Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 May 1924, p. 12

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WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1924 == OCIAL u s A Tea For Wilmette Committee Of Ravinia Club her residence, 700 Greenwood avenue, on Thurs~ay a ternoon, May o'clock to the officers of the Wtlmette branch, tqe 15 ' a t th I.... l ... , h . . D . h captains and all the members of t etr com~~ttees. urmg t e afternoon ~Irs. Poole will give a ta~k on R~vtma. The officers and captains ""ho will be guests on thts occas10n are: Mrs. Perry L. Smithers, Yice chairman and secret~ry; Mrs. Blanche Wanner, second vice chairman ; and Mrs. Emtl A!lderson, ~rs. <;harles A. Barton, Mrs. Pierre Bontecou, Mrs. Oltver Denms, Mtss N. W. Dempsey, :\Irs. C. P. Dubbs, Mrs. Charles Engelhar~, M~s_. R. E. Pattison Kline, Mrs. Edward A. Kracke, Mrs. Edward. Lthenfield, Mrs Charles A. Lundberg, Mrs. Charles Edward Pickard, Mrs. Har~ld Sherman, Mrs. L. H. Sherwin, Mrs. Joseph Spiegel and Mrs. Charles Harrison Smith. ~,.'ill'-l)c the guest of honor at a tea wh!~~ Mrs. ~- 'W_ .. Levy, M · f the Wilmette branch of the Ravmta dub, c h atrman f ts gtvmg at RS l'alph Poole of Lake Forest, president of the Ravinia club, ....... .... Nelson Home Setting For Daughter's Wedding O ... - ADVENTURE I A CANP FOR BOYS .. ~ A.KINIC'r 3000 ACRES 20 MILES of SHORELINE HEA VlL Y WOODED HUNDREDS of WILD DEER A REAL CRUSOE ISLAND I o...IGHTHOuse - . .oocK 1m · NLy the immediate families were present at the marriage of Miss Gerda M. Nelson, and Cl~fford E. McElvey of Chicago, which took place at 8 o'clock on Tuesday evening, May 5, at the -----~~~~~~!"'!"· home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Nelson, 821 Elmwo,o d avenue. The Rev. Francis C. Stifler read the service which was followed by a small reception for the families and a few intimate friends. The only attendants of the bride and groom were Mr. and Mrs. Stanley S. Bayer. The bridal dress was of blue chiffon, trimmed in cream lace ,and her bouquet was of Ward roses . . Mrs. Bayer was gowned in apple green georgette. She carried sweet peas. Mr. and Mrs. McElvey will be at home in Evanston after June 15. large' will b that \I'Ood schoo :\lay 13, at J.ui lding. Ps be directed There will jongg, and I is to be a I prize for ev major priz served. M1 Monticello s of table rese Marywod of students north shore tronesses tli from Wilml appear: Me W. Spear, 1 E. Holmes, ]. Mills, C. Seng, Franl McParthen, Kelly, J. B O'Hara, Jo l\L Krafthe ty, J. R. p H. Gore, B mann,]. A. herg, F . N McCoy, ]. j T. Provast, Byrnes, and 1 uctta F. 1 JUNIOR GROUP 7 to 9 SENIOR GROUP 1 0 to 15 DETAILS MAY BE SE'"CUREO FRO,.. [tJ tl C£Me.TERV TOWER . . . . ~¥~ [~j t9J SITE Of' OLO INOIAN CAMP CHARLES A. KINNEY 914 ·w·WATI!RWOAK$ [~J ~PI..OGGoNG -ROAD Iii SAW MIL-l- J:r.~ ORCHAI\0 Camp Fire Girls at Work . On Three Short Plays Camp Fire Girls of Wilmette are planning to give three short plays on the night of May 17, at the Byron C. Stolp auditorium. The girls are being trained by Mrs. Van Pelt who put on the Mra. Clifforcl Mc:Elny Christmas pageant at the Congregational church, and they are workir:g hard to make this a big success. The pr.oceeds are to be added to the charity fund which the Camp Fire groups began last year and which they wish to substantially increase. Shore Catholic Woman's League held at Skokie Country club on Tuesday, May 6, was a most delightful affair. Much credit is due the chairman, Mrs. James J. Enright, and her assistant, Mrs. Frederick Allbright. The luncheon was followed by a very interesting program, Mrs. A. Kittermaster, presiding. After a short talk by Mrs. Albert Olson, president of the Glencoe Woman's Library club, and by Mrs. W. L. Ballard, president of the Woman's Catholic club of Wilmette, Mr. Paul Mallory sang a charming group of songs. The speaker of this occasion was the Rev. E. J. McGuinness, L.L. D., who in his splendid address, made a stirring appeal to the members to take a more active part in the civic affairs of the community, state, and nation. The birthday of their esteemed moderator falling on this day, made the occasion a suitable time for the club members to present him with a little token of appreciation for his interest in their work. Mrs. Frank Maloney, the former president of the league, who has devoted much time and energy to the work of the club, was also presented with a gift of appreciation, as she is leaving Winnetka to make her home in Virginia. The president of the club, Mrs. W. A. Kittermaster received a beautiful basket of spring flowers as a token of love and esteem for her splendid leadership. The program closed with another group of songs by Mr. Paul Mallory. The North Shore Catholic Woman's League wishes to thank the Skokie Country c!ub for. the courtesy extended to tt on th1s occasion. Mr. Louis Eckstein has invited the officers of the Ravinia club and the en· tire committee of each of the north shore suburbs to take luncheon at 1 o'clock today at the Moraine hotel, Highland Park, to discuss matters of importance pertaining to the coming season of concert and opera. Among the guests will be: Mrs. Ralph Poole of Lake Forest, president of the Ravinia club; Mrs. Frank R. Greene of Winnetka, Miss Caroline Kirkland of Lake Forest, Mrs. George Lytton of Highland Park, and Mrs. William Sutherland of Glencoe, vice presidents; Mrs. Arthur Byfield of Highland Park, recording secretary; Mrs. George S. Parker of Winnetka, corresponding secretary; Miss Juliette Brown of Lake Bluff, treasurer;.. and the chair. men of the north shore towns: Mrs. Albert C. Koch, Evanston; Mrs. A. W. Levy, Wilmette; Miss Isabel Kli?e, Kenilworth; Mrs. Arthur Dean, Wmnetka ; Mrs. Lewis M. Williams, Hubbard Woods; Mrs. Oscar J. West, Glencoe; Mrs. Harvey Pardee,. Ravinia; Mrs. George Lytton, Htghland Park; Mrs. Frank E. Harkness, Lake Forest; Mrs. William G. Watrous, Lake Bluff; Mrs. John Sutherland Skene, Waukegan. Members of the Children's Day committee, headed by Mrs. William Sutherland, will also be present. lt£SfOENCE PHONE. WINNETKA - - - TAA11.. M HEAVILY W000£0 T HE On Tues occ urred of tcr of Mr. nue. and The Rev :.crvice at 9 . t. Joseph' ceremony Forester h 1 The brid Margaret hy Miss Little Cath girl and E Herman hcs t man , Weis. The ch Catherine Schuette, 1 Give your lad a change. For ten months he has been fed up on school books, athletics, movies, autos, servants; ' everything that typifies a highly organized life. He needs a new diet, physical and mental. His fullest growth demands a change to a simple, direct and more natural mode of life than is possible in the complicated and stimulating life of the city. He craves that intimate contact with the woods and water which his primitive ancestors experienced. He needs that s~nse of comradship with nature which .only weeks in the woods can awaken. He needs that initiative, resourcefulness and self confidence which · comes to those boys who actually participate in the responsibilities of their camp life. · Adventure Island Camp combines every condition for an ideal boys' camp: the seclusion ~nd privacy possible only on an island; accessibility to food supplies of every kind; Absolutely pure water; high and dry camp sites; no mosquitos; the best of food, well cooked and in the greatest variety; miles of trails and forests; perfect swimming beach; excellent train and boat service, and an easy ten hours' drive from Chicago. The camp is limited to 30 boys, and during the three years it ha been established we have never had a sick boy nor a erious accident. . · The. cam·p .is under the direction of Charles A. Kinney of the Fran.cis W. Parker School, assisted by: J Deyo S. Leland, Head of the Physical Education Department of the John Burroughs Country Day School, St. Louis, · "Bob". Townley, Scoutmaster and Director of Boys' Work, Kenilworth, Robert Lakemacher, of the Francis W. Parker School, J. A. Humphreys, formerly Principal of Skokie School, part time councilor in charge of camp dramatics. l The camp booklet will be mailed upon request addressed t.o Mrs. H. nue, is lea for a two route to t in Kansas E. B. Tho there she then on t spend a return tri making th The tar was the a mette Wo and gold hotel on lightful hy Mina Bell, har pianist. Word h iornia. th and Mrs. with mea his bed Harkers !age, whe ago. Winnetka, Illinois CHARLES A. KINNEY, T elepbone Winnetka 914 an~rfa~~ Plaza ho~ are plan for a ye have ren 1044 Fore NOW IN OUR -o-The North Shore Musical society held its April meeting at the home of Miss Adelaide Jones, 1020 Central' avenue, on Monday, April 28. A fine program was given by Miss Ethel Flentye, Miss Adelaide Jones, Mrs. Marjorie Sherman, Mrs. English, M.rs. McCauley, and Mrs. Fuermann. The composers represented were: Sinding, Sibelius, Arensky, RimskyKorsakoff, Debussy, Grieg, and Chopin. Miss Jones was assisted by Mrs. Dorothy Cordts, Mrs. Bontecou, and Mrs. Orval Simpson. It was a most enjoyable afternoon. The last meeting of the season witt be held May 26, at the North Shore hotel, Evanston. The hostess wilt be Mrs. George Truitt, assisted by Mrs. McCauley and Mrs. Pettibone. Mrs. P May 1, to avenue a south. she went most of Mrs. Ba ary 1. The 0 card par St. Fran esses for. "F. J. Se H. Sher Mrs. P. NEW' HOME One Block North of Davis St. -o-- PATI'ERSON BROTHERS Come In And Pay Us A Visit 816- 818 Church St., Evanston M iss Florence Margaret Steiner· daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Steiner of 1451 Wilmette avenue was another recent bride, her marriage to Thomas Guest, of Evanston, having take.n ;place on Wednesday afternoon, Apnl 30, at St. Francis' church, the Rev. Magner officiating. Only the members of the two families attended the. service and the wedding supper wh1ch was served at the home of the bride's brother and sister-in-law Mr and Mrs. Geor~e Steiner. Wil~ett~ avenue. Mr. Raymond Steiner and Mrs. Oaks, sister of the bridegroom, were the only attendants. Mr. and Mrs. Guest will be at home in Evanston after June 1. 4 Medl Gr&A -o-- Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Kaumeyer, 601 Linden avenue, left the last of this week for New York where Mr. Kau· meyer was cafled on business. Mn. Kaumeyer will be away for ten days. ,_ - Spec head a. Treab hoot e. Take ~ -o-Paul Davidson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mr . Roy Osgood entertained forty Toseph Davidson of 618 Maple avenue, memhers of the Crescent circle on i~ ill with scarlet fever. He is at the Tuesday, at her home in Kenilworth. Evan ton ho pita!. -o-- IN - l 1817

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