Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Jun 1924, p. 10

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= St. Augustine's Parish The choir will mee t tor rehearsal on Thursday evening at 7 :46 o'clock. Ne xt Sunday'· service· a,; St. AugusThe Wolf Cubs will meet at' h eadtin e's will consist ot Holy Communion at 8 A. M. and, as It I· Trinity Sunday, quarters !rom 3·5 Saturday, one ot the Hol y daya of the church, The Wilmette Baptist church Is lothere will be Holy Communion again cated at Wilmette and Foreat aveat 11 o'clock with sermon. nues and welcome11 all to Ita aervlces. The paator, Rev. Francis C. Stifter, Monday, Jun e 16, be ing Barnabas' may be reached at his study during day, the r e wlll be Holy Commun{on the mornings or by appointment. The at St. Auguatlne'a at 8 o'clock. church otnce, In charge or Miss Badgopen daily from 9- li and Crom The two Church achools at St. Aug- e r,12 Iaon Saturdays. The church tele· ustine's hold their laat session tor the 9phone Is Wllmette 2!36. summer e ...110n neit Sunday, June .i!i. TOUR EUROPE ON lOTH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Innes, 1005 Oakwood avenue, will depart. Thursday, June 19, for a two months' tour of ~land and the Continent. They will go from Wilmette to Montreal, where they will board the steamer Regina, which sails on Saturday, June 21, for Liverpool. Mr. Innes is a member of the McGuire and Orr realty dealers sales staff for the north shore. "My wife and I will have been not only one that she deserves, but alike Switzerland, and then home again to one that she will enjoy and remember. dear 'old Wilmette". And I see some big doings ahead of us. First on the ship that will carry acors's the Atlantic will be a numerous group of American boys who will pay a visit to England. We shall be in London for the great exposition and then we plan to run over to France for the big Bastile celebration. After that, ~ itinerary will take us through Belgaum and I hope into Holland. I want to be in the latter place at the time of the tulip season. It's my purpose to obtain a barrel of these and, if my calculations 0 us Miniaten Explain Plan of V.catiaa Bible Sc:boal Ministers in all the sented in the Wilmette churches repre. Church COUld Arrangements are being ma.dt! to hold the St. AuguBtlne's Boys' camp Greenleaf and seventh at Lake Ripley, Wisconsin, b eginning June U. Names of St. Augus1 tine' s boy s de·lrtn~r to go should be t:! a: handed In Immediately to Dr. Carleusual Sunday school and church ser- templated journey, "and I have de- of tulips in my garden next year. After found in another column of this issue ton. The program committee and tennined to .m ake our tenth anniversary Holland and Belgium, we shall visit of Wn.x~ Lxn. vices. The Am erican Legion entertained the Boy Scouta or Wilmette at th o tor all. Thehave choir Le t us 1ftj:i~iii:B the children a will nice sing. treat In store I· Byron C. Stolp s chool on Monday e ve - make this one of our big days. ning ot this wee k whe n Linus ~mlth , Al concert will be given In the a m e mber ot St. Augustine's troop ot the Boy ,SCouts, was presented by church on Wednesday e vening, June President ZlpC with the eagle sco ut 18, at 8 o'clock. l{rs. Fred Lecheler, medal from New York, th e high est the s oloist, will be assisted by Mrs. honor a Boy Scout can attain . Dr. Armanda Burhop and daughter from Carleton, the reetor of 8t. Au.-ustlne'a. Chicago. Mr. Fred Liddell will play was among those who made addresses several selections on the violin. A on thla occasion. There was a very hearty welcome Is extended to memlarge attendance ot Boy Scouts and be rs and friends to be present. their parenta, and Interested · peopl e The next work-meeting of the Misot the village, besides the American sionary society will be held at the Legion who acted as hosts. home of Mrs. Hartmen on Lake aveLast Monday e vening the r e was held nue. A good atte ndance Is d esired. In St. Augustin e' s club house a dinOn Thursday ev7ntng of this week ner attended by 46 or the representative citizens ot Wilme tte to entertain the [)aator oftlelated at a very pretty the judges who are to dec ide the con- w edding In Norwood Park. His coltesting claims or 19 dltre rent Chicago lege claasmate, Rev. Alonzo Crouse suburbs !or a $1 ,000 prize to the su- and Mba Genevieve Thon were united burb whi ch can prove that It atrords In marriage. the most advantag es to th e boyhood and girlhood ot the community. Their decision has not y e t been announced. Every family In the church and Rev. J . F. Tromp returns from his congregation .should be planning to vacation tomorrow . · . Mr. George J. have a part In the big union picnic 0 Phlllips, junior warden of St. Augus- at the Glenview Forest preserve totine's and Mrs. Phillips returned this morrow. Forget all other plans and week from a month's trip to the Cana- spend the day with your church famdian Paclftc coast. Ily. Games n'everythlng. English Lutheran ·o~fo~c~~:,'~~~~re!!:~~~:·::~~~c:: r::;~xpti.:in~i~s s~kln~of ~~~ c~:~ ~£gW'A:et~e~i~ ~ m~s~'tiiif~i := morning services Sunday, June 15 to an explanation of the plan and cedure of the Daily Vacation Bible school condQCted under auspices of the cOWJC:il and which will begin sessi0111 on M!onday, June 23. will devote tome time at the rellllar BE north with J Pro- Howa pr!'::~~~encietr:il, ~~ ~~r~ra~w Helen McKe of Ju On Mrs. give day, l ~jUiiiiiii~ii~iii~~~~ii~iiiiii~ii~ii~~~iiiii~iiiiiiiiiii~ii~ii~iiiii~iiiiiiiiii~ lane, until Chari! will I Miss ·Ruth'l .club. trice show eon ; 21, Haro will Congregational Church The Responsibilities of the Church II. RECREATION "Play is the functioning of gradually ripening instincts in free and unforced express- Because the chu;;;-h rejoices with Hs children, the third Sunday In June Is set aside as "Graduates Day," when all the youths who are members ot the parish and who are graduates !rom grammar or high school are the guests ot honor at the morning service. This year Mr. Lloyd, the pastor, will speak on "The Soul of Youth." The sermon next Sunday mornlnc The music, arranged by Mr. Cain, ts will be appropriate to the times. appropriate to the day. The service Many are graduating from the gram- lasts one hour, 11 to 12 o'clock. mar and high schools. It will soon be vacation time for a host ot folkRoosevelt Troop No. 2, Boy Scouts, young and old . Some will be busy will be guests ot their parents and wJth their tasks and may have but a friends at a banquet and the celebralittle vacation, If any at all. Some tll:m of the troop' s victory In the may be perplexed as to the future and events of the recent · Field Day The the course they should pursue. Some Scoutmaster's trophy Is now the permay be troubled with Intellectual manent possession of the troop, having doubt, or dltncultles. The text tor next Sunday's sermon meets all the ~~:~g:"~~n~:. three successive annual cases mentioned above. The text will During the evening Scout Bradford be worth having at any rate. May~e Hutson w111 receive his decoration as the sermon will be suggestive and Ea~~~~ifRr o ~~ llervice· ~at 11 thus honored, the first being Linus o'clock. Smith ot Troop No. 4. Elaborate arrangements are being Despite the rain-;,nd very disagree- made Cor the banquet and entertainable weather last Sunday morning ~~~~t a!!tr:.~e;{. Scout is expected to our Children's Day prosram and at~ tendance exceeded all expectation. No one supposed that our large Sunday The . Nelghborho~ circle MJ:s A H school auditorium could have been 80 Howard, chairman, will ho'td th~lr 'tast beautifully decorated and ·.. so wond- meeting ot the year at tho! home ot rously transformed. That much time MTrs. J. B. Olwin, 820 Lake avenu· and labor was given to th& preparaue11day, June 17. tion of the prop-am and the costumea was evident throughout. The flnal dlnne;-conrel'etwe t)f the year tor the Church school oftlcers Big and IItle f~ka were there to and teachers wlll be held tn the the number of 633. s~s~:ch parlora Wednesday evening at Usual appolntm;;ts tor the week fu:~~:e~~k aervtce-Boy Scouta-Girl Mrs. Morton L. hterson will entertain the members ot the Cosy Corner circle at her home, 915 Cheatnut aveSunday achool at 9:30 o'clock. nue, Tuesday afternoon. St. Augustine' s choir boys are . working asl!lduously seJJing all the tlcketa they poselbly can in order to aucment the fund they are raising tor their choir camp. They are ahnlnc 1:o raise $176 by this concert. First Presbyterian Church , .. The Presbyterta;- church Is l~cated Blue Birds will -;eet at the church :te.Ninth Btreet an4 Greenleaf ave'- a t 3:30 Friday afternoon. The church has a responsibility to guide those "gradually ripening instincts", hence.recreatiou has. a definite part in a full churrch program. Baptist Church Tomorrow at ll o'clock care will leave tor the Glenview Forest preaerve Cor the community picnic. Activities have been planned tor the entitre day, and this promises to be one o the most successful community att airs ever planned by the vllla e Tbiere wlll be something doing ev:ry m nute tor every Penon. Choir rehearsal · direction ot Mr. Cain. 7 ·80 ' under the ;;;t The following gl;la and boya upon domplettng the work oC the Primary epartment, were preeented with ~tb:es at the Ch!Jdren'· Day ·ervlce as unday : Alison Bur.-e, Lucy Claf.:ett, Margaret Ebeling Jean Munro K arjorle Paterson, Eieanor Potter' a t her lne Thompson, Priscilla Wheelock, Donna Zoernech, Donald Briggs, John Cutler, Ronald FuerOn Sunday mornl;;g, Mr. Stliler will MRobert Fletcher, Otla Gooch cobrntlnue 'his serlee ot portraits of M~nn, ea cDonald, Franklin McCabe' C let as presented by the New Tellt:\ :alter Merrill, Hurbert Pelott, Allan ment wrltera. His topic Cor next su~Edward Schmidt, Richard day Ia "Christ According to Luke .: Stossman, een and Selin Tldeman. T he aeries Is as follows : · tll!':.Y JG-cbmt According to Mat- 8 Look for the details of the Commooity Sunday School Picnic on page 1 "Behold Your King." Jdhn 19 ·14 !,une J-chrlat According to Mark. · A man approved of God unto you by mighty work· and wonders and elgn· which God did by him tn the mldBt ot you." Acta 2 :22. June 16-chrlst According to Luke ~he Boys' choir .of ~t. Augustine's "Behold the Man." Judges 19·5 · l;P·scopal church wtll gtve its annual Jun~ U-ch..,lat According to 'John .nefit co~cert for its camp at Lake "Behold the Lamb ot God Wh~ ~pley, Wts., on June 16 in the Parish ta~~~ ~~;~ the ·In or the world." ouse . at 1126 Wilmette avenue. An f.une 19-Chrlst Aceordlnc to Paul e:xcept10nally attractive program has For me, to live 111 Christ." Philemon 1:21. ~n. arranged under the direction of July 8--Chrl·t Accordlnl' to the . mrmaster Thomas H. Fullerton it Apocalyp·e. IS announced. · k~;!t:~?ldlte~. ~~~~ at the door and .St. Augustine's choir camp at Lake ~pl~y will continue for ten days beThe Bible .cbool with graded tnetructlon for all ace· meeu at t '46 f10~mg June 24, and is maintained 'rgeY rom the proceeds of the annual con !!t:.oc~ult claeeu con venin.- at· i ~~ BOYS' CHOIR APPEARS IN CAMP :uNO CONCERT DIRECTORY OF CHURCHES: St. - . - · . Episcopal a..rc:. - St. Jel.'s Ldl.eru a-a Wilmette and Parle AYa. Rw. H,.,... W. ~~~~ 1\e Fant ,_.,._.. a..c1a Ninth aocl Greealeaf Rw. Wiw~ P. 11.,111 The choir, Director Fullerton d The .Junior &nd IntermecWate B y flares, has. worked with unusual faith: P. U'· wm mMt at 1 anct a·ao · 1 ' · reepectlvet:v OD llunday attern::n~cka ulness this year and ~romises a rare treat for those who wall subscribe t 0 At 6:10 tiM a.~ora will meet In the camp benefit fund. Children's halL The lu.cler of th IIMetlnc will be Kr. Pbelpe. e S Under ~r. , Fullerton's able guidaoct, . t. Augustine s has gained the di tine tJae 'J'be Camp l'lre Qirl8 Will meet at h~ 0 havina dneloPecl the best ~ 1:10 ~ afternoon at ch01r at the Cb~ diocae.. 0. ~ 111elr.l.ette .... a...a Forest and Wilmette Aftl. , R'fl. JlrG~tCU Sli/ln R.eae ..... Ldl.era a..,a i'OJ Greenleaf Aft. Rw. Weu;.. c;,;. c:.:r:c\. ·· ! bo " cbo' ~~C:~ ~oodaybe,· eYeni~ ·~ · WI bY Erwia w~ boy Piano wizard." at 8:15 an additton to the ·r 5ellll:lll;tions, several special oUIIIben n.Fn ......IG.a Lake ancl W'tlmette Awa. Rw. Gtlbm S,_,., bowa as the . Evuy resident in the viiJaae is in=.~ urced to attend thit musical

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