WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, MAY 23, 1924 Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. Stevenson, of Evanston, have announced the en~agement of their daughter, Cornelia, to Joseph Edwards Caps, son of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Caps, 329 Fourth street. The announcement was made at a meeting of the Delta M u sorority at CORES of women of social promiMiss Marion Schaefgen, daughter of Miss .Stevenson's home on Monday af· nence in the towns from Evanston Peter Schaefgen of Bloom street and ternoon. to L;lke Forest are busying them Paul Kivland, 1752 Lake avenue' will --oselves these days with plans and ar- be married Saturday morning,' May Mrs. F. ]. Scheidenhelm entertained rangements for what promises to be the 24, at 9 o'cfock in the morning at St. the members of the Neighborhood cirbiggest event on the north shore this Joseph 's church. Miss Rose Schaefgen cle on Tuesday afternoon, at her resiseaso_n, the Evanston County Fair, to wil! be rr)aid of honor , and the brides- dence, 804 Forest avenue. be gtven at the Patten gymnasium and matds wtll be Miss Margaret Schaefthe surrounding grounds, on June 19, 20, &:en and Miss Gertrude Kivland. Marand 21, for. the benefit of the North- tm G~nghar:t will ac! as best ~an and ushermg ~ttl be Ntck Lu~vtcke and western Umversity settlement. In addition to exhibits booths candy Emmet KtVland. A receptton will be popcorn, peanuts, balloon's, a ci;cus ati ~eld at the bride's home at 4 o'clock that one associates with the ph~ ' 111 the afternoon. "'county fair," special features will ai!; -oa fashion show, Polish dancers the Matron A. Secthfield of Yovgrolawah Duncan sisters, and an attracti;e tea Queensland, A~stralia, is visiting he; room where luncheon and supper will nephew and mece,_ Mr. and Mrs. H. be followed by dancing. Cumberland, 110 Ftfth street. She will Mrs. Rollin W. Keyes, Mrs. Daniel H. return soon to Australia by way of ScotBurnham, Jr., and Mrs. C. Donald Dal- land. Mrs. Tho~s Mathieson of Ternlas compose the executiv'e committee. , pie court, Keml':"orth, was a recent The town chairmen are: Mrs. Alfred luncheon hostess m Matron Secthfield's Gra_ nger and Mrs. William Mitchell~ honor. Blatr for Lake Forest ; Mrs. Frederick --<>A. Preston for Highland Park· Mrs The Samuel A. Ralls have sold their Bruc~ MacLeish for Glencoe;' Mrs: 1 ho~ at 702 Greenleaf avenue, and are Mlorns K. Wilson and Mrs. Fletcher tnovmg_to Spirit Lake, Idaho, where Mr. H! what is more Marsh for Winnetka; Mrs. Hugh 1 Hall wtll be sales manager for the Pan . apropos as a cosFor~sman and Mrs. Mark Cresap for I Ha!1dle Lumber company, the firm with tume slip to wear under Kemlworth; Mrs. Clifford Off for Ev- whtch he has been associated in Chithe many summer anston. Mrs. Walter Primley and Mrs. cago. -a':f:'homas Lo~d are in charge of donafrocks in mi-lady's Mrs. John Boylston, 1302 Chestnut tions and gtfts; Mrs. Alanson Follanswardrobe. bee and Mrs. Robert Lord are co-chair- avenue, will open her home on Wedmen of the entertainment committee· nesday, June 18, for a benefit card party, the proceeds to cover the exThe new ones are of M,rs. Carroll Alton, Mrs. Norman \\ esterhold and Mrs. Harve Badgerow pense of putting a new canvas coverheavy Crepe de Chine, are the tea room co-chairmen with ing on the St. Francis Xavier school Radium and Voile. Ern~t von Ammon in charge of the dec- hall Aoor. -aoratiOns; Mrs. Henry Kitchell Webster Attractively priced at The Wilmette Camp Fire Girls are M~s. Walter Dill Scott, Mrs. E. Cran~ $3.95. Wtlson, _Mrs. Ballard Bradley, and Mrs. to have a bakery sale at Pilgrim hall Allen Wtthers are in charge of hostesses. Congregatio~al church, Saturday, Ma~ 24, commencmg at 10 o'clock and last-o-ORRINGTON HOTEL· Seve!lty-five members of the P. E. ing throughout the day. The articles 0. soctety_ met for luncheon on Wed- on sale will all be home made. The EVANSTON nesday wtth Mrs. A. ]. Mouat 616 public is invited. -aLak.e ayenue. This society is a~ orLola B. Waller The twelve members of a dinner gantzatton formed among college women. for the. purpose of carrying club, Mr .and Mrs. Robinson, Mr .· and on phtlanthroptc work among girls. Mrs. Jordan, Mr. and Mrs. Nystrom, The afternoon was given over to busi- Mr. and Mrs. Braun, Mr. and Mrs. ness an~ to the reports of the annual C. E. Renneckar, and Mr. and Mrs. David Hall, are spending the weekconventiOn. end at Fernda le In~ , Lake Geneva. -a-a-Mrs. William B. Holmes and her Mrs. Foster Branson and her daughdaughter, Mrs. George Dorman, 622 ter, Dorcas, returned Saturday from Central avenue, were hostesses at tea last Friday afternoon from 3 until 5 Atchison, Kansas, where they were the o'c_lo_ck for their house-guest, Mrs. guests of Mrs. Branson's mother. The W1llt~m. Dor.man of Salisbury, Mary- Branson family is staying at 804 Cenland, who wtll be here until the latter tral avenue until they said for Europe part of June. On Wednesday, Mrs. A. about July 1. --o-J. Mahoney of Kenilworth entertained Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Darst and fl\mat luncheon in Mrs. Dorman's honor. ily and Mr. and Mrs. George Racine -o-M iss Frances Scheidenhelm is leav- and their family, spent last week-end at their summer cottages at Lake ing for the east May 27. After spending a week-end in Boston and Wel- Louise, Wisconsin. --olesley with her sister, Miss Mary Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Grambling and Louise, she will go on to New York daughter, Phillis, returned on Tuesday to sail from there on June 3 for Europe, where she will spend the ~urn day after visiting in Texas for about five weeks. mer. -o-oDr. and Mrs. Lowell D. SnOTf, 230 At a luncheon given recently the Tenth street, announce the birth of a engagement of Miss Helen Thompson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. daughter, Marcella Roberts, on May 7, Thompson, 1356 Greenwood circle, and at the Washington Boulevard hospital. -aE. Stanley Wisdom, of Winnetka, was Jane Bigelow, 1239 Lake avenue, reannounced. -o-cently entertained twenty of her little Mrs. George S. Morley, 1112 Green- friends at her home in celebration of wood avenue ,is expected home this her sixth birthday. , week from the Henrotin hospital -owhere she has been for a short time. Dr. and Mrs. A. G. Tillotson, of -o-Michigan City, spent last week-end Mrs. Earle D. Lyon, of 1504 Elm- as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. wood avenue, has been ill for several Stafford, 936 Sheridan road. weeks at the North Chicago hospital -o--oMiss Helen Shurtleff is entertaining Mrs. Lewis · B. Springer, 431 Maple .the members of her evening bridge club avenue, will entertain her luncheon 1 on Saturday evening, at her residence, and bridge club next Tuesday. 815 Lake avenue. '4tfing aturday eveMiss Phyllis I, 411 Maple (r. and Mrs Magill read Plans for Big Evanston Fair Occupy North Shore Women S PCDL & PIPER ·11-tC· CHILDREN'S SHOE SPECIALISTS l 'elcplaone £1Jcuuton tTl PATENT COLTSKIN ONE-STRAP PUMPS BEAUTIFUL SELECTION OF IMPORT£P SOCKS TO MATCH OUR SHOES I lli to II ..·.····.·. $1.11 llli to Z............ $SM Zli to 1 ................ 1608 Chicaro Avenue, at Davi· Street Costume Slips of Quality EVANSTON, ILLINOIS O T HE l finest jewelry shop on the North Shore, maintaining a repair department for watches, clocks and jewelry. Jlaza Jrmtltr LIBR.A.RT PLAZA. ROTliL ·VANBTOM h they will , and where of the Naing festival, the college The spring e been given even to the bhouse as a Showing at recently in Mrs. Henry eon which, in ~he liner "Laourg to Paris, avelers. Mrs. afternoon's ubject, "Livestic science school, very ic to see the nd food playgirls of the ernoon, May school audi- The Varsity Dress Shop EVANSTON ATEST creations in Women's Sportwear in all the new summer fabrics -Voiles, Tub Silks, Silk Foulards, Crepe de Chines, Linens, F r e n c h Flannels and Washable Wool Challies. Youthful styles such as smart dressers demand. L lOdwick, who erville, Iowa, rorth shQre. ished apartthey will reme in Deerthe daughter Nichlos, 816 irusnr Art &tnrt -Objects d' ArtCleaalaa ··· re·torlaa of Valaahle 011 Patatbaa· edtgen, 710 o go east the nd the comt Wellesley Miss Doradent of the man of the Rare objects of beauty that would delight any lover of Art. f Greenwood for comclass reunion linary. Miss f last June's nd the grad- Artl·tle Pletare ll'ra~alaa Orrington Hotel 1711 Orrinaton An. EVANSTON Our Everyan teed as to make. stock ts complete. garment is guarby the manufacturer color-quality and Telephone E'f'anaton 1171 j!lltlltiiiiiii-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII.!:i for England 24. He will of Music in r. reive instrucY for an in- ' One-Hour Service on Broken Lenses I § "A Garment Sold In This Shop Ia a Garment That Fita," and is moderately priced. Telephone E~lllllton 41Z7 We are the otJly distribtdors of R. Sinks, er daughter, ined at an a on Thurs- I I E E I E I HATTSTROM & SANDERS Scientific &: Manufacturin· Optician· 78Z Church Street EVAMSTON Oppoaite Orrin.ton Hotel Phone Enn.toa 1848 Open Thura. &: Sat. E'f'e. till I P.M. I E CJ£o CJ!~tY2J~~s ~o~ 5310cn~s Street, CODier Oftictifyo flVOLlue Golflex SPORT~VEAR le of Highed the birth e was Miss Vilmette. Central aveout-of-town llesday. I = ~ I ~ ~ otJ the North hore = :bvai\Ston- Illinois. ~ ,lnlllllllll-liiiUUIIIIIIUIIQMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII"IIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllltlllllltiiiiiiiiiiiHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~