Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Jun 1924, p. 23

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_ WILMET-TE LIFE, FRIDAY UNE 6, 1924 Goiq Aw.7 ,. 154-to Receive DiplOmas at ~- Mr-. Bron'· Biela ·ua a Swell Gooclty Gr~4tyl,tt01i 1ie1:eJune 13th · .. · · , u. ~ · · ' · ~ ~ ..- ' l .. · .. .; ,4. I .. Graduating exercises for pupils of the Wilmette public schools will be held at 8 ~'clock, Frida:r evening, June .13, at the new Ridge sc~ool. There wtll be l?4 chtl~r~n co~pletjng thejr work in the \\ tlmett~ sc~ools who W}Jl partictpCl:te m the graduatjng exercises. The offictal ltst of graduates fo11ows: France· H. Alhvorth Audrey A. Alberga .John A. Adklna PICNIC of the St. unday school tthe Fotest l)n Saturday t>etailed an. g-ram of Ule arty issue of r~de~n L~· ~~::raon .Jack Andersqp Robert E. Burghart c. Burton Bruse Robert D. Bjor-k Billy G. Bohannon Eleanor I. Bird Eva 0. Berndtson Frances E . Borre Irene H. Brady Elizabeth Burns Alvin W. Bartholomew Warren G. Burrows Tom M. Brown Laurin E. Bennett Grant C. Blasdell Armen J. Belolan .Jane Burrill Lolita K. Bertling David Bear:ley Dorcas Branson Irma. Chrlatenson Laurence C. Church Florence A. Clifford Christina M. Carlen Bernice Cook Camille Cortey Lafayette M. Cor:zens Austin Cooke Jean Culver Lllllan Cobb Cyrus T. Calloway VIrginia A. Cordell .J. Robert Cochran, Jr. Frank C. Clifford Delma Caldwell Robert A. Carlen Jean Clagett George E. Cramer .James M. Clucas Sidney E. Dlller Sally Dyer Allee Donahue Dorothy Durham Clltton L. Darling, Jr. Paul M. Davidson H. Elizabeth Evans William A. Erickson Warren H. Fuermann Dorothy E .Fleming David A. Fullerton Roae Flentye Frederick Favor, .Jr. Anthony Fagan Hazel E. Franken Do.nna . Garretson Mathilda Gregory Lyman E. Goss Richard N. Gauger Frank Gilchrist Helen Gates Arthur E . Hacker William Hutchlnga Dorothy Hartmann Dorothy E. Hortman Eugene F. Hardt Walter .J. Hartwig Elwyn Hewitt William Herbon, .Jr. Janet Hall . Richard D. !Wimes Robert A. Harper Stephen G. Harwood Theo. C. Hirsch W. ·Henry Huffman VIrginia Harvey Fred P. Heitman, Jr. Charles A. Keller Charles H. Kunzer .James W . Kennedy Lawrence S. Knobel Hazel M. Kraft Harry J. Kunzer Anna Kaplan Gertrude E. Koerper Dorothy Klunder Lola M. Kun Edward Kunz, Jr. Georgia R. Leffingwell Stanley C. Lindstrom .Jane Lyons Mary K. Lannen John Leach Barbara A. Lawson Marguerltte N. Loomis William C. Melbye Samuel H. Moore, .J1·. Ruth Miller Graham MacLean Francia A. Mataon Wallace Miller Jane Molat Pearl M. Munro Dorothy A. MacFarland Thomas K . Mcintyre Pauline McCoy Robert E. Nord Vlnette E. Olson Spencer Page Katherine L. Panushka. Lola M. Phelps Mary W. Platt Elmer C. Priebe H. Earl Poronto, Jr. VIrginia. L. Prost George H. Patt-laon Ethel Rosberg Ruth L. Randall Jack Ryerson Preston C. Read William Roasberger, .Jr. Marjorie C. Smith Marjorie M. Sa Vll.e Iona .J. Shoree~1 Marlon &human Marian Suits Stoddard .r. Smn.ll Robert Sanderson Stanley W. Smith Raymond G. Sulltv!ln Carl F. Schultz Eloise L. Sm it!1 Harold P. Spe:.u lm Vera Thaleg Edith C. 'l'ldcman Genevieve B. Tubbs .Jean Upson William P. Varney, .Jr. Arthur W. VanDeursen Gertrude L. Wlnzenburg Robert A. Wolff Inez Webster Frances E. Weld Margaret Whitsett VIrginia. R. Ward Clara Grace Wray Robert Wilcox Marguerite Wilson John R. Worthman Gordon R. Watt ]. Melville Brown, one of 'the best known residents of W11tnette, who on July 1 wit~ ta~e his family Qi1 a tour around the world that will keep them away from the village until September 1925, has something very nice to say about Wilmette Life. Says Mr. Brown : "My family and I leave July 1st for a tour around the world, returning in September, 1925. My only regret is that 'Wilmette Life' cannot follow us, hilt we will enjoy it all the more when we return. It is the best local paper it has been our fortune to know." Editor's Note: Mr. Brown, we wish you and the family the most enjoyable of journeys and the time of your, lives, and, just because you've been so thoughtful, what we said goes s you a lot. double. We 'll mis_ . AFTER THE STORM (Fox Trot) IT HAD TO .BE YOU: (Fox Trot) . ~ .. I sham 1 Of!lls' Orcheitra ..Aft_ ... Stona" was saved for Isham Jones becauSe of the beautiful ·orchestral arrangement he has for this popular selection. You wilt like this record. ..It 11M to . . Y..." written by Jones and played by Jone!i, is a brilliant duzli111 melody-new thythmic schemu and harmonies ate he'ard in every measure. It is both "dancy" and musical. · ' I . WilMette U icShop. ORlAN A. GAL~ Open Taeaday, Thanday _. S._..y Enaiap· · Phone 3008 1171 WiiiDette A~ ~· .. ·: h·®TTTTTW*'®TTM®TT~M*TWETT"~""P·~·····~· Klinge & White GROCERIES and MEATS Riqe and Lake Avenuea WILMETTE Phones Wilmette 113-114 VEAL Shoulder Veal Rout ........... 25c Breaat Veal Pocket ............ 20c Rib Veal Chopa ............... 30c Kidney Veal Chops ............ 35c Veal Stew ·.................... 22c PORK. Pork Shoulder Rout ........... lie Spare Riba .................... ISc Fresh Kraut .................... 9c: Salt Pork .................... . lie Little Pig Hama ............... ZSc LOCAL GIRL AIDS IN CHIMES DEDICATION Miss Grace Eager of 1312 Elmwood avenue, Wilmette, who is a member of this year's graduating class of The Western College for Women, Oxford, Ohio, participated in the exercises Sunday, June 1, to dedicate the Heath chimes, a gift from Mrs. Fletcher S. Heath of New York. "The chimes, which consist of eleven btonze bells, have been hung in AlumhalJ. They, rapge in weight from to lOOO pounds. Each bell bears an inscription, the lar8'est one carryfng the following dedication : "This Chime of eleven bells is given to The Western College for Women by Elizabeth McCullough Heath, a member Miss Bella Smith has issue<\ invitaof the class of 1884 and is 'dedicated tions for a luncheon and bridge which to the glory of God through the devel- she is giving at her home, 1104 Ashopment of Christian Women." land avenue, June 25. l I The bells were cast in Baltimore. Before they were taken from the foundry Dr. W. W. Boyd, president of The Western, accompanied by Dr. Edgar Stillman Kelley, noted composer, who holds an artist fellowship at the school, went to that city to hear the tone tested. Dr. Kelley pronounced the chimes to be the sweetest tone quality he had ever heard. "The importance of Being Earnest," an Oscar Wilde comedy, Cotlege Jubilee, Class dinners and the president's reception were festivities of commencement week, which c:ulminated in Commencement Day exercises, Wednesda_l', lune 4, with Jude Florence D. Allen of the supreme Court of Ohio 8'iving the CoDUIMacement. address. . LAMB Lamb Pattiea ............................................ 31c Breaat Lamb Stew ..................................... 111jze Leg of Genuine Sprina Lamb ............................. ·. 43c · SMOKED MEATS Armour'a Star Bacona, whole or half, atripa ...·.············· 32c: Armour'a Star Hama ..................................... Zlc Dixie Bacon ............................................. Z2c California Hama .......................................... 1&c: Briaket Comed ·Beef , ........... 16c Boneleaa Rump Comed Beef .... 31c: To inaure prompt delivery on Saturday, place your order Friday afterDooD. 4 D.ELJV. y; TO WILMETTE AND KENILWORTH Dainty Gowns Carefully Cleaned No matter how dainty or delicate the gown we can clean it and return it to· you free from every spot and stain. We can guarantee satisfaction because we are experts. I LULIAS BROTHERS I I I I I I I ~ ~ t"""""""""""'~""""""'""'.. ,, I I 635 MAIN STREET 1135 CENTRAL AVE. TWO~r Hemstitching Repairing DE LUXE CLEANERS 1105 CENTRAL AVENUE Quality Fruit Stores Note these Specials Thursday and Saturd~y Spinach, peck . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29c Green and Wax Deana, qt. . .I Oc I I I I 1 I I Phone Wilmette 690 I I I I I ~----------------------------------------------··-··· "We Sell Something More than Food!" I I I i! ~ ~ ~~ 1 Cucumbera, each .... Sc and 1Oc ;.::a!~; ~~:..lb. . ::::.::: ~ ~~b .~h~ .~~~~~~~ 1 Along ·with our food and service we sell satisfaction. We do our best to so serve our customers that they will want to return. 1 ~ ~ WILMETTE CAFE 1181 W'dmette A-.e., oppoaite Villqe Hall I ~ ~ I 1 ~ ~ ~ . ·······----------·······-······--··-····---······-·· l . . ,,,,,,,,,.. .. lOSe 1135 Ceatral Aft. I'Uparagua, unc . . . . . . . . . . c Phones{~:: Head Lettuce .... Sc, IOc and ISc Phones r~= 1:101 New Potatoes, apecial, peck .. 39c 1·1 Carrota and Beeta, bunch .... 1Oc Oranges, sweet and juicy, per doz. . .................... 19c, ~ftc, 40c and SOc Oranges, Jumboa, large aize, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . &Oc Canteloupe, ripe and sweet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . each 1Oc, 3 for ZSc Canteloupe, extra large aize . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . each 1Sc, 2 for ZSc For the coming warm weather you will always want to have cool and refreabing drinka on ice. We have always on hand: Gingerale, Rootbeer, Loganberry and Grape Juice. Buy them by the cue or the dozen. SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK · END Sparkling Brand Gingerale, pinta, by the dozen ......................... 18c Sparldina Brand Ginaerale, quarta, by the dozen ............ .......... 1.51 635 Main Street I ~ I I P1i I ~ I ...,. .,, . . . . . .,.. - . . . . . . .. .

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