Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Jun 1924, p. 24

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l rt" ET'IE LIFE. FRIDAY~ 13. 1924 Lvrd. There will also be a daaciaa e.xhbition taged. by men and w~a i~o:n the ,Polish sett}emeot Satur~J: aiternoon and nenmg. . They will wear authentic costumes from Poland, and wlll bring their own musicians for the dances. - ~J r,. .-\II anson Follansbee of Wi.nnetka announced that the Duncan Su-ters will appear in person, and wiD stage a short performance. Stars from the musical comedy, "No, No, Nannette~ 111·ith their own orchestra, will also 'be present. In addition, said Mrs. Follan sbee, there are to be clown acrobats and her committee is endeavorin'g to get a well known Scotch band. Other attractions include a fortune teller, ponies for the children to ride, a Ferris wheel, merry-~-rotmd. f1U1 show, and "hot dogs," sold from a bage booth built in the shape of a dog keauel Fonr hundred seats will be provided on the stage for those who wish to see the fashion show at closer range. Mrs. John H.. S. Lre reported. A oumber of girls and young women, she said, had been engaged to usher. Seoab to A..i.t Mrs. William Gilmore of the small wares committee further reported that 75 Boy Scouts, to appear in uniform, bad been pledged to assist. Forty Girl Scoots were promised by The COUDtf1 fa1r .U being pJauaecl OD Mills aad the crack s,.;mmcrs of the au elaborate ...scale and will continue Chicago Athletic club. Three pbys OYer three days. There will be .in- will be given the days of the fatr by door aad outdoor ente-ruinmenu for ellildrea as well as adults; an automobile sa1oo. a Russian tea room rnaling the city's most exclusive resorts; mtertainmeuts staged by stars in some of the sea10o's most successful plays; exhibits of local aad natiooal advertisers and merchants, and other equally attractiTe neuts. Boob Sell~ . Coupon books are selling rapi<ITy to residents within a radius of 100 miles. A drawing card for many patrons is the announcement that prizes. many of which cost as much as $75, wiD be awarded each day of the fair. llrs. C. Donald Inllas of Winnetka presided at oue of this ~k's meetings, and paid tribute to Mrs. D. H. Burabam. Jr., and Mrs. Rollin W. Keyes for their splendid leadership in planning the event. In her report. llrs. Burnham stated that more than 100 exhibitors, including food coaeern5, studios, shops, florists, and national advertisers, had taken space. WaU board aad lumber have been donated for tbe booths. She further aunouuced that there wonld be a swimming exhibition staged each nening and on Saturday afternoons by the Bradley Knitting Nwdawestem Settle+nmt Beaefit to he Bdliaut Eftllt LOCAL WOMEN ASSIST i8 boys and girls of Northwestern settlement under the direction of Alfred Granger of Lake Forest. :Mrs. Francis ltardy spoke of the auto salon. in which tweh·e makes of automobiles have already been entered ; and lt rs. Oliver Olmstead annouuced that her sandwich committee is growing continually · to meet the patronage the sale of coupon books indicates. n...E.ro.c-w- Ten thousand persons a day is the &Terage attendance predicted for tbe county fair, which is to open at Northwestern uniYersity gymnasium on June 19 for the benefit of the .ulcment in Chicago which bean its ~~&~De, it was estimated at an execatiTe meeting of north shore women at the Fast Baptist church, Evanston, this week. · :Mrs.. Carol W. Alton of the food committee for the tea room announced generous donations for her department. and Mrs. Harve D. Badge row of \\'innetka announced that fifty tables and chairs haTe been rented for the tea room. The Winnetka board. she said, bad made attracti\'e covers for the tables; and candles in bright colors and brass candlesticks bad been loaned for decoration. To hide the ~asium equipment, a bright covermg is being made for the ceiling of the tea room. and a quantity of balloons have been donated. A fashion show, in which Evanston stores only will be represented. and staged by EYaJJston models, and a dog and pony show are some of the indoor "ents announced by llrs. Robert CITYl SOMK LAWS an unrepealed ~ aanc:e f.....a.:.u:- street cat __,_____ ... .......... _.._....._. from shootinc wild tame from the Clr platforms. And. ia .Kansu City, a statute read~· '"WheD two cars appl'oacb each · at a erossiuc they shaD both come to a full stop, and aeither sbaJ1 start up uatil the other has ~" Los Au«des bas Legal the city of Aur having defense of Illino the cou poratior obtain Tenney! ing the: nance, l ' 14, at ~ Mr.1 of $200 $500. The Basic Economy of tht Cadillac· It is perhaps true that tbe average purchaser of a Cadillac is not concerned, primarily, with its And for just that reason, as he drives the car year clfter year, he finds added cause for pleasure in his investment. He discovers,-what veteran owners of the Cadillac have long realized-thatits longevity,its constant, enduring performance, is the truest form of economy. Because of Cadillac materials, CadiUac engineering and Cadillac craftsmanship, the new V-63 lasts as long as an automobile can lrt~t, ~nti with 1 easonable care out-hves two ordinary cars. It is practicable to drive it throughout . lone l . . De wishes, because even alter years of service the Cadillac remains consistendy fine and fashionable. Moreover, daily o~tf:. costa are moderate, and Ca · c dependability is such that ~ performance is a rule and even minor adjustments are a rarity. Thus, /our /adors-freeJom /rom The by AI man of the co advisab to assi holding Corp · plained test ca that t effect the lo the res ing to excJusi case · lower · has ca The other ordina constit Illinois such tors, palitie board fight, gaged, counse York father May his op lost i ~ Evansi fendin a gains charge courts. TefJairs, high mileage at low cost, slow depredation and unmatched resale og}u~--::. are ~o well combined in the Cadillac that it ;, considered the most economical car. CADILLAC MOTOR. CAR. COMPANY BVANITON BRANCH Dtfi,·on o/ G~aual Motors Corporadea 1810 R.IBGB AVENUB CA·D LAC Co p thl pre COl ln1 Til H Pb

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