You Think Our Here ]. F red McGuire protest an at-: leged order of Village ).{anager C. C. ~ c hultz at the . last villa~ b~ard meetIn g. It concerned the e1 ric lights installed {n front of the :Renneckar Drug company at Wilmette and Central avenues. The lights were put outside the building, Mr· . McGuire sai'd, to furnish illumination for the ·merchants occupying the, premises· during the business hours of the evening. !By order of ·Mr. Schultz, th~ McGuire protest continued, the llahts were to continue all night. This, he said, had jumped his monthly lightinJ bill from $5 to $25 and $30. A committee of trustees was asked to investigate the situation with a view to effecting a solution to the problem. Don't Work, Read This According to the annual report of ~o 1 ice Chief Albert L. Denman, $5,413 1 ~ fines were coflected from speed law VIolators for the fiscal year ending M arch 31, 1924. Intoxicated drivers paid into the village strong · bpl( the sum of $245, and $425 were contributed by persons who violated the Volstead Act. During the year there were 27 burglaries reported and five persons were arrested for receiving stolen P;operty. two d~aths from intoxication happened in the year. and 410 persons were arrested for reckless driving The report sets forth that two fugitives . from justice were arrested and returned ; there was one suicide; six persons met· with acc idental deaths. The grand jury held three prisoners on confidence game a~d larcency charges and 13 persons were arrested for disorderly conduct. Wilmette sent five guests to the Bridewell for temporary entertainment. Other law violations for the year which engaged the police , totaled 54. The report tells that stolen property to the value of $1,~ was recovered and returned to the owners. The Wilmette police department wa s composed of the chief, one lieut e nant and 11 patrolmen. The depart ment has two Ford cars and three motorcycles. Athletic. Events and Pageant ·To F eatu~ PI'Op'Uil at Stolp School · There's a Flavor · to Wilson's Bread that most bak· ers would spend a fortune to at· tain, and by the way, it has almost c.ost a young fortune to create Wilson's Bread as you buy it your grocer to-day. Countless experiments and tests under the watchful care of skilled bakers developed Wilson's Bread to its present perfection. If you're seeking a bread that's your idea of real bread, try Wilson's Bread I TRACK M~ET. FEATURES Medals and Banner to be Winners' Awards All students of the Wilmette public sc.hoo1s will participate in the annual F1eld Day, Tuesday, Jun e 3, at . the Byron C. Stolp school. There will be no regular classes conducted during t~ e entire day, but everyone will e1ther: take part or root for his or her favonte. In the forenoon there will be a pageant given by the pupils of the lower grades. There will also be two baseball games. One between the 7 and 8 grade boys and the other between the 7 and 8 grade girls. The regular track meet will take place in the afternoon. Medala for Winner During the spring months athletic eYents were held at different periods. Then all the children took part in preliminaries. The meet on Tuesday will be for the Wilmette schools' cha mpions. The winners of the first three places in each event will be pres ~nted with a gold medal for first, a s1lver medal for second and a bronze for third place. ' For the field meet there will be t~ree ~ivisions. The lightweight divi~t on wlll be composed of boys weighmg less than 90 pounds; the middleweight group will be from 90 to 105 pourrds; the heavyweight s will be composed of those boys over 105 pounds. Each division will race separately. The events will be the 100-yard dash . running high jump, running broad jump, standing jump, and baseball throw for the middleweights and heavyweights. The lightweights will do the 50 and 75 yard dashes, the running high jump, the running broad jump, and baseball throw. Employ Point Syatem Th~ point system will be used to deter'iffilie the winning room or class. The Qne having the most points will probably be awarded a banner, according to a member of the committtee. The Field Day program will be conducted under the supervision of Mrs. Churchill and L. F. Todd. · Cut Flowers for all occasions Phone EVANSTON 632 Music Lovers Await Big Minstrel Show, June 5.6 Tickets were reported to be selling rapidly for the minstrel and dance to be given Thursday and Friday evenings, June 5 and 6 by the choir of St . Francis Xavier church. The entertainment will be given in the auditorium of the school at Ninth stre et and Linden avenue and the proceeds will be directed into a Pipe Organ fund now being accumulated in the parish. Talent that rivals the best in this vicinity promises, in this minstrels, to provide a rare treat for north shore music lovers, those acquainted with the merits of the St. Francis Xavier choir assert. Unique and thoroughly original numbers have been arranged, it is said, and large audiences are anticipated for both of the evenjngs. Following the minstrels, the auditorium will be given over to dancing with music furnished by the well known Arns orchestra. Tickets are to be obtained from members of the choir, it is announced. 1712 Sherman Avenue EVANSTON In the Village Theatre Building Week-End Specials · Golf Toggery In pRICES on Sport Toga have been radically reduced, anticipating volume business before the coming hollday. Grasp this opportunity to complete your wardrobe for country wear. It willlaat for a few days only I New Trier High Wins Tennis Tournament New Trier Township high school won the doubles at the north shore division of Suburban League Tennis tournament held last Saturday at the New Trier courts. George Holloway of Glencoe and Ralph Whitsett of Wilmette composed the winning set. Sherill of the Evanston high school won the singles. The winners of the .. orth Shore Division will meet the winners of the South and West divi&ions next week. FISHERMEN.I A TTENTIONI The Village Chocolate Shop For The Chicago & North Western Ry. has just published a new booklet which contains a large scale map of the Lake Region of Northern Wisconsin and Michigan, the Land of 7,000 Lakes and a. :Million Pines. Invaluable as a. guide. Call or address Earl E. Orner, Ticket Agent, C. & N. W. Ry., Wilmette, Ill., tor free copy and catalogue of bargain fares. -Adv.-L35-2tc Your Sandwiches, Ice Cream, Pop Corn and Candy. Where Quality Chocolate Rules Our Perfection and University Polo SHIRTS ~uJ.arly beat qullty white Orlord, coi1an attached; priced at $3.50 each. 3 for $8·95 llllftQIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIftiiiiiiiiiiiiiUIIIIIRnlftlnllllllllllllllllnUIIIIIIIIIIIINIMhhlllllftlll-~ !!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIP~ ~ '·= 1&13 I . OrriD~~Fd:&·clt.TF~~p£.,-....._ Correct Picture 10. I 1 'I= Goll Jt~clt.U, Nlau ap to 115 · ······· ·19.91 U...,. Kniclt.,.., Hlaea ap to 16-50 ···· 14M B, Goll Cqa, .,at... ap to IJ ... IlM Imported .f.PiM:e EqliM Goll Saite, 162.10 I ~ 5 Complete line of Hand Carved and Stock Moulding frames. Framed and Unframed Etchings and Prints. Greeting Cards and Novelties. Mirrors resilvered and frames refinished. ~~- Golf Hose full fashioned-of pure wool or ailk and wool -directly imported from Entland, Scotland lAd Beltium. Regularly priced from $4 to $7.50. i --..::==::::::::~:::::~:::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::~~::::::::::::::::~:~.. iI 51 1640 OniDgtOD Avenue F. I. BARNHART Phone EvanatOD 770 11 .. $2.95 and $3.95 T HE on finest jewelry shop the North Shore, maintaining a repair department for watches, clocks and jewelry. #TARRBEST Randolph and Wabash Jlaia ittttrltr ~ . LIBRARY PLAZA ROTJIL IIV..&.NB'l'OJf ..