Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Jun 1924, p. 25

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EVANSTON WILL AID ZONE LAW Council Vote. $500 To Fiaht Aurora Cue In State Supreme Court CITY'S FATE INVOLVED Gothamite, Father of Plan, To Appear In Suit Legal talent is to be furnished by the city of Evanston to assist the city of Aurora and other municipalities having a zoning ordinance, m the defense of a suit in the supreme court of Illinois. An ordinance was passed by the council last week authorizing Corporation Counsel Frank T. Murray to obtain the assistance of Horace K. Tenney, to present arguments sustaining the validity of the zoning ordinance, before the supreme court, June · 14, at Springfield, Ill. Mr. Tenney is to be paid at the rate of $200 a day, a sum not to exceed Employes of the Gilbert D. Johnson and Brother realty firm held their annual picnic at the Brier Gate Country Club on Thursday of this week. Thirty-three persons, comprising members of the employes' families, were present at the festivities. Golf and bridge were the paramount pastimes of the occasion, for which adequate prizes were awarded to the winners. Tom Brown wa's the master of ceremonies and under his clevrr guidance an excellent program was pulled off. It was reported that Stuart J, Drum and "R H. L." divided the oratorical honors, but the report has not been verified at this writing. Real Estate Concern Hu Annual Outing Tbia week Dt' li 1\r.tlL 1 $500. The presentation of the ordinance by Alderman Edward K. Hardy, chairman of the judiciary committee, threw the council into a discussion on the advisability of engaging expert talent to assist other municipalities in upholding the zoning law. Corporation Counsel Murray explained that the pending suit was a test case in the supreme court, and that the ruling would have a vital effect on other cases now pending in the lower courts. Aurora's case is the result of a property owner desiring to build a store building in an exclusive residential district. The case has been fought through the · lower courts and the property owner has carried it to the supreme court. The mayor of Aurora has asked other municipalities having a zoning ordinance to assist in defending the constitutionality of the zoning laws of Illinois. The case has brought forth such widespread interest from rt;a~ tors, property owners, and muntctboard has puf 1ts legal staff mto the fight, and the city of Aurora has ~n gaged, in addition to the corporatton counsel, Edward M. Bassett, of New York City, known as one of the fathers of the zoning law. Mayor Harry P. Pearsons expressed his opinion that if the city of Aurora lost its case in the supreme court, Evanston need go no farther ~n defending the validity of the ordmance against property owners whose charges are now pending in the lower courts. palities, that ..the.. Chic!l&O re~l estate The formal opening of the new Church street building on the south· west corner of Church street and Orrington avenue will be on Saturday afternoon and evening, June 14. All of the shops and offices will be open Kimball Will Erect Unique for inspect1on between 3 and 9 o'clock. H p __.._ The buitdin,, which is at present ome 0D "3 two stories h1gh, will eventually be raised to six stories. The present ·building contains 20 stores on the Approximately $40,000 worth of first floor and <42 professional offices on the second floor. Glencoe vacant property belonging to The main entrance to the buildinl the Clarence E. Chapman interests of is on Church street with a lobby fin· New York City has been sold through ished in marble, from which two Gilbert D. Johnson and Brother. elevators will serve the upper floors. Ernest M. Kimball, of Glencoe, has One elevator is in operation now. purchased part of the tract, namely, Everything in the building is rent· the 197 feet at the southwest corner ed except two stores and one olice. of South avenue and Valley road, and ()pporbmity Roy S. Edwards, of Chicago, is the Will Beautify Babai to obtain choice acreage jut purchaser of another parcel of the Temple Grounda Soon west of Lake Forest, near tran· tract, to wit, the 197 feet at the northFunds were alloted at the recent naportation and adjacent to valuwest corner of Washington avenue tional Bahai convention for enhancing able improved property. WeU and Valley road. facilities at the Bahai temple at wooded and rolling. Price $7S Good Buaineu Ahead, Smith Both of these tracts overlook the the Sheridan road and Linden avenue, as per acre. Easy terms. Skokie Country club grounds. for beautifying the grounds (In well as Predicts A very interesting use will be made the temple premises. of the 197 feet of frontage on South "Removal of Religious Intolerance" avenue by Ernest M. Kimball and his was the subject of a lecture given at wife, Jessie. the temple Sunday afttemoon, June R, "Mlarket dullness in the realty line is the intention of Mr. Kimball by Albert Vail, a leader in the Bahai nowadays isn't giving me the slightest to It on this property a small home movement. worry," Walter P. Smith said this week. of erect from the plans and unMr. Smith is the senior member of the der distinction the personal supervision of R. J. firm of Walter P. Smith and company, Nedved, an architect who has been LET PAVING CONTRACTS Glencoe realtors. He proceeded : At a meeting of the Wilmette board associated for some time with the firm "A cold, wet season can have no per- of Talmadge & Watson. Mr. Nedved of local improvements held Tuesday manent effect on the sale of north shore won the Chicago Architectural club's evening, June 10, two paving contracts properties. True, it may halt the buy- traveling scholarship last year, which were awarded to M. Foley and coming prospects temporarily, but only tem- entitled him to six months' study and pany. One contract was for the pav- ···············--··------~ porarily. We on the north shore oc- travel in Europe. ing of Dupee place, Gregory avenue cupy an unique position. Our contiguity Last September Mr. Nedved was and Third street; the other, to pave to Chicago is, of course, our greatest married Mr. Kimball's daughter in the alley between Forest and Elmasset. The big city is ever and eTer London, to she being an interior decor- wood avenues and Twelfth and Thirgrowing and the over-flow population ator and student of architecture. They teenth streets. ·····················----~ must: have a place to live. To these, the will have spent over a year abroad, north shore offers the most inviting op- the majority of the time in Rome, portunities. We are ideally situated on Spain and Paris, jointly studying the one of the grandest lakes in the uni- architecture of those territories. They verse. Our villages have unsurpassed are now preparing plans for this new chuN:h, school and resident;ial advan- residence and it will, indeed, be intertages. No other spot quite equals ours esting to observe both the exterior and BEAUTIFUL NEW FRAME HOME as a home site. Transportation to and interior of this proposed home, having from north shore villages meets every in mind the particular ability and 6 Rooms-Bath, Hot Water Heat, Grounds 50xl40. Reademand. One may live here in the schooling of its designers and their resonably priced at $16,000. Terms. · vicinity of Glencoe in the quiet retreat lation to the owner. of a gentleman, while at his door is VACANT every advantage of civilization that the second city in America can offer. 50x257, 1 block from lake, $5.500. 118x135, east location, Realtor Girla' Club "The north shore cannot escape a mar$100 per foot. Ia Organized in Eut velous growth in the way of fine homes. Property here is certain to augment Under the wing of the htlantic City wonderfully in value. Fortunes await Rt>al F tate Jiaard a R,..,h.~ .c:_..t.· ua._all ill UUa. GleN::Oe cl~,f~ ..-W t dub has juat been organized. Stmtlar difference can it make if the demand or clubs already have been organized real estate is retarded for a few weeks among women employed in realtors' by inclement weather? With the com- offices connected with a number of ing of summer I predict the real estate real estate boards within the National boom will be all the greater because of association. 332 PARK AVE. Pboae Gleac:oe 411 GLENCOE, ILL the very slump this spring. I advise my clients to buy early, for every day's delay will co§t more money. No land hereabouts is stationary in value. It's increasing daily even while the owners sleep. There is a good time coming for us north shore real estate men, so why should we be alarmed? I am not." Street Buildiq To Be Formally Opeaed GLENCOE TRAer Church BRINGS $40,000 ro....,... JOR FINDS SILJER UNING w........,.. Read theWaut Ads ·-----········································--·--- North Shore Homes .. 'i·· Walter P. Smith & Co. ROOFING over the Old Shingles ESTI~ATES ---------·······--·---~-----------···--····-----~ · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · New Subdiviaion Approved Orrington Annex Work by Board at KenHwortb Ia Progreaainc Nicely Construction work on the new addition to the Orrington hotel is several days ahead of schedule. All of the concrete construction is finished, ~nd the brick masons are now worktng on the fourth floor. The partitions on the second and third floors are all in place at the present time, and the buildin~ promises to be finished by the ttme set, September 1. Twenty percent of the ~partments, which run from two to etght rooms, unfurnished, but with h~tel service, are already rented accordmg to 0.. E. Tronnes. The apartments are des!~n ed to meet the demands of famtltes who wish to utilize their own furnishings. KENILWORTH PERMITS The village of Kenilworth issued the following building permits during the past week: To Edward Marshall, to build a residence at Kenilworth and Raleigh for $28,000; Braun-Lee studios family home at 88 Robeshart, $20,0oo; P. A. Danielson of Evanston, 2 story home at 132 Abbington avenue, A new subdivision on the northeast corner of Ridge and Kenilworth avenues was accepted as Addition 2 to the village of Kenilworth at the board meeting last Monday. It is known as the Kenilworth Gardens. The territory adjacent to Ridge road has been zoned for residential purposes. Resolutions were passed to improve the streets of this division, which was annexed April 15, by making sanitary sewers, extend the water supply system. When All Others Have Failed Come To Us FREE N~~~"cJMJE DaYia St. EY&Dtton Phoae 7021 .. Incorporated 34Z Park AYe. Glencoe Phone 1· When a property owner wishes to sell his real estate1 he wa~b quick action as a rule. The best way to get ~esults ts tor htm to list his property with a reputable and energetic realtor wtth an exclusive contract. We, knowing that we are ~rotected in our effo.rts to sell property, will devote every ~sstble energy for m_?okmg a sale. We will spend money adverttsmg the property wbtch we would ~tot do if other brokers had the property fo~ sale. The chances for a satisfactory and prompt sale are obvtously much greater under an exclusive contract. This system gives quick results without costing: t~e property owner one cent more than the regular sales commtsston. Why Not Try It? Quinlan & Tyson, Inc. FouataiD Square, EY-·ton Prout)' Buildi··· WiDDetka £-yawut· Jill Wlaa.tlraJJ· Property Owners may have the advantage of our service by telephoning BLACK DIRT FERTILIZER LIME To Beautify Your Lawna $15,000. Wilmette 1304 CRUSHED STONE Coate leaa and Ia worth more than any other rooftng tUe. Our patented proeeaa and quantity production bring DOWN the coat. The rich colora and lastIng qualltlel bring UP the value. Ask tor quotation. The low price will aurprlae you. To Dreaa Up Your Driveway· Edinger & Sons A. J. WOODCOCK Roofin· Haw Illorne Tale eo. Phones: Lawndale ·no: Cicero 'lJ 35 Years Experience Z131 So· .gtb An. D..k R-1, Cicero, Ill. WILME'n'E EVANSTON Noyea and Colfu 1381LakeAftll· Wilmette 141-MZ Enaat· 5135

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