WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, MAY 16, 1924 which ought to be their most vital concern. (Formerb The Lake Shore Newl) The other way is to set aside E1tabllshed 19U with which Is combined a certain date as Parents' Day or TBIC WILMETTE LOCAL NEWS Night and arrange a program for E1tabl11hed 1898 that evening, attractive because ISSUED ll'lliDAY OF EACH WEEK by of its novel and edifying features. LLOYD HOLLISTER. INC. To do as New !frier did not long . 12%2 Central Ave., Wilmette, Ill. agp : Announce to the parents of ore~·-e · ·· · · · · · · · · · · wu .. ette 1830 the high school pupils that they, suascRJPTJON ·:r.oo A YEAR the parents, were expected to All communications must be accom- come to the school building at panted by the name and address of the 7:15 on the evening of Friday, writer. Articles tor publication should teach th6 editor by Wednesday noon to May 9th, and attend their chillnsure appearance In current Issue. dren's classes, following their Resolutions of condolence, cards of children's regular programs. !!:~a~~in~~::a~~· ~~~~i· !_1~!!1~~· ~h~~; Then at 9:55 meet in the Asan admittance charge will be made or sembly Hall and there listen to ~~~~~~!:rct~'!r~~~~r~~~~g. ~~1e:.e charged at an address by the principal. Which way will work? The · Entered at the post office at Wll· b G' mette, Illinois, as mall matter ot the second, without dou t. tve ;~c o~ 1. class, under the act of March s.omebody a vague, general stand1 7 ing invitation to take dinner at FRIDAY, MAY 16, 1924 your home. He'll accept in a - = = =....----====--==---1 general way, but hoth he and you Separate the Grades. know very well that he'll never Enforce the Traffic Laws. come. Nobody was fooled. Both Build the Through Traffic Road. parties knew the value of the invitation. · WILMETTE BAPTIST But try the second method. CHURCH Invite a friend to take dinner The launching of a new battle- with you on a certain particular ship and the dedicating of a new evening, at a specified time. He'll church are significant events. be there. Pin a person down to The first event suggests war; the a definite specified time and you second suggests peace. It is one can count on his keeping the enof the duties of the battleship to gagement. destroy; it is the prime duty .o f We congratulate the authorthe church to construct. The ities at New Trier High school battleship inspires fear; the on their unusual enterprise and church inspires hope. uncommon common sense. The dedicating of the new \Vilmette Baptist church on April 27 NIXIES was a red-letter d.ty in the history Are you responsible for the of Wilmette Baptists. To an in- existence of any of the nixies? dividual family the house-warm- In more familiar language, Do ing of the new home is in a real you address letters and packages sense a sacred event. How much o carelessly that they cannot more important is the dedication reach their proper destination? of a church, which is, and shall Do you ever exercise such little be, to hundreds a spiritual home , foresight as to omit the name of The pastor, Rev. Francis Stifler, street, city, or state? Or do you is to be congratulated on having write so scribblingly that two so commodious and beautiful a minutes after you've finished you building in which to c'e nter the can't decode your , o wn chiractivities of himself and his peo- ography? pie. There are few things Some day the letter poorly adwhich add so largely to en- dressed to you and containing thusiasm and enterprise as a suit- one hundred dollars may turn out able edifice and material equip- to be a nixi e, and then you'll lie ment. awake night after night worrying To the entire organization we about the money that you never wish a long and prosperous life l received. DO UNTO OTHERS as you would be done by ! MRS. EARLE BARBER One statement made by Superintendent Washburne concerning the lat e Mrs. Earle Barber of Winnetka, is e. pecially met~orable. "Her clear mental vision and remarkable executive ability gave her the power to put into Practice the thing that were dictated by her heart." A rare and most valuable combination! She could do \\'hat she fc'lt. The criticism of the Idealistic philosopher, Bron. on Alcott, was that he wa an embodiment of "stimulation without precision." Mrs. Barber was a case of stimulation WITH precision. What a rare combination! Most people are strong on one side and weak on the other. Where can you find a good blend of cool intelligence and warm emotion? If. a man is strongly emotional he is very likely to be muddleheaded and wobbly. If he is remarkably reasonable he is probably a man of the type of Shakespeare's Brutus, logical but foolish, fated to be swept aside by another impulsive, but practical, Antony. The great fault of humanity is that these tw.o qualities are so rarely conjoined in one and the same person. And when they are intermingled in a man or a woman a leader has been given to the world. An interaction of heart and brain produces just those goods that the world needs. When such a person dies s,ociety su.ffers a real loss. .E WILMETT E LJF ORTH SHORE' N L INE . HE ; What Is a Railroad? ~ a means of getting somewhere. "THE 1 SkOI /f RAILROAD may be, primarily, Yet you have not described a railroad until you have described its personnel. We of the North Shore Line have rec.. ognized that while a railroad consists of rails and rolling stock, it is the people we employ that make it popular or unpopular. Our equipment is the best that can be procured- but in addition, we have that asset that is priceless: employes who have found a way to make every contact with passengers of the North Shore Line a friendly one. For this reason, travelling on the North Shore Line is particularly pleasant. Fast, frequent trains from the center ot Milwaukee to and through Chicago's Loop to 63rd Street on the South Side serve every intermediate community. I have a this issue about this . everybody cess it tun ly, there i , ing very n E nough, hundreds < in g the WI eleven thi1 best thing the north Manv op fes sional n nessed aq with not The plo i ~ as it s the hands whom indj ac ting, w mua l mu if to mak non-singin actors. Several ca tchy, t '·Take Me stopped t ~frs. Guy; cellent vo In Love" Nor shout Their wor: "Raggedy so ngs. The Wi Lcl!'ion The Charles A. Coffin Medal awarded to the North Shore Line for distin g uis hed contri· bution to the develop· men" of ,.Jectrical profit fro will be no repaid fo possible. tran sportation for the convenience of the public and the benefit of the industry. w Chicago North Shore.and Milwaukee Railroad Company Wilmette Passenger Station Telephone Wilmette 2514 ever see wife in " just as fa ferent re With t tion, let i LIFE LINES By contributing to the Memorial Day Fund, show your gratitude for what American soldiers have done in your defence. Give your money to f larry Miller at the Village Hall or to Earl Orner at the Northvestcrn station, who arc receiv'· 1 ng these contributions. Sherlock Holmes could have done no better than Motor- Policeman Clement Ley when the latter detected a criminal in the person of Charles Conley on the very slight evidence of his having only one license plate. On . econd thought we helieve that even Sherlock would not have noticed that one plate was mis ing. Our congratulations to Ley! If a total strange r stops you on the . treet and asks you to cash his check, don't do it. If a total stranger comes into your store and asks yo u to cash his check, take the following steps: (1) Refuse. (2) Push him out of the tore. (3) Phone your experience to the police. This warning because there have been in Wilmette bogus checkers plying their etc. teres tin~ and come iliar ring. twist to a good e The st .loving he fibbing a jealous believe a things a pears to a climax his wife clever w tained a untruth£ at the el Much comes fr manner Flat Rate Prices WORK GUARANTEED Greasing ' Carbon and Valve New Rings New Piston P ins Bearings Taken Up Reboring much of ing of t is incli would n effective a more The c each me ual me comb m by any ciates. Ralph vincing, as the lightful "Easy Playhou it shout ' RELINING BRAKES .Why not know the cost before you give your order? It ts the only sensible and satisfactory way. Call Winnetka 617 for a price on any job-large or small. Why was there no quorum at the meeting of Village Trustees on the evening ,o f Tuesday, May 6? We're asking for information not for fun. An air of mystery shrouds the absence of half of the trustees. What could have SCHOOLS AND PARENTS been their motive in staying away? Search us; we don't There are two ways of enlist- know. inr the interest of parents in lehools. One way is to invite The purchase o~ store at Deerthem to visit the schools, urge field added the sixth unit to the them to come over "almost any chain of stores owned and mantime." Scold them if they don't aged by R. H. Schell and comcome, and then if they still fail All of us who know Mr. w put in an appearance, lament pany. Schell know that this latest move thet~ lack of mterest in that will be a prosperous one. Hubbard Woods Garage "Service with a Smile" 1010 North Ave. Phones Winn. 617-1834 Altho tast No last No failed tc to the 1 at popu It is : F. Mar somewh who be Thereut when h1 pleads , the chu gives a scenes the cer made a Li.llia1 heroine The re: factory