purBoarding and Breeding · poae· ................. $ 12,800.00 0 Laid, scraped, cleaned, Total for principal on F7R SALE-%1 IN. PHILADELPHIA Halt D;yl ~ad at Dee Plaines river Exclusive Agents mower, practically new UO e ...-.alrle V4ew %85-W2 · Bonde .......... .. ... . 10,000.00 Opposite Steam Sta. Wlnn. 1800 _1226 Our own patent s&Ddera Total for interest on Near Oak St. e . Wll. !104. LTN'37-1tc I";~;;--;;~:::-::-:-::---.....:L::..T:.:N:::,37:_:-::1~tc 6,425.00 Bond· ............... . LTN36-lt~ W ANTICD-ROUIBROLD GOODS HA';E ROOM FOR FEW DOGS IN pr vate kennel tor the aummer Give Grand Total to be ralaed OHLT fJJ.OO PER FOOT FOR QUICK WANTED TO BUY-8ECOND HAND your Pet the benetlt of a summer In by taxation .. ... ..... $ 28,225.00 ~·· L&r·e wooded corner lot In SECTION U: Thla Ordinance shall G'trnlllture and other household aoods :Jte tg~untry, For particulars Tel A. W A.SLEFJ', Prop· .,._!~nla; one block from Green Bay a eat price pa.ld for eame Cr 8 t' or rook st. LTNSI-Itc be In force trom and after Ita pa88&&'f "'...,...· cloae to Ravinia Park over Furniture Store, 1004-1 Blmeraon and due publication. liU So. Dearborn St. ~~~'b· llkokfe. Jmprovementa which _ Evanaton, Ill. Phone tat. LTNU-,~c PICRIOI'IA.L t'b e In within a year will more Paaaed by the Board ot Commll· &D double We value. Telephone ~:~d aelFUR1s NITURE STORBI GE~f:'GE d FRIEND: UNLESS YOU slonera of Wilmette Park Dlati'ICt. o.-aer, Lake Bl·« tot, or llla.ln 0171. LTNil-tfc -.. ruaa. stoves aut ft wallnl ... aeetsoyldourf car by .June lith June 9, 19U. I LTNIT-ltp ot.aaoa, &DYthlnc uaeflll. 10411 A~~ ., or storag HARRY W. HOPP, l!l LTN1·tfe after that date. Virginia Me Po~t ~r Secretary ot the ard, 121 Laurel Ave. · UT-1~ Wilmette Park Dlatrlct. FOil SAI.F.-REAL ESTATE FOR 8ALE-REA.L ESTATE WOULD YO(;' LTKE TO LIVE ON A modern farm very near Chicago? We have just listed two splendid farm properties within a very short distance ot Chicago which w·e can HUBBARD WOODS-DUTCH COLONtrad e for North Shore residences. tal; 5 bedrooms; 3 baths; sun parTh ese farms are modern and comlor and sleeping porch; beautifully plete In every way Including buildlandscaped; lot ..87¥,ax270; narrowing; Ings, equipment, stock, etc., and $29~J~b.rstrlpped; garage. Prfc;,e within commuting distance. They art> worth In the neighborhood of $40.000.00. It you would consider trading your North Shore Improved resiExclusive Agent dence tnoperty for either of these farms, please get In touch with us. LTN36-ltc Location-ConstructionPrice IE olE o§ftunll blR?.<e!JlttyCC@( WANTED- WASHINGS TO TAKE home ; finished work and rough dry; WANTED TO BUY-HISCELLANEOVS also wet wash. Will call for and deliver. 418 Prairie Ave., \VII. Tel. 1351 . WANTED-SEVERAL PlECES REED LT37-4tc porch furniture. Tel. Wll. 2104. :":H:::'J'::G'::'H::-S:-C:-H~0-:0:-L-G-:--IR_L_D_E_S_IR_E_S_E-~-1· . LTN 37 -ltc ployment for summer; clerking or MISCELLANEOUS light clerical work. Address Life, 234. LTN37-1tp ·· WANTED-CARE OF YOUNG BAOY by nursE' who ha s given splE-ndid DRIVE service with me 9 years. Tel. Glencoe 374. LTN37-ltc FOR SALE-2 D02(. ANCONA CHICk e ns. Tel. Wll. 945-J. L37-ltp 1----------------RENT-A-CAR IT YOURSELF PAY BY THE MILE IDEAL FOR Qunnll'i1linil'il&1fy~@ll'i1pllrru«:o CANT-KENILWORTH TO HIGHLAND PARK Fathers of the Kenilworth Scouts of the · 1~sepl\ Sears stboO Kenilworth, donated more than ~ to construct a Scouts' building in lilt Forest Preserve next year, at t\t Scouts and Fathers get-together htlt at the school last Friday. The boy s defeated their dads in a baseball game by fhe· Score of 11 to ~ and now the fathe~:s have issued challenge pta~ another game J1111 17, at 7 o c.lock m the evening. fathers clatm that tlieir defeat w due to the filet that some of the sta players were unable to appear forth last game. The boys were also award ed the decision in the story-tellin contest. Fathers, however, had some luc that evening, as they romped awa with the tug-of-war· and dodge ball contests. After the games Fnnk Watts lighted the camp fire by fric tion and the boys entertaine<l with a impromptu vaudeville show. Refresh ments were served by the Scouts. Bah Townley, the scoutmaster, ha been requested by the fathers to ar r~nve for more ~atherin~s like tb' for next year. With the final rneetin of the Scouts Thursday evening, Jun 19, all but one of the Scouts will b advanced at least one grade . Job Speigel, who recently became a Bo Scout. will be the only tenderfoot · the Kenilworth camp. !o WERSTED MOTOR CO. lEolEo§{tlUlll~JR?.ce~llfty(C@c Mlir~ lffi(Q)IID£rmrm@rm Wnliilliil~fclk~ §/&~IfniFil~~ ~J&/fio~@lhlrm~it@rm & CC@o lHI .l'Q>_fF'Jll §ll<m<ellilmm MI<mit(Q)Ir SIBllke~ Moon Dealers Mkc<Gt!llnlf<e <& (Q)wir WTIILJfMIIE liillE Dependable Used Cars lEolEoS1tunll~JF?.<eru1tyC(Q)o \tVERS1'ED MOTOR CO. L t_ Wwn<dliBly ~Il'ilcdl §&ito JJ unrmce ~@ ~ Jl Used Cars Makes WilNWIETOCA JEJgo§itunll~JR<eiBlll1ty(C@c _1tp ness Detro Mr route the p Wnilmm<eitfcce ~<e!ill1ty C(Q)o prod~ OCIENlliLWO~TIHI For Sale-St. Bernard and Chow Chow Pups using Euro Basi office tin en Eu EolE: oSfcunllitalReiJitty<C(Q) HARDWOOD FLOORS -= -l'fn ginni a co luxu own de per comf· them who trave In still Advance Floor Co. provi veni t ° W. cattle Othe his 1 moto he d of 90 per I

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