WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, MAY 23, 1°2-+ that hospital bed. He recalls too many times those happy (Formerly The Lake Shore New·> working days before the war E·tabJisbed 1912 when he was teaching manual with which l· combined THE WILMETTE LOCAL NEWS training in the Wilmette public Established 1898 schools. Then he thinks of those ISSUED FRIDAY OF EACH WEEK days in France and of how the by LLOYD HOLLISTER, INC, gas got him. And afterwards 1222 Central Ave., Wilmette, IlL how he came back to his teaching, Teleplloae . . . . . · · . . . . . . Wilmette 1920 how he couldn't stand the strain 8UBSCRIPTION J2.00 A YEAR and at last had to give up. And All communications must be accom· then after giving up .work he panted by the name and address or the grew worse and finally had to go writer. Articles for publication should reach the editor by Wednesday noon to to thi s hospital. And he wonders tnsure appearance In current Issue. after nine months of confinement Resolutions of condolence, cards ot why it all had to be. thanks, obituary, poetry, notices ot enWon't some of the boys, who tertainm ents or other atfalra where an admittance charge will be made or knew Mr. Mitten as their teacfier, a collection taken, will be charged at send him a friendly mes sage, regular advertising rates. chat with him in a letter about Entered at the pos.t office at Wilmette, Illinois, as mall matter of the the old days when he and they second class, under the act or March were in school together in Wila. 1871. mette? Think of how much you FRIDAY, MAY 23, 1924 would enjoy a word or two from friends if you were lying there Sep..arate the. Grades. day after day like Mr. Mitten Enforce the Traffic Laws. just waiting and hoping! Build the Through Traffic Road. pn WILMETTE LIFE YORTH SHORt 11 LINE 1... New Awards Each Day N OCTOBER 11th, 1923, the North Shore Line was awarded the Coffin Medal for its distinguished contribution to transportation, That fact is widely known today. Yet there is something to tell of the months that have followed. We feel that receiving the Medal was as much an obligation to do greater things in the future, as it was a reward for past performance. The Coffin Medal is carefully put away, as befits so valuable a prize. ~ Yet every day, as we operate our trains over the road, we carry with us the spirit that prompted its bestowal. Each dal we receive new awardsawards o increased patronage and good will from residents of the North Shore. These substantial awards spur us on to greater accomplishments as nothing else ·could do. Fast, frequent trains from the center of Milwaukee to and through Chicago's Loop to 63rd Street on the South Side serve every intermediate community. On Satu tain was 1 O NORTHWESTERN COURSE Over even a non-golfer, golf One big drive, and only one, to courses and golf language exert c,ollect all the money WilmetTe ~ potent charm. We, for inneeds for paying her annual phil- stance, can't tell the difference anthropic debts! A good plan between a brassie and a putter. whichever way you look at it. All sticks look alike to us. When Assuming that by this method we're told that the "fairway at sufficient funds can be raised- the Northwestern Golf Course and with careful provision and will soon be in fine condition" we energetic work they can be-it surmise that soon something is has in its favor an unusual sav- going to be in good shape. What? ing in expenditure of time and Can't say for certain. But all the labor. same the word "fairway" pleases It is therefore to be hoped that us. the Rotary club which is backing We suppose that all the Highthis project of a Community landers in Wilmette will be presChest, will be successful in per- ent at the grand Twa Day Jubilee suading the churches and other tournament. By the way we philanthropic agencies to adopt suspect faintly that Highlanders the plan. don't play golf; we were misled To go a little more into detail. by the word, "Twa." Since there If the organizations mentioned are for a while, at least, to be no above think well of the idea they charges we ourselves may pracwill co-,o perate in the appoint- tice up for the tournament and ment of a. Ce~tral committ~e perhaps pluck a prize or twa, whose duty 1t wrll be to see to 1t since there are gping to be twenthat a budget is made up and ty-four of them for men. suitable means provided for putAll aboard for Church Street ting the plan into active effect. and the Chicago River! Then after the total quota had been collected it will be distribN T p T A uted to the various philanthropic New Tri;r Par~nt·-T:acher associeties, such as the Salvation Army and Arden Shore. Con- sociation ,\·as born Mav 9, 1924. It came into existence the retributors will either designate suit of a J)lea made by Superinwhere thev w.ould .like to have their money go or let the com- tendent Clerk that the parents of mittee dispose of it in accordance the high sc_hool pupils actively cowith the budget. operate w1th _the sch?ol pfficers The plan is working well in and. teachers m the dtscha:g_e_ of other communities, including the thetr common r~sponstbtltty, city of Cleveland. WHY NOT namely the educatiOn of the in WILMETTE? young people. . . Parents who are genumely mterested in the forming in their TAKEN FOR GRANTED A friend of ours made a trip re- children of good habits of feeling, cently to Excelsior Springs, Mis- thinking, and doing, cooperate in souri. He rode from Kansas Citv as clo e a way as the hyphento his destination, a distance o.f ated term, "parent-teacher," inabout thirty mile , on an ordinary dicates, with those in the school suburban electric line. The journey who direct the youth. Such partook an hour and a half. The car ents help their children judiciousand its furnishings were shabby ly, give them needed encourageand out-of-date. The road-bed was ment and stimulation, and thus rough. The service on the car was hring their children to know that poor. All in all, it was a most un- their parents are truly "with" These parents visit the satisfactory trip, and he hopes them. he'll never be obliged to repeat it. school, ·not so often as to become Compare that medieval electric bores, but just often enough to system of transportation with our get them selves a sincere invitaNorth Shore line. (This is not a tion to "come again." Fathers who are active mempaid adYertisement.) We scarcely need call your attention to the fol- bers of a parent-teacher associlowing details except to emphasize ation, when asked what studies the pre-eminence of the North John is taking, know the correct Shore line among electric railroads. answer just as certainty as they It maintains a fast and exact and know the latest stock market rewell-filled schedule. The cars and port on National Biscuit or hogs. well-informed fathers their equipment are thoroughly These modern. The road-bed is firm and know that Mary is not doing so even. The motormen and conduc- well in French as she might. tors are intelligent and con iderate. Tl:ey can converse intelligently Let us recognize the difference. wtth Mr. Clerk on the relative Let us not be numbered with those values of Latin and Zoology as who never are, and never can be, educative agencies. Are you a P. T. A. man-or satisfied. As we expect others to be grateful to us let us be grateful woman? to others and not take too many CLARE C. HOSMER things for granted. Clare C. Hosmer, of \Vilmette, "U. S. V. NO. 72" i3 director of the Chicago ArchitecThe full address is "F. J. Mit- tural league. Under his control the ten, U. S. V. Hospital, Helena, league made up and issued recently Montana." it 1924 year book, a volume made Just the address of an Amer- up largely of illustrations of resiican soldier, formerly a teacher dences, schools, and commercial in Wilmette, gassed in the war, buildings, all of outstanding archiincapacitated for active teaching, tectural merit. Wilmette, feeling a and now laid up in a Montana reasonable pride in the achievehospital. ments of its citizens, extends its It's lonely for him lying there congratulations to Mr. Hosmer. COMMUNITY CHEST theater ani ed over t demolish i United M1 marks th1 housing hl coming as closing of for the ad! The Col old, havin vember, 11 than a m quois fire six hundr including ka people ticket of a that prev· theater th1 The th e named th largely f tion and ~ sues of tl the numb to sixteen, "TH~ ori~inal 'a rne na that as i~ ing aviv' a most e The ce The Charles A . Collin Medal awarded to the North Shore Line for dietintuished contri· bution to the develop· ment of electrical transportation for the convenience · of the public and the benefit of the industry. as Chicago North Shore and Milwaukee Railroad Company Wilmette Passenger Station Telephone Wilmette 2514 19 stressreached ' the title. Tl-te tr our hero times, in to come though t good ph are mor Matt his mem scene of he is gu of an ol to build characte young I for~otte 0 . K. Back life he memory, and rec · Just the wouldn' nor will sibly oc Outsid and Pat clever the pro Flat Rate Prices WORK GUARANTEED Greasing Carbon and Valve New Rings New Piston Pins Bearings Taken Up Reboring Cythe love, ha .RELINING BRAKES Why not know the cost before you give your order? It is the only sensible and satisfactory way. Call Winnetka 617 for a price on any job-large or small. discusse points t thinkin , Take Hergesli through wrote, poses i Altoget tion of couples. to be home-m man wh would h who th of as p · his wife An s finds o peri men How t feelin gs portuni work. Perha Hubbard Woods Garage "Service with a Smile" 1010 North Ave. Phones Winn. 617-1834 you mo will fin know ~ couple. wouldn'· a worn this pic creatur tion . hUJ society. Lewis Rich. a! as "Sal acting. makes think I