Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Jun 1924, p. 13

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WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 1924 this afters Beatrice ceremony w at the s are Mrs. Elizabeth bbs, Miss Margaret will be the Cester will ldants are man, and 1 Skelton, lng Heller, ek several fl for Miss day evenge Chritzus shower ers Park. ~oon Miss a kitchen a Elmwood ning, Miss ed at her worth are heir home latter part ptember 1, I N attractive June wedding took place last Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the Congregational church whell Miss Beatrice Lucille Trainer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Henry Trainer of Peoria became the bride of T. Edward Calvin of Chi~;ago. Rev. Stephen Lloyd officiated at the ~ervice which was follow~ by a reception at the home of Mr. Calvin's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Raleigh Blake, 1712 Highland avenue. Jeanne Elmer and Elsie Salter the little flower girls, who wore frocks of white organdy trimmed in pale blue silk and pink organdy trimmed in pink carried baskets of spring flowers. ' Miss Katherine Eck, gowned in electric green crepe with pearl maribou, Month of Brides Introduced by Trainer-Calvin Wedding A ·ae of Miss ceremony y, June 18, ignor F. C. Rev. F. J. the cerethe bride's -a-Paul W. Cutler, son of Mr. and Mrs. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Henry E . Cutler, 407 Central avenue, Mra. T. Edward Cal·in and Miss Helen Metz who wore silver threaded blue taffeta with silver lace, were the two bridesmaids. Their flowers were pink roses and sweet peas. Mrs. Walter Raleight Blake, the matron of honor, wore a gown of lavender georgette over yellow, wtth a prcS\c of primrose satin. She carried yellow roses and sweet peas. The bride's gown was of wh ite satin crepe simply fashioned with embroidered skirt and bodice. Her tulle veil was held in place with a band of rose point lace edged with lilies-of-thevalley. Valley lilies, sweet peas and white roses formed her shower bouquet. Walter Raleigh Blake acted as Mr. Calvin's best man and David E. Calvin James D. Swan, 932 Lake avenue, spent last week in Philadelphia. His son, James D. Jr., came from Princet«?n university to spend a day with ~1s. father. James, Jr., who is a JUDior at colle&e, is returning home the latter part of this week for his and Jack Ollinger of Chicago were the summer vacation. -ogroomsmen. The three small ushers The Lake Forest gardens of Mrs. Raleigh Blake, Howard west and Joseph Louis E. Laflin, Mr. and Mrs'. AugConverse, wor~ full scout regalia . Upon returnmg fr~m their motor trip, ustus A. Carpenter, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Calvm will make their .J.ohn T. Pirie, and Mr. and Mrs. Will!am Paul Ma~tin are ,o pen to the pubhome in Wilmette. he from 11 o cloc. k until 7 on Satur· --o·aay, under the auspices of the Lake .Miss l:fadeleine Hammond enter- Forest Garden club. tamed wtth a luncheon and matinee party on Wednesday for Miss LuciJle --<>Cutler and her' house -guest Miss MarMr. and Mrs. James D . Swan entergaret Favels, and on Sat~rday Miss taine~ Dr. Charles Frasier,. a PhilaJ eanette Eddy of Edgewater will be ,delph1a surgeon, at the Ch1cago Athhostess at a dinner-dance at the Ev- Jette club Wednesday. Dr. Frasier an.ston Golf club for Miss Cutler and .expec~ed to re~d a pape.r ~efore the M1ss Favels. Amer1can Med1cal assoc1atton at the jlnnual convention this week. --o-oMr. and Mrs. P . J . Klapperich and M iss Ethel Gilchrist, 510 Lake ave son, Alfred, 412 Central avenue have nue, is expected home today from got:te to <;ampian college, Prai~ie du Dennison college, Granville, Iowa to Ch1en, .W1s., to attend the graduation spend the summer with her par~nts of the1r son, Peter. They will also Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Gilchri st. ' be commencement guests at St. Mary's -owhere Anna Jeanette is a student. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Braithwaite --o906 Greenwood avenue, who left last Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Jones 929 Thursday for a fi shing trip in northern Michigan avenue, have been attend- Wisconsin, are expected to return ing commencement at the University home thb week. of Illinois, where their son Robert -owas a member of the graduating Mr. and Mrs . B. A. Clepp, 1011 Forclass. est avenue, returned last week after --<>visiting friends in Kansas for a fortMadame Eda Goedecke sailed Mon- night. They are leaving early in July day for European countries, where to spend two months in California. -oshe expects to attend many musical M iss Margaret Jacobsen, 336 Cenlectures. Upon her return in September, she will again open her studio tral avenue, comes home Monday from Wisconsin university. in the Boulevard building. -o-a-M iss Betsey Shapker gave a small Erwin W. Weber, 1239 Lake avenue, is leaving Sunday for Toronto bridge party at her home, 823 Cenwhere he wilt attend the Internationai tral avenue, on Thursday evening. Rotary convention. He expects to be ia Canada and New York for about CASH FOR FUTURE two weeks. · DELIVERY! --oCoatraet· Gaara·teed h7 Over a Bllll- Dollan AAeta Mrs. Charles N. Roberts of Lake avenue will be the next hostess for J. E. SWIFT TEAL, ~-t 101f Ceatral Aveaae, Wllm.e«e the Drama Study club which is meetTele··o·e WUae«e IT ing with her for luncheon on WedWrite or PhoDe for Ratea. nesday. Steah 6- Chiclu11 Dinntrs t.UNCfiiON IIAYIO AT. NOOM Business Men's Lunch .Seventy-five Cents Get away from business by taking time off at noon for a run out into the country. T HE finest jewelry abop on the North ~~re, maintaining a repair department for watches, clocks and jewelry. graduated from the Peddie school, Heightstown, N.J., on June 9. He expects to enter Princeton this fall. --aMiss Frances Dennis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver C. Dennis, 702 Eimwood avenue, returned last Frida\y from the University of Illinois. --<>Rev . L.la.nd l.I.ncb.a.d RIDGWAY'S "The Store For Childrep" early this week for a motor trip through the east. He wilt be away for six or seven weeks. -oMr. and Mrs. B. N. Cox returned to their home, 1116 Elmwood avenue, last Friday, after a week's motor trip to the Dells. -oOn Tuesday, Mrs. J. N. Lott, 322 Greenleaf avenue, entertained at luncheon and bridge at the Ouilmette ·Country club. n ..... '-uot~ t..'"" STUDENTS OF THE s about Ciridig, Grant ere played in costume. : Betty PaiHannawalt, James, Mar' Bontecou, Waterman, roe, Marion ary Craig, ncluded the OSCAR DEIS PIANO STUDIOS will be heard in a PIANO RECITAL at WILMETTE WOMAN'S CLUB Monday Evening, June 16th at etght fifteen You are cordially invited to hear a very interesting program which includes two Beethoven Concertos ; Ballade, impromptu, and Study of Chopin; Works of Bach, Handel, Mozart, Gluck-Brahm, MacDowell, etc. Studios: 1200 Central Avenue r-"UliiHIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~ r onkers, 911 he east SunEdward H . tmouth colIllinois men · r distinctive As he has accepted an ant instruce into "Bosstponed one Dartmouth Mothers of the North Shore: ; I s I ~ ~ =-" § I i ~ ~ ~ About Oculists Prescriptions After the oculist has given you a very careful, thorough examination of your eyes and gives you a prescription for glasses, you should then choose your optician with the same care that you did the oculist. Many an oculist's good work has been undone by careless grinding of lenses or ~mprop'er fram~ fitting. A. lens off focus, off axis, or incorrect altgnment mountmgs are thtni{S that may prove very injurious to the eyes. The .p roper fitting C?f frames and scienti'fic grinding of lenses is in itself an. ar~ and IS :~:=~=~c~ty afte< many ym· of con·tant "udy, apphcatwo, ·.nd Let us fill your prescription. We have every facility for .mamtaining accuracy, also the skill and knowledge of expenenced opticians is at your service. ~ 407 Central tiona! Park r guest, Miss lester, .~a.ss., reen VISiting e in the east, Miss Cut., at Phillips attended the n Exeter and Dietrich, ne to three, rst birthday, randmother, eotral ave· daughter of ietrich, 627 e E .j pf I .. !! § ~ ~ ~== ~=;_-=: - We extend you a cordial invitation to visit our booth at the Evanston County Fair held in the Patten Gym, June 19-20-21, w:here we will have on display our line of Infants', Boys' and Girls' Clothes. Particular attention is drawn to our line of Custom made Dresses, designs most exclusive and patterns most' distinctive. Models shown at Style Show twice daily, afternoon and evening. tty 1 .,. a.-ell s...... ...... E...-.. 1.. [ been made ita Audrey ~Mrs. Glenn ~e, to Byron mue, Evans~ place Oc- HATTSTROM lc SANDERS Scieatific lc Jlunafactwlq o.ew.., EVANSTON o,p..lte Orft·tto· H.W ()pea T....._ A Sat. E·e. till I P. M. i I I I ~ E CARROLL RIDGWAY 619 Davis St. Evanston Tel. 3511 1160 Wilmette Aft. Wilmette TeL 311 . ._ . _ ._ _ _ _... . : IIIIIIIUNIIUINIIIIIHIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIliMIIUIIIIIII~-IIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDIIHIIIftiiUIIIUIIIIIJIQ 111111

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