Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Jun 1924, p. 21

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. The O~ilmette ~ountry chab is atYang an mformal dance on- SaturClay evening. On Monday the regular club luncheon will be held The R. H. Durhams, 713 Greenwood Mr. and Mrs. J. Hugh Foster, 921 avenue, are leaving on Wednesday to Greenleaf_ .ave~ue, returned recently spend the summer at their cottage on from a v1s1t w1 th relatives in eastern Lake Geneva. Miss Dorothy Durham Canada. is departing July 2, to pass the sum-omer months at Sherwood Forest camp. Dr. K. H. Bickham and family spent --othe week-en~ at Camp Algonquin, the Dwight Chapman, returned on Thur summer outmg place of the United da)t from Harvard. He will spend the Charities of Chicago. surl!mer with his parents, Mr. and Wra. Dw1ght Chapman of 900 Elmwood avenue .· --o--: . --oJ udge and Mrs. S. R. Hitchcock of Fai.- I:Ja ven, V ermon~ are the guests of the1r son, H. R. H1tchcock, and his family, 906 Greenleaf avenue. Straw· and Realty Bu.;,..,,,-Loo/tift6 lor Warmer Sea·on ncing ·ldren IY. Wednesughout the l)n Mondays s can bring o the con- --o,Mrs. Hattie Magnes of Waterloo Iowa, is the guest of her niece, Mrs' Earl Eaton Bigelow, 1239 Lake ave: nue. --oM iss Marion Thayer, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. N. C. Thayer, Jr., 610 Central avenue, has returned from Sweet Briar college. --oM iss Edith Ray Young bas returned to Wilmette after spending a few days with friends in La Porte, Ind. --o- In preparation for tile 14 11 auson next fall many prospeetin team ¥embers of Ouilmette council, men have been practicinl( sprints and ~.ntghts of C~lumbu~, and their fun- dashes daily on the athletic field at daters, a~e to ~nJO~ a dmner and theater New Trier High school. P. ty m Ch1cago s Loop, Sunday evenmg, June 15. . The party will dine at Madame Calli's at 18 E. Illinois street, and will later proceed to the Auditorium whe.-e the great film spectacle, "America," is being shown. In charge of arrangement is a committee comprising W. G. Obermeier, AI Schaefer and Frank Kreusch. The party bas been designed as a patriotic venture, it is explained, givinJ express· n to the OC>Ufleil's opposit10n -to the "spasmodic outburts of pacifism and anti-Americanism in various sections of the country." Gr.t .Film, "Aa.erica" Gal. . . PLAY 71· Villqp Ch«olate Slaop Your Saadwiches, Ice Cream, Pop Com and Candy. W'Mnt Real estate operators all along the north shore have been 00 an involuntary vacation this spring. In common with ~e straw hat dealers, they all blame 1t on the weather man. Owing to the unprecedented climatic conditions transfers of vacant and improved property alike have been largely below what they would have been under normal con- M iss Rebecca Fitch, 1033 Elmwood avenue, left Monday evening for Boston and the east. She attended commencement at Wellesley college. George Martin arrives from Brown university on Sunday to spend the summer at this home, 1046 Elmwood avenue. --o- --o- M iss Betsey Shapker, 823 Central avenue, returned home Wednesday from Kendall Hall, Prides Crossing, Mass. --oMrs. J .. A. Burrill, 812 Greenwood avenJJe, left last Saturday for a visit i_'} Grand Rapids, Mich. She is ex.flected home this week. only. Mrs. R. L. Kirk, formerly a resident of Wilmette, is the guest of Miss Hattie Broo~s, 922 Forest avenae. --o- -o- ditions. But dealers notwithstanding the ward season, are still optimistic. They all know that with the advent of a few sunny days and reat summer breezes business is bound to pick up and that buyers for the choice properties of the north shore will be as numerous as da~delions in the ordinary June. Wh1le many small realty transactions have been repor.ted thus far, this season, none of magnttude has been made, However, one firm of realtors operating f>:et~een Chicago and Glencoe is negotlatmg several transfers that, if consummated, will involve something close to $100,000. These properties are said to lie in the Glencoe r~gion. · Carl Lochner, who officiates in the Gilbert D. Johnson and Brother real estate offices at Glencoe, accounts for the backward season in his line in an original way. He says he believes several heavenly bodies are just now located between the earth and the sun. If they will kindly move on, Mr. Lochner says, a boom in north shore real estate will follow. back-IIMj~a~cR~ae~,~r~e~tir~i~ng~G~i~rl~s'~c~lu;b~p~re~siid~e~nt~.~~~~~~~~~~;~~~~~~~~~;~~~;~~= CIVES PAINTING TO N. T. The Girls' club at New Trier High school, realizing the school's lack of original paintings, bas purchased a picture entitled "A Scene in New Hampshire," done in oil by Karl Buehr. This gift was presented to the school last Friday by Josephine Cut Flowers for all occasions Phone EVANSTON 632 171ZS......_A._.. EVANS10N . · ~teRulel ~ LULIAS s··ROTHERS 635 MAIN STREET 1135 CENTRAL AVE. OUR HIGHEST AIM iS TO SATISFY OUR CUSTOMERS We have only one big thought in n1ind and that is to give our customers complete satisfaction. We sell only the very best FRUITS and VEGETABLES. That is the kind our customers want and that is the kind we buy from the producers. 635 Lia Street AN Rev. Francis Tromp has been spend"ECHOES" APPEARS ing his vacation at the Cathedral The "New Trier Echoes," which is Shelter in Chicago. the annual publication, at New Trier --oHigh school, came out yesterday. In M iss Katharine Cocke arrived in the words of Edward Ravenscroft, its Wilmette on Wednesday to be the editor, "it is bigger and better than guests of Mrs. Howard Duncan. ever." Wanted Autos t(J ftepa~r $1.00 PER HOUR ()pea Sundays Years Elqterieoce Estimates Fumiahed P hones1~:1 flU COME IN AND GET FIRST-GRADE --.... . . . . ~.Phones{::: GARDEN PRODUCTS u·· anich lly Drive in at or Phone 432 Prairie Ave. Wilmette 2785 For Your Drag Store Ne·tl· CAll e. We have atring beam, cucumben, radi.hea, egg planta, peu, new potatoea, uparaaua, carrob, · beeta rhubarb, onions, greena and lettuce. If you want any fruit come in and see our atoc:k-atrawberriea, cherries, orancea, pine.pplea, plumba, apricota, white grapea and grape fruita. ON SATURDAY WE ALWAYS SHOW SOME VERY FINE BARGAINS SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK· END Sparkling Brand Gingerale, pinta, by the dozen ......................... 90c Sparldina Brand Gingerale, quarb, by the dozen ...................... 1.58 Snider-Cazel Drug Co. Phones Wilmette 400-401 Wilmette and Central Aves. &JJollars Sa~ed A slight increase in the price of CJJollars Made What,ver thl Circu.mstanc" ....... ~-dM- Wpf1d ..mce ......... all perplaiac deta'n .,. · ........ ,_ wlleth· J ·· . . . . . . ·aliallW .,..._ tan or whether c:lramataDCe? ngeetthaty.- . . . . . . Does not affect the relative value. At the re, duced summer price you are yet able to save at least $50.00 on your yearly supply of fuel Ease of <Jontrol-Cleanliness-Absence of Smoke and Soot cannot ~ valued in dollars and cents. For Sale By adu--. EDINGER COAL CO. KUTTEN BROS-: Phone- Wilmette 654 tlU Central AYe. ____, Wilmette C.U La"'J'tU14k 7025 for our Fr« Wilmette 641 Wilmette 1 ~~

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