Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 May 1924, p. 10

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10 WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1924 First Presbyterian Church tng school will speak on "The Southern Highlanders." The Quarterly meeting of the Woman's Presbyterial society will be held Friday, }fay 16, at 10 :30 A. M., In the La Grange Presbyterian church. ~on~~~~rl~heor dte;:t~or~!hs;· te~~~s T~a~~~ Special service and aermon next Sunday morning in recognition of Mother'a Day. This day has come to have a varied significance. What does it mean to you? Why doPs the ch urch apecially observe such a day? Do you endorse this custom? It so, you should give evidence by attending church service next Sunday morning. Wilmette and Park a\·t>nues, Wilmette Herman W. Meye1·, :\L A. Pastor The next regular all-da~· meeting 406 Prairie avenue. Telephone 1396 of the Women's society will be Tuesday, May 13. Sewing at 10 A. 1\l. ExSER\' JCES ecutlve meeting at 11:30, luncheon at 9:30 A. M. Sunday School and Bible 12, served by Spoke No. 12. Program Classes. at 1:30 P. l\f. 1\Irs. T. B. Gibson will 1 9:45 A. M. First Service and Ser- p as~or, Rev. Francis C. Stifter, may b reached at his study during the mornings or by appointment. The burch office, In charge of l\llss Badger, is open dally except Saturdays from 9-5 and from 9-12 on Saturdays. The Church telephone is Wilmette 2235. Saturday, 1 p. m. A group of Epworth Leaguers will meet at the church and motor to the District Rally at Libertyville. Committee on cars, Mr. Wesley Franklin and Mr. Porter Heaps. Saturday, 2 p, m. hear sal. Junior Choir re· Midweek service will be held Wednesday evening, l\fa~· 14, at 8 o'clock. MEETINGS Th e concluding lessons In our study Friday, May 9, The Ju1 1u r Walther course on "J ohn, the disciple, the ser- League at 8 o'clock. · vant and the apostle of love." Monday and Friday at f , Children's Cla.esea. Prof. John .Ptl. Coulter of the UnlMonda.y evef!ing at 8, Lutheran S. S. ver·lty ot Chicago, who has recently Teachers' Institute. returned from a trip to China and Tueesday evening at 8, Congregation .Japan, will be the speaker tor the Meeting. meeting of the Presbyterian Union ot Thursday, l!ay 15, E:\'TERTAINChicago, Thursday, May 15, at 6 :3 0 MENT by Y. P. S. o'clock In the Hotel LaSalle. His subAD\' .-\NCE CALENDAR ject is-"The Hope of China and Sunday, May lb, at 11, Examination Japan." of Ca t ec hum ens. Sunday, May 25, MISSION BUNDA Y. Sunday school committees are busy Sunday, June 1, Confirmation and with plans for a "Si>ecial Night," May Holy Communion. 23, for parents and scholars. All those Sunday, June 8, Pentecost and ChilInterested In and related to the school dren's Day. should n~ s<'rve the date. Sunday, June 15, Trinity Sunday. Miss Emella Thorsel, director of Chicago and Cook County Girl Scouts, will have charge of the Girl Scout Investiture to be held ·wednesday, May 14 at 4 ·o'clock on the green at the side of the church . Tenderfoot . Pins, second-class and merit badges w11l be awarded. All parents and friends are Invited to att end and remain for a enter tainm en t which will b~ prom1~:oo A. l\1. Second Set·vlce and Ser- short ~lded by one of the _patrols. mon. Mother's Day Sermon: When .Ideals are Highest, Purposes the most Loft)' and Responsibilities Greatest: Blue Birds will meet at the church THE TRUE GOD-FEARING, CHRIS- at 3 :30 this afternoon for their reguTIAN MOTHER. lar meeting St. John's Lutheran pronouncing the last farewell to the inner circle of loved ones. Further. more, our great-hearted mothers hal'e affectionately dedicated their time, money, and talents to the extension of the ministry of the church in the community, the nation, and the world. . It Is altogether tlttlnc therefore that the Church should arrange a special Service approprla.te to th e day. Accordingly the combined, cholra, Junior and Senior, under the direction of :Mr. Burtner and Mr. CaAn will sln.r antiphonally. Mr. Lloyd wlll preach on "Mother's Gifts, the Heri~ge of Today." Service a.t eleven o clock. The "FoUr · C Club" wtll hold lte meeting In the woods at Ravinia on Sunday afternoon. Cars will leave the church at 1:15 and will return about eight o'clock. A picnic supper wm be served dn the woods. The Roosevelt Troop No. 2 Boy Congregational Church ._ The An will be h at 7:30 11 work don mary, Jur lor depart! be on ex exhibits o j work bo~ featurea ~ play, "Ho, by the glt~ play Is u Frank Bl~ Sunday school, 9:30 A. 1\f. Classes for St. John's ex tends a very sincere men ·and women. 9:45 A. )1:. invitation to all the -parents In the Christian Endeavor Sunday at 5:30 congregation llS well as to all the parP.M. e nts of Sunday schoo l c hildren, particular}}· the :.\IOTHERS to attend the Girl Reserves, No. 1. Friday at 3:30 ser·vices next Sunday morning In which P . M. Junior R eserves, Tu esday at 4 a very sp cial message will be P.M. brought out. Boy Scouts Troop 5, church gymnaThe congregation m f'eti ng on Tu essium, Tu esday at 7:30 P. M. Juniors day eveni ng should find every member on Friday at 3 :30 P. M. present since there at·e to be matters und r discussion which demand the lnThe Presbyterian ·church Is located ten"s t and cooperation or every voter a.t the corner of Ninth street and at St. John's. Several new members Gree;1leat avenue. 'are to IJe received Into voting membership. Free seats and a cordial welcome to strangers. "The Builders" Young People's society and ·walther League of St. John's are giving an en tertainment on Thursday evening, May 15 at the church The sen·lces for next Sunday will be meeting room which should tlnd a Holy Communion at 8 A. M. and l\lorn- packed hous e. Two short plays are lng Prayer and Sermon at 11 A. M. on the program, several very fine musiRev. F. J. Tromp will be the preacher. cal numbers and a f e w other attractions. Incidentally the new piano, acToday, Friday, there wfll be Cele- quired especially through the eftorta bration ot the Holy Communion at 10 of the young people, will be heard for A . J.l,f., after which the Daughters of the first time. Tickets for this enterthe King wJll hold their weekly meet- tainment are now on sale at GO cents Ing fn St. Augustine's church. each. Rev. F. J. Tromp, Mrs. F. z. Favor and Mrs. H. A. Storms attended a meeting of the Church School Directors' Association of th e Diocese of Chicago Greenleaf and Seventh Seqrlces tor May 11 : on May 7 at St. Chrysostorn's Parish House, Chicago. Prof. Norman E. Worship with sermon at 11 o 'clock. Richardson of Northwestern university "A Mother's Glory" will be th e theme gave a splendid address on "Child Psy- for Mother's Day. It Is fitting that we chology and Religious Education." bestow honor upon our dear mothera who ha.ve loved us and cared for us A special Celebration of the Holy so tenderly since childhood days. Communion was held In ~t. Augustine's Bible School at 9:45. The attendance yesterday morning at 11 o'clock, at was better last Sunday. We hope that which the Woman's United Thank Of- the present sickness which has Invadf ering for Missions was taken up. This ed several of our homes will have offering Is made annually by the wom- pas.;ed by n ext Sunday and that we en of the Episcopal church and used shall have the usual good record. Mrs. tor the support of women mission- Brandt's class won the attendance ari es. · A brief a!ldress was given by bann r for the month. Rev. F. J. Tromp, outlining the Importance of this work by and for the A. R. Homrlghaus and William Melwomen of the church. The service was bye were re-elected to serve for three largely attendeu and a generous of- years on the Church council. Arthur fering taken up. Due to the untiring Stark was elected !or a period of one efforts or Mrs. R. E. K enyon and her year. committee, the annual offering was successful ~n every way, The work meeting ot the MissionThe Rector and Mrs. Carleton, ac- ary society will be held next Tuesday companied by their daughter Phylls, at the home of Mrs. Knudtson, 1126 have gone on a short motor trip to Ashland avenue. Toronto, Canada, to visit Dr. Carleton's former home. ' MOTHER 0' YOURS! Her face, radiant with the hopes of a tnother's love-how clearly it surely must be focused on your consciousness. Or, if through God's privilege, she is near yoti every day, how fervent must be your desire to pay a special precious tribute on The Co chairman, Luncheon May 22, I Paulltlll o will be h lion. Tiel re nte !ron Washlngto or from street, ph St. Augustine's Parish western. made the day) evet many ne there hav as to ho young wd English Lutheran MOTHER'S DAY SUNDAY, MAY 11 Services tn Wilmette churches will be appropriate to the occasion. Few Sundays tn the year promise more of rich personal JOY and satisfaction than does l\fother's Day. expenenc situation. "North 6,500 men Scott, "a attention women t men. In service t projects first preli to relieve sibility ha and with ities of t clothe he for wome deans of ters havi ters and students. "Web eminent! terest~d ~ 5 p. m. Intermediate League will meet In the IJarish house. .P.Uss Ruth C. Pease, supervisor. The boys of the League will have charge of the progt·am. Tonight at 6 :30, the Senior B. Y. P. 6 p . m . Epworth League meeting. U. wiLl hold Its annual banquet at the This Is Anniversary Day and all memchurch. bera are urged to be present. St. Augustin e's Court of the Order of Sir Galahad met In the Club House Sunday afternoon, May 4. The meetlnl' was presided over by Daniel Brower, King of th e Court, and the full ritual was observed . The next session of the Court will be h eld on Sunday, May 25, when new memb r· will be initiated. The Initiation committee c.onsists of Philip Brown, Robert Moeller, Howard Warner and Robert Prentice. Methodist Church Wilmette and Lake avenues SUNDAY IH MOTHER'S DAY IN OUR CHURCH Th e services on Sunday In the !.lethodlst c hurch will be : 9 :30 a. m. Church school In all departments. 11 a. m. Morning service and ser~~rher~,." the pastor. Theme, "My Baptist Church Next Sunday, May 11, Is Mother's MEETINGS FOR THE WEEK Day. Mr. Stifter has chosen as his theme tor the Morning service, "ChrlsMonday, 12:30 p.~. Lunch Club at tJ.an :Motherhood," and every etrort <Is the Central Y .M. C. A., Room "A," being made to have every mother at 19 South La Salle street. the morning service at 11 o'clock. 7:30 p. m. Boy Scouts will meet. Mr. B. N. Cox, Scout Master of Troop The Bible school with graded in- 3, aaelated by 1\lr. Osborne and Mr. ·tructlon for all ages meete at 9:46, Matson; Major Bulllvant, Scout Masthe adult clasaes convening at 10 ~~u~f L~~f~fer~; Mr. W. C. Folley, o'clock. The Intermediate and Junior B. Y. P. U. will meet at 3:30 and 3 o'clock, respectively, the Juniors In Children's Hall, and the Intermediates In the .outhwe·t class room. The last 1eeelon of the Teacher'· Tralnlnl' couree will be held at 7 :ao, llon~y evening, In Chlldren'a hall. The Church council will meet at the church. Tue1day, May 13, at 8 o'clock. Tuealfay, The Young Women's Mllslonary Society will have a Japanese Tea Party at the home of Miea Mabel Teal, 1017 Central avenue. The leader of the meeting will be Miss Margaret Armstrong, and Miss Helen Greenlee will have charge or the devotions. Wednesday, f p, m. Girl Scout· In their regular meeting. 8 p, m. Midweek Service of prayer and pralae. The Interesting 1tudy of "The Spirit" will be contlued, and the topic for this meeting will be "The Ministry ot the Spirit." DIRECTORY OF CHURCHES: St. Joha'a Latlleru Cmrcla Wilmette ·and Park Av~. Rn~. Hn'fltlm W. M"" Sun1 The Fnt Presb,teriu Oaarcla Ninth and Greenleaf · Rn~. G1Drg1 P. Magill at 8 I Wee. Sun ~ w-.-ue F.aPs1a Ldlaeru Cmrcla Forest and Wilmette Aves. Subj May on. I The Eleventh Banquet and Annual meeUDI' of the Church will be held at t:IO on Wedneaday evenlnl', May Thureday, The Woma.n'a Home Mls· Uth. There will be annual reporta alonary Society will meet at the home anCI eleetlon ot otncera. The apeaker of Mrs. E. G. Bentley, 804 Elmwood :~ t.~:v~:~.~~.. Dr. John Earl, edttor avenu i Mra. J. H. Dyon will be aaal·tlng bo·teu and Kra. T. H. Weat, soloIst. The annual reports will be read ·The Choir will m et for rehearsal and dlecuesed and omcera for the enon Thu~ay ev·nlnc at 7:U o'clock. suing yea.r will be elected. Every member Is urged to be present. Tbe women of the Church will meet 7 p, m. Junior Scouts In their regtor White CroM Work on Friday at- ular meeting. t.raooa at I dcloek in Chlldr n '1 hall. p. m. Senior Choir rehearsaL "11M Welt C..btl will report to headFriday, f p. m. The rel'ular meet~ 01l latur4ay afternoon trom Ing of the Standard Bearers will be held at the home of Ml1e Ethelmae Wt-.tte Baptlat church Ia lo- Sturceon. 11· Greenleaf avenue. The tor the day will be "Illes te and For at av ou 8 aubj ctand H r Cblnaware." ProlrT&m --·.-.~-... all to lt1 a rvlces. The Cblna 1 ad r, Illes lla...-ret Bennett. Rro. Fra'IICi.s Stifln' 703 Greenleaf Ave. Rn~. Willi4M G.U, Fant CoJIII'eptioul C.cla Lake and Wilmette Aves. Rn~. St,~lfnt The Fant ~tet~Mst a-cia Lake and Wilmette A -.es. A. Lloyd Rro. Gilbwt SIMU1U St. A.psti.e's Episeopal a....m 11«> Wilmette Ave. Rro. Hwbwt Corktcnt -~-~---~---------- --

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