Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 May 1924, p. 2

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2 WILMETTE will vote on the ten best booths at the exhibit. Prizes will be award~d each day to the ten voters whose ~h~tce most nearly approximates the tnaJorttY. Yote. These prizes w~ll include !1 btcycl~, camera, radio, vtctrola, ev.emng gown, sport dress, suitcase, travehng bag, two lamps :and an electric fan. The advance sale of the coupon books Women of Northwestern 'U' begins this week. By this arrang~ment, the buyer makes a 20 percent savmg.. .Schedule .C ounty Event for It is planned to sell 4,000 books m towns from Evanston to Lake For~st. Three Days In June Committee· fpr Fair The executive committee consists ?£ Mrs. Daniel Burnham, ] r., Mrs. Rolhn PROMISE BIG EXHIBIT W. Keyes and Mrs. C. Donald Dallas. The committee chairmen for each town will be: Mrs. Alfred Granger and Mrs. William Mitchell Blair, Lake J!orProgram Is Jammed with est; Mrs. Frede'rick A. Preston, Htghland Park ; Mrs. Bruce Mac!--eish, of Amuaemerits -Galore Glencoe; Mrs. Morris K. Wtlson and Mrs. Fletcher Marsh, Winnetka; Mrs. Hugh F oresman and Mrs .. Mark Cresap, The Cou~ty Fair, which is scheduled Kenilworth, and Mrs. Cltfford of Evfor three days-June 19, 20, 21-at anston. Mrs. Walter K. Primley and Mrs. the Patten gymnasiu~ Northwestern Thoma s Lord are in charge of donations university, and which will be one of the aqd gifts. paramount events 011 the north shore this Mrs. Alanson Follansbee and Mrs. year, is being planned by the women of Robert Lord are chairmen of the enterthe Northwe tern University Settlement tainment committee. Mr s. Carroll Alton and Mrs. Norboards in Winnetka and Evanston. It is man Westerhold will be in charge of announced that merchants of Evanston the tea room. with Mr. Ernst von Amand other localities along the north mon. ~Irs. Harve Badgcrow and Mr·s. shore, together with uationally known John Ott in c harge of decorations. firms from other parts of the county Mrs. H enry Kitchell 'Ncbster, Mrs. will be represented at the exhibit. Walter Dill Scott, Mrs. E. Crane WilPromoters of the big event say that son, Mrs. Ballard Bra dley and Mrs. the booths arc being rapidly taken and Allen Withers will be in charge of that on ly a few remain to be so ld. They hostesses. add that the exhibitors are planning to have elaborate displays. ' "Roy" Now Sole Owner of Joy Chaaera Take Heed Barber-Bowling Business Out door amuse ments, such as merryRoy Goodwin , who for some time go-rounds, a Ferris wheel, miniature ha s been associated with Fred Dett railroad s, pony rides, a Punch and Judy man in the barber bu s iness and bowlshow, games of almost every descrip- ing establishment in th e Brown buildtion, fortune telling and motion pictures ing. ha s purchased Dettman's int ere st are only a few of the various attractions and i s to conduct the combined e nter promised for the edification of young pri~c' under the name of the Goodwin and old J>ersons who will attend the Barhcr Shop and Bowling Alleys. fair. It is hardly worth the reminding :\lr. Goodwin, or '"Roy." as he is that such cs entials as soft drinks, pea- more familiarly known, is one of the nuts, cracker jack, balloons, toy> and m os t popular men in th e Ccntralwhatnot will be there in abundance. \\"ilmcttc a1enue commercial section And in addition to all these lure~ to and has a host of friends in the comdra11· 1·a~t crowds to the plact', the know - munity. He recently introduced a ones <kclare that an attractive tea room, Jadic~' hair-dressing department at the where luncheon and supper will be serv- barl>cr shop in the Brown building in ed, is an as., ured fact. Mu;;ic and danc- charge of an expert woman attendan t. ing will io ll ow these triumphs of the While th e approaching s ummer seachef's art. son represents the dull season in the howling alleys, "Roy" promi ses to See What'· Promiaed For one price of admission the visitor ha,·c that recreation center in s hipmay witness four great shows, each hape condition for the official openIa ting three-quarters of an hour . They ing in September. The Goodwin alwill include a Fashion ~ how; Hill's Dog leys are the scene of the Wilmette fiusiness Men's Bowling league games. and Pony circu ; Shubert, the world's greatest contortionist; the Duncan Sis- P . 0. CLOSED MEMORIAL DAY ters, Polish dancers and a group of The \\'i lm ette postofficc will be comedy acrobats. close d all day Friday, May 30, in obAnd, by the way, there will be a con- crvance of Memorial Day. There will test in which the visitors at the fair be no deliverie s of mail on that day. PLAN VAST FAIR AT PATIEN GYM The ·Stun of ·.~ Seven~y-five Dollars will start you on the road to financial independence. We have some mighty attractive first mortgages-mortgag~s that are exceptionally well secured and that we are glad to ~e able to offer to the Wilmette public. These n1ortgages: come in denominations ranging from 500 to 10,000 dollars, · and pay interest at the rate of 6%. Pretty hard to find a better way to save and invest your money! Just t,ry it out on one of the sn1aller denominations first; you'll soon be convinced of the n1erit of this n1ethod. I DO "] Legioll PopJ HELP Contr I ··vou1~ Ill Home Banh·· Ill I I (For Poppy day, Ma members th L Wil \\'ill sell a t the n in Wil funds d directed sick or families. Our pa mcnt $28 the bill i price ex· brave s sacrifice li ga ted. dren, in mu st be public d sters ca The orphans' youngst dormim cottages . is not k as moth farmed school e J The p and reli HOSPI service you kno tern-of filled b be deca the "red governm statemen mediate self. The are not increase Something Different seems to he the keynote of every \\·oman's plan for feeding her family; he wants a variety of tasty good things to eat. Variety is always welcome, but not always easy to achieve. Many women have ad,opted the habit of coming in here. They tell ns that our variety of breads, cookies and other baked goods see m endless-and all of them are exceptionally good. rectly t -because uniforms enable combatants to distinguish their own men from the enemy. In combating wounds and aches that occur in daily life, ~~~Tincture ",,.;w~ of Iodine is a powerful ally to have in the home. Puretest Iodine meets the most exacting uses in. the medical profession. As a germ-killer it is one of the strongest known to science. Takes the soreness from sprains and bruises, prevents infection and quickens healing. One of 200 Puretest preparations for health and hygiene. Every item the best that skill and care can produce. palling. ant wor; legion s nccessarJ sick. At legislati pita! fo cases at ing to b at this p purchas the legi the me are the treat me their m take up make liv be. Read The Book '~merica " by Chambers We have flags of all sizes. Be sure to display one on Decoration Day. Locall upon in much s past ye their fa and he spots in been fill day sea ered an at the fire wh portion Railroa store o · during ed to instance that the realize : in this 1 been tur These from t l legion. Store T elephonea 28-29 WILMETTE, ILL. in the work. 1 to the it equally post an local s( local re. cbme to operatio· (

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