W ILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, .MAY 16, 1924 Local Residerzts ln(er;ested In Benefit For Miss Goodman . Small, er marNutt, of Wilmette gill. and best s will be nd Marie Wharton ~ne Mills Day will Miss Marian Kirtley, I:JZ7 Greenleaf avenue, entertained twenty guests at her home on Sa,tur<lay evening in honor of her '!o~se~gu,est, Miss Cqarlie Lowr. of MISSISSippi. Several other delightful affairs have been planned during Miss Lowe's visit in Wilmette. -o-- A BENEFIT bridge and mah jongg party for Miss G~man, head of ·1he department of physical training for girls at New Trier, wil be held at the high .school, on Saturday, May 24, from 2 unttl 5 o clock. If you are interested, phone your ticket order to the school in care of Miss W-einman, or to any of the following representatives fro m the viltag~s who are .working in collaboration With the women of the faculty to make the entertainment sueccssful. Their telephone numbers are given in conjunction with the names for your convenience: evening . C. A . . ;d groups s for the e slogan to obtain ttribution N. Page, iddle of s. Ernest !· Charles Is Strong, ies party for ue feature vho, with d for the nd eighth er enterera! fancy ment was th, of the th, son of finite wed- ummer, the at Dorcas -of-<loors to spend many is a lack of n appeal is oard, which , to ~ourth e article of e, that thty L. Week!, their gifts much to th~ n. E. Duff, 530 tained fouruesday. In their friends "Workhou e Cotton and New Trier r. and Mrs. ft on Thurswhere they f The Little the home of t on Friday, 1per was read ~nd Green in jneborn. The d. The next ring Garden orne of Mrs. [ f Greenwood evening a~ all members tub, who left in to attend be held in They will Lick Springs Mr. and Mrs. JosePh B. Marshall will be J-tosts at dinner on Saturday Mrs. E. H. "Branson, mother of Mr~ . evening at .their residence, 1040 ElmCha~les McCue,· of Washington, is de- wood avenue, when they will enterpartmg today for an extended visit in tain the members of the evening club. Luverne, Minnesota, her former home. -aMr. and Mrs. McCue and their daugh Mrs. M. R. Barker. 730 Central aveter, Miss Margaret, are leaving on nue, returned, Tuesday, from WashSunday for a month's stay at Blowing ington, D. C., after spending a month \Vilmette: M rs. W. F. Froeschle, Wit- Rock, North Carolina. there with Mr. and Mrs. Q. L. Grimmette 2055; Mrs. ~rthur Howa1d, Wit-oshaw. mette 1539. Kentlworth: Mrs. E . F . . Mrs. R. E. Ricksen, of 1006 Mich-<>Snydacker, Kenilwo:th 700-R; Mrs. tgan avenue, expected her daughter Mrs. E. C. Belman who has been the Arthur \V. Ruf, Kemlworth 1386. Win- and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel lluest of her daughter, Mrs. W. A. netka: Mrs. James A. Richards Win- E. Ewing, to arrive on Thursday to Tucker, 1214 Lake avenue, returned netka 179; Mrs. Eloise Wortle;, Win- visit her for a_ short time. The Ewings, Wedne sday to her home in Perry, netka 1113. Hubbard Woods : Mrs . L. who are commg here from St. Louis, Michigan. A. Sherman, Winetka 968; Mrs. W. D. are planning to take up residence -<>McKenzie, Wi!lnetka 143. Glencoe: either in Chicago or Wilmette. Mrs. Joseph Arns, 325 Park avenue. Mrs. Sylvan H1rschberg, Glencoe 373; -ais at home again after two weeks of Mrs. Alhert E. Haight, Glencoe 610. Mr. and Mrs: John R. Cochran and illness at the Evanston hospital. Her -otheir two children are leaving Wil- condition shows much improvement. At a tea given by Mrs. A. \V. Levy mette on Monday, May 26, to take up -<>at h~r home, 700 Greenwood avenue their residence in \Vinnetka wh re Mrs. James A. Lowry and her niece, on Thursday, May 15, for the officers' they have purchased a home at 370 Miss Katherine Hahn, have just recaptains, and solicitors of the Wil~ Chestnut street. Mr. Cochran ,]eft on turned from Florida, where they had mette committee of the Ravinia club Thursday for a short business trip to been since January. Mrs. Ralph Poole, president of th~ St. Louis. -<>Miss Catherine Hall, daughter of club, spoke. Mrs. Gail Haake, direc-ator of the preparatory department of Miss Edit~ Cooper, of 824 Lake ave- Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Hall, 729 Wash:\orthwestern university's School of n~e, left W;lmette on Thursday eve- ington avenue, returned to her home ~[ usic, and a student of child psycho!- nmg to sat! from Montreal on the on Sunday from St. Luke's hospital. ogy,_ gave ~ talk on the Thursday Megantic for a t.wo m~:mths' trip to -<>Mr. H. B. Wilson has returned to mustcal matmees for shildren. After- ~ ~n~land ~nd Pans. ~tss Norton, of his home, 611 Laurel avenue, after a wa rds those present were entertained Ch1cago, IS accompanymg her. short business trip to New York and l!y the talent within the committee -<>-I Mrs. Harold Sherman, contralto; Mr · and Mrs .. Frank ]. Scheidenhelm Boston . :M~s. Dor<;>thy McCauley, violinist; returned to thetr home on Forest ave~ M 1ss Austm, accompanist and pian- m~e last Saturday after a ~our weeks Take the Worry Out of Life ! ist; and Miss Virginia Smithers grad- tnp to Tryon, North Carolma, AugusTeleplloae Wlbaette S'l U!lte . of the Boston School C:f Ex- ta. Georgia, and .S igna.! Mountain, pressiOn, reader, were heard on this Tennessee. -aoccasion. In all it was a very delightJ , Jll. SWIFT T E AL The girls of the intermediate and ful way in which to start the work of New Y ork Life Ac e at selling season books for Ravinia . senior departments of the Congrega101'1 Ceatral Ave. WUme tt· There are more than 300 free seats to tional Sunday school are giving the be had at each performance, and as annual banquet for their mothers tothe entrance fee to the park has been night at 6 o'clock. Later in the evera i~ec! this year from $ .75 to $1. a ning the annual Sunday school exsavmg of $2 on twenty tickets can be hibit will take place. -omad~ by buying books. These may be Mr. Lee F. English, 1007 Greenobtained from one of the solicitors who wood avenue, returned from Washingwill call upon you between now and ton on Tuesday. Mr. Harry ChandJune 21, when the season opens. The Wilmette committee of the ler. who has been a guest at the En_gRavinia club is composed of the lish home, has returned to Los Angeles. following members: -<>Mrs. A. W. Levy, chairman; Mrs. Mr. Charles Hotze has returned to Perry L. Smithers, 1st vice president; his home, 1229 Hill street, after a Mrs. ·Blanche Wanner, 2nd vice president; captains, Mesdames Charles A. week-end trip to Danville, Illinois, Lundberg, Edward Charles Pickard, where he visited his father. --oCharles Engelhardt, Emil Anderson, The Wilmette Infant Welfare auxJoseph Spiegel, Edward Lilienfield, iliary will meet on Monday afternoon Blanche Wanner, Pierre Bontecou, C. P. Dubbs, C. H. Smith, Harold .w ith Mrs. Raymond Wheelock of 718 Sherman, Oliver Dennis, George H. Ninth street. Bird, Edward A . Kracke L. H. Sherwin, Charles A. Barton, and Miss Nell W. Demp ey; solicitors, Mesdames Harry A. Hooker, Roy R. Marquardt, A. J. Dixon, Monroe McKillip, Gtorge Webster, Frank McCullin, Walter Cozzens, Herman Katz, W. S. Goodhue, Lester Wood, Daniel Brower, H. J. Newton, D. W. Smith, Samuel Goodman, \Villiam Holmes, Harry W. Mons, Thomas E. Bullivant, Harry C. ·Bqyden, J. M. Brown, Henry Beach, Benjamin Taber, G. B. Williams, Joseph MID-SEASON B. Marshall, W. J. Weldon, P. J. Turner, J. A. Reichelt, J. L. Carter, CLEARANCE SALE Howard Preston, Edward H. Yonkers, Frank Oelerich, C. E. Widney, Charles One Week Only A. Adams, J. E. Maas, J. ·B. Olwin, Charles Barton, 0. W. Schmidt, Adam Beginning Crawford, Frank Bro"wn, Albert Nystrom, C. M. Puhlman, Percy H. SATURDAY, MAY 17 Arden, W. G. Colvin, A. B. Seibold, N. S. Akety, Oliver Dennis, Harry Wolf, Albert Weber, Albert N. Page, Sportwear Carl J. Zipprich, Robert Kenyon, C. G. Smith, Dorothy McCauley, E. J. Millinery Hoffman, Harold Palmer, Emil Angelbeck, and Miles. Budinger, A. Dingee, Lingerie Edna Lewis, Elisabeth Kerr, DeBerard, Julia Rickets, and Nell W. Blouses Dempsey. Mrs. Charles McCue, 631 Washington avenue, chairman of the philan. thropy department of the Wilmette Woman's club, was hostess at an informa.} luncheon at her home on Thursday, when she ent~tained, as her fifty guests, the sub chairmen and committees of her department. A large group of Wilmette woinen attended the benefit bridge given on ~londay afternoon at the Orrington hotel by the Evanston branch of the Illinois Children's Home and .Aid s o~iety. T HE on fi nest jewelry shop the · North Shore, maintaining a repair department for watches, docks and jewelry. -o- -<>- J1la:a Jrwrlrr LIBRARY PLAZA HOTIIL EVANSTON ...... #It<&"' PooL Telephone ETauton t73 ·INC · CHILDREN·s SHOE SPECIAI_..ISTS & PIPER SPORT OXFORDS Combination of Attractive Leathen BEAUTIFUL SELE CTION OF IMPORTED SOCKS TO MATCH OUR SHOES SIZES 8lf 1 to 11 .... $5.00 SIZES lllfs to 2 .... 5.15 S lZES Z% to 7 . . . . . 1.50 INSURANCE 1608 Chicago Avenue, at Davis Street EVANSTON, ILL. Become Acquainted With- The Varsity Dress Shop The North .Shore's finest establishment, catering exclusively to Women's "Go lflex " SPORTWEAR and Outdoor Apparel Our Policy ~V e 11ever alter a garmetrt! It mttst fit the customer as origitwlly designed or we will trot sell it. Any garment 'lVhich does twt prove satisfactor·y, may be retrmwd at the customcr1 S pleasure. -o- r. Last Saturday afternoon Miss Margaret Millen was hostess at two tables of bridge. She entertained her guests at the Guilmette Country club. Mrs. Nathaniel Webb, of Hibb~rd road, and her nephew, James Lang, who have both been ill with quinsy, are improving. . Mrs. P. E. Madden, (fJ7 Ninth street, is leaving next Friday to spend the week-end in Janesville, Wisconsin. -o-o- Accessories will be presented at Greatly Reduced Prices. A new line of Wash Dresses Sweaters and Skirts. ORRINGTON HOTEL EVANSTON Lola B. Waller usunfast" Euglish Broadclothes in all colors, $19.50 value, now $12.50 Northwestern rna Sorority ncheon with Greenwood ~ ay 19, at l stess will be Mrs. Thorus thy Iliff, Mu. alph T. Huff. 1014 Lake to leave this hildren for a h her father has been dellness of her quarantined erts will not ks. f ~ ;!llllllllnniiiNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'§ North Shore's Exclusive Opticians lelephone Evanston 4127 "Tub Silk" dresses, s t ric tl y tailored, $25.00 value, now $19.50 Cflg CJ!.~£o/~~s ~of; 531 i.Oarls Street, Oor.qer Oltic£i6o fNai~ue ft chairman in for the dance given by the r of Eastern club, Tenth nue, on Sat8 :30 o'clock. i HATTSTROM & SANDERS Scientific A MaDufac:turin l Optician· 71Z Cl.arch Sbeet Phoao E .... utoa l848 ~ .= tvanston-Illinois. I 1 EV AMSTON Open Thur·· A Sat. En. till Oppo·ite Orrin.-ton Hotel I~- M. ~ ~ IJM-------""'IIIftiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMIIIniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHinlllllllftllltlllllll-hM'*'IIIW-iidlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli.