WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, MAY 30, 1934 r----:---------...:::::::::::::::::::;1 J-----.. . A J.1'ENTJON! Explain Fl-. Courteay (Continued from page 1) bunting should be used, but never the flag. "When the flag is displayed from a staff projecting horizontally or at an angle from the window sill, balcony or front of building, the union of the flag should go clear to the head of the staff unless the flag is at half mast. "When used on a speaker's platform, the flag should be displayed above and behind the speaker. It should never . be used to cover the speaker's deslc nor to drape over the front of the platform. If flown from a staff it should be on the speaker's right. "When displayed over the middle of the street, as between buildings, the flag of the United States should be suspended vertically with the union to the north in an east and west street or to the east in a north and south street. "When flown at half staff, the flag is first hoisted to the peak and then lowered to the hat£ staff, but before lowering the flag for the day i£ is raised again to the peak." -----------------~~--~---1 FINAL PARADE INSTRUCfiONS The program and lin~ o~ March as it appears on this page is OFFICIAL and all orgamzat10ns and units participating should be governed thereby. To eliminate confu.sion and delay, carry ·out the following ideas: 1. Be on hand w1.th your organization at the appointed hour · and place, 8 :45 A. M. Vtllage green, Village hall! 2. Look ~or your group assignment, Placards on stands will be placed on Wtlmett~ avenue and Central avenue, announcing the group nu~ber formmg at these points. Go to your position quickly and remam there l . 3. ~f you are i? doubt or confused get in touch with any legJOnnatre and he wtll gladly direct you! 4. Do not break ranks during the parade! It is bad form and detracts fr.om the solemn. spirit of the occasion. ~ 5. Silence _is desired and requested. The services at Lake I· ro~t park parttcularly call for silence due to the very nature of the serv1ces. 6 .. The area roped off be £ore the speakers' stand is for your ~xcl.ustve use. Your places are assigned, so stay with your organtzatton to the concluswn of the services. Dineiznd Dance at the Lake Shore Terrace. Our courteous attendants will serve you the very best of food. And the dancing amid delightful surroundings and to the strains of fine music will make your evening thoroughly enjoyable. Come in this evening. Memorial Day, May 30, 1924 !!!!! Assembly at 8:45, Village Green, Village Hall . . Marshal: Col. Albert L. Denman, Infantry, 0. R. C. Assistants: MaJ . R. Malcolm McKerchar, Cavalry, 0. R. C.; Lieut. Harvey Hopp, Cavalry, 0. R. C.; Lieut. Ralph Wessel, Adj. Gen'l. 0. R. C. Line ~f March: West on Wilmette avenue to Ridge avenue; n?rth on.R1dge avenue to St. Joseph's cemetery, where we will partictpate wtth Peter J. Huerter Post in their services and the decoration of graves. Thence east on Lake avenue to Park avenue; south on Park avenue to Central avenue; east on Central avenue to Village hall, where balance of organizations will fall into line. Wilmette avenue to Lake avenue; Lake avenue to Sixth street· Sixth street to Linden avenue; Linden avenue to Fourth street· Fourth street to Central a venue; Central a venue to south entrance' of Lake Front park for services. N.ote: All organizations will be assigned to a place within the area roped off before the speakers' platform for their exclusive use. Others will plea se refrain from taking position within this area. These places will be assigned at the entrance of the park by the marshal or such others he may designate. Boy Scouts are in charge of policing the park district. Your co-operation is solicited in the matter of orderly procedure. Solemn High Military Mass will be celebrated at St. Joseph's cemetery in the morning, Father Schiller, celebrant, under the auspices of Peter J . Huerter, Post No. 669, American Legion. - Sheridan Road at Cltestnut Wilmette 2148, 2293 · WILMETIE "Save the Surface No matter what you may be doing now-whether you own land or not -itia nowpo!llliblc for you to build up a busincsa of your own that will niake $2000 to 15000 a year profit for you-and you can do this without interfering with your regular work in any way. and You Save All!" Have you done your Spring Painting? Don't let it go too long. Water will get through the exposed portions and decay will set in. Put a couple of coats of good paint on your porches a11d other places that get har<I wear. Paint y.our screens -wood and wire-and they'll last twice as long. ~:~~~':~~~ 2~~c~':,~ ~;dc'7!o/;s:.!h profit in one year. BeY. M·tbeoon m·do 200% ea·h l}fo6t in two Doaeaa or mea. !.t~~;:!~':;." R~~~e:; =~:'h7% ;ean. ·r· ~~:'P~~e:. 7.~i.~~.:.:: ~!:~i oaro for yo ... Foxea il you wioh. Order of March Motor Police Escort Marshal and Assistants Members Police and Fire Department Chicago .Rapid Transit Co. Band Veterans G. A. R. (Auto) Village Officials Detachment U. S. Marines. 15414 Ltaeola A'Ve., Gr,o up No. 1: Wilmette Post American Legion; Peter J. Heur- WINNETKA. ILLINOIS. Plloae Wlaaetlul 314 ter Post American Legion; Veterans' organizations, all wars. Group No. 2: Optimist club; Rotary club; Chamber of Commerce; Fraternal organizations; New Trier High School Band. Group No. 3: Boy Soouts; Sea Scouts; Girl Scouts; Wilmette 55 Grade School Band. Group No.4: Camp Fire Girls; Red Cross Units; Junior Police. Printed programs of tile order of service will be fumisfled at tile park in order that yo" may individually particpate il£ the exercises. The above will serve as a notice officially to the orgat~i::ations mnationed. Should there be m~y questiot~ as to j·our ability to take part, kindly advise Lea J. 0" at Wilmette 557, Col. Dem11a1~ at Wilmette 1600, orR. C. Wessel, Chairman Parade Committee, America.~£ Legion, Wilmette 124. Please have your organica-tion on ha11d at the appoitlted hot4T, 8:45 o'clock, Memorial Day. The co-opera.tion of those co11cerned will be appreciated. Everyone can own Windswept Silver Foxes-they work just &ll hard for the laborer as they do for the proteeefonal man, just as hard tor the business man as they do tor the capitalist. This gatewa,y to steady profits is open to everyone-young and old, rich and poor, all can share it. One o! our Four Plana Ia aure to make It possible tor you to start at once. Get the facts. Write, phone or call onJ. F. SAN'LADER 4t ASSOCIATES John Millen 44 /llt'a Hardware, Millen Haa It" 1219-21 Wil.ette Aft. Phones WUmette 3060-3061 i i ··························· II · · .!!!! AMERICAN LEGION, WILMETTE POST NO 46 R. C. WESSEL, Chairman Parade Committee . i - - · NOW IS HOUSE CLEANING TIME I The Y oungsten Demand Bread ·= .m .iii ·II u.P BUT only Bread of the better kind-Dutch oven · usually. That's why you'll do well to follow suit and insist upon the bread that you know is the best. ·= ·= ·· · II SEE OuR NEW :1· :·I . ·The ·Dutch Oven :.1 ==-== 1924 wALL PAPER STOCK Delicious Dainties · before you decorate We carry Everything for interior decorating -andLet us figuEreXTERIOR PAINTING your WORK and give suggestions · . ., .......................... 1129 Central Phone Wil. 2998 : INJfgJ7/). TING · 5terner's Paint Store 1213 WILMETTE AVE. PHONE 2491 ·: . . . .HIUUI-llauJIIIIIIUIIJUallla. . . . . . .mlW._ _ __