RADIO TO AID · Y. W. CAMPAIGN Local Drive Scheduled for Next Week Stuart, Kent S. Clow and Leslie Wheeler. Mrs. Albert N. Page, 901 Ashland avenue, is captain of the Wilmette team. Miss Elizabeth Merrill is captain in Kenilworth. FINDS MODERN CIRL JUDGE OF F ASmONS The modern Mary Ann is becoming Surburbanites will tune in on all the quite as discriminating as her mother and elder sister in the matter of choosChicago radio stations next week, be- ing fine dresse s and frills. William Tayginning May 12, and get the news about lor, proprietor ~£ a well known local the annual canvass for the Young Wom- drygood s establtshment, told members en's Christian association. The broad- ·of the \V~mette Rotary club at their casters figure that ah organization that regular luncheon in the Ouilmette caters to over 37,000 girls every year, Country club, Wednesday, of this deserves to be helped. They have given week. In this modern day, the Rotarians space on their programs for speakers to 1ell of the activities in gym and pool, were informed, the drygoods merchant business girls' clubs, classes, and sum- cannot expect to succeed if he permer camps that are carried on in the sists in laying in stocks of dresses cut thirteen different Y. W. C. A. branches. from the same bolt and pattern . No The Central branch stringed instrument two dresses must be alike lest the orchestra, and the Glee club, will pro- small Misses s.purn them completely vide the music. for fear that the girl across the way The association centers of activity are may be wearing the same ' thing. in Chicago, but the girls come from all Variety in selection and care in keepthe suburbs, ·· well as from all over ing step with the trend of fashions the country, to use the room re~stry and are important factors in the drygoods employment bureau, for travelers' and business of this generation, Mr. Tayfor emergency aid, and for vacations at lor explained. The markets must be .the Y. W . C. A. camps, Forest Beach, at watched closely and cautiously to seNew Buffalo, Mich., Hammond for col- cure the best quality oi goods, what ored girls at Wolf Lake, Ind.; MiU- with the prevalent keen competition hurst on the Fox River, near Plano, 111. and promiscuous mimicry of styles among the manufacturers, that brings Business men are assisting women in a resultant flooding of the market with their canvass and have formed an Ad- goods of inferior qUa1ity.. · visory committee .~o back up the eftor~s Mr. Taylor stressed the element of of. the women. ~he 'X· W. C. A. ts . genuine service to the customer which, domg for _the ~orkmg gtrl wh~t the ~; , he said, was quite as essential in the M. C. A. .ts domg for the .workmg boy, 1 drygoods business as in any other field says. Davtd. Forgan, prestd~nt of" the· of activity. ~altona! Ctty Bank ?f·. The j Mr. Taylor's talk was one of a series gtrls n~. the prott;etton, soctabthty and 1 by members of the Rotary club on the opportumttes for tmprovement offered 1 general theme "My Business.'· fully as much as the boys." Other mem-1 Several members of the newly organhers of t_he committee are Hol~es For-, ized Winnetka Rotary club were syth, chatrrnan, Albert W. Harns, Cyrus · guests at the Wilmette club lul}cheon H. McCormick, John G. Shedd, John this week. The Man of Moderate Means can buy first mortgages on real estate just as easily as his more fortunate brother. Sn1all n1ortgages ca~ be purchased at the rate of ten dollars a month, the money bear·ing 6% interest from the date of deposit. Buy these gilt-edged mortgages instead of wild-catting your money. They are the largest yieldIng SAFE investn1ents we know of. Wilmet~ Wilmettl away wit¥, the season day, when Park entn Before a rooters, th paces in the enemy Such I Brewer, ~ themselve~ hits, the l blows inc1 single. K timely sin with three another vc off a thn heavily in This Su crew will and M. I the 17th 1 Herb K1 at a meeti which it bleachers guests a diamond some real fan dom, it .Iii uaa Nl8ht and Morala8 Ha~e Ck4~ HNithy...,7c""n~ Granulated, use Murine often. R efruhu, r Soothcs.. Safe for Infant or Adult! At all Druggists. --...-..- \f)uR H t hey Ti re, Itch, Smar4Bum or Discharge il Sore, lrri· tated, Inflamed or wn. tw Prw 1!,_ llool. Hadae B7e BeaHF Co·· 9 Baat Olale St.. C ....... ··vouJ· Home Danh"· Ill I 1 'Small Steak, Medium French Fried, and Fresh-made Coffee" Ill I · Pupils mette pul> a present Venice" i torium thi o'clock. Cos tum~ ties perta prepared als have supervisio st ructor Membe Webster1 Cov,Jack lace Mill Harwood, per, Jack sen, Geor Robert Jean Oa~ ian Suit Priebe, Favor. Coramit tra will b Mrs. W accompan Exduai There's a dinner that's delicious and wholesome. Come in this evening and try it. Business Lunch 10 :30 to 2:00 THE SHERIDAN CAFE Wilmette Ave. and Main St. Open All Night -because it was originally a combination of the initials U and S (United States). Due to haste in drawing, the curve of the U gradually dropped away. The low price of Unusua spring da to the e the Orrin1 erence is by Mrs. ·~ a well . ~ for leadin The Lo because o elusive "\ wide .ran~ promtses, of Mrs. for those for the w SM Loyal Citizens . prefer to buy a local product if it is as good as that made outside. That's why "Wilson's Bread is going over so big-ONE reason why, anyway! Wilson's Bread is made by a local comp;wy, with local capital and by local men. And it's the peer of any bread that was ever made-shipped in or not! ~~~~No.6 ~~ Diainfectant Our just wl ing fo unique surprisl plus tremendous strength, makes it the ideal cleanser for every home. No. 6 is ten times more powerful than carbolic acid-and ten times as safe. It goes like cleansing sunshine where sunshine cannot reach. One of 200 Puretest preparations for health and hygiene. Every item the best that skill and care can produce. Un llZ The Rennecka. r ·o rug Co. The T elephonea 28-29 For Yo Store WILMETTE, ILL. Crea1 Cand