Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Jun 1924, p. 26

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2C WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, JUNE 6, 11)2-1- THIS PAGE BUYS AND SELLS QUICKL SITL-\'HO::V WANT.,;D-MALE ~ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS G Classified advertisements wUl be chara-ed only IT11tQ OttCIS-to residents of the district from Evanston to Glencoe lnclualve whose names appear In the telephone directory, or who are regular subscrlbl'rs to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. l N o NORTH SHORE HOUSE. LAWN AND GARDEN SERVICE House and window cleaning, noor waxing, lawn and garden work, first class references. Walsh. Tel. Winn. 1036. LT25-tfc FOR SALE-HOUSEHOLD GOODS PIANO TUNING BARGAI:\S TN NEW AND USED SEWIng machines; Drop heads, $9.00 and EXPERT PIANO TUNING; REPAIR. unl'urtable Electric Singers, lng; old pianos made new. L. White's, etc. from $24.50 up. PatterFoster. Tel. Wlnn. 609-J. · a on Bros. 816. 818 Church St., -,:v- I !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!~L!!!T!;N~2;;;9;;-tte; anston. B!'t. "L" and Pos£]..~36·-tfc KENNEJ..8 - w. 10 cents per line In one paper. 20 RatI I -papers. !IINUIUl\1 CHARGE GOc. Classltled D eadltne f Ot I nsetttOnS-cepted up cents per line In all three Average of ftve words to the line. No tilack face type used. Rates for Display type on application. o o advertlsemP.nts will be acto Wednesnay 12 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; ThursdaY 12 o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 1Z o'clock for thP GLENCOE NEWS. T~lephones: WILMETTE 1920-1921 or WlNNETKA 2000-ZOOl. LAKESHORE . HOME ~ERYICE HAVE ROOM FOR FEW DOGS IN Ga··dl'ning, window washing, white- ACCOUNT <W MOVING WILL SELL private kennel for the summer. Give washing, floor waxing, wall cleanVO!ry rea!lonably overstuffed davenyour pet the benefit of a summer In lng, calcimining. 511 4th St . Tel. port and two chairs, with slip the country. For particulars. Tel \VIl. 135-U26. LT36-ltc covers· ...... d settee, gas range, Northbrook 83. LTN36-3tc breakf~st llet. Call 888 Oak St. Tel. Wlnn. 91~ . LTN36-ltc MODERN KENNEL. JUST COMPLETCO~TRACTOR ed, enables me to nicely care for a CALL EYANSTON 992. SAVE 10% TO FOR SALE- APEX IRONER. ALMOST tew ftne dogs during the summer 20% on your cement work . 20 years new, good condition; reasonable. season; Inspection Invited. G. B. experit>nce. Charles Abney, Cont. Tel E L Xixon, Sheld··ake 4549. Winters, Happ and Hibbard RdL -------------L_T_N_36_·_t_f c 7415 N: P llUlina St. LTN36-ltc Tel. Wll. 2793. LTN36 -1te - 1--------------:-:- CE!viENT E~~~R~r ~!~f:~c~. WC~~K~~~:E19~i. REAL BS'r.-\TE ~=~~============~ LTN27-tfc ·wANTED TO ou~·- -HOUSES HELP WANTED-FEltiALE I \VANT A SMALL HOME ON THE lak e. Will pay up to $50.000. Please WE HAVE A SPLENDID OPPORTUNgive full description, terms, size o! tty tor someone desirous o! making WlNNETKA - A beautiful lot on lot, etc. Address 221 Wilmette Life. money at home In spare time or full Walden Road, 72x150 feet, for only ~============~L~3~6~-~lt~c time. Ray Studio, Evanston, Ill. $7,200. ~ LTN32-tlc Best value in southeast section; 50xl75 WANTED TO BUY-VACANT t ee t. near lak e; underpriced at WANTED- WHITE LAUNDRESS; WANTED-HOUSEHOLD GOODS $6,000. WILL BUY FOUR OR FIVE have good laundry with good elecGLENCOE--One acrE' on Euclid Ave- BUILDER trlc washer and Ironer; good place WANTED TO BUY-SECOND HAND lots ·I n good neighborhood. Will connue, north of Scott Ave. \Vould be alder frontage of 50 to 100 ft. tor for good woman ; references. Tel. furniture and other household goods. hard to duplicate as site for large each lot. Give size, location and Glencoe 459. LTN36-ltc Highest price paid for same. Croat hom e o·· It could be us ed for 3 or best cash price. Address Wilmette Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., 4 houses. See It and make offer. Life. A-66 . LTN29-tfc WANTED-A WHITE WOMAN FOR Evanston, Ill. Phone 189. LTN24-ttc Special offer of 60 foot col'ller, Woodcleaning on t> day a week ; references lawn Ave. and Lake St. at $25 a ft. requll·ed. Tel. Glencoe 768 . FOR RENT HOUSES FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS below actual valul'. Look at It and LTN36-lct call on us with offer. WE ALSO HAVE GOOD VALUES In TL:'ltf"\\TL)) TL5)'f'r:'J ~1f"fi'l WANTED-WOMAN FOR HALF-DAY Unique both large and small homes from J.[" 'UJ l.L~ J.fu.I..C'.!Ill '\) ll work by w eek; permanent. Tel. Wll. 3010. 1316 Ashland Ave., Wilmette. K e nllw orth to Gl encoe Inclusive. SEE OUR COMPREHE~SIVE LIST Graduation and Wedding LTN36-1tc . uy Now For Fall Delivery of unfurnished and furnished houses Gifts .!illttyCCO>o IHimraonngotihn.g from&$12CCO . OOll to lkUOOIT .OO per WAITRESS-CAN LIVE HOME. Apply Indian Hill Club. AT Tel. tor ap- GENUINE IMPORTED CHINESE polntment Wll. 1711. LTN36-ltc GOODS: Hand carved Chains and <elliiD(li!~IID lZI\ TP ll'\111'1> Necklaces, $1 to $150. Bracelets, Facing the Railroad north of Oak St &1\!00 cw.u. s> .u.u~o WANTED-YOUNG LADY STENOG· Eanings, Fans, Purses, Bags, etc., Winnetka. Phone 1800 LTN36-lt~ 556 Center (formerly W . R. R. Ave.) rapher !or Real Estate otftce 1n $l to $15 . Beautiful hand embroidWinn. 254. LTN36-ltc Winnetka. Must be able to meet ered Table Linens, Center Pieces JUST REDUCED IN PRICE FOR IMpublic In person and over phone. and Cross Stitch Luncheon Sets, mediate sale-7 room semi-bunga- FOR RENT-JULY AND AUGUST; 7 'Vrlte 227 Wilmette Life. LTN36-ltc hand work, Chinese designs, $12 to low, near transportation, stores and rooms, 2 baths; attractive house In $80. Interesting Chinese richly colschools, 2 chambers and bath 1st good location. Tel. Wlnn . 1 10. WANTED - GIRL FOR GENERAL ored paintings, framed, $2.50 ·to $10. ftoor, same on 2nd ftoor, wooded lot, Mandarin Coats, Silk Embroideries, LTN36-1tc housework; must be good cook; no h. w. heat, large rooms, ftne porch, =============~~~~ laundry; good wages. 823 Chestnut Crepe Shawls, Capes, Girdles, etc., garage. Cannot be equalled at $2 to $60. Inspection Invited. TeleAve., Wilmette. Tel. Wil. 2595. FOR RENT-APARTMENTS $13,600. phone Wilmette 676. LTN36-ltc MRS. J. W. PANUSHKA Wilmette, Ill. T~ syu~·~7:i.~3E T~~t;>R~I~~r~~~i: WANTED - WHITE WOMAN OR 719 Ninth Street LTN36-ltc bath and kitchenette, for one or two girl for general work, cooking; no 348 Linden Tel. Wll. 228 months or longer. Tel. Evanston washing; private room and bath; POULTRY HOUSE, "PERFECTION L36-ltc 8700, room 820. LTN36-ltc good wages. Tel. Kenilworth 231. Portable," 6x10 ft., good condition; LTN36-ltc also complete equipment, automatllc ROOM FURNISHED APARTMy Loss Will Be Your Gain FOUR EXPERIENCED MAID teed~r. water fountains, oat sproutment June 15th or July 1st to !>arty WANTED tor general housework, Including era, etc.; cost over $100; price $25. BUSINESS HAS TAKEN ME TO WISwithout children; one block from washing. CaU llfrs. Winship, Kenil680 Walden Rd., Winnetka 794. consin so must sell my 7 rm home elevated station and near the Jake; worth 630. LTN36-ltc LTN36-ltc stucco on steel. Large living room' references required. Tel. Evanston sun and sip. pches. 4 wonderful alp' 8393. LTN36-ltp MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK· FARROW CHIX; IN 100 LOTS. LEGrooms, tile bath ; fine wooded lot 3 In family; no washing. Tel. Wll: horns, $8.60; Barred Rocks, Single ~3x180 on exclusive east side street FOR RENT-1826 ELMWOOD AVE.; 928-W. ·816 Forest Ave., Wllmette. Reds, $9.50; Rose Reds. White tour rooms for small family; onl)· ee me and make otrl'r. Address Llfe Rocks; fll.50; Wyandottes, Buff $46 per month. Call after 5. LTN36-ltc A 226. L36-1tp Orp., Mlnorca.a. $12.60; assorted, $7.50. L36-ltp D. T. FARROW, CHICKERIES. N~'1Ite :l~~I;~~~;i PROTESTANT PEORIA, ILL. LTN18-22tc FOR RENT-ROOMS ta.mtty; good home t:'~f;~t ~!.?so~~ Tel. Glencoe 611. LTN88-ltc FOR SALE-BOY'S SECOND HAND KENILWORTH INN; WELL FURnished suite with private bath for bicycle; "Prince;" made by Mead summer months; also one large rm.; WANTED-WHITE GIRL FOR GENCycle Co.; In good condition. Price eral housework. Mrs. Benson 601 garage accommodations and excel$20. Tel. WU. 2399. J. C. Phillips, Ash St., Wlnn 1523. LTNa6-ltc lent board. Kenilworth 167. 1169 Wilmette Ave. LTN34-tfc Lovely Acre Homesite L36-ltc IN MOST CAREFULLY RESTRICTED SITUATION WANTED-II'EMALE FOR SALE-TWO RUSSIAN FURS; district on North Shore where qualsuitable tor coats; 1 dark brown, 1 Ity ot homes is well established. Tel. A WIDOW, CENTRALLY LOCATED EXPERIENCED AMERICAN DRESSwhite. $50 each. Tel. Wlnn 912. will give room and board to work~ Owner Evanston 6497. LTN36-ltc maker wants North Shore work· lng woman or young girl tor some LTN36-ltc works for young women and girls service In the A. M. or P. M. Tel. only; specialises In making curtains GIRL'S SCOUT SUIT FOR SALE; ee ilmette' s Real Bargain WII. 2s3 sat. P. M. LTN3S-ttc and drapes; best references p 0 size 12, complete tor $6.00, like new. Box 117, Evanston. LTNS6:ltp ATTRACTIVE 5 RM. BUNGALOW ON TWO LARGE, LIGHT FURNISHED Tel. WI!. 2590. LTN36-ltp beautifully wooded corner. Large rooms; single or 'In suite; near lake, living and dining rooms · H w transportation; private bath. Tel. WANTED- WASHINGS TO TAKE WANTED TO BUY-MI8CELLANEOU8 home; tlnlehed work and rough dr:y heat; lot 50x186, all landscaped ~ith Wlnn. 15-43. LTN36-ltc Will call for and deliver. US Pral~ trees, hedges and perennials. LeavFURNITURE STORE rle Ave., Wll. Tel. 1361. LT36-2tc WINNETKA Ing, so $10,500 takes it. Address Lite FOR RENT - FRONT ROOMS IN buys and sells rugs, stoves, autos, A 225. L36-ltp private home; best east side locapianos, anythlna- useful. 1045 Ash tion ; near transportation, cafeteria EXPERT TUTORING THROUGH SUMSt. LTNl-ttc mer In all high school and grade school subjects by experienced teachlffi<e&l!JllCiiifl!Jlll A~If<e and beach. Tel. WI!. 194i£TN36-1tc FOR SA.LE-AUTOMOBILE8 era. Call evenings, Evanston 3601-J. L36-2tc o FOR RENT-LARGE LIGHT FURBARGAINS .FOR QUICK SALE-SPEC (Q)rn:m(!~ll.(l.llb nlshed room, private family, near SITUATION WANTED- COLORED· 6, 5 pass. Studebaker Sedan In A-1 U.lliii transportation. Tel. Wil. 832-R. permanent position; general house~ shape, paint and tires like new, $600. ON PRIVATE ROAD IN LAKE ST LTN36-ltc work; no laundry or nursing; will4 pass. Dodge Coupe, $260. 934 OakHighlands Just west ot Wilmette' Ing to leave city; ref. Tel. Kenwood wood Ave., Tel. Wll. 1882. only $3,500. Tel. Owner Evansto~ CENTRAL HOTEL-LIGHT OUTSIDE 8668. LTN36-ltp U97. LTN 3 S-ltc rooms; steam; hot and cold running LTN36-1tc water. 629 Main St. Tel. Woll. 1030. I WILL SELL MY 6 RM. COLONIAL LT1-tfc ENGLISH NURSE, GRADUATE, INfant, wishes position In suburbs· .for $12,500 It taken at once. Large I::::::::::-:::-::::-:::--:-----------.....:.=. highest local references ;Salary $26: living and dining rooms· fine FOR RENT-LIGHT SUNNY ROOl\£ IN Tel. Superior 7792. LTN36-ltp kitchen; 3 airy chambers; · only private family. 1618 Cemral Ave. three blcks. to trans. As I must L36-ltp WANTED-WASHING, IRONING AND leave t erms may btl arranged. Adcleaning by the day. Scandinavian '22 BUICK ROADSTER drees Life A 224. LS 6 -1tp FOR RENT-7ROOMS, WHOLE OR IN preferred. Tel. WU . 2486. '24 OVERLAND ROADSTER part. Tel. WIJ. 1183. LT36-ltc FOR SALE OR RENT-NEW BRICK LTN36-ltp veneered home, 6 rooms, 3 bedrooms. 16th St. near Lake Ave. Open Sun- FOR RENT - FURN. ROOM FOR WHITE WOMAN WISHES LAUNDRY work and cleaning by day, Tel. Wil. day P . M. Phone WIJ. 113 or 8 57 .J. gentleman near transportation. Tel. 3129. LTS6-ltc LTN36-ltc Wlnn. 19:it. LTN36-ltc v ~~~ll'llit §~cr;n<ID.n~ CARD OF THANKS FOR SALE ONE DAVE~PORT, like new; on" large overstuffed c hair ; one solid mahogany library Mrs. Charles Leis and· family, 805 table, glass top. 625 Willow St. Tel. 15th St., wish to thank their frlenda \VInn. 662-J . LTN36-ltc for their expressions of sympathy at the time of their recent bereavement. FOR SALE-ONE 9x12 FRENCHWIL~ L36·1tc ton 'rug; blue all-over pattern; excellent condition. $65. Tel. Wlnn. 1050. LTN36-ltc 1---------------=-""":':--:':'::' ·pAN AMERICANS WILL VISIT U. S. Delegation Plana Inspection Of Highways of Several States lEOIO§ltl!Jlnb~(! B GOVERNORS WELCOME Party Will Paaa Saturday, June 14, In Chicago During the month of June, 38 delegates, representing 20 Latin-American countries, will visit the United States, as guests of the highway education board, for the purpose of making a field study of highway transportation. In the five states in which the major studies will be p~rsued, the delegates will . be welcomed on behalf of the states by their chief executives-Governor Cameron Morrison, of North Carolina; Governor Len Small, of Illinois; Gvernor J. A. 0. Preus, of Minnesota; Governor John J. Blaine, o Wisconsin, and Governor Alexander J Groesbeck of Michigan. Other state which the delegates will traverse in elude, in order, Virginia, Tennessee Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, Iowa, Nt;w York, New Jersey and Pennsylvama. Plan Uiaique ToW' The delegates will be conducted by highway education board officials through these several states of the union on the most unique road tour in the history of the country. After two days of entertainment in Washington, June 2 and 3, during which they will be received by President Coolidge and Secretary of State Hughes, the delegates will leave for Raleigh, North Carolina, the first step on the itinerary. From North Carolina the party wil go by rail to Springfield, Illinois, arriving at Springfield the morning o June 12. Tllree days will be spent in Illinois motoring over its splendid concrete highways. Gevernor Small, together with Col C. R Miller, director of the department of public works and buildings and Frank T. Sheets, chief highway engineer, will meet the Pan-American commissioners upon their arrival, and they will be the guests of Governor Small at breakfast. The following program will be carried out for the remainder of the day: GoY. Small'· Guelts Escorted by Governor Small, Director Miller, Chief Highway Engineer Sheets and other engineers of the division of highways, the party will visit and inspect the celebrated Bates test road. Upon their return to the city, the party will visit the Lincoln tomb. They will motor to Bloomington over a concrete highway known as State Bond Issue Route 4. The Blomington chamber of commerce will entertain the party at a luncheon. From Bloomington the party will motor over State Bond Issue Route 9 to Goodfield. From Goodfield north an opportunity will be afforded to study the well maintained earth roads of Woodford county. The party will then proceed to East Peoria and the evening will be spent at the Country club there. The following morning, Friday, June 13, the party will motor up the Illinois river valley to Princeton. On Saturday morning the party will motor to Chicago, where the day w!ll be spent visiting points of interest 10 and around that city. On Saturday · h h 'll 1 Ill' · f r Ol!l t t e party wt eave 1001s o a further inspection trip through the states of Minnesota and Wisconsin. MI~(Gu.nnlf<e & (Q)ww ;:a N<e&w lli!'il~n&ml JHinnn Clll!lllm S W lHI RENT - TWO ROOMS FOR FIRST CLASS WHITE LAUNDRESS 10 YEARS TIME OR MORE light housekeeping, furnished Tel Lants work Tues. and Wed Tel Moon Dealers Location-Sheridan Road, Chestnut Wll. 821-R. LTNa6-lt~ lncoln 3403 after 6 P. M. L36-ltp Ave., Ashland Ave., Elmwood Ave FOR SAL Telephone Evanston 10194 7!h Ave., lOth St., Lots 2, 7 and lO, WANTED TO REN'I\-ROOMS E HOUSEHOLD GOODS 1029 Davis Street 1, L. 2, B. 2; with riparian rights L. EVANSTON -'.B. fi; L. S and 4, B. 9; L. 9, 10 and GIRL. EMPLOYED, WANTS ROO?\{ 12 B 10· L. 5 B 13 L. 1 for light 1ervlces or care of children J,TN36-ltc 1 1 i; L. 16, B. is.· : and · B. evenings. Address Wilmette Ltfe ~:::::=:::;:==:::::==========·1 J'ohn P. Ga~re, VIneland, N. J . A 22 2. LTN36·ltp BUICK 1924 DEMONSTRATOR, PERLTN29-ttc HELP WANTED--MALE tect condition, can handle used car Household Goods on above car. E. H. Coal. Tel. EvFOR SALE-TEN ACRES, BEAUTI- 1 :W:::-:A:-:N::T==E:::D-:--Y::-:O~U~N-G--l\-1:_E_N-,_1:,:6:_T_0_2_0, anston 4357. LTN36-ltc -...,..~ ~ -., f u lly wooded; corner Winnetka Ave. who wish to school themselves In r .&r Waukegan road. Tel. WI!. 3041. Automobile Salesmanship. Chance FOR SALE-5 PASS. DETROIT ELEC· J ; J LTN36-ltc to earn good salary during your HICKORY PORCH FURNITURE, trlc, Exlde batteries, good condition, FOR SALE-200 ACRES, DIRECTLY summer vacation. Apply 724 Elm $226. G. W. Gordon, 874 Lincoln Ave. ·mall gas range, 4 mattresses opposite the new Sunset Ridge Golf St., Wtnnetka, 1107 Chicago Ave., W.lnn. Tel. Winn. 365. LTN36-ltc and springs, wrought Iron andClub on Kotz road. Tel. WI!. 304l. Evanston. LTN36-ltp Irons and large poker, canoe, LTN36-ltc SITUATION WANTED-MALE music cabinet, victrola and recUsed Cars- All Makes FOR SALE-WILMETTE AVE. NEAR HOUSE ords, large mahogany screen, Rld8'e road, new 6 room brick· price CLEANING, REFERENCES OPEN AIR SALES washing machine (hand run), 116,500; caeh UOOO. Tel. Wll. '1582. Charlie Ellison, 2122 Jackson Ave · Evanston. Tel. Evanston 4956. ., Cor. Sherman Ave. and Grove St. mangle. L36-ltc L36-ltp Evanaton 140 Wlllys-Knlght and Overland FOR SALE-7 ROOM REMODELED Dealers houH; good transportation; yard newly lanclseaped. Tel. Wlnn. 912. LTN29-tfc LTN36-1tc Sheridan Road IN GAGE'S ADD. TO WILMETTE ON FOR §llCO>~UJlmnl 1MI<O>fc(O)Jr §&ll<e® FOL u: - FOR ~ ROOM BUNGALOW· .-. .t Wuhln.ton Ave.; price $86oo: eaah 11000. Tel. Wll. 1682. L36-1tc HARDWOOD FLOORS Laid, scraped, cleaned, Our own patent sandera 593 ~:==~~~~~~;::=======I FOR SALE-DOUBLE DRIVE DEtrolt electric car, In ftrst class conditton, Including paint, batteries and allp covers; price $300. Tel. w. E. Falthorn, Harrison 6231. LTN36-ltc LOST AND FOUND Winnetka LTN36-ltc Wanted To Buy Small Wil- mette Home I '~ to: D1l bat wo.Ud like to make a - .......... N ·&Wa AddreM JJO - · - - . : " ", W.+JT TO BUT A FIVE OR SIX rooaa bun·alow In Wilmette and will ~,. ap to caab tor the rla-ht ...... WU not aeecl posHNion un- r·o.ott ua. Lll-lto 150 LBS. ICE CAPACITY REFRIGER- FOUND-LADY'S WATCH, OWNER ator In good condition for sale. may have same by ldentitvlng and A- WASLEFF, Prop. Come take It away at your own 1 f hi · price. 861 Bryant Ave., Winnetka. pay ng or t · ad. Tel. WII. HO. LTN16-ltc L36-ltc 642 So. Dearborn St. F=O:;:R:--;S:-:-:-::--::~:--::--~------_;_:.1 LOST-AN OLD BLACK SPANIEL ALE--GAS RANGE, KITCHEN dog; strayed away In Glencoe had LTNil-tft> cabinet; small slse dining room a Kenilworth license tag; llber;.,l retable and I chairs. Tel. Wll. 2879. ward. Tel. Kenilworth 24116. ) ----~-----------.~ . Lll-1ta LTNI8-ltc Advance Floor Co. IMPROVING "STRAWBERRIES" Prunes, sometimes termed tbe "Poor Man's Strawberries," no longer are cured through exposure to sunlight in the open air. A demand for better and purer food has produced a method of curing by electric drying in sanitary, airtight containtrs, now in use in most of the Califom.a packing houses.

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