2 \\' !LMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, MAY 30, 1°2~ LEGIONNAIRES CALLED TO CHURCH SERVICES An invit ation to attend Memorial services at the First Congregational church, Sunday morning, June 1, brought th e following ch allenge to members of Wilmette Post, No. 46, of the American Legion, from R. C. Wessel, a member of the post : "The attention of all members of the American Legion in Wilmette is directed to the kind invitation of the Congregational church, through its pastor, Rev. Stephen A. Lloyd, to attend the church services on Sunday morning, June 1, at 11 o'clock. It is urgently requested and desi~e~ t,aat proper response be made to th1s mvlta tion , as we are given to understand that the se rvices will be in keeping with the Memorial Day spirit. Let u s all make special effort to attend this service. There is nothing of greater importance and significance with respect to the future welfare of the legion than its active co-opera tion and interest in community religious life." Trustees Hear Annual Report from Library Figures in the annual report of Librarian Sue Osmotherly, subm1tted to the village trustees a week ~go, show that the. library now contams 8,672 volumes. Of these, 1,583 volumes were acquired during the past fiscll:l Y:ear. The institution has on file 33 peruxhcals, the report states. There are 3,178 persons who hold cards to draw books from the library and of these 692 were registered within the year past. The circulation of books from the main library during the period covered by the report was 50,417, that at the branch library, 10,023. Miss Osmotherly adds that the main library is kept open 42 hours per week; the branch, 15 hours. Library receipts for the year were as follows : From tax levy, $6,500; from gifts, $786,84; from other sources, $453.19 ; total, $7._740.03. . Library expenditures for the year mcluded : Salaries, $3,296.50; books, $1,907.72 ; periodicals, $77.15; binding, $447.33; heat, $260.11 ; light, $279.99; paving tax, $29.76; . insurance, $20; .r epairs, $126.85; furn1ture, $112; supphes, $115.30 ; miscellany, $52.18; deficit last year, $298.80 ; total, $7,653.69. Balance on hand, $86.34. You'd Better Start NOW to save for that vacation, or else vacation time will come aro~nd and find you, as is all too often the case, with nothing but your time to· spend. If you'll put just a little by each week, you can have a fine little fund built up for vacation time, and can really enjoy your week or two weeks. Start right now at this bank-the bank where you tneet your friends. Athletic 'To F~ TRACK Medals w Police Prepare Summer Traffic Laws for Drive Saturday and Sunday, May 31 and June 1, traffic will be policed by the Wilmette police on Sheri<Jan road, Lake avenue and Sheridan road, and Central avenue. The regulation on these avenues · will continue during the summer months because of the heavy traffic, Chief Denman has announced. Starting June 14 Michigan avenue will be open for one way traffic only, according to Chief Denman. AutomrJb; les and other vehicles will enter on the south end and leave in the north direction. This one way traffic rqgulation will be put into effecb for sat<:ty purposes as well as to accomodate the heavy traffic on Michigan avenue. It will be open to residents of Wilmette only. Schools Defy Chill Winds To Enjoy Genuine Picnic The first mixed picnic of 7 and 8 graders of the Wilmette schools and teachers of those grades was held in the Forest Preserve last week with 350 attending. Chartered buses brought the picnickers to the place selected for the day. At the grounds the merrymakers were divided into eight prominent col leges. A horsesho~ pitching contest for boys and a dollar pitching contest for girls were held. Other events followed and the group carrying the Yale name was victorious. After the contests a picnic supper was held and the happy group returned at 8 o'clock. . All stude schools wil Field DaYI Byron C .· no regular th e entire either take favorite. In the pageant 8 lower gra baseball and 8 gra tween the regular tr the aftern During events we Then all prelimina~ I Your Eyes! Do you give Your Eyes the Care they deserve to keep them Bright and Beautiful? Dust, Wind and Strain make them appear Dull and Lifeless. To preserve Natural Charm and Lustre, cleanse them as Carefully as the Skin and Teeth. ~or Dally Use or when your EYES are Tired, Dull and Heavy, Murine is most Refreshing and Beneficial. Murine has been used Successfully over Thirty Years. N r:;Does Not contain Belladonna I 1 &., or any other harmful ingredient. ··vou1· Ill I Jlome will be champion · three pia~ prese nted a silver bronze fo For th three divi sion will I ing less tl weight g pourrds; t posed of Each di The even ~ running jump, st throw for weights. 50 and 7. high jum1 and base1:l Banh·· 1filJR, T Ill I I The ~po determifie The Qne probably cording t tee. The conducte Mrs. Ch E f.EOR"fjuER S Writ;t~e~~~~~oc6~;~~·~aook Dept.19 9 E. Ohio Street Chicaao, U.S.A. iiRI ..... Photographs of Children Our photographs of children have won for us an enviable reputation. By playing with. them we portray the joyous, happy spirit of childhood which is so cherished in years to come. New won the division tourname New Tri of Glenc Wilmette Sherill won the .. orth S winners sions ne Phone EYan·ton for Sittin· -because, as the earth revolves, the sun passes more directly overhead than it does in winter. Therefore it has to c.over a greater arch to get from its rise to its setting. Whatever the season, Epaom FU The C ha.s just which co the La.ke sin and l La.kes a able as a E. Orner, Wilmette ogue of Salt unnnnmunn ~1111111111111111 CONCENTRATED ; Boyce-ite UQUID POWER is the ·direct route to a clean, fresh, healthy system. Puretest Epsom Salt is made by a new process. Puretest Epsom Salt is filtered five times. Ordinary Epsom Salt is filtered once. Puretest Epsom Salt, being absolutely pure, is easy to take. One of 200 Puretest preparations for health and hygiene. Every item the best that skill and care can produce. 1 ·· .I I I i fr THE SUPER-FUEL Ingredient Removes that lmockprey·ta carboD fOI'IIliq Increuea power, IDcreuea mileaae Makes poor auoline ·ood aDd the be.t ·uolme hetter BOYCE-IT£ COSTS NOTHING FOR BOYCE-ITE SAVES MORE =Lt-· DIAN IT COSTS ) Let us explain why it is better than gasoline Renneckar Drug Co. The Telephonea 28-29 . WILMETTE MOTOR SALES ·51& 4th St. Phone 636 Store WILMETTE, ILL.