Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 May 1924, p. 2

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2 WILMETTE LIFE, FRID4Y, MAY 16, 1 92~ that hn~ hec:n_ llrnthed. \\ e are '"~P-1 Cut Hedges at Street to n,ak..: \Vrlmd te the hanner dl'triet in attt·ncl;wce in 1he ~ixth corps Corners, Women Appea area. The 'i1·ics and I.cgi~lativ com"I shall be glad to hear from any boy mitteL' of till' \\"oman's club of \\' ilmettc who has not signed up and who would has askl·d \\-IL\IgT'tEE Ln·.£ to call the like to talk owr the mattt·r with me. attc nt it .n oi propl'rty owne rs to the dan"The committee is planning lu get all ger ui h:11·iug high hedges on corner the boys together ~ome day before camp lots. !>o that th..:y will know each other and "It is impossible m many instances," we hope to he able to arrange for them reads a communication, "f,Jr drivers of a ll to be in tho.: same company and be 1car~ tn '-l'C vehicles approaching at street quartered toglllfer." · 1 intt·rsectinns, thus creating a ource of accident. The committee feds that it Law School Man Speaks is n<'Cl·ssary to have such hedges trimmed before the foliage becomes heavy, and f e ore en s t ertng is convinced of the cooperation of all Prof. Andrew Alexander Bruce, who arc interested." school of law, Northwestern university, The communication to \Yu.:-.t ETTE was the speaker at a dinner Monday Lrn: bears the following signatures: evening, at the Men's club of the First 11rs. ]. G. \\'ray, chairman, Mr . S. M . Congregational church. lli s subject wa . Singleton, Mrs. John F. \Vecdon Mrs . "Organized Diseodtcnt- Symbolizing Ira L. Reynolds Mrs. Earl E. 'orner Americanism." Mrs. Charles \Veil, 1lrs. Albert M.emb rs of the church choir were Page, Mis ).Iartha Jenkins, Mrs. Lloyd speCial guests at the dlnn,·r. Ayer,, .Mrs. Emil C. Butz and Mrs. Members of the cluh Monday decided \Vill iam Weldon. upon an intensive campaign to ~we ll the membership of the club and appointed Mrs . C. D. Ewe r, of \Villiam Richardson as chairman of a nue. left on Thursday special drive in that direction. visit in Spri ngfield. ~st lllg The Spoke. Wilmette's latc~t jtlurnaltst .c acqui ition, blew 1nto existence, \\' ..:dne day noon, and plan.'. t.o become a factor in the bu iness actl\'llles of the Wilmette Recuriting Officer ~· illag-c. It came unherald ed and offers no a·pulogies for its presence. If anyone Elated Over Response to be offended by its arri\ a l, he shou ld Camp Call carry hi grievance to the Rotar:>: club, i r the Spoke is pledged to funct1on. by a~d thr .. ugh the grace .,f that orgam~a . And if th e Hot ana ns deny rd1~f. ROSTER IS STILL OPEN tion the next best expedient ~~·ould he an ten·ie \\' " ith "Mike' ' \\ eber, ~,· ho lS solt'ly r..:,ponsib le for the class1c styl.e and ~y character of the Spokes Plan to Quarter Local Boys init ial nc:w i~~uc . In other words, ~1r. In One Company \\'eber i' editor-in-chief of th e breezy publication. . . The Spoke exp lains that 1t IS he re ~o Twenty-two \\' ilmerte boys have cultivate the Rotarian f1eld al<?ne and_ If signed up with th e loca l :~cruiting f!f· the iuture numbcro are a bnght, cnsp fi cers for the Citizc:n . ,' 111htary Tram- and jnlly a' the first, \\'jln~ette _Rtltarir:g camp to he l11cated at amp Custer, ians an: a'surl·d of a hountrful ln erary 1\lichigan, from Au.~u-t I t_o. September crop a1id will !!aye re~son t.u _ he proud of 1 u11der auspict·s ot the l. nttcd States the1r \'<'nture mto pnntt·rs mk. . a~my and at no cost to the youthful "~Jih" Weber st:lclom abandons h1~ ..soldiers." The narr.es and addre"s of duties in the \\'JJ. .\1 £TTE L1 FE office when the boys follow : thert·s no leag ue baseball ~chcduled in The' Honor Roll Chicago and thi - squib wa~ w_ rittL'n durRobert Boyden, 904 Oakwood a,·enue; ing one of these lap. es_on .h~s part, by Arthur Peter 151 9 \\'as hington ave- the composing room den!. 1 h1 _e:-:plananue; Otto C l~pp. 1011 Forest a \'l'ntle; tion will he notice to the advertlsmg deMax Guier, 412 Gregory a\·enue; Ed- partment that "l\1ike" is in no way inmund Moran, 416 E. Railroad avenue; ,·o ll'ed in this effort. ht:nce cannot be Frank ] . Callancn, 1104 Green leaf ave- charged up fo r it at the regu lar advernue; John F. Hart, Commerce, Texas, tising rate. (c / o Lloyd Hollister, fnc .) Wilmette, 111.; ]arne.; Reinhold, 1005 A~hland ave- Murray Names Kenilworth nuc; Raymond Billinger, 1524 Spencer avenu.; Lawrence Bauer, 1619 \Va shVil age oar omnnttees ington avenue; Thomas Gibson, 429 Rl·gular standing committees of the Tenth street; Frcdcrcik R. Quayle, 38 Crescent place; Hugh Campbell, 829 Kenilworth village hoard were appointed Elmwood avenue; Max Humphreys, 519 for the fi~cal ,·car 1924-25 by the PresGregory avenue; Roy Welch, 623 Elev- ident J. C. Murray at the board ses~ion enth street; Frederick H. Schmidt, 1827 this week, as fo llows: Finance-G. R. Benson, E. ?vL Sweet, E lmwood avenu ; Pau l Stoker, Winnetka ; Blake Roberts, 629 Gregory ave- C. D. Howe; Pub lic Service and Build·nue; Todd E. ·wheeler, 265 \\"nod court; ings- I. C. Darling. K B. K or rady, G. Richard D. H o pp, 225 Linden street; R. Benson; Police and Fire- I·:. 11. Ralph English, 1007 Crc:mwood an·nue; Sweet, R R. Hawxhurst. C. D. Hmn·; R obert Reddinger. 1734 \\'a lnut al't'llut'. Street , Lighting anrl Sewage-K. B. Korrady, G. R. Bctbo u and I. C. DarlColonel Boyden Is Elated ing. "May l take this opportunity to t·xThe per'"nnl'l of the hoard comprises press my appreciation oi the publicity ). l'. ~lurray, president; C. D. Howe, vou ha1 · a lready gin~n the CitiLl'ns ' E. :\f. Sweet, I. C. Darling. R. R. ~filitary Training camp, which ll'ill he Ilawxhurst, K. J3. Korrady and G. R. hdd at ( 'amp Custer, August 1 to Sl'plkrhon. trustel's . \ ' illage officers intembcr 1. th i, .n·ar ?" writes Col. J I. clude Harry E. \Veese, villag-e trea~urcr; C. Boyden, chainnan of th e \\ 'ilmette E lmt·r E. jackson, village attorney; F. n·cruiting offices. L. Streed. village manager, collector "Due to this publicity and the efforts and health oftlcer, and ).frs. A. S. of the committee, 22 hoy, uf \\'ilmettc :\LeKenna, plumbing in..,pector. have already ,igned up for the camp. Yillage Trea;,urer \\' c~·c succeeds M . "When you consider that la ~t year B. Ha1 t, who has held the PD'>ilion for only two boys from the village at tended iour years. the camp, you will appn·ciate the inter- THE SPOKE COMES FORTH 22 BOYS SIGN AS NEWEST PUBLICATION UP FOR CUSTER The Man of Mo erate Means can buy first nl ortgage.s on real estate just as easil : as Ills tnore fortunate brother. Stnall nlortgages can be purchased at the rate of ten dollars a tnonth, the tnoney b_earing 6(1 ~ interest frotn the date ot deposit. Buy these gilt-edged u:- in stea d \Vild-catttng :your tnoney. They are the largest yteldtn{r SAFE investtnents we know b of. .f n~ortgages J B d C · ' Clare C. \\'i lm American I ~n:tor of th hdJition le J\124 Year 1 T his l eagu~ <tatement, i ;Jose it is tl a joint cor hitherto ha tnral exh ibi tion will be i ion league. The leagt body can pi of years at perience ani hibitions th prof cssion . This yea! tion and w tire month of the Chic mentione<;l the exhibit. volume of with rema residences, shore, pub and finally structure!>, school in \1 t\mong wh use pr in the bo mere ment~ sufficient, shore resjd in Kenil111 architectur be describe of space f is the plan club buildit Other n tioned in t schuler, E. ton. One of in the boo of the scho nue in Wih many illust Winnetka, 110 , ·· YOU ··vauJ· Ill I /lome The Yo Joseph's p be given evening, chestra wi Banh·· I Ill I I B M ' Ga h · I -becaus~ we see it through the dust F.' N: I which lies close to the earth's surface. The tiny dust particles act as magnifying gla ses. Simple-when you know it-just as ~~Jw~ Mineral Oil ,1,.~~ Russian Type is one of the simplest, easiest means of relieving constipation. Your Eyes! Do you give Your Eyes the Care they deserve to keep them Bright and Beautiful? Dust, Wind and Strain make them appear Dull and Lifeless. To preserve Natural Charm and Lustre, cleanse them as Carefully as the Skin and Teeth. For Daily Use or when your EYES are Tired, Dull and Heavy, Murine is most Refreshing and Beneficial. Murine has been used Successfully over Thirty Years. 1\1 r;Does Not contain Belladonna I 1 &...,) or any other harmful ingredient. Puretest Mineral Oil is a heavy, gentle lubricant which is thorough and complete in removing food waste. A powerful aid to physical fitness. Full Pint Bottles SSe One of 200 Puretest preparations for health and hygiene. Every item the best that skill and care can produce. Special for Saturday Barr's Chocolates 39c a pound 1fivRI '!/EUR s f.EOR T Writ¥i~reMt~~~~o6'6:;~~~8ook Dept. 19 9 E. Ohio Streu Chic. ao, U.S.A. Renneckar Drug Co. The Telephones 28-29 II, ;, n Store WILMETTE, ILL. ..... ... .. IIOOD

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