Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Jun 1924, p. 16

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WILIIE'M'E L1FB, FRIDAY, 13, 1924 f California for- . Mr. and Mrs. Wflliam Terry G of Sheridan road left Tuesday £01 extended motor trip to ~nada the Maine resorts. Thet~ dauctat., Mary Elizabeth, accompanted thelll aa .f ar as Montreal, to sail ~rom acan u~ dy. immediately upon return- on June 21, for --o-a summer an E~trete. be marne . . t 0 Cahforma. ang --o. Mrs. Gilbert Kelly entertained laer The Gilkey home on Kentlwort~ av- bridge club at luncheon at her h~ enue has been sold to the. G. WeJeuc;rs 412 Cumoor road, on Thursday of Jaat of Oak P ark, who wtll move to, week. shortly. --000t abeth Gaskell for the past weelc, _ at- road. Miss Marjorie Oleson, daughter tended the commencement exerciSes of Yr. and Mrs. Harry Ol~son, 240 l\roodstock avenue, and Mass Jane at Ferry hall Adair, daughter of Yr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Adair, 320 llelrose avenue, are Mrs. W. H. 43 Ken ilwo_:t h avenue, and her chilnren, are leavmg among the graduates of t he Wiiinetka today for their suiD.IIIer home at Par- Country Day school. --o-State He.Jth Of&cer Tells of tage Point, Mich. They. will no~d~~- Richa~d Taylor, son of Mr. and ~rs. Annual "FeYer" turn to Kenilworth unul the Dll e W. ]. Taylor, who bas been trave!ang of September. in the south for the past three mont'!'s, --ospent the week-end of June 7 at Kenil--o-for Mrs. John T. North and family bhe M iss Margaret Taylor, daughte_r ~f worth. Mrs. Richard Taylor, who h~s Nuisana complaints seem to be a life One of ·the bridge clubs met taken the Gaskell residence on Sber. Mr. and lrfrs. Henry Tayfor, Jr. as m been iU for the past three weeks, ts calling for Jots of folks. This, at least. Asheville, N. C. for the summer. luncheon wit h Mrs. Carl Keith on idan road for the summer monthL slowly reco\·ering. Tuesday, Ju ne 10. is evident to Dr. Isaac D. Rawlillgs, state health cotnmissioner, who receives every summer a flood of letters on this subject. These communications picture, in great detail, JocaJ conditions that offend the eye or nose al'ld the authors ask that the powerful arm of the great state of Illinois be extended to cause an abatement forthwith. "From now until frost,.. said Dr. Rawlings, "is the; peculiar. season of _ the nuisance complainer. Hts commurucatiotu will register c!isgus_t and ala~ for everythiug from ptg st·es and chicken pens to slaughter houses and .skunk farms. His favorite themes will ~ careless neighbors and the vulgar hab1ts of the lowly swine. Probably a thousand letters of this character will be received during the next few months. "Nuisances, as a rule, are distinctly local problems and must be so treated. The law and usually local ordinances ERE is news that's going to interest also put the responsibility for abatement women more than any bargain ansquarely on the local authority. As a general thing. ~ have but ~ remote nouncement made in .this locality for some bearing upon mdtvtdual or publac health. Conditions that involve inadequate sewtime. Tremendous price-concessions quoted age disposal may be, of course, ex~ by the manufacturer especially for LANE ingly dangerous to health and hfe. Those that relate to maloderous .or ~ Cedar Chest Week are being passed on to you sightly refuse, however, have lattle 1f with the barest profit to us. Ordinarily, we any significance so far as healthful wellbeing is c:oncemed. couldn't come within dollars of touching "Complaints of this character are, the remarkably low figures you'll find here. therefore practically all referred back to the iocat health authorities in the Remember too, that every chest in this sale communities from which they come. The is a first quality, latest style, genuine red state has neither the personnel, the ti!f!e cedar LANE. nor the power to take abatement action in connection with most of these local Any one of them would make a mighty cases. A majority of folks in IJiinois favor home rule-attending to their own BrJery 111oman Ulanf· a cedar c:/aat timely and appropriate gift for the June affairs-and no exception under the la_w Now tlae time to wet yoar· bride or girl graduate. This is a suggestion ca.n be made by the state government m reletencc to local nuisances. Jrut loolr at tlae 6ar·ain. laerel and an opportunity for younger men as weU "The department of health is definiteas fathers and mothers. Now is the time ly in favor of sanitation and cleanliness in the broadest meaning of these terms also to store winter furs and woolens. The but its field of activity does not include the investigation or abatement of petty · LANE, being moth-proof, dust-proof and nuisances which local · . __....... have no particudamp-proof,provides absolute seeurity NUJS 11IE 0' YEAR j · I Ja ft111 wbo bas been the guest of Wary Eliz- - nd lln. Walter Marx, 522 Essex lliss Catherine uW:td of Detr~it. Miss Jean Marx, daughtu of Mr. s~. Dudley ~e -{ tb passed tlUough me~ly of :en~tforon' his way home ~htcago re0 1 myic games in France trom tie Y ~ted with the Amery.'herR b c~:~s. Mr. De Groot will G t'-' LANE CEDAR CHEST WEEK THIS WEEK · brings the greatest values at the lowest prices we've ever seen Rivoli, ported Court'e bas SU with s that w from a of the wearin gowns the m first s rived, models French and s A s H u . gtJtez aaoda m aomt~tm:,i!ftllll""8m0ha Of lntere·t Only to Oar Adoerti·e,.. The world is so full of a number of things that no one of all these things can make itself seen or heard unless it makes an especially strong impression on eye or ear. If something wants to make itself talked about it must insist on being noticed. If it can be before the eye wherever the eye turn , it will thereby force itself on the beholder's attention and memory. Or if this thing can have itself spoken of in a FULL-PAGE AD, it will be talked about and remembered when occasion for its use arises. FaiJ-pa,. RoD of Honor the many beautiful patterns and styles, iD all-cedar or cedar finished with mahoganJ and walnut, you can select one that will harmonize with your furniture "nd Add beauty to your room. Ne. 41300-.U'" ..... ...,. $}}~ 40" 1-., 18" wide, 17" deep eheat, beautifully trimmed with cedar and copper. It ill 80 low you will want to bu:y two-but to give all an equal opportunity we are forced to limit the sale of this cheat to one to a customer as lone aa the pattern laata. The COlt of one moth-dlten earment Jlli&'ht more tban pay tor tiUa cbelt. lt%· ...... »%· . ..... took at the price we have put on thia genuine red eedar ..... Till· Ia aa atbactl·e, ...... - - · tnaak lW P&Uena, , .... . . . . popalar . . . . . . . . . . . CiJLert Joh.oa A Bro. . ...·..·.... 4 M.,.er Caal A Material Co.... . .. . .. 3 Halthard Wooda LWDber A Coal Co. S Wiaaetlul Coal A Lumher ~. . . . ... 3 ·Roeeaber· .·..·..·................... z Ha~thanl Wooda LUJDber A Coal Co. Z 824.71 life. 41uO-n· ···· 10"' ...... !1 ....... Thll. aw.-.,. ····························· Wefa..ahert ···.................··.. 1 ~.Wen De Ia · ·.,. cleeorated wltll eedar paaela-aa Ideal »'- fill. famltare for tbe llecltoc. .. UP4tala ..... ue 1 EcUa,.r ............................ . I T1ae Orriaatoa .................... . . J A. Starr B..t ...... . ................ 1 51.--.a Motor Co. . ........ . ....... I Friat c.-,. ................ ........ 1 Cara·· ... .... ..... 832.71 Ia Ia tbe clelirabJ. ~ Auae d"lau. It Ia a '-ut.tflaliFdleoratedc'-& Uld. lfb ~ LAN. . 4u&pi"Cifll.. ......... poalti··IJI aoth-proof. ZO"' ...... nw deep. , . , __ L.ilworth __ llappe_ .... -:1 Ne. 48101-uw loa.. $J7.1Q 48" loq, 19" wide, 18" deep Tbit 14 a full 48" ebeat-bia, roomy and ideal for storage purpoaea. The finely cedar-decorated front ia particularly handsome. This cheat. cushioned, will make Jn attractive window SP.at, or dreuing lounge for the foot of the bed. Only one of this pattern (as long as it laata) will be aold to a eutomer at tbil remarkable price. Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Stirton of Sheridan road, entertained Saturday evening for Mr. and .Mrs. W. T. Gaskell who left Tuesday for Maine. -<>-- Immediately after school closes, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Joslin are planning to take their family on a motor trip to Grand de Tour. -o-Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Brassert and family are .planning to leave Kenilworth shortly, on an extensive European trip. --oMrs. Claude G. Burnham has gone east to join her son, James, at Princeton. Our easy payme,.t terms will Qpply during this sale Come in and see these LANE Cedar rn.ta this week. Note the many beautiful designs and how carefully they are ·made-the interlocked corners, the sturdy le~s that are sc~wed on instead of being nailed, the double plated hardware and Yale lock, and the other evidences of tfne workmanship that have made the LANE the foremost cedar chest. All are guaranteed. -oMr. an4 Mrs. Edaar W. Burchard have as tJaeir pesu for a fortnight, their da1f81ater, Mrs. Grant Keehn of Waverly place, New York. S. ROSENBAUM CO. Fountain Square, Evanston 3120 Lincoln Ave. --o-- llr. and Mrs. Fred Bulley entertained informally for Mr. and Mrs. Gaskell oa Suaday evenina last. CHICAGO STORES Phone 5023 5228 No. Clark St.

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